Contract Summoner

Chapter 21

Combat Summary:

Staves -> Novice 4

Ice Bolt - > Beginner 1

Summon Object -> Novice 7

Summon Creature -> Novice 2

Ritual of Learning -> Novice 8

Experience Gained: 1,150

I sipped at my tea looking over the combat summary from last night's work. The Option submenu allowed me to bring up old notifications, which was great for reviewing progress. I was almost Level 9, and I was excited for a new spell and the bonus to my stats. Park, Becca, and Marcus all achieved Level 4, and I imagine in two days we can get them to Level 5. Today everyone would show up, and we would do what I used to do when I was first here with nothing but a knife and Wispy.

The memory of being with Captain Henerdson and the others washed over me for a moment, and a mixture of emotions came upon me. Happiness of the friends I did make, sadness two of them are dead, and anger for what I thought was abandonment. As time heals many things, I came to understand the situation was not their fault, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.

Wispy bumped into my head which felt like an icy cold blast from a walk in the freezer. “Hey, don’t do that buddy. I’m not made of magical ice that can cause a miniature explosion,defying the laws of physics in the process, like you are.”

If a Wisp could smile, it would be right now.

I stood up and ensured I had everything I needed.

The Inventory was a minor Submenu, but when one needed to look over everything, it was quick and efficient. “Inventory”

Robes of the Scribe [Uncommon] (Body):

Comfortable cloth that breathes easily and easy to clean! While offering little to defense, these robes are the mark of a Scribe. Has pockets.

+3 to Intelligence

+1 to Wisdom

2% Reduction to Physical Damage

15% Reduction to Physical Damage

Summoners Amulet [Common] (Neck):

An item that any summoner worth his two front teeth would own in his or her early days. Grants an additional maximum summon at one time.

Staff of the Pack Leader [Rare]:

What was once the horn of an Infernal Wolf Pack Leader, has been turned into a useful staff. It’s black material seems to never break and is cool to the touch.

+2 to any leadership skills

Grants Summon: Infernal Wolf

Deals 20 Necrotic damage to those hit with it.

Infernal Knapsack [Uncommon] (Bag)

Crafted by Becca Alamonoi

This Knapsack is designed to withstand the highest of temperatures and can keep even ice from melting within. This bag has the added benefit of being recognized by the system and is integrated with your Inventory Submenu.

10% Fire Resistance while equipped

Weight reduced by: 23%

Knapsack Storage:

Healing Potions x3

30 Meters of Rope

MRE x16

First Aid Kit

Flares x4


Fire Starter

Camping Supplies

M&M Handbook Vol 2


Pen x4

I frowned at the end. I thought I fixed what showed up with the options, why does Lint keep showing up?

I made a mental note to fix what showed up later. I was more interested in the important items. Like the potions and First Aid Kit. If I wanted to know more than that, I could open the bag and see inside. Once I meet with everyone at the warehouse, I can stock up on the rest of the supplies we would need.

The sun had just finished rising over the horizon, most people were just waking up, but here I was. Fear and anxiety filled me right now. This was the first outing with all of us. Our goal was to get Marcus, Park, Becca, and Doctor Gloria up to Level 6 at the least.

Leo, Madison, and Crow were all Level 7, however an extra level on all of us wouldn’t hurt at all. It may even ensure none of us get severely injured. My biggest worry was myself. I currently stood on the cusp of Level 9. If I were to acquire Level 10 before we enter the Dungeon it could mean trouble for us based on what Agnox said.

I walked into the large building. Only the sound of banging metal filled the air. In the corner was Hennessy, the only crafter crazy enough to be up this early and working. He was standing in my Ritual of Learning and working hard to finish all the orders we would be needing. I walked over to him and waited for him to notice me.

“Oi, morning there Mathew. Your Ritual is doing great work! However I imagine you are here for something other than that.”

“Correct, I had an idea yesterday and I was hoping you can help me out.” I looked at the table where several items he had made were on display.

“I have no idea what a smith like myself can do for you, but I will do my best. What is it?”

“Do you have any knives made for throwing?” I asked.

“Throwing Knives eh? I have normal knives, but give me a moment I think I can fix one up real quick.” He turned around and grabbed a knife that wasn’t yet finished. He threw it in the fire for a little bit letting it slowly turn red.

Once it was heated up, he pulled it out and started to bang on it. I glanced down at my Ritual he was standing in and I realized something. The Ritual has not leveled up in a while. I wonder why?

Several moments went by and soon the hiss of metal rapidly cooling was heard.

“Ah there we go, nothing fancy but it will get the job done.”

I took a look at it to see what he made.

Steel Throwing Knife

Crafted by Hennessy Campbell

This weapon is made for throwing and as such has a penalty when used in melee combat.

Range: 15 Meters

Damage: 10 + Dexterity

“Why does it look weird?”

“It’s because it has no handle, I made it balanced in the center. From what I was told, those are the best for beginners. I won’t lie and say it’s the first one I made since magic started to exist, so if it’s not up to snuff, that’s the reasoning. Are you sure you only want the one? I can make two more since it was simple to do so.”

