Corpo Age [Cyberpunk Progression LitRPG]

Chapter 47: Reinforcements

We pulled up right next to an armored van parked casually on the side of the street. Just as I walked up to it, the windows came down, and Leo’s face popped out.

“Took you long enough, connecting you to the live feeds now, oh and do you still have those EI rounds?”

I reached into one of the pockets on my tactical vest before I replied, “Yeah, loading them up now.”

I didn’t need to question him why, because the next moment, a window displaying some footage from a camera appeared in the corner of my vision. I commanded my SAID to center the screen as I got a closer look at the two men who were both decked out in cybernetics.

“Those cyborgs are some mercenaries they hired for their convoys which happened to be refueling in the facility we’re hitting tonight. They’re a team of five who all share an obsessive interest in cybernetics. Our team took out three already in the opening ambush with the sacrifice of one of theirs.”

As sad as it is to hear someone I hired had died on the job, I couldn’t help but be a little relieved I had hired some of Roger’s top operators or this could’ve gone a lot worse.

“The team is pinned down inside the warehouse and they don’t have the firepower anymore to take down the remaining two walking tanks, not to talk about the incoming reinforcements.”

“Okay, I’ll go hit them with the EI rounds. You go coordinate the team here to draw the reinforcement’s attention.”

I immediately jogged toward the logistic warehouse that acted as a fueling station and parking lot for QuickLink Logistics. There were obvious signs of gunshots and explosions around as I spotted a hole in one of the garage doors leading into the building.

From the live feed my optics were showing me, I could hear the occasional sound of gunshots and people running across the screen. With my camouflage active, I rushed in without having to be too mindful of being spotted.

I stalked around the warehouse, which was more like a parking lot with only cargo trucks that blocked any visibility. Heading toward the sound of fighting, I soon spotted a figure peeking out, taking potshots at the two encroaching cyborgs. They kept retreating, using the trucks as cover, while the two beefy men cautiously took cover every time they shot back.

They must be wary of any surprises since their comrades got taken out. Because the small arms fire they were dishing out would have a hard time penetrating all their chrome and armor.

Readying my Suri that I had loaded with the electronic intrusion rounds, I took aim at the back of the closest target. The bullet may only travel at subsonic speeds, but it was still too fast for the man to react when I fired this close behind him while he was caught off guard.

I trusted Leo to breach his systems as fast as he could, even without my signal, and pointed my gun at the next target, but what I saw was only a blur that quickly dove behind the cyborg I had already shot.

His submachine gun then poked up from the armpits of his friend and started spraying bullets in my direction. Thankfully, I had already moved behind a truck as I tried to reposition myself for a better angle.

Before I could be relieved, the man fished out a few grenades from his pack and threw them all around him, prompting me to dive behind cover.

An electric beep rang out, followed by thunderous explosions—or not. Instead, my SAID alerted me to several errors and then I visibly witnessed my active camouflage glitching out until it deactivated entirely.

Shit, those must’ve been EMP grenades!

There was a moment of silence all of a sudden as we each waited for the next move. I stole glances at the man and noted he was the only one remaining as his friend lay motionless on the floor nearby.

He must’ve spotted me because a rain of bullets chased me as I returned to cover. I stayed prone and crawled away while I commanded my SAID to text the mercenary team in here with me.

Thank god my SAID still worked.

I could hear the cyborg scramble toward where I was last seen, so I hurried and took cover behind another row of trucks.

More gunshots rang out, which were probably from my allies. I allowed the stealth skills engrained in my body to take over and peeked out when the cyborg was distracted. I managed to fire off two shots at him before I had to duck out of the way of his bullets.

This time, he threw caution out to the wind and started sprinting straight toward me, ignoring my allies. I quickly fumbled around my utility belt and threw a grenade over in his path. The explosion that followed would’ve definitely made my ears ring from being so close if it wasn’t for my auditory implant.

I tried to regain my balance, but before I was fully up, the cyborg appeared out of the smoke covered in scratches, yet still functional. He threw his damaged gun away and went into another charge toward me.

I timed my dodge to the side and swiftly drew my railgun to aim at him once he passed by, but I didn’t need to pull the trigger. The cyborg was lying face-first on the ground with his mechanic limbs frozen in place. He swayed around as he tried to move but to no avail.

Taking no chances, I moved closer to the guaranteed headshot on the side of his head where the plating was thinner.

+20 EXP

I went back to his friend and put him out of his misery too. The last thing I needed was a human tank rampaging around the city, looking for revenge. The experience points were definitely a good incentive as well.

Was the system conditioning me to kill? I should be a little more mindful of that before I become someone who kills as easily as breathing. Still, I’ll do what is needed in order to survive and thrive. That hasn’t changed since the day I was born.

