COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 218 + 219

“So good! It's not tiring when boys and girls work together!”

A female voice said after looking at the backs of Hachiman and Suzune.

This is Hoshinomiya Chie.

Sae was now sitting at her new table, but Chie was giving a wonderful smile that didn't reach her eyes at all.

Ah....It was Chie's originally...

Even, Sae noticed that something had changed in her best friend.

Sae and Chie were both students of this school in the past.

They climbed up from Class D together, but in the end they could only graduate from B.

'....Incredibly, we stayed together in this school.'

“Chie, I'm sorry, my class rushed up to you......”

“Eh? Do you care about this...” Chie just blinked gently, showing a very cute look.

Unlike Sae's cold and awe-inspiring aura, Hoshinomiya belongs to the cute category.

If Sae were to describe it, she would probably be the same type as Kushida Kikyo in her class.

At the same time, She also knew that her best friend, like Kushida, had a cute appearance, but also had another side that no one knew about, which happened when she was in this school.

She accidentally went to the railing next to the artificial lake and found someone kicking and swearing.

.....Turns out that yelling person was Hoshinomiya-san, whom everyone usually liked.

Moreover, the other party also scolded her a lot.

Although a series of things happened.

But it was also from there she and Chie became best friends.

Because you can truly understand the other person's face and then be able to accept her.

That's why, Sae knew very well that the current Hoshinomiya Chie seemed to be insincere.

After all, Chie was in Class B before, but now because she climbed up the class, her friend got demoted to C.

Whether it was salary treatment or anything else, just fell down.

But having come this far, she also wanted to see Hikigaya and others accomplish the goal that none of them could achieve.


And the other side.

Hachiman and Suzune walked out of the staff office together.

“I always feel there is something wrong with homeroom teacher in Ichinose's class....”

“Huh?” Suzune looked over with some confusion.

Because it was just a face-to-face meeting, have you already made a good evaluation of the other person?

Even though she was not good at analyzing the atmosphere, Suzune also knew teacher in Ichinose's class just now was always smiling.

“She gave me a weird feeling like Kushida. It's not exactly the same, but there are similarities....It's kind of like the plus version!”

“....Are you talking about her chest size?”


“• •” Suzune.

“Eto....I just couldn't keep up with your thinking.”

“No, your thinking needs to be corrected!”

“I don't need a filter!”

'Because doesn't Hachiman means there's something wrong with Kushida-san?!'

“So what do you think of Chabashira-sensei?” '....This was just a whimsical idea that suddenly came to me after seeing both teachers Chabashira-sensei in my class and Hoshinomiya in Ichinose's at the office.'

“Now, Chabashira-sensei......Do I need to be careful of you? I do have a bottle of pepper spray in my bag?....”


“Fine! At first I thought she wasn't serious about class and just followed the instructions, but then she signed an agreement with you...Then try your best to assist...If you ask me to evaluate...”  Suzune seemed to be looking for new words.

“I'm not asking you to make this kind of evaluation!”

Suzune glared at Hachiman with a fierce expression on her face, giving him a look similar to a pig, “You are getting out of control. I advise you to stop hanging out with Kushida-san!”

“Why is her name being mentioned?”

“I don't trust her gaze...She looks very suspicious.”

“Are you still holding a grudge for throwing water on your bed?!”

“Of course!”

“....Damn it, at least try to hide it, okay?!”

“Why?” Suzune is now frowning.

“...Do you think Chabashira-sensei look a bit like you? They are all black, long and straight, and have a cold look on face. You both  even like to wear black stockings!”

“.....” Suzune, just got left speechless. 'I even find it strange to focus on him...'

“Are you saying that I will become Chabashira-sensei when I grow up?” Suzune is no longer the same as before.

“You have a similar temperament. But, I don't want you to become Chabashira-sensei...”

"Why?" Suzune was a little surprised.

Because during normal classes, especially during Chabashira's, she would accidentally find that Hachiman seemed to like staring at teacher's hands or legs. 'So, naturally I felt that other party liked Chabashira-sensei quite a bit.'

“Chabashira made a big mistake when she was promoted. And then she became obsessed with it...”

Stomp! Stomp!

“I hope you won't make such a mistake while we are still in the same class....”

“....” Horikita.

....Because what Hachiman said was like, he was saying, Horikita, I will leave the class.

The points he had on hand, and the agreement with Chabashira-sensei.

He may have to leave the class soon.

“???” Suzune.

Perhaps because she discovered something unexpected, her footsteps now seemed to feel a little heavy after taking the key.

However, testing physical fitness of the students still has to go on.

According to Hachiman's plan.

The target of this sports meeting is Ryuen.

As long as he uses black means and then catches opponent's tail, in order not to be punished by being kicked out of school, then Ryuen can only give money.

So just wait for him to invade.

...Ryuen is not a fool, so he has to feed some bait.

