Creation: Book 3 Complete!

Chapter 30: Last as Long as You Can Part 2

"Walker, am I seeing this correctly?" Virgil asked him after looking at their choices. Naturally, he knew that Virgil was asking about the second choice he'd made, but he felt that he needed a little fun as a celebration for getting through the 30th round.

"Yep, I healed him." He replied, knowing it would annoy his assistant.

"No! Noooo." The large brown squirrel protested, "I'm talking about the second reward. Is this right? I now have access to the landmass system?"

"Limited access if I recall correctly, although I don't know what that means precisely."

"Neither do I, as no assistant has received any form of access to the Landmass system prior to the final battle. At least, that is what our archives tell me and they do not tell me everything. I wonder what access I will have." He said, and began trying to scroll through his screen with a frustrated look on his face. "I can't access it from here!"

"Who knows." Walker replied, watching Chipper stretch next to his tree. "Maybe you'll finally be able to keep me from making stupid mistakes. I am just sad that Chipper lost his armor. I didn't know it wouldn't come back when I had chosen it. "

"Yes, it is. But, perhaps I can help you from making any future mistakes, as you said." Virgil said, a smile suddenly dawning on his face. Walker tried not to take that as an insult.

An announcement lit the air.

Boss Round!

Defeat the Poison Wyvern and gain the rewards!

Walker barely had time to say, "Huh, the Council didn't mess with it again," before the portal changed to a sickly green with yellow spots. It increased to twice its size as a gargantuan and scaled snout pushed through, the rest of the head following in a bobbing fashion several seconds later. The Wyvern's head was massive, with yellow-arched eyes underneath a heavily ridged brow, and scales covering the entirety of its face. The portal increased in width as its body pushed through, wings breaking through before the rest of the body followed. Walker looked a little closer.

"Where's its arms?" He asked.

"Wyverns don't really have them, at least not in the traditional sense that you think of them. They are a creation of the first rendition, and were considered a mistake on the path to creating noble dragons. Rather than having wings on their backs, their arms are their wings, and provide both the ability to fly and move on the ground as well as attack."

"Wait, go back. Dragons are noble?"

"Historically, yes. Dragons were known to defend the helpless and, at times, inspire others to act against those who would commit great wrongs. They considered peace a true treasure that was always in need of their protection. They're also quite interesting, to me personally, as they move through several lifecycles while they grow. From the egg stage, to the young wingless form, all the way up to the massive sizes your history tells you of. Your mythology has many things right when it comes to certain facts, but their birth and maturity is quite misunderstood. Sadly, I do not believe the Creator of Earth had their genetic line. Unless something fortuitous occurs, you will not have any on Symphony."

"Motherfucker." Rimi cursed from his low height.

"Language." Walker said automatically.

"Really?" Rimi asked him, putting his hands on his hips. Remember all of the times that Walker had cursed in the past, for him to now call him out on his diction was too much, "Don't you think that is a bit..umm..wrong?"

"Hypocritical?" Virgil supplied.


Even though Rimi was building up to a grand speech in his mind, and he was really feeling the need to nail Walker for his two-sided views on specific vernacular, the events down below forestalled him. The rest of the Wyvern had exited while they were talking. It had a scale-like armor on its face, but only in sporadic patches across its body in a haphazard fashion. The pseudo-dragon had great long wings that were quite thin and delicate seeming, and a thinner almost snake-like body. It noticed Chipper standing near his tower, and with a great booming voice, spoke out, "What is this foul place."

"Oh no." Virgil said.

"What?" Walker asked him.

"It is Sapient. That is no standard Wyvern. They take hundreds of years to develop their intelligence this far."


"So this just became a lot more difficult. The Army of the Lost was quite difficult simply because they countered the Guardian's magic. Wyverns, like Dragons, are resistant to all magic as well. That includes Chipper's pure magic. Add in the fact that it can fly, think for itself, and the fact that is attuned to poison, and we have a real problem on our hands. Thankfully, and unlike Dragons, they do not breathe fire. But, it will still have some magic for Chipper to deal with."


Chipper placed some words in the air, "Hello friend. My name is Chipper, may I ask what yours is?"

The Wyvern breathed out a yellow-colored cloud, tilting its head back and looming down at the smaller creature with its large eyes. Walker wasn't sure if he knew how to read, even with the system's help, but the creature surprised him, "Raganoth the bleeder." He stopped talking and continued to stare at the Guardian, shifting his weight back a little to its legs. If he wasn't wrong, he'd think that the Wyvern was preparing to lunge forward. Walker was just happy he didn't attack right away.

Chipper wrote some more, "I like that, Raganoth. But why the bleeder?"

The large Wyvern reared back to its thick legs and stretched itself to its full height. Walker was sure he was going to attack, but instead, he collapsed onto the ground and said, "Because I was beaten as a child!". Raganoth screamed at the world around him, pulling his wings over his head with a strange coughing sound coming from his throat.

