Corpo Age [Cyberpunk Progression LitRPG]

Chapter 21: A Day Out

One day, when the clinic had just opened, I tinkered around in my new workshop while there weren’t any clients yet.

I placed a pair of boots on the workbench and disassembled them for maintenance. There was barely any wear and tear, which was good news, but they weren’t flexible enough yet. I needed to expand the programming so that it could account for the change in different surfaces and conditions.

My current skills in software engineering were barely enough to do more than ensure its ongoing functionality and the on/off button.

The boots currently could allow users to move noiselessly most of the time, but had issues with obstacles like glass shards. 

There were superior models on the market that performed better, but nothing too advanced. The top-of-the-line stuff or tech that shared similar working principles with, was kept off the market because it was what corporate operators used. They implemented various reverse engineering countermeasures to strictly guard them against their rival corporations.

I’m sure the world of corporate espionage was going full throttle in this world, fueling an R&D war between stealth and detection tools, just like with offensive and defensive armaments.

Once I finished examining the boots, I had my SAID put a call through.

“Hey Thorne, how did it go this morning with testing the boots?”

“It no longer feels like the shoes were clamping onto the ground and definitely more natural, but I still can’t tell what type of surface I’m stepping on from feeling alone. I’ll send you the detailed review form once I finish it.”

There was a limit to how much I could enhance my work with my current knowledge, as I had to rely on trial and error.








Neural Reflex:


Visuomotor Coordination:




Sensory Perception:


Upgrade Points:



  • Stealth +7
  • Hacking +3
  • Cybernetic Engineering +6
  • Stealth Technology +3
  • Software Engineering +1


SAID: Zenitech Hoth Mk.3

Optics: Nova Tech Stars Mk.4

Cyberarm (Left): Nova Tech Mudra Mk.6


Previously, I had gotten started and upgraded Stealth Technology and Software Engineering. With only a few points invested, I couldn’t produce anything amazing yet, but it was a start.

Now that I have more points, I should be able to comprehensively improve my old work and open up new options. There are a few things that aren’t available on the market that I may start developing.

I spent the points and took a moment to sort out the new knowledge that rushed into my head.








Neural Reflex:


Visuomotor Coordination:




Sensory Perception:


Upgrade Points:



  • Stealth +7
  • Hacking +3
  • Cybernetic Engineering +6
  • Stealth Technology +4
  • Software Engineering +2


SAID: Zenitech Hoth Mk.3

Optics: Nova Tech Stars Mk.4

Cyberarm (Left): Nova Tech Mudra Mk.6


With the new information dumped into my brain, the way I looked at my earlier creation instantly changed. Various mistakes and inefficiencies stood out to me. It wasn’t like I suddenly had a better design, but my application of theories and scientific principles was rough and I now knew I could do a lot better.

I got to work and started tweaking the boots on hand until the lack of components held me back. I also wanted to start my new project, so I definitely had to go stock up on parts.

Adding shopping to my to-do list for tomorrow, I exited the workshop and went to greet the first customer of the day.



The next morning, I left the clinic at the same time as the other two residents. Thorne headed off to training while Claire decided to tag along with me, as she was free.

Returning to the same electronic store where I had bought my 3D printer, I quickly found the high-tech components I was looking for and the additional resin for the printer.

“Hey boss, can I take a look around before you checkout?” Claire said without even turning to me as she was enamored with a small processing chip in front of her.

I double-checked I had ordered everything I needed before replying, “Sure, why not? We have some time before lunch anyway.”

Thankfully, the items were only brought to me once I had paid by the exit, so I didn’t have to lug anything around.

We went from floor to floor, browsing through different categories of electronics that ranged from home appliances to niche specialty equipment or even to the gaming terminals that gave me the urge to check out what the gaming community of this world had to offer.

It wasn’t like I was struggling as I had been in the early days when I would worry about how to spend every little credit. I could afford to have a hobby now.

Maybe when everything could run smoothly without my intervention.

My stock of cybernetics was dwindling day by day, as the harvesters seemed to have gone underground, getting ridiculously difficult to find. My initial stash of Nova Tech cybernetics was close to being gone, but I had a plan on how to restock.

“I was thinking, boss… I wanted to get a good terminal as well, so I’ve been saving up for one. Did you want one as well?”

Claire’s voice drew me away from the gaming terminal I had been eyeing, “Hmm…Yeah, I might want one to play around with. Why did you want one?”

“Well…Thorne has been working so hard, training in the morning and going out with you at night. I wanted to do something useful as well.”

“You’re plenty useful already. I need you here to help me hire more people soon too and the HR management that comes along with it, you don’t have to worry about having too much free time soon.”

“It’s just, I wanted to do more than that. Lana said she would help me get started on learning how to code and stuff.”

“When did you manage to get so close to Lana?”

She smirked, “Us girls have our ways of bonding. Don’t worry about it.”

Well…If she was going to get free lessons from someone who knows what they are doing, then maybe I should encourage it. 

Unlike in my previous world, knowledge and skills were closely guarded, or behind paywalls. To attain a similar level of expertise to Lana in hacking, I would need to invest quite a few points or pay a sum I couldn’t afford to some educational institution that I probably wouldn’t even trust to begin with.

