Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 68

The softness and faint warmth of Yeon Minha transfer smoothly along my arm. I feel none of that sharp discomfort I’ve always sensed.

What the heck is going on? Did my arm get cut off? Or is it numb? That can’t be the case, considering I can still feel my five fingers so clearly.

Memories of everything that’s happened flash through my aching head, scattering and repeating. I can definitely remember slicing the head off the Captain Red and taking care of the remaining subordinates, but then suddenly, it feels like my memory just cuts off.


As I’m reflexively twitching my hand in curiosity, a small moan unexpectedly escapes from the sleeping Yeon Minha. Then, she sluggishly opens her eyes and lifts her upper body with effort.

Her empty hand naturally brushes against the white towel next to her. With a dazed expression, she touches it, lightly squeezing out some water.

Yeon Minha’s hand holding the towel now comes towards me. Does she not realize I’ve opened my eyes? Is her usual sensitivity dulled from still being half-asleep…?

“Senior, what are you doing…?”


Yeon Minha blinks a couple of times and her eyes widen round.


She casually puts the towel back in its original spot, as if nothing happened.

“Cough, cough. If you’ve woken up, you should say something.”


I’m left speechless by the sudden shift in her attitude. I redirect my gaze back to the space where my right hand used to be.

What I find there is part of Yeon Minha’s upper body that was hidden before now revealed.

Her left hand is tightly gripping my hand like a crocodile’s jaw, refusing to let go.

No wonder I couldn’t move. With such a firm grasp, there’s simply no way to escape.

“Senior, could you please let go of my hand? It’s a bit suffocating.”

At my words, Yeon Minha’s gaze shifts downward. After a brief moment of silence, she speaks with her typical haughty tone.

“Are you saying that I’m holding your hand? Just say you want to hold hands honestly. After all, I can’t refuse anyway…”

“Isn’t it you holding my hand? I’ve been passed out until just now—how could I move it?”

“Me? You’re talking nonsense. You must still be in recovery; your judgment seems to be impaired. You’ll need more care.”

Yeon Minha calmly delivers a long-winded explanation. Instead of answering, I attempt to pull my hand away in silence, but even that is blocked by her strong grip.

“Senior, please let go.”


It’s indeed fascinating not to feel discomfort, but more than that, I want to feel the freedom of my body.

Yeon Minha gives me a look that suggests she’s not particularly pleased. With a reluctant expression, she slowly uncrosses her fingers.

Finally liberated, I can check my body. Bandages and gauze cover my skin almost like clothing. They look pristine, as if just applied with no blood stains.

I have no idea how long I’ve been lying like this, but the cleanliness is beyond words. I remember Yeon Minha wetting a white towel and bringing it to me.

Could it be that Yeon Minha has been taking care of me all this time? It’s hard to believe, but given the circumstances, it seems almost certain.

Perhaps the bond we forged through that chaos led to some kind of camaraderie. That goes for both Yeon Minha and me, considering I don’t feel any discomfort.

“Did you take care of me all this time, Senior?”

“Ah, what do you think? I just popped in now and then when I had time. Just like now. Don’t overthink it…”

“Is that so? Anyway, thank you.”

“Uh, uh? Yeah… sure…”

Lying in my hospital bed, I can barely nod my head.

Yeon Minha’s face briefly shows a flustered expression, as if she didn’t expect to hear a thank you.

She soon regains her composure, clears her throat, but she seems to be in a better mood.

However, it’s clear that Yeon Minha isn’t entirely in tip-top shape either.

Ignoring the fatigue on her face, the hem of her white school uniform subtly reveals bandages and gauze stuck to her skin.

Now that I think about it, Yeon Minha sustained significant injuries that day too.

“By the way, are you okay, Senior?”

“…Are you worried about me right now?”

“Of course, I would. After experiencing that situation.”

Contrary to her cold tone, Yeon Minha’s face color brightens again. In moments like this, it feels like I still have a long way to go. Am I really someone who can’t even ask that? I can guess how she thought of me before.

Still, compared to the days when she labeled me a pervert, this feels like a tremendous improvement.

“…Cough, cough. You don’t need to worry too much. If I wasn’t okay, I wouldn’t be sitting here.”

“Is that so…”

“More importantly, you should pay attention to your own body. Is there anywhere uncomfortable? Any spots that don’t move? Any pain?”

Honestly speaking, there isn’t a single uninjured place. I wasn’t affected by dark magic, but my body is filled with bruises and the pain that came from them.

My head throbs and I feel nauseous, likely the side effects from overdosing on stimulants and awakening drugs.

I have no strength in my limbs and can’t even break Yeon Minha’s grip. It feels like it’ll take quite some time to regain my former health. For the time being, I should probably avoid pushing myself to the maximum.

—Our Hyun is nice, so he’ll listen, right? If you do it again next time, the sisters will tie you up with chains…

Suddenly, I recall the warning from the older sister Chanwon when I missed the deadline. The sheer intimidation of it still lingers in my mind, sending chills down my spine.

Even I think I pushed myself too hard this time. However, when it comes to lifespan, honestly, it doesn’t hit me strongly.