Hachiman planned to make the class look respectable, put pressure on other classes, and then let Kushida leak the entry form to Ryuen.

Let Ryuen-kun thinks he can control the whole place.

....There was a surprise after yesterday's rally.

If that is outcome of red-white confrontation team, it should be a 50% chance for both sides now.

The reason is also simple. Sakayanagi Arisu used her free will to attack the Student Council, which made Vice President Nagumo look bad, so he may launch some moves to make President Horikita compromise.

And Nagumo also has this ability, because a class won't control the winning or losing of a large group, but don't forget, what he can control is a grade.

'....So, it’s really hard to say what the sports competition will look like by then.' Hachiman’s white team really doesn’t necessarily lose.

Then maybe class can take advantage of this and get promoted for free.

Even applied for an equipment room from the teacher.

Hirata directed some students to get equipment.

Boys and girls also started to separate.

This test is more efficient.

“Hey, I need to be separated from the girls!”

“By the way, if the girls are around, the value I measured will be higher!”

“I'm afraid Kushida-chan will look at me with admiration!”

“Yeah, me too!“

"Actually, I even hid my strength before!”

After Koenji decided to skip class on the boys side, everyone else stayed.

But while queuing up for the grip strength test, grumblings came from the row from time to time.

Just listen to this, do not mind.

Because at their level, it would be embarrassing if a girl found out.

Rather, if I can find other boys who are good at sports, then class may be able to participate in sports meets normally.

“My running speed is okay! So, I think I can participate in the borrowing competition in the recommended project!”

“Haruki, it's not good for you to participate! You have always had bad luck, so I don't think you can participate in this kind of project!”

But other voices soon came to pressure Yamauchi.

This is Ike Kanji. Somewhat unexpectedly.

The relationship between Ike and Yamauchi has become sour since the end of No Man's Island.

Sometimes even Yamauchi himself would find out, and Ike would confront him.

It's really too much, he obviously regarded Ike as a friend before.


The grip strength test for Hirata has begun, and the first among boys is Sudo.

After Koenji abstained, Sudo became the best player in the class at sports.

Although he claimed that he would cover all projects to get points.

But his energy may really allow him to do all the projects.

Hachiman was also in queue of boys waiting for the grip strength test.

Because they borrowed two grip dynamometers, they were divided into two rows.

Hachiman is at the front of the queue.

In front of him was a classmate with a low sense of presence.

“Hikigaya. What is the average grip strength of a boy?” At this time, a child in front of him suddenly turned around.


Chapter 219

“Hikigaya. What is the average grip strength of a boy?” At this time, a child in front of him suddenly turned around.

Other party has calm pupils and a handsome appearance. This is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

At the same time, also the hidden boss in class that Hachiman learned from Chabashira.

....Is Ayanokoji asking him?

“I think it's about 60kg”

“Sixty....” Ayanokoji nodded with an even delicate expression.

Then, under Hikigaya's gaze, he took the grip dynamometer and started to exert force.


The pointer stopped at 60.4.

Then, immediately he went towards Hirata and gave a report.

“It won't move any further.”

“Eh? How much is that?”

“• ? •”

"Eh!? Ayanokoji-kun, you are quite strong!" Look, even Hirata seemed to be full of surprised, “Because the average boy only weighs near 40 or 50kg!”

“??” Ayanokoji also saw that Hirata's notebook recorded Ike's data.

Only then did he react, his eyes immediately looked in the direction of Hikigaya.

But child had already taken the grip dynamometer and started to use strength.

The watch stayed at 61 and stopped moving.

“....” If it were based on the other party's level, it would indeed be around 60.

Not that he was lied to. But, Ayanokoji still felt he was cheated!

“Oye Ayanokoji, do you have any questions?" Hachiman came to report his own results to Hirata.

“....” Kiyopon, who had a low sense of presence, just shook his head, "No."

Then he walked aside.


"So, you tested Ayanokoji-kun so openly?"

'On the second day of the physical fitness test, Hikigaya-kun showed up uninvited during lunch break!' But, he is not here for free meals, even slightly leaked information to Sakayanagi.

....It's about the grip strength test for boys.

Sakayanagi asked after hearing this.

“It's not considered a test,” Hachiman denied this superior claim, how could he an ordinary person do such a thing?

“I know he is very powerful, but I also know that I cannot easily invite him. Finding an opportunity is impossible."

Previously, Ayanokoji, the big boss, was used to fool Sakayanagi into not participating in the battle.

Look, Sakayanagi gave up participating in the war after knowing that Ayanokoji was also in his class.

'Obviously, girl should know some details right?' So maybe he can get some advice from her.

“That's really a pity! What I can tell you is, if he gets serious, probably no one in this campus can beat him."

"Not even the Student council president?"

“Not possible, because the two grew up in completely different places!”

....In this way, Ayanokoji grew up with a lot of problems.

