Creation: Book 3 Complete!

End of Book 3: Chapter 115: Touchdown

Waking up the remaining Founders took more than a bit after the previous night’s debauchery. Naturally, the first cohort of Founders hadn’t drunk that much. It was mostly those who wouldn’t be leaving yet that had consumed themselves into oblivion. But Walker had requested that everyone be ready for the activation of the portal, and thus, those on Sonata rushed to do his bidding.

While he was overseeing things with the help of Virgil, his hands stayed in constant motion. After dropping off Runner and Lucy with Asclepius and his apprentices, he’d checked his resources and, low and behold, found things just a little tight. They weren’t low, but he could use a serious top-up after his sojourn to Ulysses’s body. Now that he knew which strands were volatile and which were not, he could continue his work with the ones he was sure wouldn’t destroy the small moon and those living on it. Even as the odd and powerful energies of Creation were held in his hands, the citizens of Symphony approached him in mass.

“Walker, this Ulysses guy is crazy!” Cagna had said to him with a huff, “He wants a Milestone store, and after I gave him a few ideas, POOF!” The pink squirrel threw her hands in the air, “A Milestone store popped up. Exactly how we talked about it, only even better. He added images to everything, too. It’s not only functional, but pretty!” The dramatic squirrel slapped a hand to the top of her head, “It’s so pretty!”

Walker laughed, “Well, Cagna, Ulysses is a unique person. He’s very, very, very smart. Smarter even than Virgil, I think. And he’s happy to help us out with a few things.” Walker combined another set of Temporal and Space strands before placing it in his overlay, “But that doesn’t mean you always have to go along with what he says. Be your own person, with your own mind. Work with him, not for him. Milestones are your thing. Own it.”

“Okay!” She said with a smile and wave as she moved for the next speaker to step in.

“Hello, Dio,” Walker said to the dark-complected man who moved next to him, his eyes tracking Walker’s hands as he combined another set of strands.

“Walker,” he replied with a serious nod. As she walked away, he looked at the pink squirrel, “Will Jacoby and I have access to the Milestone store?”

The Creator nodded, “Yes, and the moment the Founders move from Crescendo to the next planet in the Conservatory, you can go to your Territory. Remember, your job is to keep the planet in shape. That means making sure that the Founders don’t screw things up too much and that you keep an eye on the equilibrium of the monsters. Talk to Virgil or Rimi to better understand how that works.”

Walker combined another strand before placing it in his overlay. As his vision cleared, he found Dio holding his hand out, “I want to thank you for sticking to your agreement.”

Walker reached out, taking the man’s hand. “We had a deal. If I started to welch on my contracts with others, nobody would ever trust me. As a wise woman in a bad movie once said, Fair is fair.”

“I see. Still, you’ve allowed me to live my own kind of life. I plan on taking that up and running with it.” He looked down at his partner, Jacoby, for a moment. The dog’s tongue hung loose as he watched Walker’s right hand holding the active Temporal strand. “Anyways, we’ll get out of your hair. We plan to be fully involved with the Founders up until they leave for the second planet. We’ll do our part.”

Walker smiled, “I'm happy to hear it, Dio. We’ll keep in touch.” After saying so, he added Dio to his contacts, smiling again when the man accepted.

When Dio stepped away, Athena replaced him. She’d changed her standard golden dress for something more revealing. Rather than the lightly tailed dress, she wore tight-fitting pants that while green, still held a slight golden sheen. Her top was now a double-wrapped vest with the same color scheme, a slight hint of cleave showing near the top. Her former soft shoes had been exchanged for boots, the tops of her pants tucked in neatly. Around her waist was a tightly cinched belt, the buckle a wide-eyed owl with a fierce glare. When she noticed him inspecting her, she stepped to the tip of one foot, giving a light piroutte so he could take in the new ensemble.

“You like?” She said in a sultry voice as she came to a stop, a big grin on her face.

Walker made another strand combination, then gave her his full attention, “I do. That’s,” He swallowed through something in his throat, “A very tight set of clothes there, Athena.”

Her grin became something else entirely at those words, “Thank you, sir.” Rather than ask anything, she stepped over and stood beside him as a Founder fiddled with their hands a few feet away. Walker looked at her, “What are you doing?”

