COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 187

“Half a million!” At this time, Karuizawa covered her mouth using a finger, but still couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hachiman gave her a monthly share of 12,000 Class B benefits, only the total in the next three years was probably about 400,000.

As a result, in this exam, if she is selected as a preferential treatment recipient, will receive 500, 000 for free.


Now even possible to get 1 million!

“If you have any questions now, can ask me....” Looking at the duck students expressions, Mashima was pretty calm, “My task is to ensure that you understand rules.”

“Sensei, these two results....”

People immediately started to complain of what they just couldn't interpret.

Yukimura took a deep breath and pushed his eyes on the slanted bridge of his nose, “The first result is that everyone guesses the identity of VIP, so all students can get 500,000 points, but and VIP itself gets 1 Million..”

“As for the second result, as long as any member of the group fails to guess the identity of VIP, it will be invalid no matter how many people guess correctly, and only the recipient can get 500,000 points. But, VIP itself cannot answer, right?”

“Yeah? Do you even have something to ask or not....” Mashima glanced at him in surprise.

Although the current grades of Class C were very good, but they were promoted from D after all, so he actually considered that it might be very distressing for Hikigaya to understand the exam rules.

But, now Class C can actually understand rules on its own, which is quite a relief to his heart, and then nodded generously, “If not, you got it basically correct!”

“Then, I have no problem....” Yukimura didn't left anything more to question.

The first one is undoubtedly the best, which is for everyone to get rich together.

Second type, in which only VIP receive the benefits, seems  completely opposite to the first type.

If anything, no matter which outcome, the person receiving the VIP treatment  will get 500,000 points more than others.

The name "VIP" is such a good one.

Just get paid for free if you are chosen.

“What are the other two outcomes?” But Karuizawa asked subconsciously, her luck wasn't really good on the island, might even had a trauma of suddenly enjoying good stuff.

But, there are only 2 outcomes on paper.

“Turn it over.” Hearing this, Hachiman quickly did as he was told. '....I checked time and saw there were less than 5 minutes left.'

Just in case, Hachiman took a picture of the back, and then read the rules with nothing but a pure look of satisfaction.

'Chabashira, what on Class D's sake have you been teaching him?...' Mashima couldn't help but complain rudely in his heart.

Result three:

If someone other than VIP exposed to school the name in advance without waiting for the end, and if the answer is correct.

The class to which the student who answers correctly will receive 50 class evaluation points.

At the same time, school will pay 500,000 private points to those who answer correctly.

On the contrary, the class whose identity is revealed will be punished by deducting 50 points.

Once your answers are rushed, the group exam will end for you.

In addition, if students are in the same class as those receiving VIP answers correctly, the school will treat your message as invalid and continue with the exam.

Result 4:

If someone other than VIP exposed to school the name in advance without waiting for the exam to end, and the answer is wrong.

Students who answer incorrectly will be punished by losing 50 points in class evaluation.

While the VIP receives 500,000 private points, the class to which VIP belong will also receive 50 class evaluation points.

Group exam will end at the time of an incorrect answer.

Furthermore, if a student in the same class as the person receiving VIP gives an incorrect answer, it will be deemed invalid and not be accepted.

“A quick answer, and high chances of a traitor?” Hachiman lowered his face and pondered for almost two seconds, lost in thought.

No wonder.

The theme of VIP exam is Thinking.

Clearly an alternative version of Werewolf.

Rules are pretty clear, this is how it's all sorted out.

1. The school will send another text message to students at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to announce whether you have been selected as VIP.

The VIP here is a student randomly selected from each of the 12 groups to become a special being.

Somewhat close to an undercover game, people in the same group find the guy who is given the preferential treatment, and obtain rewards or punishments.

Finding this playful child is also a bit interesting.

According to the rules of the exam, answer questions honestly at 20-21pm on the 3rd day.

Two results will appear.

Share the preferential recipient information.

Except for the VIP and class to which the recipient belongs does not participate in the answer.

But if everyone else answers correctly, then you all will receive 500,000 points, and VIP will receive 1 million points.


Even doing 2nd, will be no increase or deduction in class points.

