Contract Summoner

Interlude 2

-The moment every living Human entered the Safe Zone-

“Hello?” The girl's voice called out. She was scared, one moment she was laying in bed listening to music, the next she was standing somewhere. She reached out to try and feel for anything, but all she felt was air.

The girl was blind, and in this area, she might as well be doomed to die here. She was alone, scared, and worried that she was somehow kidnapped. “Bruce! Uncle Roger? Mom? Anyone!” She shouted, calling out for her dog or family.

Not knowing what else to do, she curled up in a ball and started to cry. She had no clue how long she was there, her phone was on the music dock before she was taken, and had no way to tell what time it was. She couldn’t feel any warmth or cold to tell night from day if she was outside, so she assumed she was inside somewhere.

The ground she laid upon was firm and smooth. It wasn’t too hot or cold, but still she couldn’t get comfortable while crying. However, comfort was the least of her worries. She had no idea of where she was, if only she could see!

A voice rang out, “Oh? My apologies, I was unaware this planet had people who lacked all their senses. One moment.”

“WHO IS THERE!” The girl started to scramble backwards, however the voice was heard in her mind, as if it was her own thought.


“Shh, oh young one. I do not mean to scare you. I promise you will be home very shortly, however please listen and follow the instructions. Once you finish them, you will be back in your room.”

The girl heard a series of beeps and could feel certain parts of her body tingle with each noise. She was somehow able to understand it all, as if the knowledge to do so was planted as a long forgotten memory. If she were to describe it, it was a list of some sort. Describing characteristics of her body, mind, and soul? It was weird at first, but she realized it was like a M&M Character sheet. Her brother tried to get her to play once, but never got into it.

She lacked the visual parts of the game, however it was nice the dice had engravings she could feel. She enjoyed listening to the games with her brother and friends, every now and then she was offered to play, but she always preferred listening.

Does this mean magic is real now! She gasps aloud with both curiousness and hope. “Could the magic cure me?”

She asked aloud, but the voice was gone. She frowned and the Submenus peaked her interest the most. There were only four listed: Abilities, Inventory, Skills, and Spells. What about other things?

“Submenu: uhhhh Help?”

She didn’t get any response.

“Submenu: Options?”


Alrighty! What else could there be?

“Submenu: Call?”


“Submenu: Phone a friend?”


“Submenu: Contacts?”


She spent several moments playing with different submenus, trying to find one that could help her.

“Submenu: Ailments.”


“YES!” She could hear everything listed that was wrong with her. The System called them debuffs. Blindness was one of them. Before she could go on any further, she gathered two or three titled and one achievement for all her efforts, each giving bonuses to her six main stats.

She knew she was running out of time, a faint ticking sound informed her of that. She Wisdom was the stat related to perception, able to hear, smell, or see better. She put all her points there before she was done.

She appeared back in her room, with her music playing where she last heard it. As if she never left her room at all. She looked around and grabbed her phone and walking stick. She let out a whistle for her dog and he came into the room instantly, standing by her side.

“Come on Bruce.” She put his harness on and started to walk to the side of the house where her Mother's bedroom was. “Mom! You won’t guess what just happened to me!”

She knocked on the door and listened, but nobody answered. “Mom?”

“Katherine!” Her uncle's voice was heard from upstairs.

“Uncle Roder? I thought you were at work?”

“No time! Where is your mom!” He came running down the stairs. She heard his work boots hit each step. Why was he upstairs in his uniform? Mom doesn't like it when he wears shoes in the house.

Rodger opened the door to Kat’s mother's room and let out a small scream.

“What! What happened? Rodger!”

“Fuck! No Kat! Don’t go in there!” Rodger forced himself not to puke and closed the door.

“Shit, okay Kat. I know you are only sixteen, but I need you to be an adult for me right now okay? Can you do that?”

“What is going on Rodger! What happened to mom?”

“She...she is dead. I don’t know, YOU CAN’T GO IN!” Rodger screamed at Kat as she tried to open the door.

“Listen Kat, I just talked to God, Zeus, fucking I don’t know who.”

“I did too! Were you in a giant empty room and can do magic right?” Kat asked her Uncle.

“Wait, you too? Oh shit, okay. Your brother used to mess with that stuff. I am going to call him, you go pack a bag and we are going to my buddies house. He has a farm we can hide at.”

“I’m blind. I don’t know where mom put her suitcases.”

“Shit, I think they are in her room. Okay, just pack some clothes, we are leaving. I’ll load stuff for Bruce, just be quick!”

“Rodger, what happened to mom? Why is she dead?”

“It’s hard to explain Kat. Just promise me you wont’ go in there.”

“Not unless you tell me!” She stopped her foot and Bruce let out a bark.

“Agh!” He yelled in frustration, not knowing how to handle the situation. “Fine! Her head exploded alright?” he said, stomaching another urge to puke at the thought. “The magical boxes said 25% of people died, you probably didn’t see it but-”

“I heard it, I changed the options to read out everything to me.”

“Options what? Nevermind, look this is the second coming, aliens, a year worse than 2020 for all I know. Just pack up please, we can talk more in the car okay?”

-1 Month after the take over of The System-

Several kids from ages 9 to 12 were huddled up together in a circle, each of them boasting to one another as they looked at their Menus.

“Well, I have the most strength and I have 5 submenus!” Said the youngest of the group, with a thick british accent.

“Nobody cares Gerald, we are all going to die anyways.” The eldest of the group was a girl, her hair was braided and she was wearing her school uniform, the only clean clothing she had still.

“Yea Gerald, everyone here knows you need to even out your stats, you idiot!” Another kid yelled at him.

“Well, how else am I going to wear shining armor? That way I can save a princess!”

“There are no princess, you hobknocker.”

“Sally said a bad word!” Gerald shouted loudly, in hopes an adult hears him.

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

One of the parents slowly walked over to the children, annoyed and aggravated. “Will you all knock it off! I thought you were all supposed to help Miss Garnet?”

“We were, but she said that we were too special to help her, and to keep ourselves busy and to not bother the other adults.” Gerald said as if it was something to be proud of.

Sally rolled her eyes. “The younger ones annoyed her half to death, and asked me to keep them out of everyones hair.

The adult sighed. It’s been a month, and the impromptu walls are mostly finished. However, he was worried about the noise these kids made.

“You all need to not fight, we are all one big family now okay?” He looked each kid in the eyes. “We need to help each other out, and we can’t let monsters find us. Which means we have to be quiet. Understood?”

“My dad says we are all dead anyways, what does it matter?”

“My mum says we are all better off than dead.”

“Well my parents are dead, so yea…”

The adult facepalmed. “Everyone stay safe. I’m going to send Ernie over here to help out with lunch.

“Not Ernie!”

“We hate Ernie!”

All the kids started to protest, but the adult raised his hand to stop the protest. “What's wrong with Ernie?”

“He is a nerd. All the talks about is physics and how with magic we can do blah blah blah.” Sally said mockingly.

“Well, I think he is okay. He can be my sidekick!”

“Shut up Gerald!” Several kids all agreed.

The adult walked off without another word, shaking his head. This is why I never had kids.

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