She gave him a sad smile, “Just about everyone is going to be asking you for something today.” She ran a hand through her thick golden hair, “Some quick words of advice, a helping hand even if they know it's wrong. Even just a little influence at being seen speaking to the Creator. I’d rather not do that, cutie-pie.” She flashed him a smile, “Instead, I’ll be the one person who doesn’t ask you for anything.”

He gently bumped her with a shoulder, “Wouldn’t that be nice.”

“Just wouldn’t it?” She said as she leaned into his shoulder with her own. “By the by, how many of those reflection things can you make at once?”

“Mmm,” He said, thinking back to all the times he’d done it in the past, “I don’t think there’s a limit aside from burning resources.”

“And do they have the exact same thought process as you?”

“Yeah, the Davids, which is what I call them, seem to be pretty focused on whatever I’m thinking of when I make them.”

“So, if you made a bunch to go around and talk to all of the Founders at once, rather than forcing them to come at you one at a time…” She said, trailing off as she gently rubbed the small of his back. Walker tried to focus on what she was saying rather than doing.

“Then everyone could have their moment with the Creator,” he slammed his hands together. “Genius. Who knew I was dating such a wise woman?”

A soft sigh passed through the breeze at his side.

Walker wasted no time. He didn’t need them to last forever, meaning he wouldn’t have to burn a lot of resources. Nor did he need them to be fully physically manifested. That meant a very short amount of Temporal resources and almost no Dimensionality necessary. Twenty-five Davids sprung up, each focusing on speaking to the Founders of the first cohort.

Immediately, they sprang out, arcing for every Founder they could find while considering the few Walker had already spoken to. At first, seeing over twenty hazy versions of the Creator walking around and telling bad jokes freaked out many Founders. A select few even ran away. However, they all gave advice that seemed sound and tailored to the person they spoke with.


“Karen, you have to get over yourself. You keep making mistakes by thinking everything is about you. I’ve had report after report detailing how little of an impact you have in your group work. That you’re difficult to work with. And yet, all you do is speak of trivial triumphs that someone without your benefits could easily achieve. It’s time for you to learn to shut the fuck up, and follow the example of those who know better. When you get into your incipience, I fully believe you should consider something related to accounting. You have almost no skill in crafting, but tell me this. Have you ever heard of what a bank is?”


“Hank, you’re going to be an actor. It’s all you’ve ever cared about, and that’s outstanding. To know yourself this early is such a boon as to be unbelievable. I bet you even advance through the Awakened stages faster than your peers. But remember, even as you select Professions during Incipience, you need to take on your combat role as soon as possible. Acting is great but it won’t protect you when you most need it.”


“Alright, pal. I know you want to manage the best territory in Symphony, and you just might do it, but you need to consider more than wood, stone, and metal. Take it from me, managing resources can be a heady experience, but people are the greatest resource of all. Seek to inspire with your leadership, and always stay true to your people. It isn’t structures that make a city great, but the people who fill them.

Samuel and Sophie:

“Samuel, I never said it before, but thank you for the clothing. I know I’m not currently wearing the threads you put together, but I promise to swap into them anytime I’m not working with particularly volatile substances. Truly, you are the greatest tailor Symphony has seen, and I thank you for your dedication. Sophie, I’ve been told you finally found your calling in the art of painting. That’s truly outstanding. There will be an option within the event system’s rewards to merge your territory together, and seeing as how you were QUITE busy last evening…together…in Samuel’s room…It would make sense for you both to strive for it.”

Walker’s reflections moved among the crowd. Each spoke with passion and consideration, no matter how they did during their training. It didn’t matter if it was Olivia, who fainted at the sight of blood, or Balian, Heph’s star pupil. Every Founder of the first cohort received advice from the mind and words of their Creator. As the reflections moved on, those they spoke with seemed to enter a trance deep in thought. Every one of them. That is, except for Karen, who was now loudly proclaiming that she’d have the most powerful bank in the world to anyone who would listen.

