Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 22

Despite her appearance resembling that of a rural girl who knows nothing about the ways of the world, Yena surprisingly had a wealth of miscellaneous facts related to the Cradle.

While walking, Yena rambled on about the purposes of the surrounding buildings, the locations of the dormitory and dueling grounds, and even seemed knowledgeable about the students’ affairs.

“Did you know? This term, a lot of noble heirs are entering. Among them, there are even four heirs from the Magic Twenty-Seven Clan. We really need to be careful not to get swept up in troublesome events. Hearing that makes me really worried and scared. Can I do well? Sigh… Ah, but they say our term is better than the seniors. Well, last year…”

Yena talked non-stop for nearly tens of minutes without tiring. All I did was keep pace silently and occasionally respond with short answers.

I was momentarily puzzled by how she knew so much already, but that question was soon answered.

Unlike what she had said earlier, it seemed Yena had made quite a few friends. With each step, she exchanged greetings.

Suddenly, after exchanging greetings for a while, Yena looked at me with an awkward expression.

“Uh… actually, I came a bit early earlier… and while chatting, I got a bit close with some people… all the things I told you were things I heard from those friends… Ah, but I didn’t lie… right…? There’s no one I’m close enough to hang out with… For real… you’re my closest friend…”

Yena poured out excuses like a rapid-fire gun. But considering the way she greeted everyone, it seemed like she was pretty friendly.

Honestly, I had no particular thought. I was just envious of her sociable nature.

Plus, Yena had an impression that looked harmless, like a herbivore, so it made sense she could become friends with so many people in such a short time. One could tell just by the fact that she wanted to stick around me.

Yena also freely shared details about herself that she hadn’t been asked. Thanks to that, I learned she was from eastern Sakju and that she was from the outskirts of the outskirts, where electricity barely ran for ten hours a day.

Yena didn’t stop asking me questions either. Where I was from, why I wore a mask, and so on.

However, unlike Yena, I couldn’t share everything honestly. I told her the place indicated on my fake identity and gave a vague excuse about why I wore a mask.

My hometown had long been reduced to ashes and there were too many unspeakable reasons tangled up with the mask.

I wasn’t as curious as Yena, but there was one thing I wondered about. Why was a talent-laden wizard, who had entered the Cradle, being chased by thugs in an alley that day?

They were three in number, but according to my understanding, even if it was a fight between a wizard and a regular person, a wizard should easily win, even if it was ten to one.

But that question got wham-smashed away when I heard Yena’s rather disappointing answer.

“Well, it was actually… because I was so scared, I couldn’t think of writing the magic formula… sigh…”

…It wasn’t nonsensical. Yena said she hadn’t even seen a single monster in her life. If such a person were suddenly faced with a crisis…

“Um, please don’t tell anyone about this…? Is it really a secret…? I trusted you and told you this…?”

Embarrassed herself, Yena spoke quietly with her head bowed low, her face as red as a tomato.

“Don’t worry, there’s no one to tell anyway. But shouldn’t we hurry now? The time…”

Originally, I planned to head to Hwayangkwan first, but as I followed Yena around the campus, the start of the admission ceremony was now upon us.

“Ah! That’s right…! We need to go this way. Hurry up, Hyeona…!”

Yena startled upon hearing my words, then checked the time with wide eyes. With a skip in her step, she led me toward Hwayangkwan.

Hwayangkwan was a large banquet hall, its entire exterior made of glass. The ceiling was incredibly high, adorned with luxurious chandeliers sparkling with jewels.

By the time we arrived, it was already packed with students, hardly any space to step foot. Yena and I managed to find a good spot at the edge, where there was slightly less crowd.

“Phew… it doesn’t seem like we’re late… Thank goodness… sigh…”

Yena smiled as she wiped her forehead with a handkerchief. Some strands of hair were stuck to her cheek in sweat, faintly reddening her complexion.

“Hyeona, look over there…! Those are the students I was talking about. From the Magic Twenty-Seven Clan…”

As Yena glanced around and focused ahead, she whispered softly. Turning my gaze, I could indeed see a few male and female students standing together in groups.

They all wore confident expressions, almost appearing haughty at a glance. Their demeanor oozed poise and grace.

Even from a rough estimate, I could tell they were of good birth.

