Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 38

Not long after the incident began, the rescue team arrived at the scene and started to manage the situation. They transported the injured and set up a temporary barrier at the breached partition.

I thought everything was going smoothly.

The higher-level monsters that had crossed into the northern section were dealt with, and I even succeeded in taking down the most formidable foe, the Aiteranus mutation.

I even stamped my identification tag on the recognition device first. I didn’t miss any of the cooperative points or monster extermination points either.

Honestly, I thought I had it in the bag for first place. My plan to go back and choose Yeon Minha as my mentor was firmly set.

“Crazy. Just crazy.”

However, here I was, kneeling on the floor of the temporary shelter.

“There’s no way I’m thinking straight. What in the world made you do such reckless things? Huh?”

In front of me stood a female professor, arms crossed, preaching to me in an irately scolding voice.

She had a bob haircut and a soft impression at first glance, but her face was now filled with genuine anger.

“Just because others are praising you doesn’t mean you’re anything special! Huh?”

At least it was a relief that I wasn’t the only one receiving the brunt of that anger. Three other students were kneeling in the same position beside me.

We all shared the common issue that our protective gear was stained with the bodily fluids and blood of the monsters.

With a thoroughly sulky expression was the blonde, green-eyed Jin Yeseo.

Choi Woojin seemed to be half-listening, only letting the professor’s words flow through one ear and out the other.

The only one showing anything resembling remorse was Ryu Seunghun, sister Sehwa’s younger brother.

“Uh, Professor, even a second-level monster isn’t much to worry about…”

“Kids like you are really rare in our generation. Do you know why? Because those who lived with a sense of pride got themselves killed already!!”

Choi Woojin’s excuse only added fuel to the fire. Witnessing the erupting anger, he had no choice but to shut his mouth again.

“Woojin, I can understand you being like that! But Yeseo and Seunghun, I’m really disappointed! Truly disappointed!”

Sudden backlash fell onto Jin Yeseo, who shot a resentful glance at the side.

“You kids don’t have the right to take initiative in an emergency! This is a matter where you should have been prepared to face serious discipline! You should have cast a firework spell and moved to a safe zone as soon as possible!”

The professor’s glaring eyes now turned toward the male student with the gentle impression.

“Especially you, Seunghun! If anything went wrong, what would happen to our Yeoull? Trying to make her a widow before marriage? Huh?”

“I-I’m sorry… Even if I had ten mouths, I wouldn’t have anything to say…”

He bowed his head deeply. Honestly, I felt a bit surprised too. He always had a gentle smile, but it turned out he had some competitive spirit just like sister Sehwa…

“And you, Jin Hyun! What on earth were you thinking…!!”

Finally, the lecture came crashing down on me. I didn’t feel like I had done anything seriously wrong. If anything, I felt a bit aggrieved.

However, that didn’t mean I needed to foolishly stomp my feet in defiance. I tried to show an attitude of moderate repentance when suddenly, an elegant voice echoed from the entrance of the shelter.

“Professor Moon. Let it go.”

I reflexively turned around to see a woman appearing who looked to be around Professor Moon’s age, lifting the curtain of fabric to step inside.


“I suppose you’re still in your prime. You need to go through various experiences in your youth to grow up without making the same mistakes as adults.”

The principal flashed a momentarily benevolent smile.

“Yes, these kids violated regulations, but they did manage to slow down the spread of the monsters. They clearly did their part in minimizing the disaster.”

“True, but…”

Professor Moon’s expression noticeably softened as she hesitated at Haewolhwa’s words.

“Now, you kids can get up. I’ll forgive this incident under my authority, so you don’t have to worry too much. But please think twice before taking action next time. Got it?”

We cautiously brushed off the dirt and stood up at Haewolhwa’s words. As we were about to leave the shelter under the professor’s guidance, a voice called out from behind me, stopping me in my tracks.

“Oh, and Yoo Jin-hyun? You need to stay for a moment for a talk with me.”

I turned back at the principal’s words. The others glanced at me with puzzled expressions but soon moved to leave the shelter. Only Seunghun briefly exchanged a light greeting with me.

“Shin Jae-yu seems to have led the kids astray… I’ll have to give her a piece of my mind…”

With the professor’s lament fading into the background, silence filled the shelter. I approached the chair at the table and sat down again.

The principal was now wearing a deeply tired and distressed expression instead of a benevolent smile.

“…Are you okay?”

“Don’t even start. I just came from an emergency response committee and came straight here. What a thunderstorm of a day…”

The principal lamented as she rubbed her forehead. Then, she looked at me with a strange tone.

“By the way, you sure made a flashy mess from your first exam, didn’t you? Huh?”

