Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 33

Inside the mobile tent set up at the mouth of the basin, several professors gathered around a table. They were chatting to alleviate their boredom. They were dispatched to guide and manage the students, but that didn’t mean they had to be on high alert at every moment.

After all, the principle of non-interference basically applied to events happening within the basin. Even if a small incident occurred, the students’ parents wouldn’t bat an eye.

What they were preparing for was solely potential emergency situations.

“Hey, Professor Moon, who do you think will take first place?” asked Kwon Chanyul, a professor with an insincere impression and a ponytail, turning his head toward the elegant-looking woman with a bobbed haircut who lightly laughed behind her hand.

“Hehe, do I really have such insight…? If I had to choose, then… Seunghun is quite capable…”

“Puhuhuh, are you playing favorites already, calling him your future nephew? Other students might feel a bit hurt by that.” Kwon Chanyul smirked. She was Moon Yeowool’s aunt, a freshman from a prestigious family, so it seemed she couldn’t help but worry about her niece’s fiancé, Ryu Seunghun.

“Ryu Seunghun is also an excellent talent. However, I believe Woojin or Yeseo has a higher chance.”

“Oh, those kids have great skills, too. It’s remarkable how these talented ones appeared in just two years.”

Moon Seon-kyung nodded to the arrogant-looking professor, Noh Jongha, who was sitting opposite. Kwon Chanyul didn’t like him much. Professor Noh was notoriously known for subtly discriminating against students from less prestigious backgrounds.

He maintained a level of discrimination that would barely not cross legal boundaries, making him quite a nasty piece of work.

“…So, what about our new professor?” Kwon asked, turning to the healthy-looking woman sitting next to him. Shin Jae-yu, the professor of martial combat studies, was dressed in light workout clothes as usual.

Shin Jae-yu, deep in thought for a moment, finally spoke up.

“Um… I think Yoo Jin-hyun also has a decent chance… Actually, I believe he has the highest probability…”

Noh Jongha made a displeased expression at Shin Jae-yu’s words.

“…Our new professor still needs to sharpen her ability to judge people. From what I’ve seen, that guy is just…”


Due to the difference in their experiences, she couldn’t openly retort, but Shin Jae-yu subtly pouted, not hiding her discomfort.

They were discussing talents who seemed poised to shine, like Jin Yeseo from the Baekgwang Jin family, expected to fulfill the family’s long-held aspirations, and Ryu Seunghun from the Okgye Ryu family, who was also a remarkable talent in his own right.

Among this year’s freshmen, there were quite a few exceptional individuals with both talent and backgrounds. The names just mentioned were representative examples. Though they may not have reached the overwhelming skill and charisma of last year’s two outstanding students, considering the recent turmoil, calling them a blessing wouldn’t be an exaggeration.

Yet, among them, there was one particularly out-of-place student: Yoo Jin-hyun.

The fact that he received the Heukryeon family’s recommendation after 18 years had sparked chatter among the students, but now he was treated rather ambiguously.

His unique appearance, always wearing a mask, and his unsociable, solitary nature were cited as background factors, but the most significant cause was likely the rumor that he was openly clashing with Baek Seoyeon, the most popular student in the cradle.

And it was widely known that Professor Noh Jongha was receiving backing from the Paecheon Baek family, who were not on good terms with the Heukryeon family. So it was understandable that he didn’t think highly of Yoo Jin-hyun.

“Theoretical grades are average, and his internal particle count barely exceeds 3,000 rubins… At least he seems a bit better in physical activities.”

Professor Noh muttered while flipping through Yoo Jin-hyun’s academic record.

“Is it true that this guy achieved predictions up to the 5th rank? It smells fishy to me. I think we should reassess him…”

“Professor Noh, please refrain from making such comments. You know very well that the cradle has no means to intervene regarding the unique magics of each family. What we teach is solely publicly available universal magic. Consultation is just that—consultation.”

“Who doesn’t know that? It could cause discord among students by inflating achievements. Honestly, I really don’t like the idea of having this kind of student in the cradle…”

“That’s too harsh…!”

“Enough, enough!”

Just as Shin Jae-yu was about to lose her temper, another person, who had been silently sipping tea at the head of the table, could no longer hold back and intervened. It was Professor Song Daewon, dressed in a fitted outfit with a monocle over one eye.

“What kind of disgrace is this between professors who should be setting an example for students? Don’t you have any shame? Huh?”

