Contract Summoner

Chapter 4 [Revised]

I was currently waiting with two members of my scouting party. Steve-O, another civilian like me. He was a little creepy. He wore all black, and kept his hood up, even while it was 80 degrees outside. He had two knives on either of his legs. Turns out he already has the knife skill at Novice 2.

The other guy was someone who was already in the Air Force. Apparently calling them Soldier is the wrong thing, they are Airmen. He had a glock and a police baton along with extra supplies. He was our Medic with the First Aid skill. Eventually our other two members arrived.

The first was Captain Henderson. She was part of the Security detail stationed at this base, and is in charge of our team. She had a couple of knives, a baton, and an assault rifle. She seemed the most equipped out of all of us, especially when looking at the other person walking up with her.

He was small framed, and lightly loaded. Only a small pack and instead of boots, he had running shoes.

“Greetings everyone, this is Damien, he is our scout. He is the only person so far who has a unique skill like his.” Captain Henderson introduced him to us all.

“Hey everyone. Yea so apparently I got a super awesome skill called ‘Sprint’. It lets me run faster and for longer, though at Novice 1, not by much.” Damien seemed to be chipper and full of energy.

“How old are you Damien?” I asked curiously.

“Wow not even dinner first Mat? If you must know, I am 19 and a half years old. Yes I am small, but I ran track all of my life and my family were never taller than 5 foot 5 inches.” Damien smiled, apparently having answered such a question more than once.

Steve-O put his arm around Henderson, “So when can I get a fancy sword to fight with? And after that, how about you give me private lessons on how to use it Soldier Girl?”

I winced for him as she pulled out her knife and held it to his throat. “Flirt with me again or anyone else like that and you won’t have to worry about procreating anymore. Got it civilian boy?”

Never have I seen someone move so fast and with such precision. I have a weird feeling Steve-O won't be coming back with us without a few wounds. I cleared my throat, “Henderson, are we traveling on foot or vehicle?”

She glared at Steve-O for a moment longer before letting him go. “By foot. We are going through the woods north. The location of where the portal is rumored is about 2 hours out. It’s near the mountain there so let’s get moving.”

The five of us left the base, and Damien took off ahead of us. We walked at a normal pace, keeping an eye out for trouble. Minor conversations took place to keep us busy.

“So Henderson, when did you join the military?” I asked to hopefully learn a bit more about the person in charge of me.

“6 years ago, I went through the academy and got put at this dumpster of a base. Wasn’t even on my list of choices, but the military loves to fuck people over.”

“What’s so bad about this base?” I was curious.

She scoffed, “An hour's drive to the closest city. Plus the base was shutting down before all this happened. Now it’s a hotspot for survivors like yourselves. You were one of the people on the convoy right?”

I nodded, “Why do you ask?”

“Means one of two things, you are rich and a politician, or you are married or related to a rich politician.” She looked me up and down, “You don’t seem like a politician but you looked rich. So I am guessing Jerry is your sugar daddy?”

I almost blanched at that thought, “Not even close, I do have money. I was a Divorse Lawyer. However my parents raised me well enough to where I never wanted to stick my thumb in the pie of politics. Judge Jerry invited me to the Convoy so long as I paid.”

Henderson seemed somewhat impressed, “Interesting.” She looked over at our Medic who’s name I didn’t know so I focused on him.

Senior Airman Brown, Level 1, Classless

Weird how The System includes their ranks. I wonder if the name shown is what you respond to most reliantly? I took a look at the others and confirmed their names to be what they told me.

“Airman Brown, what rank is your First Aid skill?”

He turned back to Henderson, “Only Novice 1 Ma’am. I acquired it last night right before dinner. When we return I plan to work more into it. Major Payne seems inclined to have everyone of his medical personnel to have this skill and maximise it till it says and I quote, ‘God of First Aid 999’”

Henderson rolled her eyes, “Yes, I heard he is overly enthusiastic when it comes to being the best of the best. Part of the reason why he is a Major.”

It was at that point Damien came jogging over to us. He was 20 minutes early from his normal check in time, this was not good. Henderson apparently agreed as she ran up to him asking questions. “What is it? Why are you back early?”

Damien caught his breath, “Wolves. Well wolf, but isn’t there a saying like when you see one wolf, there are 10 others hiding nearby?”