“…You said you’d overlook it…”

“I’m not scolding you. I told you, you clearly contributed. Honestly, I think your contribution was much more significant. And it will definitely stand out above the rest. In fact, it might be incomparable…”

“I didn’t do it to be good. At first, I really thought it was part of the exam, you see. So…”

“Pff… Maybe it’s because you just came back from the front lines, but it seems you couldn’t properly gauge the exam’s level.”

Haewolhwa covered her mouth, giggling softly.

“However, in certain situations, results can trump motives. I think this is one of those times.”


“I knew your skills were impressive, but I never imagined you could hunt a tentacle snake all by yourself.”

“A tentacle snake?”

“That’s the identification name of the Aiteranus variant you hunted. It’s the mightiest monster in the Sky Basin, and the fact it was observed going into hibernation is why we decided to have this practical.”

How it accidentally woke up would require further investigation, but…

As Haewolhwa continued her explanation, a look of deep remorse suddenly crossed her face.

“Anyway, I sincerely thank you. As the principal of this cradle, I am deeply grateful. However, I think it will be hard for you to receive any separate rewards this time…”

What she meant was that this exam was the first under a revised curriculum received from the national highest council’s strong request.

And now a large-scale accident had occurred right from the first exam, which could cause considerable damage to both the academy and the council’s prestige. Thankfully, since there were no fatalities and the situation was contained, the damage could be minimized, but if someone were to conduct a thorough investigation and impose formal penalties, all those efforts could go to waste, that was the principal’s gist.

“…I’m sorry. If it were just me, it wouldn’t matter, but there are so many people who will be hurt because of this…”

“It’s okay. I wasn’t really doing it for a reward anyway.”

“Rather, it’s not that I’m offering, but I can still give you various personal rewards. Is there anything you’d like from me?”

“…Um… Not really…”

I thought I caught a glimpse of something regretful flash across the principal’s face, but she soon lightly smiled and nodded.

“Haha, I guess it was too sudden. Understood. Then think about it slowly, and if something comes to mind later, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“I understand. But what will happen to the exam rankings?”

The principal looked at me with wide eyes, as if she hadn’t expected that question.

“Is that really important to you right now?”

“Yes. It is important. And it will be important to you too, Principal.”

“What… Ah.”

Her expression momentarily turned dazed, but she quickly understood my intentions.

“You little cutie. You really have a sharp mind, don’t you? I was just worried about whether you’d do well. Your demeanor is so different from your usual self!”

The principal’s face was filled with a beaming smile…

“Well, professors are currently scratching their heads over this. Even though the exam ended up a mess, there are following curriculums, so time is tight. But don’t worry too much. Even if the tentacle snake’s extermination isn’t recorded, you’re still fairly high…”

“…First place.”


“I stamped my identification tag for first place. That makes me first, right? And there will be cooperative points and monster extermination points too.”

“You stamped your tag amidst all this?”

The principal’s eyes widened in surprise, but it was only for a moment. Soon, she nodded with a look of satisfaction.

“Well then… I guess it’s unnecessary to say more.”


It had been quite some time since Lee Hyun left, but Haewolhwa remained seated, lost in thought. Beside her was Professor Moon Seon-kyung, who had returned after sending off the students.

“Professor Moon. Did you truly secure silence?”

“Don’t worry. They are bright kids and surely understand the consequences if this gets out. It’s just their youthful ignorance that sometimes clouds their judgment…”

Hearing the professor’s words, Haewolhwa lightly nodded.

“That’s a relief. What about the personnel on-site?”

“They were all from our cradle’s staff, so… it seems any leaks can be contained.”

“What about the investigative team?”

“Professor No is out on-site. He’s going to investigate around the partition wall and head straight to the tentacle snake’s hibernation spot.”

“Alright, alright.”

Haewolhwa finally seemed to release a sigh of relief.

No matter how much they emphasized real-world experience at the academy, this situation was entirely different.

Had the on-site management been delayed even a moment longer, the students who had entered the northern section could have been engulfed and turned into meat pancakes by the rampaging tentacle snake.

It almost turned into the worst disaster since the cradle’s establishment, potentially wiping out an entire generation of future gems.

Families would surely feel it, and the nation would suffer a painful loss in losing precious wizards.

And the person who contributed most to quelling this situation was, without a doubt, Yoo Jin-hyun.

Since personal rewards would not even come close to suitable compensation, Haewolhwa was internally preparing for the possibility that he might request recognition for his achievement.

However, perhaps taking after his superior, he seemed to lack much interest in that sort of thing.

But even after the incident was over, Haewolhwa’s mind was filled with questions.

How on earth did he manage to take down the tentacle snake? She completely couldn’t fathom.

