Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 183

Cradle is within sight. Luxurious buildings soaring towards the lofty sky. Among them, the hall adorned with the widest and most splendid decorations stands out.


In the center of it all, a black-haired female student, busy welcoming guests, let out a slight sigh as if she was a bit overwhelmed.

The hall was teeming with people, not a single space to step into. The sub-group bearing the name of Paecheon was truly bustling with activity.

Confirming this, Baek Seoyeon once again wore an elegant smile on her face and lightly gestured for her attendant.

“Miss, did you call?”

“How’s the situation?”

“Almost all the business representatives on today’s guest list have arrived. The students we have relations with are scheduled to visit after the opening ceremony.”

Nodding, Baek Seoyeon showed a somewhat tired expression and opened her mouth.

“Just a moment, I’ll get some fresh air.”

“Then shall I accompany you…?”

“No, it’s fine. It’s a Cradle gathering, after all. I’ll be nearby, so just call me immediately if anything happens. Understand?”

“Understood, Miss.”

The attendant bowed obediently. Baek Seoyeon immediately turned and left the hall, staring blankly at the sky with an expressionless and vacant gaze as if nothing had happened.

The largest social gathering in the history of the Cradle, specifically the most lavish and splendid sub-group of Paecheon.

This was more a result of the influences of Baek Il-yong, the absolute ruler of Paecheon, rather than her own.

Since the Heukryeon family returned, he had been noticeably anxious.

Looking solely at the method, one could evaluate it as straightforward.

A place where talented individuals and heirs of wizarding families gather—the Cradle. A social gathering where representatives from various companies and research institutes are allowed to visit. A sub-group that is the optimal space to encompass them all into one force.

The biggest threat, the Jeokhwa, had long lost both reputation and power, becoming significantly diminished. The heir of the newly risen opponent, the Heukryeon, showed little interest in such social activities.

While the council struggled to exert force against Heukryeon, this implied that within the Cradle, Paecheon could still maintain overwhelming superiority.

However, Baek Seoyeon fundamentally did not enjoy such social activities. Especially the aspect of squandering time on things of no value.

The only significance of all this behavior was that Baek Il-yong had she recognized her as his harmless and obedient daughter.

On one hand, both she and Baek Il-yong shared a common purpose.

The greedy and arrogant Baek Il-yong, who desperately desired an absolute power no one could touch.

The naive daughter Baek Seoyeon, who helps him in every way in exchange for liberating her from the life in a remote village.

However, Baek Il-yong was completely oblivious to the fact that Baek Seoyeon was waiting for the perfect moment to deliver his greatest despair—the one who had ruined her life.

Baek Seoyeon wandered through the crowded streets, lost in thought. Awakened memories blended with the scenery.

The memory of frolicking in the shabby village square with Lee Hyun, of rolling candy from a street vendor into his mouth, and sitting side by side enjoying modest fireworks.

Just thinking of him brought a beaming-smile to her face. A pleasant sensation tickled her lower abdomen for a fleeting moment.

‘If only I were… with him right now…’

Baek Seoyeon pondered, realizing that perhaps who you are with is more important than what you’re doing.


However, the moment she realized the reality before her, happiness shattered into countless pieces without a trace.

She was still conflicted over the proposal Kwon Yuri had presented the previous day.

‘Shadows… banquet?’


An official sub-group where you have to act according to numerous strict rules and decorum. A secret sub-group where you can enjoy shameless acts fulfilling various desires that are unthinkable in a formal gathering.

Commonly known as the ‘Shadow Banquet.’

She had heard the name in rumors before, but she never imagined the lifeline would still be attached to it. It was a group with a somewhat venerable history, having existed alongside the Cradle, but the severe oppression over the last few decades since the current principal’s tenure had nearly decimated it.

Yet she never imagined the lifeline still existed. Moreover, to think that this time the group leader would be her friend.

Of course, it was no matter to her who Kwon Yuri appointed as the group leader. She didn’t particularly care to report it or stop her.

Her reaction was more akin to boundless indifference rather than overflowing compassion.

‘Hey, do you want to know who I recruited this time? You’re gonna be shocked!’

However, Kwon Yuri, with a clarity that did not match her appearance, continued to whisper in her ear. Recruiting promising first-year juniors as participants was indeed impressive, but that didn’t elicit any particular sentiment on her part.

‘And… even Yoo Jin-hyun from the Heukryeon!’

However, the name that Kwon Yuri finally dropped had enough power to capture her interest.

‘How about it? Doesn’t it sound like it’ll be truly fun?’

‘This is only because it’s you Seoyeon I’m telling you…! It’s originally supposed to be a secret until you see it in person… I put in so much effort gathering people…’

‘Just come once, okay? If you come too, it’ll be the best Shadow Banquet ever…’

‘Anyway, your fiancé won’t come, right? Take a breather during this time!’


Baek Seoyeon let out a deep sigh. It was truly a strong urge akin to a demon’s temptation.

“What the hell is Hyun… doing in such a place…”

He had always been such an innocent guy. Baek Seoyeon thought that he might have been tricked without knowing what was going on.