While the Davids did their thing, Athena had pulled Walker over to sit on the grass and watch. After a few minutes, where Hermes could be seen corralling the frightened citizens…heroes of Symphony back, she asked a question he knew was coming, “So, how are you feeling about all of this? You’ve said before that you consider the Founders like your children. Is it scary, knowing they’re about to go into an environment that’s built to kill them?”

Walker leaned back with both hands on the grass while looking at the planet-filled sky. “You know, I’ve been thinking about that. You’re right that I’m scared for them. We lost two Founders before they could even dropdown. Diana and John. I looked into their stories, feeling it was the least I could do. I can look back at my conversation with them from way back, when they first got their names. I read the reports, about how Diana was being watched closely because they felt she might have an issue with depression. About John making mistakes during training. But when I was told they’d died, I don’t know. It just kind of fell off my shoulders without sticking.”

He sensed rather than saw Athena nodding her head, “And? Now that you know how you reacted to their deaths, what’s the after-effect? How does it feel, knowing you don’t grieve for them.”

He sat up, dusting his hands, “Well, firstly, you can’t tell anyone how to grieve. Grieving is as unique a process as there are stars in the sky…well, planets, at least. Each person does it in their own way. I once told Virgil how I manage mine, and he told me it wasn’t healthy…but it works. It’s what works for me.” He looked down at the Founders, scanning the field before spotting Sophie and Samuel bravely holding hands as they spoke to number twenty…Arthur, his memories told him. Arthur had been close to John before his death.

He specialized in broadsword combat but preferred to wear light clothing, eschewing defense for speed. A dangerous combination, combining a heavy blade while aiming for speed. Still, he felt comfortable with it, according to the notes Ares had given him, and he always performed well during training. For a moment, Walker pictured the man covered in blood as a monster on Crescendo cut him apart. When he blinked, the image was gone.

Walker shook his head, “I’m finding it difficult not to become jaded. To no longer see them as more than a means to an end. And I’m worried that as even more humans, sapients, and monsters join our little society, it’ll only grow worse. That I’ll eventually be just like the Evolvers-sacrificing others to preserve an imaginary status quo that only I can see.”

Athena bunched her knees to her chest, leaning her head against them as she looked at him, “So what do you do to keep from becoming Jaded, Creator?”

Walker rolled his eyes at her use of his title, “Please don’t call me that. Especially not you. To answer that?” He shrugged, “I don’t know. I can’t imagine how you guys do it. You’ve lived for hundreds…thousands of years. And yet, Echidna, Arachne, yourself…you’ve all held on to your empathy. Your ability to find wonder in everyday life. Things,” He waved a hand at the planet-filled sky, “have a way of pushing you towards pessimism and negativity. To thinking that your path is the only path. I don’t want to become like that. I’m constantly worried that I’ll finally slide down a slick rope toward a pit of hopelessness.”

“Well, you’ll always have me, Walker,” she said as she scooted closer to him, giving him a light peck on the cheek. “It won’t always be fear and frustration. Eventually, we’ll have time to settle down and enjoy life. Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll even beat me at Ping Pong.”

Walker smiled at that, “Maybe. I will admit, with you here…the things weighing me down feel a little lighter. Things are just a little better.”

“Only a little?”

He looked her in the eyes before giving her a deep kiss. When they pulled apart and his heart slowed down, a big smile lit up his face, “Okay, maybe more than a little.”

When she gave a hinting look, he started to lean down again, right as a large blue squirrel flopped down beside him, “Hey, Walker.”

He sighed, “Hey Rimi, did you grab it?”

“Yep, here you go.”

The Book of Odin landed on his lap, seeming far heavier than its size would indicate. Since starting the protocol, one of his biggest regrets was diving into the other universe and forgetting it in his haste. He figured while the Founders first gained their bearings, he’d have time to review what Odin had wanted him to learn. Plus, if it had any hints for reaching the fourth stage or getting rid of the parasite in his soul, it couldn’t hurt to start learning now.

Walker patted the blue squirrel on the back, “Thanks, Rimi. Also, I have a request for you.”

A slight tremor ran through him. Walker hadn’t requested anything from Rimi in a long time, “Oh? What do you need?”

“Have you ever heard of Wikipedia? Or an Encyclopedia, for that matter?”

“Mmm, no. What’s that?”

