COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 223 + 224

Probably because Hachiman picked up the money for nothing, he was in a good mood, so during lunch break, he invited Suzune to dinner.

Even girl was a little surprised.

.....Of course, there is also the hero Kushida-chan!

Cafeteria, far far away.....

"Kushida, Hikigaya, and Horikita are having dinner together."

"The relationship looks good!"

"I still can't believe that someone as angelic as Kushida would betray her class!"

In the corner, several players from Class D gathered here.

It's Ryuen's small team.

Before, Ryuen had deliberately beaten Ibuki on the ship and Kaneda on the island, but now, these two people were following him openly.

The one speaking now is Ishizaki.

He is a good fighter, and apart from talking to the ones in his class, only Kushida and Ichinose among the school would say hello to him.

So he still couldn't believe that Kushida would betray the class and do something so self-defeating.

"Don't mention this kind of thing casually!" Ryuen educated his younger minion, "And doesn't this shabby chairman want its students to develop like this? Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many anonymous point cards! And you may have heard from the senior class before that when they graduate, the school will use cash to recover points in the hands!"

"....So, there's nothing wrong with making some cash on being a spy?"

"Ibuki, don't get any weird ideas!"

"I was just talking alright!"

For some reason, her classmates still didn't believe what she just said, but Ryuen didn't have enough time to spend on her.

"Like you just said, people who care about money can easily become a spy, take a glance here...." Ryuen showed a white colour scroll under his red coat, has an agreement that was just written yesterday.

The signing parties were him and Koenji.

He paid 1 million personal points, and Koenji was not allowed to participate in any competition in this Sports Festival.

....It is equivalent to using 1 million to seal Koenji's power.

"That monster is indeed scary,".Kaneda gently pushed up his glasses and said, "Although I think one million is a lot, and Koenji doesn't belong with us....but worth the spent."

"It's just that Ryuen-san, you don't have many points on hand anymore...." Kaneda is 3rd smartest person in Ryuen's class.

First was Ryuen, second was Hiyori Shiina, and Kaneda thought he could only be third.

However, Shiina was buying bread to eat in the classroom today, so she was not here, so Kaneda was the only one who could talk to Ryuen to discuss the plan.

So he immediately identified the point balance in his leader's hand.

"Hashimoto's previous 1 million is still owed. I gave Koenji of the 1.2 million points just acquired from Class A this month." Ryuen gave him a balance record to update, "There are still 200,000 left."

Kaneda nodded, then came up with an idea, "Then everyone still has 100,000 points from the VIP exam, plus the 10,000 points they got this month. If only 20,000 points are left for food, then everyone can collect 90,000 points, which means that we can gather 3 million again."

"Forget it," Ryuen shook his head outright.

Rejected this plan of killing the goose that lays brown egg.

"Judging from the recordings obtained from Kushida, Hikigaya's class is much worse than ours. They seem to have no other way to unite other than using threats of profit. But Hikigaya can think of Tian Ji's horse racing. Then it was also very good to arrange for Sudo to work hard to get the score card bug," Ryuen already got his recordings from Kushida, and talked about what needs to be focused, “Sudo's personal strength is way op. If he is not eliminated, then Class B may really win."


"Why do you always start crying?! Listen to me first, I have already imagined a plan for Class B, which requires the cooperation of people other than a few of us, so if everyone's points are collected and then distributed to them as rewards, people will not be hap----"

"But we don't have mone---"


Ishizaki felt like he just dodged a bullet, when he saw Ryuen's palm touching how own forehead.

"...... Stupid, I will just temporarily borrow points from Sakayanagi." Seeing that Ryuen had made arrangements, people around him certainly had no objections.

They will agree with Ryuen.

On the one hand, they cannot beat said person, and other, not as smart as Ryuen.

Just look at Ibuki's confused face.

"Wasn't she our enemy? Do you owe her a favour now?"

"• •" Ryuen sighed heavily.


In this way, For the whole-grade Sports Festival in 3 weeks, all classes have their own plans and take action.

Hachiman's class also quickly issued an entry form.