The mere thought of him put a very unpleasant feeling at the forefront. The shameless girls who dared to touch him under the guise of a banquet, and Kwon Yuri, who had innocently dragged a man to such a place.

But soon she shook her head.

‘Really… I should refuse…’

She had vowed to keep her distance from him until everything was resolved.

Of course, the events at City No. 1 were exceptions. If she hadn’t gone, he would have surely died.

And just like two years ago, Baek Seoyeon had successfully saved his life once more.

Unlike that useless Yeon Minha.


Truly a bond handed down from above. Baek Seoyeon’s cheeks naturally turned a rosy blush.

Yet because of that, she felt even more unable to go. If she faced him, her hard-won resolve would surely waver.


Baek Seoyeon pressed her hand to her delicate chest.


Just as she firmly decided in her heart and tried to turn back, she spotted something in the distance with her eyes wide open.

A yellow-haired female student surrounded by friends wearing a monkey mask. She could instantly recognize that it was her familiar junior, Jin Yeseo.

Next to her stood a tall man wearing a lion mask, getting fairly close in a way that suggested a deep relationship.

Considering that Jin Yeseo was hesitant towards men, this was truly an unexpected situation.

And Baek Seoyeon was also able to immediately recognize the man’s identity.


Her heart sank. Without realizing it, Baek Seoyeon hid behind a large tree, just peeking out. Various imaginations and assumptions cluttered her mind.

Why? Why are those two together? How? When? They had been on such bad terms. It was downright disconcerting to ignore him, but she wanted to like the girl who seemed to have some affection.

But why…

The blonde girl’s cheeks were filled with excitement. She was clearly overjoyed and enjoying the situation immensely.

“Cough-cough, everyone. Let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend…”

And the moment she heard that shameful declaration from the shameless blonde, Baek Seoyeon’s eyes lost their light.


Before heading to the Hwayangkwan, I stopped by the powder room to change clothes. The combination of a neat party outfit and a lion mask was incredibly strange. There were dress codes but masks were allowed; what in the world does tradition even mean?

Fortunately, I wasn’t required to wear these tight-fitting uncomfortable clothes throughout the entire social gathering. If that were the case, I would have stayed holed up in the dormitory.

I lightly loosened the overly tight tie and tidied up my appearance one last time.

Today’s final rite was the opening ceremony banquet, waiting for me.

As I stepped out of the powder room, I quickly walked towards the lobby of the Hwayangkwan and saw the blonde female student waiting for me politely.

“Sorry. Did I make you wait long?”

“It’s okay. I just got here too…”

Wearing a monkey mask, Jin Yeseo shook her head. A very mature yet alluring smile graced her lips.

“…Was she always like this? Or am I just getting confused due to her clothing?”

Jin Yeseo had also changed into a party dress. The slim waistline was even more pronounced against her brilliant golden hair and the deep blue dress. She wore long, thin velvet gloves that reached to her wrists.

I may not know fashion, but I certainly knew that dress suited Jin Yeseo very well. It must have been ridiculously expensive.

I hope my outfit doesn’t look too mismatched. It was provided by my sisters, so I assumed they took care to ensure I looked appropriate.



I immediately shook my head at Jin Yeseo‘s question. There was something else that felt strangely off.

I had sparred with her easily more than dozens of times. And she always participated in her tight-fitting training clothes, offering little hindrance to her movement.

It was only natural that I would come to know the outline of her physique.

But now it felt like… her body had grown larger and more voluptuous.

Well, she was wearing heels, so that could be why…


I have no clue. Girls must have their reasons. Maybe she did something with her dress…

I turned my head away. This was not something I should concern myself with.

“Ha-ha, you’re cute.”


“Cough-cough, just kidding.”

I thought I said something else. Jin Yeseo shook her head at my retort. Then, feeling a bit embarrassed, she turned her gaze away and hesitated before speaking.

“More importantly… how do I look?”

“You look beautiful. It suits you well.”

I conveyed my honest thoughts to Jin Yeseo. It wasn’t a lie, and most importantly, I had never seen a girl dislike being complimented on her looks. That’s a lesson I learned from hanging out with my sisters.

“Like a princess from a fairy tale. One I used to see when I was little.”

“…Oh my.”

Jin Yeseo exclaimed, clearly taken aback by my immediate response, her lips forming a satisfied smile.

“…Thanks. It’s nice to hear that, especially since it’s been a while.”

“Been a while…? I’d think you’d hear it often.”

“Don’t be shy… stop it.”

Checking my watch, I reached out to Jin Yeseo, who was joking around.

“Shall we go? It seems like it’s about to start.”


Holding her hand, we entered through the enormous front doors of the Hwayangkwan.

The place, previously a venue for student events or rank draw ceremony, had been transformed into a perfect banquet hall.

A grand starlight chandelier poured down radiant light. Draped curtains adorned the surroundings, and in the corner, a famous band played soft music.

Heading first to the resting tables set up on the second floor, Jin Yeseo was soon surrounded by her friends who flew over to express their excitement.

“Oh my. Yeseo, you look so beautiful.”

“Is that the person who they were talking about earlier?”