There’s no way to know how much I lost right away, and it’s not like I’m incapacitated to the point of death.

Instead, if it took a few years off of my life to sort out that chaos, I can’t help but feel like it was a bargain.

Still, I don’t need to say all of this to Yeon Minha. For now, this is a secret from the older sisters too. The sisters can be terrifying when they’re genuinely angry, making even the leader hesitate…

“I’m not doing too badly myself. A few days of rest and treatment, and I think I’ll be alright soon.”

“How are you able to say such an expected answer? No matter how much guys live with bravado…”

However, Yeon Minha promptly contradicts my statement.

“Even if you say that, there’s no way you’re leaving early. Just know that…”


I’ve tilted my head at Yeon Minha’s confusing words.

“…Alright, I understand. But is this place the Cradle?”

Yeon Minha nods her head.

“Right. I rented out an entire ward here.”

“If it’s alright with you, could you tell me what happened while I was out? I have a hazy memory from the middle.”

“Memory… you can’t recall? Then how far back do you remember…?”

Suddenly, Yeon Minha shivers and poses her question.

“To the point where I decapitated the ringleader and was fighting off his subordinates. I’ve got no recollection from the middle of the fight onward.”


For some reason, Yeon Minha’s expression becomes increasingly sinister. She exhales a deep sigh, as if resigned, and begins her explanation.

According to Yeon Minha, after I killed all the bastards gathered in that ravine, I blacked out completely.

A few hours later, the central forces of the gate city arrived and began recovering the scene in Jinryeong, and we were then transported directly to the capital city.

I had been lying unconscious for several days due to the aftermath of the fight, and she had been busy with treatments and gathering witness testimonies.

Jinryeong sustained tremendous damages but narrowly avoided total collapse. The surrounding agricultural regions were hardly tainted, preventing a catastrophic food crisis. This was thanks to the fact that the warlocks adjacent to the area were wiped out before they could reinforce and spread magic contamination.

Moreover, thankfully, none of the students who took this job died. The students scattered across the ravine and Jinryeong’s city were all rescued afterward, and while there were several with severe injuries like mine, they were all safe.

Apparently, I received the worst injuries and was the last one to regain consciousness.

The company that delivered the request was under high-intensity investigation, including raids, but for now, it seems they might also be victims.

Suddenly, I remember the guy with glasses I killed in the city, spouting some strange nonsense about revelations.

As I relay that story to Yeon Minha, she tells me that she also heard similar things from the ringleader, which she reported to the investigative team.

However, because I killed all the bastards at the scene without taking prisoners, it’ll take a considerable amount of time to clarify the actual facts.

“You… that strange power…”

Then, one of the worries she had brings itself up first from Yeon Minha’s mouth.

“Is that… the same as that power? The one that makes me feel at ease…?”

“…That’s correct. But, by any chance…”

“I guess that’s how it is… Don’t worry. I haven’t told anyone about it yet. What kind of situation is this…?”

“Well, there’s something sort of similar going on. Thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me for something like that? It was already stated on the contract…”

Yeon Minha’s words invoke a sigh of relief from me. Yet, the curiosity on her face is still clearly visible. I might eventually need to explain the situation to her too.

However, it feels like Yeon Minha still has more to say. Fidgeting with her fingers, she fidgets for a while before hesitantly speaking.

“Hey, why did you do something so reckless?”

At Yeon Minha’s question, I feel a sharp poke in my chest.

“…I told you, didn’t I? For the benefit of myself and my sponsor, Senior…”

“Do you seriously think that makes any sense…? Even so, would you risk your life? Is that really all there is to it?”

Of course, it isn’t only that. Plus, I probably know the reason. Perhaps I projected my deficiencies onto her within my subconscious.

But there’s no way I can just honestly say that.

“Exactly. In reality, it wasn’t particularly reckless. After all, wasn’t I successful?”

“You call that a valid statement…?!”

Yeon Minha seemed ready to snap, but for a moment, she quickly softens her stance and lets out a light sigh.

“…Fine, I understand. Just rest more. I have to go visit the investigation team…”

After finishing her words, Yeon Minha turns back briefly to say something.

“…By the way, I guess you have a lot of female friends?”

“Excuse me?”

“There were two or three who came to visit you, and all of them were women. You weren’t going around doing anything disgraceful, were you?”

“Doing anything disgraceful?”

“…Never mind. Anyway, I sent those girls away. You still need to find stability, so no need to waste your energy on frivolous matters, alright? So just relax and get some good rest.”

With that, Yeon Minha swiftly leaves the hospital room.

Those girls who came must be Yena and her friends. Three or so isn’t a large number. Also, unlike Yeon Minha, there are names like Muyeong and Seunghun recorded on the visitor list. It’s a bit comforting to know that I do have friends who’d come to visit me.

Yeon Minha’s approach might seem a bit excessive, but after I rest a bit, I could let them know when I leave the ward.

After all, I remember Yena worrying a lot before leaving. Who would’ve expected her unease would turn into reality?

Thinking about this, I stroke the soft back of Peanut and drift back to sleep.


“…Hey. Take off that mask.”

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