Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 26

The day after the orientation. Early in the morning, even before 6 o’clock.

On the outdoor training grounds of the Cradle, loud horn sounds and the complaints of freshmen echoed together.

“Hah… Hah…! Is this what a… wizard… is?”

“Mom, you didn’t say it would be like this…”

“On the first day… are they trying to instill discipline or something… Hah…”

The freshmen were already running dozens of laps around the outdoor training track. They had all aspired to enter the magic department.

Each of their ankles and wrists was adorned with heavy-looking black rings. If anyone appeared to be falling behind, instructors’ sharp reprimands swooped in immediately.

“What’s this… Hah… If they just strengthened us with circulation magic, it’d be enough… Why this kind of nonsense… Hah…”

Guk Jaeryong, a freshman from the Hwangseong Guk family, vented his frustrations with heavy breathing.

“Why on earth are we wearing this on our wrists and ankles… In a so-called prestigious academy, using such outdated methods… Hah…”

“Hey! Be quiet… Are you the only one suffering? They’ve got these restraints to prevent people like you from sneaking off…! Hah…”

“If they just blocked the magic, it’d be fine… Why add weight to it…! Hah…!”

Unable to take the noise any longer, Moon Yeowool snapped at Guk Jaeryong. Her face was drenched in sweat and fatigue. But Guk Jaeryong ignored her and continued to voice his complaints.

“Hah…! You’re such a drama queen. This is just like a morning stroll. It’s refreshing and nice.”

Choi Woojin, a big male student running beside him, lightly ribbed Jaeryong.

“Hey, Jaeryong. Didn’t I tell you to exercise together earlier? What’s with this? The name of the Magic 27 Clans is crying out, seriously…”

Unlike the other two students, he didn’t seem to show any signs of difficulty at all. A few steps ahead, a blonde girl, Jin Yeseo, was silently running along.

“Shut up! What if someone ends up getting hurt because they don’t fully bloom? Hah…”

“Tsk tsk, you’re something else…”

“Hah… Don’t be like that… Everyone else is struggling too…”

Ryu Seunghun, a kind-looking male student, smiled and tried to calm Woojin down. Although he was slightly sweaty, he was definitely more at ease than the previous two.

All the students entering the Cradle were basically aspiring wizards, but due to differences in innate talent and preferences, not everyone aimed for the same department.

In the Cradle, there were several majors available including Magic Engineering and Monster Resource Studies, and students selected suitable majors based on the intersection of their talents and interests.

However, those with outstanding abilities or coming from prestigious families naturally aimed for the magic department, which had been established as common sense for some time.

The magic department primarily taught practical military magic, and given the current chaotic situation inside and outside the country, those who mastered such magic were the most needed professionals.

Furthermore, for future advancement to high-ranking positions, serving on the front lines was essential, so the magic department could be seen as the first gateway for ambitious students.

The status of the magic department was the highest among all departments in the Cradle, and all those from the prestigious Magic 27 Clans naturally aspired to enter it.

But even for them, the  educational methods at the Cradle felt a bit overwhelming.

“Tsk, just excuses and more excuses. Look ahead. That guy is running too; aren’t you embarrassed? Huh?”

While running, Woojin gestured ahead. There was the masked freshman, Gi Haengjong, running, accompanied by a female student who had always been by his side.


Suddenly observing the masked student, Woojin noticed something strange. Even after dozens of laps, he maintained a remarkably steady breath. His posture was impeccable.

His gym clothes were only slightly damp with a little sweat. He looked comfortable, as if casually taking a stroll around the neighborhood like an old man.

“…He’s got good stamina. A naturally bloomed wizard from the outskirts, maybe?”

He even gently pushed the girl beside him from behind if she looked like she might fall behind.

But why push her with just the tip of his finger? Isn’t that inefficient?

A light question crossed his mind, but Woojin ignored it and turned his gaze away. It wasn’t all that important.

“Seriously, when is this going to end…!”

“Be quiet…!”

Behind him, the sounds of Jaeryong and Yeowool bickering remained annoyingly loud.


With a chiming alarm signaling the end of morning training, students immediately collapsed in various spots along the track, gasping for breath.

Water bottles were carted around and distributed everywhere.

“Tsk. How pathetic.”

As if just about to collapse, a figure stepped forward and clicked her tongue lightly. It was the woman who had been standing on the outdoor platform watching everyone run.

“What a pity and shameful spectacle. To be laid out like this from just a light warm-up. How could you go around claiming to be students of a prestigious academy? Huh?”

The woman didn’t appear to be that much older than them. She had short hair, and her muscles were visibly defined throughout her body.

Stepping forward, the woman glanced around and briefly introduced herself.

“First of all, nice to meet you. I’m Shin Jae-yu, and I’ll be instructing you in training and magical combat for the next year. I have a few explanations, so sit down and listen.”

“Ugh… Ugh… Hyun, drink this…”

“You should drink it first…?”

“Ugh, I’m fine… Ugh…”

Yena breathed out weakly as she handed a water bottle over. She looked like she had just been dragged out of bed, her freckles becoming very prominent. Her face was drenched in sweat.