Henderson was a bit insulted by what he said. “You came to us early because of wolves? Were they shooting lasers from their eyes?”

He sheepishly shook his head, “Sorry, wolves are scary. Thought it be smart to warn you about them.”

Captain Henderson groaned in annoyance, “No, only something like zombies, vampires, or whatever else this fucking System plans to throw at us. Normal wolves are not a problem anymore I think. Get back out there and report back in 25 minutes.”

Damien rolled his eyes and ran ahead of us. Brown seemed a little more on edge after hearing about wolves, but didn’t say anything. More than likely fearing the wrath of Captain Henderson more.

After an hour we were close enough to the mountain that Damien stayed with the main group. Henderson led us while we followed loosely behind. “If what I was told is correct, it should be in a cave about a mile from here. Stay down. Stay quiet. If you see anything tap me on the shoulder, for the love of god, don’t get us killed. Everyone understand?”

We all nodded and followed her as stealthily as we could. It took us about 20 minutes of walking around the mountain before we saw a red glow in the air. Henderson held up a hand stopping us. She gestured for us to stay put while she went ahead and look.

We waited till she came back. Steve-O whispered to us, “What if she doesn't come back?”

Brown shook his head, “She will, trust me. She did a tour in the sand pits. I really doubt some slow zombies are going to get her. Worst case she will come running back and we dip outta here.”

We all nodded to that. She must be an Officer and put in charge of us for a reason.

Time ticks by and it grew to 10 minutes before we heard someone come back to us. Captain Henderson was walking normally waving for us to follow her. We ran up. “So what did you find?”

She smiled at me, “Just a red portal like was said, no Zombies or anything that I saw, quickly come check it out and we can leave.”

We followed her to a cave entrance. There was a red portal just like the one back in town. It was then I had an idea and focused on the portal.

Infernal Dungeon Portal - G Rank

Recommended Level: 5

Recommended Party Size: 5

“Guys focus on it, this is weird!” I looked over to Captain Henderson who looked back at me with an impressed look.

“Good work Mathew, I was wondering if any of you would do that. This is going to be great news to report back on. Let's head back ASAP. I want to tell the General now.” She started to jog leading us back to base. “Damien stay with the group for now, when we are halfway back you can start scouting again, I want to make some progress quickly.”

We all fell behind her only able to keep up the light jog for about 10 minutes before slowing to a walk again. I wasn’t a fit guy, but Steve-O apparently was worse off than me. After an hour Damien split off from us and scouted ahead again.

It was only a few minutes before he came sprinting to us and behind him were three wolves. We all froze except for Henderson who shouted, “Shit! Everyone get ready to fight these mutts off. Don’t let your backs be exposed and don’t fall to the ground.” She pulled out her knife and baton.

I pulled out my new combat knife, looking at it’s stats.

Combat Knife

Made for killing and stabbing. A weapon for combat.

Deals 10-12 + Dex piercing damage.

It was better than the Kitchen Knife for sure. Plus it was a bit longer and had a serrated edge. Hopefully these wolves were weaker than the Zombies. That’s when I had a brilliant idea. “Focus on the wolves! Look to see if they have levels.” Everyone including myself focused on the three wolves.

Wolf, Level 1

Wolf, Level 1

Alpha Wolf, Level 2

This was not good, that means guns won’t work. Plus one of them was level 2! Does that make it twice as strong as the level 1’s? Apparently Captain Henderson had similar thoughts.

“It was a pleasure working this mission with you all. If anyone survives, do me a favor and turn these bastards into a wall mount for me.” With that the wolves charged in at us.

Henderson and Steve-O were battling the Alpha. Brown was fighting one Wolf leaving the last for myself and Damien. Damien swung his knife at it, but the Wolf easily dodged the attack running right for me.

I was ready for it, but not enough. The wolf got a good bite on my arm, but I also got a good stab in its side.

Wolf dealt 9 Piercing Damage to you.

You dealt 10 Piercing Ddamage to Wolf.

Damien ran over and slashed at it grazing it but just enough to force it to let go of my arm.

Damien dealt 6 Slashing Damage to Wolf.

My left arm was useless right now, blood pouring out of my arm at a drastic rate. A new notification floated in my vision

You are bleeding for 5 seconds.

“Yea no shit System.” However, I felt it was something different than normal bleeding.