“Well, it gives readers a history and details of different things. If I gave you access to the Identify ability settings within the Communications system, you might be able to tack it on optionally. An upgrade that can be earned. Then, we use the tracking system to provide updates, and boom! Monsters have an identifiable history for those brave enough to use the ability.”

Rimi gave him a light glare, “Only for monsters? Not for Sapients or Humans, then.”

Walker nodded, ignoring the glare, “Yep, and do you know why monsters don’t have access?”

Rimi sighed, “Because they won’t know how to use the Idenfity ability.”

Walker shot two finger guns at him, “Got it in one. So, what do you think? Is that something you’re interested in?”

“Well, I won’t have much to do besides educating the next cohorts. I’ve already finished work on the modified Dolphins, and they’re ready for placement on Melody. Virgil did a great job spreading everything out equally to balance the ecology systems for each planet. The last warning we received for an imbalance was days ago.”

“Great!” Walker smiled, “Also, please have Dio add you to his contacts in case he has questions about how to help balance Crescendo.”

Rimi nodded and left, happy to have something to occupy his time. He was immediately replaced by the king of the gods, who, for once, didn’t have a glare. Their time together and his leniency with Poseidon had finally mollified the man enough to stop constantly glaring at him.

“Creator,” He said with a nod.

“Prime Zeus,” Walker replied, calling him by his official title for the first time and receiving a soft smile in thanks. He sat down beside them, surprising them both.

“What?” He said when he noticed the astonished look on both of their faces.

Athena giggled, “I’ve never seen you stop acting as if all within your view should bend the knee, Father. It is a strange sight.”

The large man snorted like a thunderstorm, “Already, my daughter, the goddess of wisdom, is seen kissing a man in full view of low-stage Awakened arrayed below us. I believe the time for our perceived superiority is now far behind us.”

“Well said,” She replied, giving him another smile.

“Yep,” Walker replied as he looked out over the crowd again, spotting multiple Founders starting to psych themselves up for what was to come. Many were checking weapons and teaming up for the portal entry, Virgil and the Davids walking among them to answer any last-minute questions.

“I heard you gave one hell of a lightning show,” Zeus said, “Is hell the right word?”

“Yep again,” Walker replied with a nod as he watched Lucy speaking to a man from the second cohort. “I thought I’d show them what I’m actually capable of so they don’t get any ideas that they’re all-powerful once they start to unlock their Masteries.”

“I see…and is your choice of lightning inci…incidental, or did you choose the element for a reason?”

Walker looked away from the crowd with a curious expression, “Why do you ask?”

“Well, you’re courting my favorite daughter, who is quite unmarried,” Athena’s face reddened immediately. Before she could say anything, Zeus spoke again, “I would like to know if you will continue to use my element in some form of…dedication to the family beyond this simple courtship.”

“What are you…” Walker said in confusion.

“He’s asking if we’re going to get married,” Athena said before he could go any further, “He wants to know if you using lightning was a beacon for our relationship. Father, you and Walker have both told me that he has no domain control. It was incidental, like you said.”

Zeus raised two very large hands, “I get it, I get it. I’m just curious, is all. It still requires an answer. Do you have any plans beyond kissing? Or is it all lust?”

Athena felt a hand lay on her own as Walker spoke up, “No, sir. I plan on your daughter and I being together for as long as she’ll have me. Like she said, it was incidental. Those are, for lack of a better word, spells I came up with after accessing the memories of the person who made the system. Nothing more and nothing less.” Virgil began to bound up the hill as he clarified things for the god of lightning, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe we’re starting in a moment.”

Zeus smiled, “Of course, Creator.”

Lifting the Book of Odin and placing it in an oversized pocket on the front of his Architect outfit, he began to step down the hill. Zeus and Athena also stood up, walking behind him at an even pace as they kept a slight distance between them. As other Assistants and Primigenials saw what was happening, they all moved over as well, showing a united front to the Founders about to take their first real steps towards independence and a brighter future. Certainly, one filled with fighting, but also one filled with exploration and the ability to find their own lives and goals moving forward.

Walker stopped when the massive black squirrel did, the smallish group of Elders stopping behind him, “So, are we all set?”