Come to think of it, the headmistress had mentioned that once you enroll in the Cradle, you’d be subjected to the whining of young lords and ladies for a while. Would they become that too…?

There was no malice, but honestly, I was a little curious about that appearance.

“And the students on the right are second-years. The third-years are almost like active-duty, so they rarely come into the Cradle. So those are our direct seniors…”

Yena whispered in a small voice again. The left side of Hwayangkwan was the first-year’s area, while the right was for upperclassmen.

In stark contrast to the lively and dream-filled first-years, the atmosphere on the right side of Hwayangkwan felt gloomy and eerie. Perhaps it was due to events that happened last year. If they had been fighting and bickering all year round, they must be quite weary.

“Ugh, but it seems a bit scary… Why does it feel like everyone has such sharp expressions…?”

Noticing the same impression I had, Yena wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.


While examining the second-year seniors, I suddenly spotted a female student whose face looked familiar.

The student was slightly withdrawn from the crowd of the second-years.

Her long, straight hair was tidily brushed down. Her face was sharp and slender. Her eyes were large and clear, and her lips were painted a pale red. Her nose was raised at an artistic angle, and her skin was flawless.

At a glance, she had an alluring and haughty beauty that would catch anyone’s eye. The profile picture from the headmistress felt utterly insufficient to capture her essence.

However, the arrogance and disdain that seeped from her cold eyes were also very palpable.

She was the daughter and heir of the Jeokhwa Family, Yeon Minha.

Haewolhwa’s target for her request was right there.


I decided to observe her for a moment before the admission ceremony began, hoping to glean some clue.

Yeon Minha seemed to be perennially displeased. Her lips, slightly protruding, were filled with malice.

Around her were a few upperclassmen accompanying her. Each little gesture from Yeon seemed to make them restless, resembling servants or attendants more than friends.

However, after watching for a few minutes, I began to find several strange points.

Yeon Minha’s gaze lacked weight and appeared to flutter around. It seemed she was looking not at the present but beyond the air, somewhere far.

Dark circles that makeup couldn’t hide were clearly visible beneath her eyes. The fingertips holding her glass trembled violently.

Overall, she seemed to lack composure and appeared anxious. Was the stress from last year that severe? Given that her family had seen better days, and recently their mines had suffered terrorist attacks, it wouldn’t be surprising.

Having seen enough, I was about to end my observation when Yeon Minha suddenly turned her head and met my gaze. Although it was a distance away, her sharp eyes penetrated me precisely.

But she grimaced as if she had seen something disgusting. Then she quickly turned her gaze away.

Perhaps the mask made my appearance stand out even from a distance. It really wasn’t a good feeling starting off like this. It felt as if a rather unpleasant impression had been stamped in my mind.

But I also had an unfavorable impression. Seeing the real person rather than just photos or texts, that arrogance and hostility came off even more unpleasantly.

And I despise those two things the most in the world.

“Um…? I think it’s starting…!”

Suddenly, as darkness descended, Yena muttered. The high curtains adorned with lace automatically closed, blocking the windows, and only the gentle light from the chandeliers illuminated Hwayangkwan.

“We are about to begin the 73rd Admission Ceremony of the Cradle. Students, please rise from your seats.”

Soon, a voice amplified through a speaker filled the hall as the admission ceremony commenced. There were explanations about the Cradle’s history and establishment purpose, boring speeches from invited dignitaries, and introductions of professors for each subject over the next year.

“Next, we will proceed with the freshman oath. The representative of the 73rd Cradle class, Jin Yeseo, will now…”

As the host called her name, a female student who had been standing in the front row of freshmen walked up to the podium.

She was one of the students Yena pointed out earlier and was talking to. Her hair was dyed golden, and her eyes sparkled like jade. Her exotic and ethereal appearance was quite impressive.

“…That girl is the heir of the prestigious Baekgwang Jin Family. Did you see? She looks just like a fairy. Apparently, it’s because she has some western blood in her ancestors…”

Yena, who stood next to me, whispered in a quiet voice.

The female student at the podium raised her right hand, placing it over her heart, and began to read the oath written in front of her clearly.

“I swear. I promise to use magic solely for the prosperity and continuity of the 10th Republic of Korea and for the protection and rights of our people. I shall always stand firm in justice and protect order from chaos and darkness. I will wield magic wisely without breaking the balance and strive to harmonize with nature by respecting the flow of particles. I shall fulfill the mission without betraying the honesty and trust that are the source and compass of magic. Furthermore, I solemnly swear before my heart and the spring that these words are all the truth without a hint of shame.”

