[Cozy Fantasy] [Farming LitRPG] The Chronicles of Emberstone Farm

Chapter 53 – Making plans for the winter farming season

Chapter 53 - Desert Farming Corn-versation Leaves Farmer High and Dry


Planting season finished uneventfully, and all four of us leveled up our farming once.

[Player Name: Violet

Farming Skills:

Farming Level 16, Fishing Level 9, Woodcutting Level 15, Cooking Level 1, Herblaw Level 13, Foraging Level 4, Hunting Level 3, Mining Level 1]

[Apprentice Name: Kharli

Farming Skills:

Farming Level 11, Fishing Level 3, Woodcutting Level 8, Cooking Level 2, Herblaw Level 1, Foraging Level 3, Hunting Level 2]

[Apprentice Name: Lari

Farming Skills:

Farming Level 11, Fishing Level 6, Woodcutting Level 8, Cooking Level 1, Herblaw Level 1, Foraging Level 1, Hunting Level 5]

[Apprentice Name: Mo

Farming Skills:

Farming Level 12, Fishing Level 1, Woodcutting Level 8, Cooking Level 2, Herblaw Level 1, Foraging Level 6, Hunting Level 1]

During the planting season, I was able to use the hoe five times a day, tilling eight squares each time, for a total of forty squares per day. My apprentices could till three times a day, five squares per swing of the hoe, for a total of fifteen squares per day. All in all, we managed an astonishing eighty-five squares per day. Of course, we had to save almost half of our energy for fertilizing the soil and planting seeds, but, roughly speaking, the farm’s total cultivated area was now almost 400 squares!

Not bad!

Two fields were dedicated to rice farming, while I insisted on having a separate one for the vegetables that we would eat during the winter and spring. This time we were growing carrots, turnips, beets, onions, rutabagas, parsnips, sweet potatoes, potatoes, ube, kale, spinach, lettuces, Swiss chard, arugula, radicchio, parsley, cilantro, rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, Brussels sprouts, cauliflowers, broccoli, green beans, peas, edamame, snow peas, pumpkins, squash, ginger, horseradishes, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, celeries, bell peppers, and tomatoes. We also continued with the Three Sisters method of companion planting in which corn, beans, and squash were grown together.

Despite the kids’ objections, I also used half of the second paddy to plant black and red rice varieties. Deming assured me that he was familiar with exotic varieties and that he was perfectly capable of cooking them.

The day after the end of the planting season, we watered the vegetables and checked the water level of the rice paddies. Then I informed my apprentices of my plans for the upcoming winter season after we finished eating lunch.

“This is the last growing season for the year. I’m sure you already know that there are not many winter crops.” I looked around at the others, who all nodded. Fengying had cleared the dishes and the four of us were seated around the dining table.

“What will we be doing during the winter if there’s no farming?” asked Kharli, her voice filled with uncertainty.

“We can still plant a few crops, but we should make winter plans now. Shuye suggested that I move my household south where it’s warmer,” I said. “The White Tiger clan has a few guest houses that we could use.”

“But who would look after the farm?” asked Mo, brow furrowing.

“Shuye would be making his usual patrols, and there wouldn’t be anything to watch since there won’t be any crops in winter,” I said.

“Does that mean we would be on vacation?” Lari smiled.

“No, I don’t want to! I want to level up!” Mo’s face contorted into a grimace of disapproval.

“I also hope to work hard even during the winter,” said Kharli.

“Very well. During the winter there’s not much fishing, foraging, or hunting. We can still train woodcutting, and I want you three to continue your education. I’ve already asked Fengying to find etiquette, history, and literature tutors for you,” I paused because Mo groaned in dismay and Lari slumped against his chair. “What is it?”

Mo just covered her face with her hands and refused to speak.

Lari sighed and said, “I hate studying!”

“Teacher, you remember that Mo can’t read?” Kharli tried to be tactful, but I could tell from her expression that she thought I had forgotten.

