Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch214- I Will Gift You This World

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Standing at the very top of the towering Creation Pantheon Agency, Mokami and Momo were the solitary figures silhouetted against the glass panels of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The city, awash in the vibrant hues of a recently set sun, lay spread out beneath them, a breathtaking panorama of light and life. The press had left, the commotion of the grand opening had died down, and the building – their creation – was now resonating with a serene, deep silence.

Momo was held close to Mokami's chest, her back pressed securely against his front, wrapped in his comforting embrace. Her heart fluttered against her ribs as she felt his breath ghosting over her hair, his lips brushing the crown of her head ever so slightly. The familiar, intoxicating scent of him filled her senses, seeping into her being, grounding her.

Mokami's arms were wrapped securely around her, one hand resting lightly on her waist while the other held her hand in his, their fingers entwined. He buried his face in her soft hair, inhaling the sweet scent of her. A content sigh escaped him, reverberating through Momo, echoing their shared satisfaction.

For a long while, they stood there in companionable silence, just absorbing the enormity of what they had achieved and the promise of what was yet to come. The sprawling city beneath them was a canvas that they were about to color with their aspirations and ambitions.

Finally, it was Momo who broke the silence, her voice soft, yet filled with a profound resolve. "One step closer," she murmured, the words almost lost amidst the faint hum of the city's nightlife coming alive. Yet, they reached Mokami clearly, resonating with the beating of his own heart.

Mokami's chest rumbled with a soft laugh, vibrating against Momo's back. His grip around her tightened ever so slightly, as if in affirmation of her statement. "One step closer to standing at the top of this world," he echoed, his voice a low whisper in her ear.

The thrill of his words sent a wave of excitement coursing through Momo, making her shiver in anticipation. She felt Mokami's lips curve into a smile against her hair as he registered her reaction.

"I will gift you this world," he vowed, his voice a deep, resonant promise that wrapped around her like a warm blanket. His words were not merely a pledge of love, but a declaration of intent. He intended to not just conquer the world, but to shape it, to mould it, to make it a place where they could be free, together, without the chains of convention and judgment.

A surge of emotion welled up within Momo, an overwhelming wave that threatened to wash over her. She turned in his arms, her amethyst eyes meeting Mokami's dark ones, mirroring the same determination and conviction.

"And we will shape it together," she declared, her voice steady and unwavering. His responding smile was bright, illuminating his features and making her heart flutter.

Their faces inched closer, their breaths intermingling. The world outside their glass enclosure seemed to blur into insignificance as they focused solely on each other. Momo saw Mokami's gaze flicker to her lips and then back to her eyes. A silent question was asked and she nodded in affirmation, her heart pounding against her ribcage.

And then their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss that seemed to encapsulate all their shared dreams and aspirations, their hopes and fears, and the deep, abiding love that had grown between them. The taste of her was intoxicating, a heady blend of sweet and spice that had him craving for more.

As their kiss deepened, Momo clung onto him, her arms winding around his neck while his hands travelled up her back, pressing her closer.

The taste of Momo was intoxicating, a tantalizing blend of sweet and spice that left Mokami yearning for more. The world outside their glass enclosure dimmed, the cacophony of the city lost amidst the whispered sighs and soft gasps echoing within their intimate space.

Their kiss deepened, evolving from tender to passionate, their breaths becoming ragged and heated. Momo's fingers threaded through his hair, tugging him closer while his hands roamed her back, pressing her more firmly against him. The emotions swirling between them were raw and profound, setting their senses on fire.

Without breaking their kiss, Mokami's arm swept beneath Momo, a manifestation of his quirk causing a soft, spacious bed to materialize beneath them. They fell onto the plush surface, Momo straddling him, her body aligning perfectly with his. Her skirt bunched up around her thighs, revealing more of her to his touch, her warmth seeping into him through the layers of their clothing.

Their eyes met, holding a conversation of their own. Momo's gaze held no surprise, merely a glint of excitement. It wasn't the manifestation of the bed that held her attention but the man beneath her, the feel of his strong body beneath hers and the blazing desire in his eyes that matched her own.

Through the fabric of her blouse, she could feel his heart hammering against his chest, mirroring the frantic pace of her own. The raw emotions enveloping them seemed to grow, tangible and heady, making her head spin.

His hands traced a path along her sides, causing her to shiver at his touch. Her hips moved in tandem with his, their bodies swaying in a dance as old as time. Mokami could feel her, the soft pressure of her against him, the heat radiating from her skin.

He could sense her reactions to his touch, the little gasps that escaped her lips, her body arching towards him seeking more. It wasn't just the physical contact, the emotions swirling between them amplified every sensation, every touch, every sigh.

His eyes never left hers, the dark depths reflecting a myriad of emotions. He watched as her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, her lips parting slightly as she panted. Her fingers tightened in his hair, pulling him closer, their bodies molded together as if they were two pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly.

The world seemed to shrink until it was just the two of them, their bodies intertwined, their breaths intermingling, their hearts beating in rhythm. As their connection deepened, their thoughts too seemed to entwine, each understanding the other's emotions, their shared desires, and their undying love for each other.

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