Her hair, which had been neatly arranged the previous day, was now tied into a sloppy bundle.

As I took the water bottle and handed it back to her, Yena gulped it down, breathing heavily. She really shouldn’t drink that quickly…

“Ugh! Ugh…”

Yena started coughing as if she had choked on the water. With all the attention suddenly drawn to her commotion, she bowed her head in embarrassment.

Fortunately, perhaps because she was sitting far away, the professor continued her explanation without any concern for what was happening.

“You will repeat today’s schedule every morning except on weekends. And this is separate from your main classes; it’s basic training.”

“We have to do this every morning…?”

“This is unbelievable…!”

“Quiet! There have been countless meaningful studies on the correlation between physical activation and regeneration rate. Basic training is essential conditioning for wizards. Additionally, the moment your physical strength declines, your judgement, speed of spell-writing, and other factors…”

With the grumbling sounds coming from all corners, the female professor snapped at them, continuing her lengthy lecture.

Yena, sitting next to me, whispered softly as she watched.

“Ugh… I feel like I might just make it… But Hyun, aren’t you struggling? You have all that on your face…”

“I can’t say I’m particularly struggling…”

“Really? That’s amazing… I’m so worried… How are we going to do this for three years…?”

After a brief moment of astonishment, Yena’s face immediately filled with despair. But compared to the excruciating coaching sessions we went through to the point of vomiting, this felt like a light stroll.

They had said my body wasn’t suited for magic, so I had to maintain my endurance somehow.

At the time, the snide remarks from the coach made me want to grind my teeth, but now I could somewhat understand the intention behind those words…

“Sigh, I can’t believe how tough this is…!”

“Just be quiet…!”

Suddenly hearing a commotion, I turned my head. I soon spotted familiar faces.

It was a group from the Magic 27 Clans that I had seen from afar during the orientation yesterday.

The big male student who was wiping sweat off his face looked refreshed, the blonde girl was wearing a calm expression, and there was a cheerful-looking male student alongside an almost princess-like girl. And then there was a guy with a sly face who kept gasping for air.

While the other students around lay almost one with the ground, these guys looked comparatively okay.

“It’s fine. You can do it. I’ll help too…”

“Hey, you there! What are you two whispering about? Huh?”

Just as I was about to respond to Yena, a loud voice pierced through as the female professor approached.

“Now that I think about it, you two were glued together since running on the track. You’re quite bold in your first class. I don’t know who taught you that, but you surely learned something naughty, huh?”

The professor looked down at me with a smirk. At the pressure of her gaze, Yena quickly hid behind me.

The way she emphasized “who” seemed so intentional that I wondered if it was just my imagination…

“…I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t know. Just be careful, huh? It’s fine for me to let this slide, but if you get caught by the strict older folks, it’ll get annoying~”

Suddenly feeling an unpleasant surge of emotion, I accidentally shot back in a sharp voice. I felt like I shouldn’t have said that, but surprisingly, the professor just waved her hand and returned to the platform, starting her lecture as if nothing happened. I had expected a reprimand.

It’s funny how a person’s character doesn’t easily change. My mom, my coach, my sisters have all pointed out my bad temper, and here I am, still the same.

What if I end up causing some kind of accident later on…?


“…What’s wrong?”

Suddenly feeling a gaze, I turned my head. Yena, with her cheeks flushed, puffed up her cheeks as she glared at me.

“…I don’t know. Just felt like it.”


Classes in various subjects continued afterward. The Cradle’s  education rigorously pushed both physical and mental limits from the very first day. I was beginning to understand what my coach meant when he said it would be tough.

As for the physical aspect, there was no significant difficulty, but cramming various theories and formulas about magic into my head was quite challenging.

Even though I had learned some from my sisters, I initially lacked any real knowledge related to magic theory. Most of my life had been spent far from anything related to magic…

“…Though it was pushed to the limit until the end, the emergence of wizards allowed us to rebuild civilization. The current capital’s name is a trace of that chaos. Masada is the name of the last fortress that appears in the ancient scriptures. And from that point on, the current Republic system has continued for 10 generations.”

In the lecture hall, an older professor with a thin beard was conducting a humanities class. Maybe due to the fatigue from this morning’s grueling session, it was easy to spot students dozing off in various places.

“But we need to be able to view things from a different perspective at least once. Some say that magic is a divine blessing, but I don’t agree with such an optimistic notion. While it is true that humanity could continue thanks to wizards, not everything acts in our favor.”



Yena was outright burying her face on the desk and sleeping. It was good that she was sitting at the back and thus hard to see.

After a moment of deliberation, instead of waking her up, I decided to raise my book high to shield my body.

“Let me give you an example. In the past, there were aircraft that could carry hundreds of people and fly in the sky. We could also send rockets to the moon beyond the sky. We even had satellites orbiting that allowed  communication without any limitations with people on the opposite side of the Earth. But now, airliners and rockets, as well as satellites, have become nothing but concepts. Do you know why?”

The professor continued his explanation.