However, it will be submitted on the last day, but each student will be notified in advance of the events they will participate in, so will gather for targeted training.

Of course, this entry form was also submitted to Ichinose.

Marked the cannon fodder of his own class and asked Ichinose to spare when picking her own.

Training time is after school.

Lasts for 1 and a half hours, this is first training.

Everything seems to be developing steadily.

But that's just a look.

"Then, next group!" On the playground, Hirata organized the boys' training, while Kushida did girls....


Hey, what are you doing with girls?

" ! • " Kushida-chan...

'~Hehe, Did I finally get caught?'

Results of the previous test have come out, and seeded players have been selected.

So, what Hirata doing now is training for common projects.

This is a sports meeting that all members are required to participate in, and individuals who are forced to will naturally have to train hard.

①100-meter race

②Hurdle race

③Inversion Contest (men only)

④ Netball competition (women only)

⑤Male and female groups tug-of-war

⑥Obstacle race

⑦Two people and three legs

8.....??? Horse!

⑨200m race

There are 9 events in total.

Among them, running is familiar to students, but hurdle racing... well, it definitely requires proficiency.

You can't just push the columns flat one by one.

You probably can't borrow the pole for the reverse stroke, so you need to understand rules of the competition.

Also when fighting on horseback, you need to determine who is the general and who is the horse.

But if you break it down like this, ones that need training are probably running, hurdling, and three-legged training for 2 people.

The boys are running the 100-meter and 200-meter races.

Although it is training, enthusiasm of the boys seems to be a bit high.

"By the way, do we need to show our strength?"

"Of course, we should!" Yamauchi was leading a group of his own people.

"I think you are a good boy!"

"Indeed, maybe girls will notice us!"

"I didn't use my full strength in previous test, but now I can show it off to everyone!"

"Girls are here now."

"Eh? If you say so, do you really want to..."

The more the boys chatted, more excited became, each of them trying hard to show their 'real strength."

However, Yukimura's face turned completely dark.

'Because, aren't you making things difficult for me, little Yukimura?'

It is normal for boys to want to show their strength in front of opposite sex.

Such courtship behavior is also common in the animal kingdom.

However, this also requires a certain level of strength.

But Yukimura can't do it!

In terms of study, he was far ahead of these scumbags. Even Hirata couldn't compare with him.

But in sports...

He is probably last among the boys.

'And then I have to show it in front of the whole class of girls...' But Hachiman's group was already up and running, Yukimura given to next one quickly followed.

As for the girls.

"Horikita-san, can't you slow down just a little bit?!" Karuizawa was panting and holding her knees, looking at the iceberg girl in front of her with some complaints.

"Hmm...Gomen, that's just my speed." Although it sounded like she was apologizing, tone was still cold.

This is where Suzune is built different.

This is also reason why people misunderstand that she is dating Hikigaya-kun, because she is not so cold with him, but treats other people like total shit.

People feel a strong sense of differential treatment.

However, Karuizawa had borrowed Suzune's room and knew her better than most people, so she didn't mind her cold attitude much.

Suzune frowned slightly.

What on earth is wrong here now?

Because she already knew the problem Karuizawa complained about, they had no tacit understanding.

In other words, she basically doesn't have a tacit place with other people.

Two people and three legs need to accommodate each other and do something known as cooperate..

But, Suzune had already scratched that word in her vocabulary book a long time ago.

Even if she had deliberately slowed down, others could not keep up.

Karuizawa who had average physical strength, naturally dragged along by her and almost fell down.

"Really..." Karuizawa rolled her eyes, feeling a little unhappy outside by such remarks.

Three-legged dancing between two people is a must-participate event, and she saw that Suzune's speed was quite good.

But, her aloof and lonely temperament made ordinary girls not want to get close, but Karuizawa thought about it and chose to go with her.

Team up with each other.

'Is it too late to regret now?'

"Eh....." Hachiman had just finished running 200 meters and had some rest time.

He was watching all this silently from a distance, but he did not step forward to help.

He admitted that Manabu's sister had changed before taking the exam on island, which made people look at her with admiration.