You can also answer questions.

The examination lasts for 3 days. And within it, you can answer at any time.

However, points will be deducted or added if you answer questions quickly during this period.

The first is to score points for correct answers.

During this period, if other classes guess the VIP and answer correctly, this student can get 500,000 points and also bring 50 class evaluation points to the class.

At the same time, 50 points will be deducted from the class of the person who is guessed to be receiving VIP treatment.

(+50 points for the class with correct answers, 500,000 for individuals, -50 points for the class for VIP treatment)

The answer above is correct, but what if the answer is wrong?

The class to which the person who guesses incorrectly belongs will have their class score deducted by 50 points.

The class to which the VIP recipient belongs will receive a 50-point class evaluation score, and the VIP himself will also be awarded 500,000 personal points.

(Wrong answer class -50 points)

This is a bit like a guessing leader on Deserted island, except this time he is called a VIP.

And the reason why he is called a VIP person is to look at the results.

Except for the identity being guessed, all other methods involve points to be earned.

'It's just identity of VIP is not chosen by us, done by school.....'

At the same time, students will not be notified until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

'Therefore, I believe what Mashima-sensei just said about letting go of the past feud with other classes and treating them as partners is just a cover. As long as there are considerable benefits on betrayal, it is near impossible to cooperate....'

But there are still a lot of trivial matters.

Mashima continued to report, about extra details, "For example, prohibitions, stealing or threatening or even intimidating behaviors are not allowed to confirm the identity of VIP....”

“Using someone else's phone to answer a question is also prohibited. Individuals are not allowed to delete or falsify information sent by the school, etc. ”

Hachiman was now forced to remain silent.'....I really have to go out and find the VIP person without using a back solution.'

Even have to answer it yourself using your mobile phone!

Who would believe this?

Hachiman has no doubt that someone like Ryuen from Class D must have waited for the VIP recipient's message to be sent.

After that, he will immediately gather all the students in class together, and force everyone to hand over their mobile phones.

Confirm your beautiful face, look over your Google history.

Even those in the same class cannot be trusted, and if you can stick to your status as a VIP, can get a high amount of five 500,000 points.

Or if you cheat and guess wrong, you will not only get 500,000, but also have points deducted from the class.

Ryuen will definitely plan well.

And what is half a million?

This is equal to Class D... has zero points, but a single person can consume more than 10 months of living expenses.

Completely Equal to 5 months of living expenses of Class C.

In addition, there are also changes in class points occurs because of solving verified questions.

A huge test for three ABC classes that are now quite anxious.

If you don't rush to answer, it will test people's hearts, but if you do, muddy test class war.

Because only quick answers will make changes in final scores.

“Wait a minute, Sensei, I have a few questions!” Hachiman pondered for a moment and then quickly asked before his time was called over.

“First of all. According to the rules, whether you answer within the specified time or rush, but given by other group members after will be invalid, right?"

“Of course!”

“Then, if you answer within a given time, it will be result 1 and 2. And if someone rushes to answer, it will be result 3 and result 4. Regardless of whether it is correct or not, test of said group will be ended directly, right?”

“Again yes, just Hikigaya of previous Class D.”

“.....Will names of cheaters be published in the exam results?”

“....Are you planning to betray?”

Mashima raised his head in surprise, but shook his face once again, knowing the perverted nature of this child who came from back door.

“School will only announce the results of each group, as well as the increase or decrease in class evaluation scores. As for the points obtained by respondents, school can even provide temporary IDs and installment withdrawal methods.”

“Understood." Hachiman nodded clearly, which meant no matter who answered.

No need to worry about being discovered by others.

Because school will not disclose identity of the respondent, but will also give protection by hiding your new points.

This is to prevent others from judging identity of respondent through points in his or her personal ID.

'....So, this is basically encouraging us to answer questions in advance.'

Certainly. While protecting the respondent.

It's also to stop VIP's name from getting exposed later on, and result in conflict.

Because VIP who completely hides his or her identity, then receive 1 million points afterwards.

'It will really shake people's hearts. Let students become uncontrollable...'


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