“Indeed. I have spoken with all of the Founders, and each has had a heart-to-heart with one of the Davids. They are ready for the final step.”

Walker patted him on the shoulder, “Excellent. Thank you, my friend, for helping us get this far. You know we couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Of course, it is my duty to help the Creator.” He said nonplussed as always.

“No, Virgil,” Walker said, shaking his head, “You’ve been my number two all this time. You were the Creator more than I was in the beginning, and I haven’t forgotten that. Maybe when all of this is over and we’ve succeeded in the protocol. Maybe then, you can have a big vacation. Some Virgil only time.”

“That is not how things are, Walker. We are designed to be happiest when there is work to be done. A vacation for me would be a new system to learn or new abilities to appraise.”

And I have a shitload of those; Walker thought as he remembered all of the new things he’d gained during his strand testing. Outloud, he said, “Sure pal. If that’s what makes you happy. Don’t worry. We still have to finish up the Event system, Mount system, and a few others that I’ve percolated in my mind. It’ll be fun for you.” He shared Ulysses contact information with him, “Add that guy, I’m sure you’ll be best of friends in no time.”

Virgil nodded, “I will. Are you going to say anything to them before they leave?”

Walker smiled in confirmation, then tapped into his soul. Pushing himself off the ground, he stood above everyone and clicked on the Broadcast ability. This would be his last time using it before sacrificing the ability to the Communications system.

Looking down at all of the Founders, the first Cohort clearly standing apart from the others, he smiled. They didn’t just look ready; they felt like it, too. Lucy stood near the front, the other forty-seven standing behind her, with Runner naturally out of position. They looked up at him as he looked down at the first to truly test themselves using all of the systems he’d cobbled together. It was time.

“Hello, Founders of Symphony. You will have to earn that title in full, beginning in just a few short minutes. When you touchdown on Crescendo, you should be within an area devoid of monsters. There will be two helpers waiting to guide you. Ensure you listen to them, as they will be most of the help we are willing to give. In just a week, you will gain access to the Event system. Be sure to read everything carefully and not make decisions in haste.”

He looked at a few of the Founders in particular, “To those of you interested in selecting Professions at Incipience, you may do so the moment your feet hit the ground, although be sure that you move out of the way of your fellows. At this point, you already know where your talents lie. I wish you luck.”

He looked at Lucy and Runner before glancing at a few other standouts, “To those interested in Masteries, they will not unlock until you have slain a monster for the first time. I wish you the best of luck in your choice. Go with your instincts and your heart. It will serve you longer and truer than you think.”

Walker looked over as Virgil keyed in the location for the landing zone in Crescendo. The portal lit up as the machine began to buzz. He nodded at Walker.

“Please step onto the platform so we may begin. Rather than wish you good luck, Founders, I’ll simply say this. Exceed your limits. They’re an illusion meant to hold you back, and only you can decide to shatter it.”

Clicking the ability again, Walker gently drained the power of his soul so he didn’t lose the resource, then floated back down until his feet touched the ground. The moment his soft-toed shoes touched the ground, the Davids stepped over near the portal in a coordinated fashion.

Lining up side by side, they began to say soft words of encouragement as the Founders passed them by. For an added effect, Walker clicked on the Gravity system. Sacrificing a very small amount of resources, Walker lightened the area around the portal. The effect was instantaneous. The few Founders who had doubt on their face felt the air around them suddenly lighten as voices spoke, one after another, telling them that they could succeed.

“You’ve got this, guys. Don’t worry.”

“You can do it, Olivia. Your worries are just inside your head.”

“Runner, watch out for the others. A true hero is one who lifts others.”

As they stepped onto the platform, the first section of the first cohort touched down on Crescendo, the other half watching them through the screen. A moment later they joined them, with two people waiting for them on the other side.”

“Hello, Founders, and welcome to Crescendo,” A high-pitched voice said. “You know me as Minos, and I’m going to help you as much as I can.”

“We both will,” a woman in a conservative black dress said, “My name is Arachne, and not only will you be victorious throughout the Conservatory, but you will go so much further than you ever once believed.”

The Bronze Battler nodded at the woman, receiving a nod in return, “Those interested in the Martial path, also called Masteries, please step over to me.”