According to the testimonies of the other three, when they arrived, Yoo Jin-hyun was already resting on the corpse of the tentacle snake.

Yet, the Aiteranus itself was a monster powerful enough that a separate grade level would be proposed.

It instinctively employed primitive electrical magic and boasted a solid exoskeleton resistant to particles.

No matter how talented a wizard was, it would be extremely difficult to face it alone, and usually teams would be formed to distribute roles for the hunt.

However, the tentacle snake had mutated again, and its strength was certainly not to be underplayed.

The academy had refrained from engaging it out of fear of collateral damage during the hunt.

If seasoned veterans had difficulty with it, it was naturally impossible for students to overcome it alone, no matter how exceptional he might be.

Moreover, what was perplexing was that there were no signs of magic residue anywhere on his body.

There was no way he could have avoided all attacks unless he was a squirrel or something.

Furthermore, the only particle traces left at the scene indicated it was hard to believe that someone had helped him.


Haewolhwa thought.

She didn’t yet know the details, but somehow that Sa Jaehyeok had managed to bring something ridiculous into the cradle.

It didn’t seem to be part of their bloodline, but where on earth had he picked up such seeds? And why had he done something he was never interested in before?

If he could truly take out the Aiteranus mutation on his own, chaos would surely erupt once his abilities were known to others.


Haewolhwa shook her head, returning her wandering thoughts to their original path.

There were other strange points as well. The students who faced the monsters all reported one thing in common.

The monsters seemed to be stimulated by something that forced them to leave their territories, and they also appeared to be frightened.

While one could argue that other monsters were scared due to the tentacle snake’s rampage, the problem lay in the fact that Yoo Jin-hyun had testified that the tentacle snake exhibited such behavior too.

To begin with, the sudden awakening of a hibernating, high-level monster was an abnormal situation.

The adult for a first-level monster occupies the top of the food chain in the nearby ecosystem. For them to be frightened is incredibly rare, almost unheard of, really.

The only time such phenomena have been observed was back during the Witch Incident 15 years ago.

“…Could it be…?”

Haewolhwa shook her head in denial, but the doubt had firmly taken root in her mind.

Moreover, she found herself recalling Sa Jaehyeok once again.

“Foolish boy…”

A truly pitiful and pathetic former disciple who was still trapped in the past of the necklace.



A group of people was crossing over into the southern section beyond the breached separation wall to investigate the accident. Among them, a mustachioed, arrogant professor, No Jong-ha, noticed something strange among the leaves.

He carefully lifted the object with his hand. It was a square mechanical device that fit into one hand. At its center was a processed satellite response stone serving as its power source.

“This is…”

He could easily identify the nature of the device.

A monster collector. A device used to stimulate high-level monsters in the vicinity by amplifying specific wave patterns, often employed in the construction of eastern frontier villages or colonies.

Activating this would send the nearby monsters into a state of extreme chaos, drawing them toward the device, allowing for easy extermination of the creatures flocking like moths to the flame.

“…Someone played a prank.”

The mustachioed professor mumbled with a displeased expression.

“But this has crossed the line. How dare someone pull such tricks in a sacred academy.”

He soon took out a polarized particle filter and examined the device again.

“Most likely the schemes of some lowly scoundrels. Just wait until they’re caught. I’ll personally deal with them…”

The monster collector only operates when a wizard injects particles into its internal power source. Therefore, after confirming the leftover particle traces, it wouldn’t be hard to identify the culprit.

Particle traces are never the same for each individual, and the people allowed in this place are extremely limited.


However, the confidence on his face quickly turned into confusion. Even with the filter attached, not a single trace was visible, as if someone had directly blown ether into the air.

He removed the particle filter and checked the device again with his naked eye. There were indeed signs it had been used.


Suddenly, behind him came the sound of something, causing him to look back.

“…? You are…”

The professor turned around and immediately saw someone’s silhouette. In that moment, a mysterious heartbeat began to thump within his chest. His vision blurred, and soon he could no longer focus.

He couldn’t finish what he was saying and froze in place.

“It seems you’ve developed a rather lustful interest in me, professor… How could someone like you do such a thing to a student…”

A voice murmured softly in front of the professor.

“Is it a good thing, though? At least I don’t have to kill you…”

The voice was tinged with hints of sadness.

“…You have discovered no suspicious objects here. Turn around and go back to report, living life as if nothing unusual happened. Give that to me.”

As the voice finished, the hazy focus returned to the professor’s eyes. He silently handed over the monster collector to someone. Then, he turned and walked toward the plains outside the basin.

After he left, the voice crushed the monster collector in her hands.

“I’m sorry… Sniff…”

Tears fell from her amber eyes as she hurried away to recover the remaining devices.

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