The wolf lurched forward trying to scratch me with it’s large paws and I fell backwards, able to dodge the attack. When I did so, the Wolf Brown was fighting went straight for me landing a bite on my shoulder.

Wolf dealt 20 Piercing Damage to you. Critical!

Pain lurched through me as I stabbed it in the face twice.

You dealt 15 Piercing Damage weak spot!

You dealt 13 Piercing Damage weak spot!”

“Aim for their heads!” Damien shouted. Brown ran over to me kicking the wolf attached to my shoulder with his heavy boot.

Brown dealt 4 Bludgeoning Damage to Wolf.

The wolf reluctantly let go of me, and Brown helped me up. “Shit you look bad Mat. Stay behind me.” He pulled out his baton in his other hand and readied to bash the Wolf if it ran at us.”

I risked a glance over to Steve-O and Captain Henderson. They seemed to be doing well. Henderson was using her Baton as a way to parry attacks from the Alpha Wolf, while Steve-O was slashing at it with both his knives.

Damien was able to keep dodging the Wolves attacks, but it landed a grazing scratch every now and then. Things were not looking good for the rest of us. It was then our wolf lurched forward.

Brown stuck the Baton in the wolves mouth keeping it from moving forward more, “Get behind it and aim for its neck!”

I moved to the side and tried to stab it’s neck, only landing in it’s chest area.

You dealt 25 Piercing Damage! Critical! Weak Spot!

“Huh?” I thought as the wolf fell down. Brown gave me a thumbs up.

“Good idea aiming for the heart, go help out Henderson and Steve-O I got Damien.” He ran off leaving me alone.

I ran over to the Alpha and by then the wolf was looking horrible. One of its eyes was gone and it’s fur was covered in blood. Henderson only had a few scratches, while Steve-O had his left leg missing some flesh.

I ran next to her and she readied her baton. “When it hits me, both of you stab it. Don’t worry about me.” I nodded not thinking enough to argue.

The Alpha Wolf charged at her with enough force to knock them both down. It had her head in it’s maw. It was then both Steve-O and I cut and stabbed at it over and over.

You dealt 10 Piercing Damage to Alpha Wolf.

Steve-O Dealt 13 Slashing Damage to Alpha Wolf.

Steve-O Dealt 10 Slashing Damage to Alpha Wolf.

You dealt 8 Piercing Damage to Alpha Wolf.

Steve-O Dealt 12 Slashing Damage to Alpha Wolf.

Steve-O Dealt 18 Slashing Damage to Alpha Wolf. Weak Spot!

After that last attack from Steve-O the Alpha Wolf slumped down, no longer moving. Neither was Captain Henderson.

We both pushed it off her and her head did not look good. It was missing most  of her skin and the top of her scalp was peeled back revealing her skull. Brown and Damien ran over, the former pulling stuff out of his bag and applying First Aid.

“Captain Henderson, if you die, you won’t be able to see those mutts stuffed and mounted in your office.” He somehow remained calm enough applying cleaning solutions and bandages. He asked us to help out applying pressure where needed.

She let out a faint wheeze almost like a laugh. Brown hushed her, “Save your energy. If you survive the next hour you won’t die.” He looked over at the rest of us. “Damien you are on lookout. Steve-O, keep her company while I treat Mathew, if you try any pervy stuff I will kill you and say the wolves got you. Mat come here let me look at your arm.”

I scooted over to him, wincing as my arm flared in pain. Steve applied several cleaning solutions and bandages to my arm. “Oh looky there, my First Aid skill improved to Novice 3. That’s a huge jump.”

It was then blue boxes appeared in front of everyone.

Combat Summary:

Wolf x2 slain: 20 Experience.

Alpha Wolf slain: 30 Experience.

Level Up!

You have Reached Level 2. One Unallocated Stat point remains.

Health Gained: 60

Mana Gained: 95

New Submenu unlocked! Quests.

New Quest! Choosing your Profession

I looked at everyone else who all appeared to acquire Level 2 except for Brown.

Damien came back to us, “Did anyone else get a quest? Mine is ‘Choosing my Profession’. I also got 1 stat point to apply.”

Everyone who leveled up got the same. I opened my character sheet thinking of where to put my point. After the battle today, to hell with casting. I should invest in some defensive stats if I can’t learn spells anytime soon. Putting the point into Endurance, I looked over my sheet.