" that Wyvern crying?" Walker turned and asked his assistants.

"Maybe he just needs a friend." Rimi suggested.

"I do not understand." Virgil said. "Raganoth should have no memories of a father or even have a history prior to being within this round. The protocol has more than enough power to age a Wyvern enough for it to gain sapience and the ability to speak, but not like this. For it to not only have memories associated with its past, but to also have those memories be traumatic....I did not know that these bosses would be actual creatures with real lives before this. The Army of the Fallen and their known history was the first clue, Raganoth here is the second."

"So those humans we saw before?" Walker questioned.

"No no, they should be entities seeded only for the battles. But, each boss seems to have been taken from some part of the multiverse, and likely against their will. Raganoth here is a real sapient Wyvern, not a seeded entity. Prior to their translocation, just like yourself Walker, they had their own life. Their own story."

"That's fucked."

Rimi glared at him.

When Walker turned back around, Chipper was gently patting Raganoth's large-scaled shoulder while the Wyvern continued to cry. Every so often Chipper would write in the air and console him, then Raganoth would tell him some more of his history. The Wyvern was upset and understandably speaking in a low tone of voice, but with the sheer size of the creature, Walker could hear everything. His world did not sound like a pleasant place to grow up in.

'I'll be honest, this is not how I expected it to go." Walker said.

Virgil and Rimi nodded. They were content to let Chipper talk the large pseudo-dragon through this difficult moment as none of them were sure what would happen when they began to fight. After several more minutes of Raganoth expressing his distaste for his family, with Chipper optimistically trying to find something positive in the experience, they came to the crux of the issue.

The Wyvern gradually stretched his body back out, taking his winged arms off of his head. He looked down as he said, "I do not want to go back." A coughing sound could be heard. "They still call me Raganoth the bleeder! I haven't been a child for over a hundred years!" He breathed in a large racking cough, "It's not fair. I know my father thought he was helping me with his so-called "toughness training", but it wasn't helpful." His voice took on a deeper and rougher timbre as he continued speaking, "You need this Raganoth! You're weak! You'll never survive our world!" His voice returned to its normal tone although it was so quiet it was hard for Walker to hear, "But it just hurt, every time, every single time, and I do not want to be a fighter! I've never wanted to be one!" He spat to the side, and as it landed the ground hissed and bubbled from the green liquid sitting upon it.

Chipper sat down next to him and wrote some words in the air, "I can see that you obviously have no interest in fighting, so, if you had any choice in the multiverse, what would you want to be?"

Raganoth read the words, then yelled, "I don't know!" before slowly lowering his head to the ground and becoming quiet. Chipper waited several minutes, but as the Wyvern seemed deep in thought, he was happy to just give him time. He didn't want to fight Raganoth. He didn't seem a bad person and hadn't attacked him outright or sought to end his life. He was just...another person, another entity, caught up in the alpha protocol like him and his Creator. Forced to do battle by those placed above them.

After quite some time, the Wyvern lifted his head and spoke up once again in a soft voice, "When I was very very young, just fifty years or so old, I caught a smell from a particularly vibrant flower near my family's lair. It was a glorious blue, and of course quite deadly. Because of my natural affinity to poison, I was quite immune to it, and could enjoy it anytime I liked. I loved to go out and breathe it in at the start of every day. It was like a ritual, with a simple smell. That is a favorite memory of mine. Of course, my sisters saw me one day and tore it out of the ground, destroying it in front of my very eyes. But....that doesn't matter, because the memory remains. I often wonder what it would be like to breathe new scents every day, and discover a world that embraces moments like these." After saying so, he laid his head back down and closed his eyes, basking in the glow of his fond memory.

Chipper sniffed twice, then turned away from his newly made friend and looked up at Walker, writing, "I do not want to fight him."

Walker replied, "I don't want you to fight him either. Seems fucked up somehow. Hrmm." Walker said, considering all of their options, "Can you umm...ask him to surrender?" He asked, thinking fast now. "It never says kill your opponent in the announcements, just defeat."

The Guardian nodded then replied, "I will try." He poked Raganoth in the shoulder, twice, to break whatever spell the memory had placed on him. The Wyvern turned and opened his yellow eyes to look at him, "Yes, Chipper?"

"I have a favor to ask of you that I believe will help us both."

"What is it?"

"Can you formally surrender? Please? If you do, we may not have to fight, and I would not like to fight you."

"Hrmmm." Raganoth rumbled, "I have never surrendered before. I don't think any Wyvern in living memory has. What would I get out of this?"

"You wouldn't die?"

"Hahahaha, that was not in doubt little....Guardian? That's new. You're quite small for a Guardian. Either way my little friend, I do not see what I will get out of surrendering, whereas if I win, I'm told I will receive a great reward."

"What's the reward?"

"You know what....I do not know actually." Raganoth replied, then huffed some air out of his large nostrils, billowing Chipper's white fur. "All that it said was I would receive a great reward if I win."

