Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch212- Overhaul’s Offer

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He finally came to a stop in the middle of the room, standing straight and tall, his piercing gaze sweeping over everyone present. "And I hear whispers that this legend has found its new disciples, in you, the League of Villains."

Shigaraki's hands stilled, his crimson eyes hardening at the implied accusation. "And what makes you think we know anything about this legend?" he countered, his voice as icy as his stare.

Overhaul shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze never leaving Shigaraki's. "Rumors have a way of revealing truths hidden in plain sight."

The atmosphere in the room grew heavier, the mounting tension tangible. However, it was Dabi who broke the silence this time, a low chuckle slipping past his lips. "Let's say we do know something about this... legend," he drawled. "Why does it concern you, Overhaul?"

Chisaki turned his attention to the flame user, his cold eyes reflecting a glimmer of amusement. "Because," he started, "with a backer as influential as the legend, the League becomes an entity not to be underestimated. I believe in acknowledging potential allies and threats alike."

"Rumors suggest that his return is imminent," Overhaul added, the gravity of his words lingering in the room. "Can you confirm it?"

Shigaraki's grin widened, a chilling edge to his excitement. "You want to know about the legend, huh?" His voice echoed ominously in the small room, each word deliberately pronounced, hanging heavy in the air. But instead of providing a direct answer, he allowed a cryptic silence to settle, his red eyes gleaming with mirth.

Amidst the standoff, Aiko slowly stood up, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. His usual casualness was replaced by a palpable sense of drama as he sauntered towards the center of the room, his vibrant green eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Are you perhaps talking about me?" He tilted his head, his voice teetering on the edge of mockery. There was a moment of stunned silence, and then Dabi burst into a fit of laughter, his harsh cackles echoing through the room.

Shigaraki shot Aiko an irritated look, but the younger villain only shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I mean, I just started my...what did you call it, Stain? Oh right, my scum career," he said, his tone light but the undercurrent of sarcasm evident. Stain merely scoffed, rolling his eyes at Aiko's antics.

"But I believe in, maybe not even a year, I'll become a legend and rule the underground." Aiko continued, his voice taking on a serious tone that was rarely heard from him. His declaration hung heavy in the room, the silence that followed it thick with tension.

Dabi was the first to break it, chuckling as he leaned back in his chair, his mismatched eyes gleaming with amusement. "Always the optimist, aren't you, Aiko?"

Aiko, ignoring Dabi's remark, turned his gaze to Chisaki. His grin widened as he continued, "That would make my return imminent, wouldn't it? Are you perhaps a psychic, Overhaul? Can you see the future?"

The question hung in the air, and Aiko took a moment to survey the room, his gaze lingering on Daichi. The calm, black-eyed teen was watching him closely, his serene demeanor unchanged. Aiko's smile didn't falter, but his eyes flashed a subtle warning. As much as they were brothers, their cover was paramount.

"I've always wanted to know how many wives I'd have," Aiko mused aloud, leaning against a chair with an air of nonchalance. The room erupted in laughter, with even Stain cracking a smirk.

Overhaul scrutinized Aiko with bemusement. A light scoff escaped his lips as he said, "And who is this jester? A clown you hired to entertain me?"

Aiko merely grinned, the pebble he was still toying with rolling around in his palm. He absorbed its kinetic energy, increasing its momentum and threw it in the direction of Overhaul. The pebble whizzed through the air with the force of a bullet, barely missing Overhaul's face.

"I am indeed a jester," Aiko replied, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "And my trick is to make you all disappear. Wanna see it? But bear in mind, it's a highly volatile trick, it could end with your demise."

The room fell silent as the implications of Aiko's words hung heavy in the air. Ignoring the tense atmosphere, he wound up for another shot. This time, his target was Overhaul's face.

Just as the pebble shot out of Aiko's hand, a figure stepped forward from the Shie Hassaikai group. It was Daichi. With a fluid movement, his hand shot out and closed around the incoming pebble, catching it as if it were a mere toss. The impact of the pebble, which was traveling with the force of a meteor, was completely absorbed, not a hint of discomfort flickering on Daichi's serene face.