“Looks so well-matched…”

While Jin Yeseo skillfully dealt with her friends, I continued to scan the area.

No matter how I stretched my senses, I couldn’t find them. Neither the white-haired girl nor the black-haired one.

Should I consider this fortunate? If either of them showed up, I would likely feel quite uneasy. Each in their own unique way.

I had heard that the sub-group would operate throughout the social gathering. Were they likely to hold their banquet in that place?

“Hey? It seems like it’s about to start.”

As we chatted, a bell resonated throughout the Hwayangkwan, announcing the opening ceremony. After the principal’s remarks and the customary speeches from various invited high-ranking officials, the band began to play grand music.

Jin Yeseo and I took the stage first. We stepped out into the center of the hall and twirled to the music alongside others.

“…You’re surprisingly skillful.”

Jin Yeseo whispered as if evaluating my moves.

“You dance well. Have you had a lot of experience?”

“…It’s my first time.”

While I had some makeshift lessons from my sisters, that was not what she was asking.

Even while dancing, I kept surveying the surroundings.

Although this was only the lavish banquet hall’s center.

The Baekgwang seemed to have hidden their watchman’s glare even in these luxurious surroundings, reminding me just how formidable they were.

“You should focus on your partner.”

Once again, Jin Yeseo’s alluring voice brushed against my ear.

“Or are you looking for another girl? That’d be disappointing.”

“Not at all.”

I immediately denied Jin Yeseo’s teasing.

“More importantly, what do you think?”

“What about?”

“Our relationship. I think we’ve shown enough to pass off. This should satisfy your family head.”


Jin Yeseo, who was slightly distracted, shook her head.

“Honestly, I’m not sure yet.”


“That person is quite suspicious. It wouldn’t be easy to convince them just with a single dance.”

Then she returned to a captivating smile on her lips. How dizzying. Just a dance, and they want to see more. What else could I possibly show?


Just as I drifted into thought, the dance concluded. Following etiquette, we gestured to each other as Jin Yeseo approached me again, whispering in my ear.

“Want to come with me for a moment?”

She took my hand and led me outside the Hwayangkwan. Our destination was the garden located behind the rear entrance.


I felt a spark of familiarity in the scenery—it was near the place where a drunken Yeon Minha had crawled onto my lap, babbling with incoherence.

If I remembered correctly, she had definitely used her fingers to pick candy and shoved it into my mouth…

“You were thinking of another girl, weren’t you?”


She’s perceptive. Embarrassed, I redirected the topic elsewhere.

“Why did you bring me here?”

We continued deeper into the garden. Surrounded by a riot of blooming flowers, the evening breeze rustling through the leaves filled the air.

Jin Yeseo quietly led me to the edge of the hill beneath a large tree. The branches shielded us from the moonlight, enveloping us in darkness.

As if to hide any actions that may take place here.

Jin Yeseo finally turned her body and stared directly at me.

“You know? This place is where students secretly meet for clandestine affairs.”

“I had no idea… How did you find out?”

“I heard it from the seniors who came here before. This is my first time actually visiting.”

Then she surveyed her surroundings.

“Well, it seems no one else is here but us. Is that luck?”


That peculiar yet alluring smile returned to the corners of her lips.

“So why did you bring me here?”

“You’re slow. I just said it’s a place for ‘secret meetings.’ What do you think lovers would do there?”

Her green eyes, illuminated by the moonlight, glinted like a predator’s. Jin Yeseo moved closer, approaching me while standing against the tree.

“What are you doing?”


Swish-swish. Jin Yeseo moved even closer. I could almost feel her lukewarm breath and the warmth of her body. This wasn’t part of the plan.

With our bodies pressed against each other, Jin Yeseo suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck. Much like a snake constricting its prey, she held tight without letting go.

“What do you think you’re doing?”


She didn’t even seem to acknowledge my question. Rather, it seemed like she was sending some signal as she crossed her legs over mine.

…This is strange. Something feels very off. The exotic beauty she flaunted with her golden hair, the green eyes shimmering beyond the mask. This certainly looked like Jin Yeseo.

But the Jin Yeseo I knew would never do such things. It was clear that something was amiss.

The moment I finally recognized the unsettling vibe I had been brushing aside, a sharp twinge of unease surged through me where warmth had only been felt all along. That sensation, one I hadn’t felt from her in quite some time, quickly enveloped my body.


“Wait, wait!!”

Just as those moist membranes were about to touch, I barely managed to raise my hand to block her approaching lips.

Just then, another familiar voice rang out right next to me.

Turning my head, I could see the blonde female student, panting as if she had just sprinted over.


Jin Yeseo. It was undoubtedly Jin Yeseo.

I alternately turned my head back and forth, realizing the one blocking my lips was indeed Jin Yeseo, and the one who had just arrived was also Jin Yeseo.

There were… two Jin Yeseos…?

“…What’s going on?”

Caught in an utterly unanticipated situation, my brain couldn’t wrap itself around it, leaving me frozen, unable to react.

Then the later Jin Yeseo, still heaving for breath, uttered a word that sent my head spinning even more.

“W-what’s mother doing here…?”

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