Virgil coughed, "They likely promised a reward, but after the battle, would then remove this part of their memory before sending them back. This way, they do not have to deliver on any promises."

"That's mean as hell. Fight and maybe die for them, and they get nothing out of it when they're sent back?"

"Indeed. Resource allocation is always primarily given to Creators and their work, not to specific entities."

Walker focused back on Chipper who was rubbing a particularly sensitive area behind Raganoth's jawline, "That's the spot. Thank you" The large entity said in a satisfied voice.

Chipper stepped back, "What if I asked my Creator to help you if they receive the option after the fight?" After Chipper finished speaking, he felt something. Like someone was watching him and trying to do it in a hidden way.

"What's a Creator?"

Chipper refocused but mentally stumbled as he wrote back, "He is"

"And he has the power to help me?"

"Maybe. I am not sure. But, the worst that could happen is we don't have to fight, and I do not want to fight you. I would much rather we be friends."

"A friend." Raganoth said, tasting the word. "I have not had a-uh...friend before. I have heard of others working together toward something that works well for them both, but friendship has nothing to do with it. Those were alliances that helped them as much as those they allied with. What is having a friend like?"

"It's like having someone you can talk to, who doesn't want to hurt but only help. It's nice."

"And you would be my fr-friend, little Guardian?"

"I would be happy to." Chipper wrote, pulsing with his magic a little so the words stayed in the air longer than normal.

Raganoth stared at the words for a moment more, but even after the magic had dissipated, he continued to stare at where they had appeared. “That would be nice." He said in such a low voice that only Chipper could hear him. "To have a change, and a new friend to share it with.” He dug his feet into the ground and stretched his back slowly. "In over two-hundred years I have not had a friend, young Chipper. Nor have I ever surrendered," He said. "Perhaps a change is due. Okay then, this sounds like a grand enough reward for a great Wyvern! What do I do?"

"I do not know. Perhaps you just need to declare it out loud?"

"It is that simple?" Raganoth asked with some trepidation. "What if the system just outright kills me and that is the end."

"I truly hope that does not happen Raganoth, or I will have lost one of my few friends."

The Poison Wyvern nodded once, slowly, then in a nervous-seeming voice said, "You won't tell anyone I surrendered will you?"

"No" Chipper said with a headshake as his words appeared, "It will be just between us."

Raganoth the Bleeder gathered his courage and said out loud, "I formally surrender to Guardian Chipper and his Creator." And with a pop, rather than a portal, he disappeared.

"What the fuck?" Walker said as he stared at the large and empty space Raganoth used to be.


Round 35 Complete.

Rewards Increased.


Alpha Protocol Council changes detected.

Unique victory conditions detected.

Options updated.

Alternative reward provided as a choice.

Alternative reward upgraded due to unique victory condition.

- - -

Congratulations Dante! Your entity completed the thirty-fifth round of the second battle!

Please choose from the below rewards. You may only choose one.

You have six minutes to decide.

1. Remove all afflictions plaguing your entity and heal them.

2. Change the arena to more closely resemble your entity's perfect environment.

3. Gain 200 years in temporal resources.

4. Return at the end of the second battle with a new entity, unlocking their genus: Raganoth the Bleeder: Wyvern genus.

Walker read the rewards in his overlay then looked at Virgil, who gave a slight nod. He called down to Chipper, "You weren't just messing around, right? You truly believe it is best for Symphony to bring Raganoth there?"

Chipper wrote back, "Yes. I believe he has been mistreated by his family and the harsh world in which he was raised. With the right opportunities and the right people to advise, I have faith that he will become an asset to our world. If you have that same faith in me, as you said earlier, then please trust in me." The word 's faded away, with faith lasting a moment longer, before it too left the air.

"Man." Walker whispered to himself, "Someone really knows how to tug on the heartstrings." In a louder voice he said, "I trust you Chipper."

He selected the fourth option.


Congratulations Dante! Your new entity has been placed within stasis and is ready for collection upon completion of Battle #2.

Upon returning, please seed them within any location you would like.

All memories and abilities of your new entity will be retained.

"Hrmm, okay."

"What happened?" Rimi asked, being out of the loop as he couldn't see Walker's overlay notifications.

"It says Raganoth is now a member of Symphony, and I can seed them when we get back. The thing is, it also says he'll remember everything. Chipper won't. Is that likely to cause an issue when we return?" Walker asked.

"I believe when they meet, it will be fine. Normally, Raganoth would be the likely attacker in a chance meetup, so the system allowing him to retain his memories is a grand boon. We will not have to convince him of the benefits of Symphony and friendship a second time." Virgil replied.

"Well, we didn't convince him of shit. That was all Chipper."

"He's the best!" Rimi yelled with a fist in the air. "Hey, Chipper! Raganoth will be on Symphony with us from now on! You did it!"

Chipper wrote back, "Thank you for having faith in me, I will not let you down. Now, or in the future."

"Man, he really is the best." Walker said with a smile. The next announcement was coming.

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