“Because these particles fill the air, they interfere with the engines’ mechanisms and prevent objects exceeding a certain weight from floating. It has become impossible for anything larger than a bird to remain airborne here on Earth. Due to the particles’ disruptive properties in radio waves, wireless communication is also impossible in areas where telephone lines aren’t laid. If we hadn’t figured out how to train crows, we wouldn’t even have been able to communicate with those far away.”

Unlike the other professors who raised their voices at the slightest opportunity, the older professor continued his lecture in a calm voice, regardless of whether the students were awoken or not.

Whether it was due to a lack of passion or a deep sense of consideration, I couldn’t tell…

“As a result, exchanges with foreign countries have reverted to ancient standards. Once, we could speak with those on the opposite side of the globe, and now we barely maintain relations with nearby countries. Aside from the occasional exchanges with the republic across the far eastern seas, that’s pretty much it…”


Yena’s snoring crept in amidst the professor’s lecture.

“That’s the current reality. There are numerous issues at play that have arisen due to the influx of these particles and the births of wizards in our society. It may be slightly extreme, but some argue that humanity is trapped inside a small cage called magic. While I can’t fully agree with that perspective, I urge you all to take a critical view of what you consider to be a natural blessing of magic. That will be your first step as wizards.”

Suddenly, an alarm rang out to signal 6 PM across the lecture hall. The professor checked his wristwatch and began to wrap up the lecture.

“Hmm, time is almost up. That will be all for today. Now, from the next lesson, we’ll get into the actual concepts…”

“Yena, wake up. Class is over.”


I woke Yena and left the classroom. Outside, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon.

As I walked along the school grounds, I mulled over the professor’s words. But I couldn’t come to a simple conclusion. I needed to reflect on the premises established first. Had magic ever been a natural blessing to me…?

“…Hey, you there!”

Just as I was about to turn onto the cozy path leading to the dormitory, a cheerful voice suddenly came from behind. Since there was no one around, it was probably calling out to me.

Turning around, I saw a female student waving at me. She looked very refreshing, and the tear mole under her right eye was quite striking. Looking at the badge on her lapel, I noticed she was a second-year upperclassman. The name tag on her chest read ‘Kwon Yuri.’

“Did you call for me?”

“Yes! It was definitely me! Oh my, I can’t believe how long I’ve been walking around. I actually went to find you in the classroom earlier. But the class had already ended, and the door was closed.”

“You were looking for me…?”

“Hehe, spot on! I’m Kwon Yuri, majoring in magic. How about our chick?”

“…Yoo Jin-hyun.”

“Ah, so it’s Junior Jin-hyun! What a nice name!”

The girl smiled brightly, nodding her head up and down. The fact that she showed no reaction to my mask made me feel like she was certainly more accustomed to strange things than the first-year students.

But why would an upperclassman come looking for me? I couldn’t even begin to guess…

“It’s nothing serious, really. My friend is holding a small social gathering and wanted to invite you! That’s why I came to invite you personally!”

“Your friend…? Who…?”

“Hehe! It wouldn’t be fun if you found out in advance! So, what will it be? If you’re not busy, could you spare a little time? It won’t take long! It’ll be fun!”


After a brief moment of thought, I couldn’t find a good reason to refuse. It was a bit sudden, but I didn’t have any plans afterward.

Refusing the invitation of an upperclassman wouldn’t leave a good impression either, so…

“…I suppose it’ll be okay if it’s just for a bit.”

“Yay! I like your straightforwardness! Great! Just follow this senior!”

With my acceptance, the girl took the lead, guiding me. The garden of the campus was now tinted dark as the evening approached, and evening primrose flowers were starting to bloom. The rustling sounds of moths and insects buzzing around the streetlights could be heard everywhere.

We walked for a while before arriving at a small salon in the annex of the Cradle. The door decorated with grapevines and butterflies looked rather elegant.

“Our chick! You’re finally starting to adapt to life here at the Cradle!”


Standing at the door, the girl suddenly whispered something incomprehensible and then opened the door, gesturing for me to enter.



The moment I stepped into the salon, I could hear exclamations of surprise coming from various people.

The first thing that caught my eye was a large square table in the center, laden with various snacks and teacups.

Surrounding the table were sofas, and I quickly recognized the familiar faces of students from the Magic 27 Clans. All of them, without exception, were seated around, looking just as shocked.

From their expressions, it seemed the ones who had just gasped were the sly-faced male student and the princess-like girl.

There were also several other unfamiliar students present, making the number of attendees quite considerable.

“So, our junior’s seat is over there!”

Yuri pointed and gestured to the last available spot. I was pushed along by her enthusiasm and took a seat on the sofa.

I could feel the eyes of the surrounding students piercing into me. What the heck was going on? It didn’t seem like the people who wanted to talk to me were also freshmen.

Everyone looked utterly bewildered, indicating that the person who organized this social gathering hadn’t shown up yet.


Just as I was starting to wonder about the individual who invited me.

Suddenly, a voice I knew too well echoed from just outside the door.

“Yuri, sorry! Did I keep you waiting?”

“Not at all! The juniors just arrived!”


“This voice…?”

Upon hearing the voice, the other students began chatting a bit excitedly.

I soon spotted a familiar upperclassman entering through the door.

It was none other than the radiant smile of Yena!

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