Once he stepped in, the situation quickly calmed down. The once light atmosphere was replaced by a heavy silence.

“Um, but… is it really alright? No matter how much the Grand Council requested it… having the first exam in such a location…”

Moon Seon-kyung brought up another topic to change the mood.

“It will be fine. We have perfect control over the northern section. Besides, we’ve pushed dangerous species deep into the basin for some time now.”

“Exactly. What’s more, we’ve recently confirmed that the ‘Slithering Snake’ has gone into hibernation. If it weren’t for that observation, even Haewolhwa wouldn’t have approved it.”

Kwon Chanyul eagerly picked up on Professor Song Daewon’s words.

The Slithering Snake was a special designated monster inhabiting the Sky Basin, its territory sprawling well over half of the basin. Because of its danger level, it had been nicknamed and was constantly monitored.

If it were active, the freshmen wouldn’t be facing the exam, but now the Slithering Snake was in hibernation deep within the basin. Researchers believed it was attempting to alleviate the overload of particles within its body.

“Once a high-level monster goes into hibernation, it becomes extremely insensitive to external stimuli. Unless a disturbance of a strong wave happens nearby, there shouldn’t be any issues at this point.”

High-level monsters are more sensitive to particles than wizards. Their core size is several times larger, and naturally, their internal particle count is incomparably high. To awaken a monster from hibernation requires inducing stimuli far beyond that baseline, which is practically impossible for humans.

“I sure hope nothing goes wrong…”

Moon Seon-kyung muttered worriedly.


From the outside, the forest looked normal, but the vegetation in the Sky Basin revealed its true nature as one ventured deeper. The trees were colossal, only manageable by three grown adults holding hands. Instead of the fresh green of leaves and foliage, the colors were a murky mix of browns and purples, with bizarre ferns sprouting up that couldn’t even be seen in the outskirts.

Occasionally, slimy creatures the size of a person slithered by, and massive carnivorous plants capable of swallowing a small vehicle were also common sights.

Particles spewing from a meteor seemed to twist the effects on all life within this place.

“Wow, I was honestly skeptical at first, but you really are amazing.”

Mu-young mumbled while I replaced the cartridges of my blade, dulled by blood and fat.

“What can I say? I have an eye for talent. I knew this would happen.”

In front of me was a pile of the corpses of a midsized group of lupus monsters that had attacked us. I strategically plunged my blades into each of their maws, pulling out a fang as a trophy.

“You seemed quite skilled at handling the beasts. Have you fought them before? I feel like I didn’t see moves like that from the professors.”

“…I’ve just had a few scraps with them. Plus, your spirit warned me ahead of time. If I hadn’t had that foresight, I wouldn’t have been able to take them out so easily.”

“Puhuhuh. I feel like I’m just along for the ride here. This is quite the privilege, Captain.”

I wasn’t just throwing around empty praise. When it came to masking presence in the forest, humans can’t compete with monsters.

Had I realized that after being surrounded, taking care of them so neatly would have been a lot harder.

“…Am I the captain?”

Mu-young seemed to let my bewilderment flow by like a river.

“Aren’t you? But Captain, it’s getting dark. Should we head back to safety for a bit?”

Following Mu-young’s gesture, I spotted the sunset glowing red beyond the cliffs surrounding the basin.

Moving at night isn’t usually a good choice, but I wanted to waste as little time as possible. Moreover, many monsters are nocturnal, and we might earn points by taking them down. Thanks to the spirit’s presence, I could detect some risky movements around.

“For now, let’s keep going. If it seems too risky, we’ll take a break then. Just let me know if you get tired.”

Having reached a consensus, we began moving again. Whether the monsters we had just slain were the dominating species around here, it seemed we could walk along without much risk for a while.

We made our way slowly along the pathways that beasts used, winding between the hills. The unique geography of the basin trapped the fog and clouds, making it feel like we were walking deeper into it.

“…What I’m saying is, men shouldn’t be too swayed by women.”

Once we started talking, Mu-young unexpectedly had a lot to say.

Perhaps bored from our fruitless spirit reconnaissance, she rambled on, with no reaction from me to interrupt her flow.

“It’s a new age. I really don’t get the kids who went to the social gathering either. Is it really logical that just because an unfamiliar senior was friendly, they act like they’d give away their guts? Don’t you think so? That’s why I came off so prickly.”