Hachiman then completely stopped talking about dangerous topic. '...Instead, we talked about the arrangement of contestants in entry form.'

The entry form should be submitted one week before the sports exam and at least one day before the start of the sports festival.

“Although, students in the class have all taken the test, and seems to be a lot of time left for tabulation, it is meaningless if we don't arrange it as much as possible and then conduct special training! So in the next two days, I will probably collect information about the seed players in other classes...For example." Hachiman looked at Kamuro-san, who just walked in from the private room door.

He had asked Hirata and Kushida to summarize yesterday's physical fitness test data.

They even arranged for Karuizawa's hot girl team to input the data into an Excel spreadsheet to make a summary.

.....Of course, these girls are not that obedient, but Hachiman used it.

“The physical fitness of most of the students in my class is not good enough....And if we fall in last place after the exam, there may be some accountability. If I help now and when being held under scrutiny, I can say that I tried my best!”

People do this part of the work, he seems to be quite current.

.....Since there were not many reliable classmates in the class, Hachiman had no choice but to catch as many as possible.

“Kamuro-san, what project will you participate in?” Hachiman said to the girl who had just entered.

“How could I tell you?!” Kamuro-san spoke in a rather cold tone.

.....It's completely unlike her usual dog self.

In other words, now the whole grade sports meeting is her home field, so she has regained lost pride.

“Then can I entrust you with it?”

"Entrustment?" Kamuro-san looked over warily.

“I have a friend who is not good at sports, but there are still nearly three weeks until the Sports Festival, so maybe she can improve through training.....”

More than just not being good at it, his friend is Sakura Airi.

'....Because I had obtained data of the entire class, I immediately recognized that Sakura's was the worst among all  physical tests.'

'But Sakura has helped me several times and is also a very motivated person.'

So maybe it's a little selfish, but Hachiman still hopes to help Sakura.

“I hope you can help my friend train....”

Even bowed his face.

“....” Kamuro-san. “Do you think such a thing is possible...”

She immediately wanted to refuse!

Because Hikigaya and she were in different classes, or were in a relationship between Class B and A, and the two had a tense relationship.

If she really helped train the students in Class B, would she be colluding with her enemies if word spread?

Bad reputation!

Why should she do the other party a big favor?

Your friend, train yourself!

Or do you want to pay? If it's a high-priced hire, she doesn't mean she can't consider it.

She still remembered that Hikigaya sold her test papers for 100,000 yen.

But the papers were no longer tested, so she always wanted to get the 100,000 yen back!

Sakayanagi's voice.

“Promise him.”

And then it seemed like the addition was, “Free.”

Then, you are super cute!

......Kamuro-san's eyes suddenly became as bright as those of Horikita Suzune at the beginning.

After lunch was over and Hachiman left, but Kamuro-san looked over with displeasure.

Staring at Sakayanagi.

“Why should I help people for free?”

Because helping others to train sounds okay, but it is not a simple matter.

Instead, you need to accompany the other person to act together every day. When can you usually train?

After school, she already had to serve Sakayanagi!

Can only early in the morning, This means sacrificing her own time to sleep in!

“Since it is Hikigaya-kun's active recommendation, it doesn't hurt to agree. This person has their own bottom line, so if you agree with the other party, then I can gain a favor....At the same time, this is an opportunity to enter Class B....”

....Kamuro-san felt like she was being manipulated, but couldn't refuse either.

“So there's nothing wrong with getting in touch with the students of Class B first, right?”

'Um, why do you want to enter Class B? Although this class has climbed up, isn't it a pile of garbage inside? And, why is it that I do the work and you come to gain favors?!'

“If you want a student in Class B, just pay a little money to buy it!”

She still knew that some students were already trying to contact the people in Class B.

There was nothing anyone could do about it.

....People just went out to take the small island and VIP test.

After came back, this class that was once the bottom was already very close to A.

So, even random classmate have to put some effort into burying spies or something like that.

“Eyeliner that can be bought with money is not interesting at all!” Then she held the cane in her left hand and seemed to be leaving.

Kamuro-san's eyes became sharp.

'You don't care about spending money casually, so you have to sacrifice my bedroom to sleep in to train others?!'

Kamuro-san originally felt a little uncomfortable with Sakayanagi's absence during exam on th island, but now that she's back, it's true.

'.....It would be better if Sakayanagi is not by my side.'

“• •” Yamamura....“I-I don't, I----”

Sakayanagi just opened the student ID interface on her mobile phone while holding the cane.

[Name: Sakayanagi Arisu

Class: Grade A, first grade

Gender: Female

Private point account. ×××]

There was also an email from school that she had received long ago in her mailbox.

[Congratulations, you have become the first student in history of the school to collect 20 million private points.

We look forward to your next development. ] by the school.

'Today's campus life is also very boring, there is no challenge at all!'


Author's Note

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