“Those interested in the path of Professions, please step over to me.”

“Let's begin.”

As the Founders settled down, Walker sat on the grass near the portal, Virgil beside him. The Book of Odin was in his hands, and he had yet to open it. Right now, they were speculating about what was inside.

“Maybe it’s a journal, like my scripture,” Walker guessed.

“That very well may be true,” Virgil replied, “It could also be porn.”

Walker laughed, “That’s such an oddball joke out of you. Ancient Nordic porn. God, I hope not.”

Virgil cracked a smile, “We won’t know until we open it, Walker. Why the hesitation?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know. Something about the book makes me feel like it’s meant for me. It feels…momentous. I was mad at myself for leaving it behind when I left the rendition, but now, I think I did it unconsciously. Like I knew it would hold me back from whatever needed to happen at that time.”

“Indeed, that makes a certain amount of sense. But, now that the Founders have touched down on Crescendo and you have given me instructions for building the Event system, what is holding you back?”

Walker looked down at the cover again, “Nothing, I guess. Alright, I get your point.” Placing one hand on the edge of the book, he pulled it back. A dollop of black soul energy shot from him to the book. Before it could touch, the black color of his soul burned off, forest green floating overhead before being sucked inside.

“Huh,” Walker said before the first page showed itself. Rather than read it, words and pictures seared themselves inside his mind as his eyes met the page.

An image formed of an old man with an eyepatch. The vigors of his life were stained into the crevices and crenulations across his face. For all of Zeus’s supposed age, wrinkles were never apparent on the smooth skin of his body. This was not the case for Odin, as this could only be the legendary king of the Nordic gods. Whatever he’d done had aged him. And from what Walker knew of the Awakened, an aging Primordial was a man with an old soul far beyond the bounds of what he knew and understood. An old voice spoke to him. One that sounded like it had once been powerful, but all that was left was a wheeze that could barely be heard.

"I spent my life working on these pages. Spent my life creating them. Walking the world, I traveled from one Pantheon to the next, collecting the gathered knowledge of the ether and Earth’s Primigenials. Gods in name only. We all started as human children; from what I can see of my fellows, we are still children of the mind. But each of us holds a piece of the original tapestry of power. A piece that was given to us, which we only discover in the steps of our Awakened births. To you, my eventual successor, I gift this book. To you, I give the gift of Runic knowledge to better understand our power. Your selection is a foregone conclusion; As the three-heads spoke, so shall it be. The greater your understanding, the more power you will hold. I only hope that you use such power to strengthen our origins. Our humanity. So we may continue to influence the world for the better."

As the words ended, an image of criss-crossing lines replaced the vision of Odin. The lines were blurry, but the longer he stared at them, the more clarity arrived. Finally, as the image settled, a single word struck him.


The book closed of its own accord with a snap. Instinctively, Walker knew he couldn’t open it again for several hours.

Virgil was still sitting beside him, “So, what did you see? I know you were not reading as your eyes never moved.”

Walker shook his head quickly to dispel the overwhelming sadness Odin had passed into him. “How long have I been gone this time?”

“A few seconds at most.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. Calling on the Book of Souls, he mentally asked if it could absorb Odin’s book. Gaining all the runes at once could be a big boon as he better understood what he’d received here. The book cooled before exiting his chest. It opened to a forest green page, where the same lines he’d seen in Odin’s book appeared, the word Fire written underneath in a red flowing script.

As he considered things, Virgil spoke up again, “Walker, I apologize for interrupting whatever you are going through, but I admit to being very curious about what you found in Odin’s book. We do not have a great deal of information on the Awakened, so I am flying blind here.”

Walker shook his head to push away the extra thoughts trying to cram their way in. In a steady voice, he said, “I think it’s a book about enchanting.”


One Week Later…

Runner stood over the body of a double-wolf. It was a stupid name she’d started to mentally tag them with because it was fast and easy. Minos, for all the kindness he’d shown them on Sonata, was a very difficult taskmaster. Every moment of every day they were forced to work, train, or hunt the small prey animals around the area. To her knowledge, her kill of the pair of double-wolves was the first in the Cohort, and thus, the first in Crescendo and Conservatory history. In fact, she even had proof.