A hush fell over the room, the only sound the rustle of clothing as all eyes turned towards Daichi. Shigaraki's red eyes narrowed as he studied Daichi, an expression of interest replacing the previous irritation.

Overhaul, regaining his composure, shot a look at Daichi, then back at Aiko. A flicker of respect flared in his eyes before he returned his neutral facade. "Impressive, Aiko, was it?" he asked, the mild contempt replaced by genuine curiosity. "I suppose every group needs its jesters."

Aiko shrugged nonchalantly, seemingly unbothered by Overhaul's jab. He kept his gaze locked on Daichi, studying his reaction. However, the stoic teen remained unchanged, his tranquil exterior betraying no emotion.

"I suppose so," Aiko replied, his voice carrying a subtle note of challenge. "Just as every group needs its shield."

This comment seemed to catch Daichi's attention. He glanced at Aiko, his black eyes meeting Aiko's green ones. For a moment, they held each other's gaze, the silent exchange unnoticed by the rest of the room.

Then, breaking the momentary connection, Daichi turned to Overhaul, his composed voice filling the room. "My apologies for intervening, Chisaki-san," he said, opening his hand to reveal the pebble. "But I felt it was my duty to prevent any...unnecessary conflicts."

Overhaul gave Daichi a curt nod, "Your loyalty is admirable, Daichi. You did well."

Overhaul surveyed the room, his cold gaze lingering on each member of the League of Villains. He then took a slow step forward, his boots echoing ominously against the concrete floor. "I will be honest, Shigaraki," Overhaul began, his voice resounding throughout the silence. "I want to work with your League."

Shigaraki's red eyes narrowed, a hint of curiosity sparking within their depths. His fingers started drumming on the table again, an idle gesture indicating his interest. "Oh? And why is that?"

Overhaul held Shigaraki's gaze as he continued, "I am working on something...something significant." He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before adding, "I need your connection to market it wide and far. With the legend backing you, reaching places I can't shouldn't be a problem for you."

A smoky chuckle escaped Dabi, his mismatched eyes reflecting his amusement. "So, you need us more than we need you?"

Ignoring Dabi's taunt, Shigaraki leaned back in his chair, his crimson gaze fixed on Overhaul. "Interesting proposition," he mused, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "But what are these 'things' you speak of?"

In response, Overhaul reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, glass vial. It was filled with a clear, viscous liquid that refracted the dim light, casting eerie shadows on his gloved hand. He extended it towards Shigaraki. "This," he declared, his voice dropping to a more serious tone, "is a Quirk amplifying drug."

At Overhaul's revelation, a hush fell over the room, the previous amusement replaced by curiosity. Shigaraki's eyes widened slightly, his fingers pausing in their rhythm. He reached out, snatching the vial from Overhaul and examining it closely.

"Impossible," Shigaraki protested, a hint of doubt seeping into his voice. "Equity failed to produce it and all the samples are in our hands. You're bluffing."

Instead of retorting, Overhaul responded with a dry chuckle. He looked Shigaraki dead in the eyes, a knowing glint in his gaze. "I had a sample and managed to create the drug. True, the side effects are...intense, but it's effective nonetheless."

His declaration hung heavy in the air, the potential implications rippling through the room. The once dismissive group was now silent, their attention wholly fixed on the exchange.

"Side effects?" Dabi echoed, a note of skepticism in his tone. "Like what?"

Overhaul shot a glance at Dabi, his cold eyes filled with amusement. "Unpredictable amplification, temporary loss of control... But these are the prices one must pay for power, wouldn't you agree?"

Dabi frowned, leaning back against his chair, but didn't retort.

Meanwhile, Shigaraki examined the vial, the clear liquid inside glinting ominously. He tilted it side to side, a contemplative look on his face. "If this is as effective as you claim it to be," he finally said, breaking the silence, "then we could consider your proposal."

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