Name: Mathew

Level: 2 | 115 / 250 Exp

Age: 27

Race: Human [Grade G]

Class: Unknown [Grade Unknown]

Profession: None

Titles: Lawyer

Achievements: Survivor

Health: 48/175

Mana: 240/240

Strength: 10

Vitality: 11

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 13

Unallotted Stat Points: 0

Submenus: Abilities, Inventory, Terms and Conditions, Quests, Skills

Dratz, the extra point of Endurance won’t factor into my total health till I leveled up. However it helps with regeneration which is always a good thing. I was at 48 health right now, but I have a feeling I was much lower before Brown patched me up. Those wolves were way stronger than Isabella was.

We ate a bit of food as the hour ticked by. Slowly my health was rising and I could hear Captain Henderson talking a bit now. “I want you all to know I claim the big one.” That got a chuckle out of everyone.

I sat next to her, “Sure, but I got dibs on the one that tried to remove my arm from my body. I always wanted a nice wolf pelt rug in front of my fireplace.” She chuckled a bit before coughing and wincing in pain.

Steve-O made a worrying sound, “Uhh guys the wolf bodies are gone. Like, gone gone. I think they dropped loot like video games.”

I looked over to where we put the bodies and he was right, they were gone. In their place were a few items.

‘Wolf Pelt x2 [Common]’

‘Wolf Fang [Common]’

‘Alpha Wolf Fang [Uncommon]’

‘Alpha Wolf Pelt [Uncommon]’

He was right, it was exactly like a video game. If I remember Crow mentioned crafting materials, whatever that meant. I don’t know what someone could make with Pelts and Fangs other than some nice decorations. “Sorry Captain Henderson, doesn't look like you get your mount. However you too are the owner of a nice fireplace rug.”

We made a stretcher to carry Captain Henderson and 2 hours later we arrived back at base. Medics there looked over our wounds and confirmed they were healing on their own. I was sent back to bed and was told to rest for the rest of the day.


I woke up the next day feeling a bit sore. Before heading off to eat breakfast I stopped by the medic area to get checked up. My arm looked perfectly normal once the bandages were removed, however I was told to take it easy to be sure no internal damage was still healing.

I checked in on Captain Henderson, who was making a great recovery. She is planned to be back to normal in a couple of days, she had a higher health pool, and took longer to regenerate because of it.

After some food, I went back to my room remembering the Quest. Opening the submenu and clicking on the only quest I read it.

Quest: Choosing your Profession.

Upon officially accepting this Quest, The System’s magic will scan you for the best profession. After that you can accept or manually choose your own profession. It is highly suggested you take the selected one, but be warned. Your Profession has a high chance to affect your Class choice. Skills, Abilities, and Spells can be limited by your Profession. You can not change your profession till level 15.


I read through the information twice thinking it over. “So this confirms at level 15 something happens, but is it for everyone or only myself?” Seeing nothing else to do, I selected Accept. The box closed and a cold chill went across my body. As if it was going through my very essence. Next thing I knew, a new box popped up.

Suggested Profession: Contract Scribe

Hidden Profession applied. Your history as a Lawyer and countless days writing reports and reading has granted you this rare and unique profession. Countless Summoners seek out to obtain this Profession. Congratulations.

Accept Profession?

Hidden Profession? Is this like the secret submenu? I had no clue what to make of it, but I knew that if it was hidden that meant rare. One thing I knew of games, rare means valuable. I hit the accept button and read the new blue box.

Profession Accepted!

+3 Intelligence

+4 Wisdom

New Skill: Writing | Novice 1

This skill improves penmanship. Great for writing Reports, Rituals, or Spells.

Unlocked Spellcasting!

Ice Magic spell tree unlocked!

Summoner spell tree unlocked!

Ritual spell tree unlocked!

Please select your first spell from the provided list under new submenu ‘Spellbook’

Achievement Professional Profession:  For completing your Profession Quest, gain 100 Experience.

“Woah that’s a jump in stat points, too bad I didn’t get those before I leveled up.” I muttered to myself aloud reading everything.

I immediately opened my spellbook and was almost overwhelmed by the information. I closed it and shook my head. “I need an expert on this stuff.” I stood up and left, heading to the one person I knew who could help. Crow.

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