But Suzune has not fully grown up to understand people's hearts.

'Didn't you see that Karuizawa, who teamed up with you, was already feeling desperate?'

"Let me do it." Looking at the tired Karuizawa person, Hachiman decided to step forward.

After all, he had promised to protect the other party, and if she continued to cooperate with Horikita like this, Karuizawa would become autistic.

Two people and three legs.

There is no restriction on whether boys or girls can participate.

In fact, boys do not necessarily have an advantage over girls in this kind of thing.

On the contrary, maybe girls' daily gossip made each other closer, understanding will be better and speed will be faster.

However, Suzune never talked with other girls besides Kushida who previously gave her a creepy stalker vibe.

"Good." Nodded coldly and did not refuse.

'...I didn't feel there was anything wrong with what I did, but it was natural.'

"Are you ready?" Tying his legs together, Hachiman looked at the girl next to him and asked.

"I was born ready...." Only, Suzune couldn't maintain this aloof behaviour for any longer.


Chapter 224

“Are you ready?” Tying his legs together, Hachiman looked at the girl next to him and asked.

“I was born ready....” Only, Suzune couldn't maintain this aloof behaviour for any longer.

Because Hachiman suddenly moved forward quickly, that caused Suzune's entire center of gravity began to tilt forward.

But because she was careless,  almost fell to the ground.

“Oops....” Suzune just gritted her teeth stubbornly and tried to keep up with Hachiman's speed.

But obviously can't.

No matter how hard she tried, always seemed to be dragged forward by Hachiman, and could only barely keep herself from being knocked down.

“What do you think? You are experiencing now is what Karuizawa felt outside!”"

After finally reaching the end, when Suzune could finally take a breath, Hachiman suddenly asked.

“.....” Suzune nodded her face gently, not getting discouraged, “I'm still too weak to compare with you.”

“???” Hachiman opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

"I mean, how did you feel about my speed just now?" Hachiman asked as he could only speak in slightly more detail.

“Well....” Suzune thought for a moment and gave a response she thought was pretty okay, “It's a little fast and I can't keep up, but I'm trying to match with you.”


Hachiman stopped talking completely.

So that's difference in thinking.

“No, I mean, I hope you can cooperate with the others a little bit!” Hachiman now had no choice but to speak openly, without using any riddles, “You can't expect others to follow your footsteps, but you have to be a little accommodating to others.”

It is impossible for everyone to be excellent.

Nor can we expect everyone to strive to keep up with their own pace.

Suzune felt weak, that's why she is going to find a way to keep up with Hachiman's pace as much as possible.

Instead of asking Hachiman to slow down a little and match her pace.

Just like she does with everyone, Suzune expects others to make an effort to keep up with her.

Rather than trying to accommodate.

“I don't understand.” Suzune whispered with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

"So be it." Hachiman shook his head, "Think carefully about what I said, and then do training after you have figured it out. If you can't, go find your brother!“

As he said this, he glanced at the girl with a golden ponytail sitting on the lawn holding her knees.

“You have worked hard today, please take a rest.”

Karuizawa just nodded. 'In other words, Hikigaya-kun thinks Horikita-san is confused today, right? By the way, is her brother also in this school?'

While thinking about it, Karuizawa heard Hachiman's voice again.

“Since you won't be training anymore, how about going to dinner together?”


This made Karuizawa blink, because this is an invitation to go on a date?

'Everyone is training hard, what do you want to do in the end?!'


Hachiman and Karuizawa left the training on the playground.

The two of them did not go to the cafeteria, but headed towards shopping street.

“So, what do you want to do when you invite me out?”

The two of them were now in a busy street and had just come out of a steak restaurant.

What he holds in his left hand is also a free drink in the store.

The two of them had dinner together, and Hachiman paid.

This made her feel a little flattered.

“I told you before that I will protect you, but I didn't do it well today. I saw you and Horikita standing for about 10 minutes after training.”

“....” Karuizawa.

Good guy.