I had no response to provide. In the short time we spoke, I had the impression that Mu-young didn’t quite like women as a whole.

“If they’d give away their guts, wouldn’t they just find someone else better if one showed up? It just seems a bit unfair, right?”


“Why is it that only men bear such risks? The answer is simple. That animalistic instinct turns us into monkeys… Wait.”

After chattering excitedly for a while, Mu-young suddenly halted and fell silent. Then, in a low voice, she quietly whispered.

“…Something is rushing in from 3 o’clock. It’s not far off. At this speed, we’ll meet it soon.”

I gripped the hilt of my blade at my waist, ready to draw it at any moment.

“…What is it?”

“…I don’t know. It’s night, and the fog is thick, so visibility is poor. But there’s only one.”

A solitary monster? A serpent? A leech? We stopped our movements and concealed ourselves, preparing for any eventuality.

Before long, I too felt a movement coming up very close. The moment its presence was right in front of me, I drew my blade, ready to strike down. Just as I swung down—


The creature I encountered fell backward, landing on its backside with a strange shriek. It sounded almost… human? Wait. On its backside? A shriek?

Thinking back, the noise sounded familiar—definitely one I’d heard often. Maintaining my alertness, I stepped forward towards the creature that sat there bewildered.

And soon enough, I had no trouble discovering its identity.



“Hyunhyunhyunhyun, Hyun? Is that you…?”

Yena, sitting on the ground, murmured with a quivering voice. She was shaking so much that she couldn’t even speak my name properly. Her round eyes, like those of a rabbit, were brimming with tears.

With branches and vines stuck all over her, she looked like someone who had just wandered around aimlessly.

Did she lose her gear? Her backpack was so thin that it seemed she wasn’t carrying anything at all.

“…Waah… So glad to see you, Hyun… I thought I was going to die like this…”

Seeing me, Yena melted down with relief.

“Hyun, where exactly is this place…? Or did you get lost too…?”

“…That’s not the case. We’re somewhere around the middle of the western path…”

“Western… path? I started from the center…”


Yena, who seemed determined to handle things alone, clearly had ended up lost after much wandering.

But our path lay in an area densely populated with monsters. How did she manage to get through such dangers alone?

Though she was far superior to me in theory, Yena wasn’t particularly adept at handling physical challenges because of her characteristic clumsiness.

“Monsters…? I haven’t seen a single one. I wouldn’t have known I was heading west otherwise… I’m so lucky… If I had run into one alone, I probably would’ve cried…”


I couldn’t help but feel that I was dragging all the nearby monsters with me. It was a moment I felt both wronged and relieved that Yena was safe.

If she had been hurt, there would have been no way I could avoid getting the lowest score…

“…Anyway, I’m glad nothing major happened. So what will you do now?”

“I guess… what should we do…? Coming this way was not part of the plan…”

Yena frowned slightly, looking troubled.

“Then how about you just come with me?”

“Huh? I mean, that’s fine with me… but I feel a bit embarrassed coming back after saying I could do it alone…”

“Forget it. I don’t really care. So, we’re going together, right?”

“Uh… yeah… Haha, alright! To be honest, I was a little scared being alone…”

Yena smiled awkwardly. She was practically one of the first friends I made in the cradle. Since I had the ability to help, there was no harm in doing so.

“Then come this way. I have a party now and I’ll introduce you.”

“Wait… is it a girl…?”

“It’s a guy. Why?”

“Oh, nothing… Hehe…”

I led Yena back to where Mu-young was hiding. After sending the agreed signal twice, Mu-young emerged from her hiding spot and walked out through the mist.

“Looks like you really handled it well… Huh?”

Mu-young said, confused, upon seeing the hesitant Yena.

“…It’s not a monster, it’s my friend. We’re thinking of traveling together from now on. What do you think?”


Initially, I hoped she would reply readily, but Mu-young’s expression grew increasingly stony at the sight of Yena.


Mu-young’s features hardened further. Finally, she raised a hand to her head as if she had a headache.

“Uh… um, it’s nice to meet you?”

Yena hesitantly spoke up, seeing Mu-young’s strange behavior.


“I’m Ha Yena…”

“…Phew, I tried to bear with it, but I really don’t think I can hold back.”


Mu-young suddenly interjected, interrupting the conversation. She then said with a determined expression.

“…I’m really sorry and rude, but can I ask just one thing?”

“Uh…? What is it…?”

“How many guys have you been with in your life up until now?”

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