“I haven’t forgotten that. Did you forget that Mo can use the System to read?”

“But none of us like it.” The ends of Lari’s mouth turned down into an exaggerated pout, his bottom lip jutting out.

Ugh, were the kids going through a difficult phase? All three of them had sullen expressions on their faces. I guess they acted mature most of the time, but it was at times like these that they really showed they were just fourteen years old.

“Are you guys sure? It’s my responsibility as your teacher to educate you properly.”

“Teacher, I think people will expect you to teach us to farm, not learn from books,” said Lari.

He did have a point.

“Very well then. So all three of you want to farm instead of studying books?”

The three of them murmured their agreement. Lari beamed with delight as he realized he had won the argument.

“All right.”

Since all four of us wanted to farm this winter, then I should definitely start the [Greening the Desert] quest.


The next time Shuye appeared, I informed him of my desire to reclaim the blasted lands.

“During the winter I will only be able to grow spirit grass and flowers here, so I’d like to explore the southern desert. I assume the clans have tried to turn the desert back into forests and agricultural lands?”

We walked side-by-side as we inspected the fields. The vegetable plants had sprouted, and the rice seedlings looked healthy. Around us, the leaves on the forest’s trees were still green, but there was a distinct chill in the air, signaling the start of autumn.

“You can try if you like. The clans have never stopped anyone who wanted to restore our southern territory to its former glory. It’s just that none of them have succeeded.” Shuye's voice lacked any optimism, and the expression on his face lacked his usual good cheer.

“I think I can do it.”

“Don’t get your hopes up.”

“What’s the matter?”

Shuye's brows knitted together in a deep frown. “Countless people have tried, but every tree that we planted died in a matter of days. I have to warn you that everyone thinks that the place is cursed. The gods are still angry.”

“Well, the curse has nothing to do with me,” I pointed out. “I’m a human.”

“Humans have tried…”

“But not me.”

Shuye’s lips pursed. “I’m not going to stop you if you want to try.”

“Are you sure I can get permission? I’d like a formal letter granting me a piece of land that I can experiment on,” I said.

“I’m sure. Is there any particular piece of land that you prefer?”

“Hmm, let’s look at a map.”

That was easier than I expected. I thought that I would have to persuade my Farm Guide, but it turned out that the clans freely gave permission to anyone who wanted to farm in the desert. We walked back to the house and, with Shuye’s help, I chose a likely spot for my reforestation project.

[Epic Quest: Greening the Desert

Turn the cursed desert into fertile land.

  1. Improve watershed by using water harvesting methods by digging contour swales.
  2. Improve watershed by using water harvesting methods by digging a lake reservoir.
  3. Plant the berms with one hundred fruit trees and one hundred berry bushes.
  4. When the lake is full, plant a riparian buffer of one hundred trees.
  5. Plant one hundred fertilizer trees. Use a cultivation box.
  6. Graze spirit animals. Sow wild grass and flowers on the grazed land.
  7. Plant one hundred fruit trees. Use a cultivation box.
  8. Plant one hundred nut trees. Use a cultivation box.
  9. Plant one hundred trees. Use a cultivation box.
  10. Create windbreaks to protect the crops.
  11. Plant one hundred perennial crops.
  12. Create a food forest made of a diverse array of one hundred fruit trees, one hundred shrubs, one hundred vines, one hundred grasses or herbs, and one hundred root crops.

Progress: 0/12]

Shuye’s lack of enthusiasm only made me more determined to succeed. The first step, as outlined by the quest text, was to gather water for agricultural use, but pretty much everything else revolved around planting trees.

Therefore, for me to finish the quest, I should start by preparing all the trees I would need in the future.

Sadly, this meant that I would have to say goodbye to my beloved Ranch House very soon.

  • Farming is the sort of thing you have to plan ahead. You don't just decide on what to do one day before you have to do it.
  • I think I like this type of progression. It's not just the numbers going up, it's the farm building/improvement that I like.
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