As Jin Yeseo finished her oath, applause erupted from various corners. Some freshmen looked dazzled as if they were moved by the content of the oath. Yena next to me was the same.

However, because of the stories I had heard, it didn’t resonate with me as much. No matter how good the words, they must be kept to hold value.

Probably, those freshmen who had just sparkled their eyes would, after just a year, have dull eyes like rotten fish…

While I was pondering that, a shadow of someone familiar appeared. A woman with an elegant and refined aura, seemingly in her early thirties, appeared on the podium.

“Oh my, it’s the headmistress…! This is my first time seeing her in person… she’s so graceful…”

Yena muttered as if enchanted while gazing at the headmistress. It wasn’t difficult to find others around reacting similarly.

Haewolhwa was more popular than I had thought. But why were the older girls and the student council so afraid of her?

A brief commotion occurred, but once the headmistress raised her hand slightly, it soon quieted down. Haewolhwa smiled softly, gazing around the students, then began her speech.

“Welcome, dear freshmen.”

Her clear and beautiful voice resonated throughout Hwayangkwan via the amplifier.

“First of all, congratulations on becoming part of the Cradle family. The Cradle is surely the best place that can assist you wholeheartedly as you embark on your journey as wizards. Let me be clear. You won’t regret it. Well, it’s definitely much better than those filthy places like the Masada City Academy or Yukhwa, right?”

With the headmistress’s joke, laughter erupted from all around. Seeing that reaction, she nodded slightly and continued her speech.

“You will spend the next three years honing your skills and gradually become proper wizards. Along the way, you’ll blend with those around you. Sometimes you may cooperate and at times there may be conflicts and disputes. Both are natural phenomena. And our Cradle is a place that can accept you as you are.”

After finishing her words, Haewolhwa surveyed the students for a moment.

“However, if we repeat unproductive divisions rather than benevolent competition, what lies ahead of us is nothing but a dark future. We need to understand and embrace each other, rather than growing blind to short-sighted interests.

Also, please remember that what matters most in this place is skill; background and origin are secondary. If you are truly wise wizards, I believe you will understand and put into practice what I just said. Now, once again, congratulations on your admission.”

As her speech concluded, thunderous applause erupted. Yena clapped excitedly with a flushed face.

“Wow… she’s really impressive…”

The headmistress waved at the students for a moment before walking down the stairs. It felt like the speech had ended surprisingly quickly. It seems she really dislikes tedious matters.

While Haewolhwa was glancing around as she descended the podium, our eyes met. She then flashed me a slight smile before heading to the staff seating.

Definitely, because I stood out, it felt like more people were meeting my gaze today…

“…Now, we will conclude the admission ceremony with the response from the second-year representative.”

The host’s voice resonated again through the amplifier. I instinctively turned my gaze back to Yeon Minha’s spot.

Just as expected, her beautiful face was flooded with raw rage. I could almost hear the sound of her gritting her teeth. Even from a distance, I felt that fury clearly without any filtering.

According to Yena earlier, the second-year student giving the response had ranked first in the overall standings last year.

So, she must be the beloved daughter of the Baek Family, who had a rivalry with Yeon Minha. Since she came second, it’s only natural for her to feel such anger…

“Then, the second-year representative, Baek Seoyeon, please come to the podium.”

In that instant, the name flowed out from the host’s lips.

An icy shiver crept through my body like a wave of chill.

My heart thumped loudly, and an unidentifiable anxiety began to creep in.

Tap-tap, tap-tap…

Only the sound of shoes walking up to the podium echoed softly.

Before long, the back of a female student with long black hair appeared amid the crowd.

As the student at the podium turned to face us,


A suffocating shock struck me like a lightning bolt.

My mind blanked, and I couldn’t think of anything.

Once, she had been my everything, but now she was the painful dark dream that visited me every night.

That person who had pulled my heart out, leaving only a gaping hole in its place.

Without even a moment’s respite, I recognized the nature of the anxiety and chills that had just overwhelmed me.

“Nice to meet you, dear freshmen. I am Baek Seoyeon, representing the second-year.”

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