“So you actually saw it from the beginning?!” Karuizawa complained loudly, “That I was as tired as a dog by myself. Horikita-san's speed is so fast, but I only have ordinary physical fitness. How can I keep up?!”

“Horikita has changed a lot compared to before. But she is still relatively stiff in getting along with others....”

“....” Karuizawa.

She probably knew what Hachiman was talking about about Suzune's change, that is, before exam on the island, she suddenly made lunch for the boy walking beside her.

Then it caused everyone's misunderstanding.

People wondered if these two are dating.

But looking at it now, it's just Suzune's unique performance compared to Hachiman.

“If you can get Horikita's approval, then she may have a different attitude towards you.....”

“....” Karuizawa, who is straight, doesn't found girls to be likable at all.

Forget it.

Although the contact time was not very long, Karuizawa did not feel that Suzune's approval was so easy to obtain.

Besides she has the image of a hot girl in her class, and it would be troublesome to get too close to Horikita Suzune.

“Speaking of it,” Karuizawa felt that Hachiman's invitation was probably just out of guilt for her, so she started the topic herself, “At the opening ceremony of the sports meeting in the gymnasium, is that Sakayanagi Arisu from Class A going to become the next student council president?”

Although she is only a disciplinary committee member in name only, a state of fishing.

'....I don’t have many opportunities to go to Student council.' But knows the value of President.

“It's possible....But this is after our class is promoted to A. If we are lucky enough, we are going to be Class A after this Sports Festival!”

"..." Karuizawa.

Although it was a date in name only, Karuizawa didn't feel need to discuss promotion at this time.

“I mean, do you like her? I saw that she often had meals with you before, and now can get the highest position in Student Council, and I think you may have contributed a lot!”

'Then you are also very insightful. Do you also want to be a human observer?' Hachiman's opinion of Karuizawa rose slightly, but rapidly shook his head.

“It's impossible for me to like Sakayanagi Arisu.....person like her will definitely make others work with bad intentions. I can't accept this!”

Karuizawa felt that her question was in vain.

Because there is no point in asking him if Hachiman likes her.

'After returning to school, Hikigaya-kun was fascinated by the girls in our class because he had a huge amount of points in his hand. What was he thinking? If a motivated girl was willing to work to support him in the future, then he would be willing to pay her the 20 million points it would cost to be promoted to Class A. But to sum it up...this guy hopes that the woman will support him in his future life!'

"So, there is still time now, do you want to go shopping?" After eating and asking questions, Karuizawa looked at the time.

Probably because of sports day, there weren't many students in the shopping area.

Didn't see any acquaintances, so Karuizawa thought it would be good to spend some quality time with Hachiman.

“Want to go shopping?” Hachiman did not agree immediately, “There are no daily necessities to be replenished in these two days.”

Karuizawa almost wanted to call him.....

'Because when you go shopping with a girl, your goal is to buy daily necessities? Super straight boy! I often see you and Kushida-san together, but she doesn’t teach you these things?

Wait a moment.' Karuizawa suddenly thought.

'But does this mean that Hikigaya-kun doesn’t actually have many opportunities to go shopping with girls?'

“Don't you think your eyes are scary? You bought dinner just now, right? I don't like taking advantage! So why not offset it. Let's go to the optical shop and buy you a pair of flat glasses, which can cover you eyes. In my opinion, your popularity will increase!”

"..." Hachiman, who already had plain glasses, recommended by Sakura.

But after all, it’s free, so there’s nothing to refuse.

His mother taught him not to be picky about food.


And the other side.

People in Class B who dropped out of training were not just Koenji who didn't participate, not just Hikigaya and Karuizawa, but also Suzune.

Certainly, it's not that Suzune doesn't want to train, it's that she was assigned a task by Hachiman.

You have to think about your own shortcomings.

The task he gave her was to learn how to cooperate with others.

'I can't figure it out now....'

"Did something happen?" At this moment, a voice came over.

Almost as soon as she heard this sound, Suzune's entire body just reacted subconsciously.

Looked over in astonishment.

Because Student council president, Horikita Manabu just came here!


Author's Note

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