Corrupted Heroines

Bonus Arc 1 – A Demonic Reunion 1.1

This is a free bonus Arc I wrote for my readers here on the site. Thank you for your ongoing support!

At first, Fair Grain thinks this is just a chance meeting – what’s more important, she suspects nothing. She’s walking through her village when she hears a voice call her.

“Fair Grain! This must be a fated encounter.”

“Who is…” she turns to see a tall woman Knight, dressed in her leather and steel armour, with her long black hair reaching to her trim waist. She has changed a bit since the last time she has seen her at the academy, but she recognizes her immediately. “Amber? Amber Flash!”

“It has been such a long time. Come here!” The Knight opens her arms and Fair Grain throws herself at her old friend. As their chests bumps into each other, she finds out that Amber’s breasts have grown a lot since the last time she has seen her, which sends a little jolt of jealousy down her spine.

They share a hug right in the middle of the market square and a few curious looks follow them. Fair blushes a bit at the attention – it makes her feel a bit uneasy. She used to be a priestess but now… now she’s just a mother and yet another villager.

“Look at you! You look vibrant!” Amber says with a wide grin on her beautiful face. Her friend looks far more confident than the novice squires she remembers. Fair blushes even redder as Amber’s gloved hand reaches for her face, parting her golden bangs. She still looks like the same demure girl as before. “Is this the effect of motherhood?”

“Oh… you noticed?”

“Hard not to,” Amber grins, her hand reaching for her thicker hips.

“A-Amber, we’re in public…”  and this is not their old dormitory anymore. Fair’s heart pumps a little faster remembering how they used to fool around in the bedroom when they were both at the academy… but that was a long time ago. She has a family and responsibilities now. “Someone could…”

“You worry too much,” she says. Fair is about to reply that no, she is not worrying too much at all, but the way she says it, with so much authority, makes her look at her friend’s face again.

Her eyes are… so bright.

Amber’s eyes have always been a deep dark blue, but not there’s something different about them. They are still so beautiful. Fair almost feels like falling right into them…

How about we go somewhere private?

The thought pops into her mind. Fair frowns, a thin line appearing over her youthful face.

It feels like…

But that would be the best course of action.

I want to talk with Amber.

Yes, she does.

It has been so long since she has seen her friend.

“Hey… how about we go somewhere private?”

“Great idea,” Amber nods. “I’ll just follow your lead.”

Yes, that makes sense. Fair guides her through the village – they all look at the beautiful Knight who strikes such an imposing figure. In the end, they reach the closest inn. Amber gets in, pays for a room and they go upstairs.

That makes sense, doesn’t it? An inn is a private place.

I can be myself here.

That thought pops in her mind again, unbidden. What’s going on?

I should relax.

Yes, she should relax. A placid smile spreads over her lips and she giggles as Amber opens her (their) room and invites her in. There’s a wide and soft bed, which of course makes sense.

It is a very good thing.

Fair sits on the bed and looks at Amber as she shuts the door behind them, locking it.

It’s also a very good thing.

Being locked inside with her very good friend makes a lot of sense.

“Goodness, I love your big breasts,” Fair mutters, her eyes moving between Amber’s blue (purple?) pair and her huge rack.

That’s a word she doesn’t use often. Rack.

“Look at the size of that rack,” Fair chuckles, her own hands reaching for her slight pair. She’s so jealous.

“You like them?” Amber chuckles. “Yes, they are kind of new. You see Fair, a lot of things have changed since the last time we met each other.” She starts to take off her armour, showing off her amazing rack and Fair starts to salivate at the sight.

She rubs her thighs together. How come she’s so aroused?

It does not make sense.

She blinks, another frown appearing on her forehead. Why is she here? She was just going to share a few words with her old friend, surely not-

“Many, many things have changed about me. And many more are going to change about you,” Amber purrs, taking her chin and turning it up. Fair looks deep into Amber’s purple (blue?) eyes. There seems to be a strange glow inside them… and she really feels like falling into her gaze. Floating. No worries. She just has to keep looking.

Her arms fall by her side, limp.

“Let me show you,” Amber grins, her hand reaching for her friend's chest as she starts to undress her.


To read the complete stories with full content and red-hot chapters, click on the pic below!

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the start of this brief Arc!
I have been busy during NaNoWriMo and I have written more than 80,000 words for your enjoyment!

Among them we have two novellas for the next two Arcs.

December 10th will see the publication of the first one!

Another is my first foray into a full-fledged novel! Please look forward to a new multi-chapter story that deals with mind control, horny girls, and for the first time... yandere!

The Yandere Ring will be available here starting on December 8th - an amazing tale of love and betrayal (and a lot of sex, goodness, that's a lot of sex) that will keep us company for about one month.

The novel will be available in good part for free (with its conclusion), plus a revised version with many extra scenes for a bargain price.

In closing, I wanted to write this bonus Arc to give something back to my readers and to everyone who has supported me with a purchase. Thank you so much.

It also allows me to introduce a new character whom will we see a lot of in the future, the ominous Demon Queen.

Who is not the Morningstar. Please keep that in mind or she will get quite angry!

I hope you had fun. As always, next chapter tomorrow!

Thanks everyone for reading!

... I should probably set up a mastodon account...


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