Symphony message:

Congratulations to Runner! Runner is the first human being to slay a monster in Symphony history! 500 Milestone points!

Conservatory message:

Congratulations to Runner! Runner is the first human being to slay a monster in Conservatory history! 250 Milestone points!

Crescendo message:

Congratulations to Runner! Runner is the first human being to slay a monster in Cresendo history! 100 Milestone points!

Quickly, Runner leaped over a branch, not noticing the telltale glow of something on the wolf’s body. Dodging through the bushes and around thick trees, she angled for a return to the safe zone, her mission completed. While the wolves' bodies cooled in the never-moving sun, only a few scratches showed that she’d battled with the relatively unskilled Tier Two monsters. The fight hadn’t frightened her, only invigorated. Both creatures had naturally adapted to the area, gaining minor control over plant life. But what couldn’t touch her couldn’t hurt her, and she never stopped moving.

As she sped through the area, Runner felt like she could run hundreds of miles without stopping. But any hope she had to continue to push herself fell by the wayside. She had something else to do first.

Stepping into a section of the safe zone and dodging the questions of the Founders who read the Milestone broadcast, she entered a tiny building put together for this exact purpose. Placing her items into her inventory, she sat down in a small room with rough cushioning made by Samuel just the other day. Looking at her blue overlay, she clicked on the flashing icon labeled Incipience.

Rather than viewing a screen, as she expected, a portal opened in front of her. Just beyond the portal, an empty white room sat waiting for her. Standing up quickly, she looked it over for any traps, as Old Fork had taught her. Not finding anything strange, aside from a portal her exact size sitting in front of her, she gave it one last look before steeling herself. Taking two steps forward, she leaped into the unknown, leaving any hesitation she felt back on Crescendo with the others hiding in the safe zone from the terrors of the Conservatory. Fear would only hold her back from becoming her own form of terror.

Her leather boots landed on the floor. Instantly, a man appeared in front of her. The same man who’d appeared in the videos Walker had shown them the night before they’d left Sonata behind.

The man stood in linen clothing colored in white, matching the room around him. He gave a strange smile that didn’t seem quite right on his face, “Hello, my name is Ulysses. You must be Runner.”

She stood up straight, not knowing what to think of this encounter, “Ye…yes I am. My name is Runner.”

Another strange smile, “Then hello again, Runner. Please, have a seat.”

“Whe-” Before she could ask, she noticed a chair sitting behind her, and the portal was missing. Rather than be scared by the meaning of that, she sat down, keeping her mouth shut and her eyes on Ulysses.

“Please watch this video, which your Creator made to help you better understand what your choice means for you going forward. If you pay attention, I promise you will find all kinds of nifty secrets.”

With a curt nod from Runner, Ulysses smiled again before the video started to play, the screen covering the man in full.

Walker stood there, fewer bags under his eyes than the last time she’d seen him. He stood straight, but she couldn’t help but see a slight hunch in his back. Still, his deep voice was as powerful as ever, “Hello, Citizen of Symphony, and welcome to the Incipience. You may be wondering what this is, how it all works, and who the hell is that guy.”

Runner snorted without meaning to.

Walker gave her a stilted smile that felt strained. “At its root…” The video, as Ulysses called it, was long. He broke down everything she had questions about, at least for the most part, and she felt like she eked out a few secrets as instructed. When Walker finally finished speaking, the video disappeared, and Ulysses was still standing in the same exact place.

“So, did you find any of those nifty secrets I mentioned?”

“They’re coming,” Runner said with a deadly serious expression.

“They?” Ulysses smiled, “Now, who would they be, my dear?”

“Don’t call me dear,” Runner replied, “I know what that means, and we don’t know each other like that.” She shook her head, “They are everyone else. Everyone who isn’t going to be a part of Symphony. Walker said they’re powerful, and they’ll want what we have. That I will not allow. I don’t know if you’ve heard anything about me, but I’m a hero-in-training. But I’m still incomplete.”

“And what do you hope to gain at Incipience, Dear?” He said, putting extra emphasis on the word.

Runner grit her teeth, “I’m hoping to choose a Mastery that will help me get the rest of the way.”