“...I was just looking to play around with a terminal. If you’re serious about learning from Lana, why don’t we buy one to share for now? I don’t plan on using it too much anyway.”

“Really?!” She turned toward me with a sparkle in her eyes.

“Yeah, let’s call it a company expense.”

“In that case, let’s go over there. I want one that is more lightweight so I can carry it around with me anywhere I go,” She dragged me over without waiting for my response.

Carrying it with her wherever she went? Did she not just hear what I said about sharing it…?



“Come on Doc, can you give me a discount on this? 10k for the arm is way too much.” 

“That Nova Tech model goes for 15,000 credits normally. It is already discounted,” I explained. I had been getting more and more new clients, which inevitably came along in a mixed bag. 

“Yeah, but that’s because this is used or stolen right?”

“All our cybernetics here are in prime condition, I assure you. If this is too pricy, maybe you can check out these other ones here,” I filtered the prices for cyberarms and pushed the terminal over for the client to see.

He took a quick glance at it disinterested, “So where do you even stock these models anyway? Some of these are older than me, I think.”

“No comment, but the prices are justified. You get what you pay for.”

“I’m going to save this list and think it over first then, Doc.”

“Understood. I look forward to your visit.”

I walked the man out to the lobby and glanced over at Claire, who was completely zoned into the terminal we had bought the other day.

“There’s a client waiting in both rooms two and three.” She noted without even looking up.

I should start considering hiring more people…I’ll need the clinic to go legit first, though.

We closed the clinic at the usual time and decided to go out for dinner for once. We haven’t really gone out much during nighttime as we had each been busy with our own matters.

Driving through the city at night, I enjoyed the view of the colossal megabuildings, comparing sizes to the smaller buildings surrounding them.

The restaurant we went to was at the edge of the island, which had a clear view of the water. Sitting by the patio, I could spot a few ships out in the distance, with their lights on. Elevate City was one of the few free trade zones owing to the joint corporate control plus the space elevator. It was inevitable tons of ships came and went every day.

Instead of human servers, the staff that greeted us were robots. They weren’t AI-controlled as it was banned, so they could only speak and perform pre-programmed tasks.

For this meal, we splurged a little bit. I wasn’t sure if the food was actually good or if it was a sharp contrast to all the junk I had gotten used to eating, but it was definitely a few steps up. 

After finishing our meal, we leisurely took in the scenery and watched the musicians perform.

“So are you guys planning to go out again tonight too?” Claire said as she placed down her cup of tea.

“Yeah, don’t have any jobs from my QG, but he did have some information on potential hideouts.”

“...I don’t get it. Why are you still doing dangerous things like this? You make more than enough in the clinic, and we could source the chrome from somewhere else. Even if we have to pay for it, it would be much safer.” Claire frowned while looking at the table while Thorne alternated glances between us and decided to sip on his drink and not get involved.

From Claire’s perspective, I guess it hadn’t made any sense to put myself and Thorne in danger so often. I needed to keep doing so to continue leveling up, but that wasn’t something they could even fathom. While I wanted to come clean, the system was a secret I don’t plan on sharing lightly.

“Look, I can’t explain or go into detail, but this is something I need to do to continue making progress with myself and the company.”

“...Fine, do what you want. You’re the boss.”

Having sensed Claire’s deteriorating mood, Thorne quickly injected, “So what are you planning with the business anyway? I know you’ve been working on something in your workshop. Do you plan to sell those?”

“Hmm, yeah, I’m still just testing out the tech, but something along those lines. Will have to figure out the profitability, manufacturing, and market viability of it first, though.”

We moved to more benign topics before we paid and went on our way back home to the clinic. 

On the way back into the city, this time, it was hard not to notice the stark transition from the more well-off districts to the regular ones. As we drove by, I couldn’t take my eyes off the homeless, gangsters, and lifeless corporate drones that went about their evening.

It reinforced to me how important money was and that my desire to get rich wasn’t wrong. However, it highlighted how society in this world was really horrible compared to my old one. An urge to do something about it welled up inside me, but I knew it wasn’t something one person could tackle. This was something that would have to be shelved until the time was right.

We pulled up into the parking spaces in front of the clinic.

“Hey, boss, sorry about earlier. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. You have a right to your own secrets. It just somehow made me take it as you not trusting me, but I know that’s not the case, right?” 

Before I could reply, loud engine noises roared from the main road, heading closer and closer rapidly toward us. When I looked over, I saw the figure of someone’s upper body pop up from the car and then a thunderous noise resonated throughout the area as we instinctively took cover behind the car we just exited.

The two turrets installed at the front door of our clinic came online and locked onto the threats. Only one managed to get a shot off at the car, as gunfire disabled the other one. It seemed to be a targeted attack, as they knew what they were doing.

We heard another car closing in as well, but taking the opportunity while the attackers were occupied with the remaining turret, Thorne and I laid down covering fire while we swiftly shepherded Claire with us into the clinic.

Okay, what the fuck, who is attacking us? I don’t remember pissing anyone off.

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