The three mercenaries I had hired soon popped out from behind a truck, with one of them carrying a body over their shoulder. There were five of them last time we met, so they were all accounted for, including the one outside working the cyber security.

Our eyes met, but before we could open our mouths, more gunshots rang out from outside the building.

“How much time do you guys need to finish sabotaging this place?”

“We’ll need five more minutes, minimum. We didn’t get that much time before we had to deal with these shitbags,” He glared behind me toward the bodies.

“Okay, try to go as fast as you can. I’ll go help the team outside,” I immediately ran off, and got on a voice call with Leo.

“What’s the situation outside? I’m heading back out now.”

“Kurt’s team blew up the leading vehicle and blocked the road in with the wreck. They’re in a stalemate, shooting at each other in cover, so they should hold for a while, assuming no more reinforcements show up.”

I checked up on my customized Shade unit to see if it could still activate the active camouflage, but my SAID indicated a few components were fried.

I guess it’s time to fight fair and square this time. I’d rather not try to sneak up on over a dozen trained corporate goons without the camouflage, no matter how weak QuickLink Logistics was compared to other corporations.

“Let Kurt know I’m coming out to help him.”

“You’re not going to flank them?” I started jogging back the way I had entered from. “No, some asshole fried my cybernetic with some EMP.”

Now that I thought about it, only my Shade unit was completely fried, the rest of my cybernetics were fine…I really need to upgrade it to be EMP-resistant, but that isn’t exactly my forte.

I soon reached where the fighting was ongoing and took cover and joined the defensive line. It was honestly way more boring than I had thought. We simply blind fired at each other from cover and no one did anything to break out of the stalemate.

Not long after, we got a signal indicating the sabotage was done and we could begin the retreat.

“Cloak, they are blowing out an exit on the other side of the compound. Get out of there quick.”

“You sure they don’t have anyone waiting to ambush us outside?” I asked. “Yeah, I’m monitoring it. They don’t have any more forces to spare since they had to split half their forces to the other maintenance facility you were just at.” An explosion shook the ground in the backdrop of Leo’s voice.

No longer wanting to waste ammo, I rallied Kurt’s team and got out of there after throwing the last of any grenades and explosives we had and faked a push toward our adversaries.

By the time we cut through the building, we spotted the hole in the walls that was our ticket out. True to Leo’s words, there were no surprises, and we managed to get picked up by our getaway vehicles.



Daniel - QuickLinks Logistics

The tension in the air was so thick Daniel was sure he could cut into it if he held out a knife. Jared’s holographic figure projected across from him wasn’t helping either, with Jared constantly taking a sip from the glass.

Placing down the cup from his twentieth sip this minute, Jared’s gaze turned to him as he cleared his throat, “Daniel, you’re related to the boss, right? Please put in a good word for me. I’d be satisfied even if I got demoted.”

This fool…

He couldn’t help but burst out in laughter at his words.

“What’s so funny Daniel…come on, answer me… You’re scaring me.”

Daniel reached out to take a sip from his glass before answering out of petty revenge. “You really think we’re just going to get a slap on the wrist? This was our chance to turn the company’s wastelander situation around with the demand for transportation rising through the roof. But now, out of nowhere, our entire operation on the West Coast has come to a halt because of this attack.”

“If we could just get some more funding to re—”

“No! We’re done, you and I both. Our route has barely been turning a profit with those feral wastelanders getting in the way. There’s no way headquarters would approve any more funds to help us get back on our feet.”

“Then at the very least, just—-” The projection buzzing into life at the head of the table stopped Jared mid-sentence as the duo both stood up at the same time and bowed toward their boss, the CEO of QuickLink Logistics.

The silver-haired CEO relaxed into his chair and crossed his legs. “Tell me, why should I tolerate you two any longer?” The older man held his gaze on Jared first before moving to Daniel. His aura of authority pressed them until they felt like they couldn’t breathe despite how laid back he appeared.

“Sir, please give us another chance!” Jared’s leg gave way and fell to his knees. “I didn’t ask for an apology. I asked for an explanation. Tell me, did you even figure out who attacked our facilities?”

Daniel swallowed hard and gathered up his courage. “No sir, all we know is that they hired some capable mercenaries. If you gave me some time, I could—”

“Enough, our company is in a bad position because of you two. We need to focus on recuperating first. Jared, halt all business operations in NLA and liquidate everything. You’re moving out to consolidate with Daniel so that we can keep the Firebird to Mile High City route alive. I’ll be sending someone to take charge, you’ll both be working hard as assistants as penance. Is that understood?”

The two both shouted out yes in unison before their boss nodded in satisfaction and his projection disappeared.

I can come back from this. I’ll just have to work hard and produce results. Then I swear I’ll find out who the mastermind of this incident is and pay them back tenfold.

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