“I see,” He replied, touching his chin as he looked at her. He waved a hand, and dozens of screens appeared overhead, “These are the milestones you have already completed. With the addition of your three firsts, you have several different options. But why do I feel like the Mastery options I’m required to present to you won’t be enough.” He tilted his head, looking at the side of her face, “You also have anger issues. I’m guessing you have difficulty with being mocked. You’ll need to work on that if you want to be a hero. As I understand it, a hero can’t go off and kick the shit out of anyone who doesn’t like them. At least that’s what my memories from Walker tell me.”

“Hold on,” She said, raising a hand, “You have memories from Walker?”

Ulysses smiled, “That I do. Walker’s personality makes up quite a bit of my own, as I was created from an image of him. I also have several notes from his Assistant, Virgil, about every Founder within the Conservatory. Would you like to know what they say about you?”

She shook her head. She would decide who she was, not anyone else. But his question did help her move forward with what she wanted to do here. In the choice she would have to make. First, though, she wanted to know her options.

“Mr. Ulysses, can you please show me what Masteries are available?”

“Ah! A bit of respect for someone in my vaunted position! Absolutely, Founder Runner. One moment, please.” He waved a hand, and hundreds of screens filled the air. “You will have to give me a bit of direction on what path you would like to take because, as you can see, you have many options.”

“Nothing to do with weapons,” She said as she clenched her jaw. “I need to be something more than a fighter.”

“A Mastery without weapons? How shocking,” Ulysses said with a smile. Almost all the screens disappeared from the air, leaving only around twenty remaining. “Any other pertinent information?”

“Yeah. Athena once told me that a hero was a symbol. Something greater than themselves that was born and died for the people. For those who needed them.”

“I see,” Ulysses said. The strange thing to Runner was that his eyes weren’t moving. He stood before her, unmoving in the slightest and, most peculiar of all, not blinking. After what felt like hours, all of the screens disappeared at once. Stepping closer to her seated position, his voice became very quiet, “How would you like to test something out for me, Runner?”

Runner gave him an odd look, “As I understand it, I’m the first Founder to reach the Mastery Incipience. So, isn’t all of this a test?”

“Very astute, good for you,” He said with a nod, “While that’s true, this is a unique kind of test. I am interested in giving you a very special kind of Mastery. One I’ve just developed, and only for you. If the test goes well, it will become a path for many heroes in the future. I would like to know if you’re interested in this Mastery. I promise, if you select it, we will have more meetings like this in the future, and rewards will certainly follow.”

“Okay…okay. What’s the Mastery?”

Ulysses waved a hand, and a massive screen filled her vision.

Mastery: Harmonaut

Skills at Incipience:


Sense of Balance

Truth Seer

“What’s Truth Seer, and why does it look different?” She asked after looking at it.

Ulysses smiled before stepping uncomfortably close, “How would you like to know anytime someone is trying to lie to you?”

Six Months Later…

Time within the Conservatory was not gentle nor fast. Lives were lost, Legends were born, and mistakes were made. Above it all, on a green planet named Sonata, Walker and his people continued apace. With seconds remaining on the clock before Walker’s year-long Temporal displacement ended, immense landmasses floated in space.

Each had several Mana Trees, the amount of which was dependent on its size. Mountains, rivers, oceans, and Monsters were within them as well. Each was held in stasis using a long-ago reward earned by Walker. Founders, trained through the Conservatory's grueling pace, were also frozen. Thousands of genetically improved human beings surrounded each, unaware that they, too, were waiting for a moment that was soon to come.

Walker looked at his two closest advisors, feeling hundreds of years older, although only a little over a year had passed since entering the protocol. Virgil and Athena both gave him the nod, while Ulysses confirmed he was ready on his end.

He lifted a hand in the air, and as it moved down, hundreds of landmasses in the shape of hexagons began to float toward Symphony as the bubble finally popped. As each landmass connected to its pre-ordained destination, the stasis holding everything together faded, and Walker’s notifications exploded, demanding his attention as hundreds of updates fired in.

Amidst the chaos of so many events occurring simultaneously, one immediately pulled his attention. Something he hadn’t thought of in a long, long time.

Time remaining until the next battle: 110+ hours.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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