I thought about it for a moment. “Actually I wouldn't mind a couple extras. It would be smart in case the first one gets damaged or lost somehow.”

He nodded and handed me started to work on two more. “I thought you were a summoner. Why on earth do you need these? Is your wacking stick not good enough?”

“I only used it once to fight something in melee and to help cast magic. However I wanted to test and try something interesting. If it doesn't work out then I know now and not later when a fight happens. If it does work, then I will share my knowledge with others.”

“Alrighty, just don’t go poking your eye out. Remember to throw away from yourself and not at your friends.”

I rolled my eyes. “I think I know when to not throw a knife. Are you going to remind me not to run around while I hold it as well?”

“Actually, I was.” He laughed.

“We shouldn’t need the Ritual, since we will be on the move. So be sure everyone uses it as much as possible. I really want it to hit Beginner Rank as quickly as I can.”

“Sure thing Mat. All of us crafters are really thankful for the Ritual. I have no idea how much that thing helps, but I have a sneaky feeling it’s more than just a smidge or two.”

I nodded. “It gives just over 10% increase to the speed you learn new skills and abilities. However I have no clue how drastic that is in the long run. Still a bunch of stuff we don’t know about The System. Does each individual action add toward improving a skill? Proper results? What if you do it completely wrong by accident? Just more things for us to experiment moving forward.”

Hennessy nodded. “I agree with you, keep your head on straight like that and you will be the one in charge here eventually.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think I would enjoy being in charge of everything, too much work. Couldn’t trust anybody to follow rules or do their job properly.” I put the knives in my knapsack. “Ima go find the others, see you in a couple of days.”

I headed to the back area where all the supplies were kept. There I saw my team packing bags and getting ready. Everyone looked like they always have, except for Marcus, Park and Becca. All of whom wore similar gear I wore my first time going out. Pads, bullet proof vests, and other battle gear were worn. I still wore a few things under my robes, just in case.

“Are we almost ready?” I asked everyone.

“Just about, just a couple more things and we can leave.” Crow said.

“Anyone seen Doctor Gloria?” I asked

Everyone shrugged or shook their heads. “We haven't. Were you expecting her?” Leo said.

“I just hope she is late.” I said and started to help with packing.

“Late? Mathew, You said 6 AM! It’s just two minutes till then.” An annoyed voice sounded behind me.

I turned to see Doctor Gloria wearing what Combat Medics typically wore from what I was told. A large red plus sign was on several pieces of gear including upper right sleeve.

“If you are early, you are on time. If you are on time, you are late. And if you are late don’t bother showing up.” Crow said mockingly. “My dad's favorite saying”

Gloria crossed her arms. “Well I wanted some coffee too before I came over.”

Gross, another Coffee drinker. I thought to myself.

“Glad you made it. We are going to be doing a lot of walking. Hope you brought hiking boots.” I said.

“And why are we not driving this time?” Becca asked

“We are not going to follow any roads, plus the loud engine might scare away possible things to fight.” Madison said. “Besides, once we set up camp, we won’t be carrying this much stuff. It’s to get us through the next five days. Mathew hopes to find another Dungeon or Area Quest like we encountered with those Goblings.”

I nodded. “She’s right. The mountains continue in that direction to the east. Hopefully either normal monsters or fewer Infernal are that way.”

We were soon leaving out of the East Gate heading into the forest. It was nice getting this far out again. We all did small chatter as we hiked to find a place to set up camp. I kept Agnox and Wispy out as we went around.

Park was talking to Agnox about Warlocks. “So are you sure there is nothing I can do about it?” Park asked desperately.

“Nope! Unless your world has powerful beings already you can form a pact with, Warlock is off the table. Besides you are only Level 4! Wait till Level 10 kid.”

“First off, not a kid. I am a full fledged adult in the eyes of the law. Secondly, both Mathew and Crow got a class they shouldn’t have, why can’t I?”

“That’s because they are cheating monkeys. Do you want to be a cheating monkey?” Agnox asked seriously.

I glanced over at my rude Familiar. “Alrighty, that’s it. Agnox you are going away. I’m not dealing with your bullshit today. Unsummon Agnox.”

“No, wait -” Agnox turned into a small ball of light and shot toward me to be inside my mana.

“Well that was a bit rude Mathew, he was only joking.” Park said

“I told him if he kept calling us Monkies, he was going to get punished. The Familiar Contract does not put a restriction on when I can summon and unsummon him. He might have tricked me into the deal, but I will be damned if I don’t find loopholes to use to my advantage.” Like a proper Lawyer.

We walked for a little over an hour before we found a nice place to set up camp. A small bit of land with no rocks or roots sticking out of the ground.

I dropped the heavy bags on the ground with a thud. “Okay, after the Dungeon I am getting that bag enchantment spell. Imagine how much easier this would be with it!”

Leo put his bags next to mine, having a much easier time than I did. “Just remember you have it this time. How long did it take you to use the magnet hands one?”

“Summon Object is the spell, and only a week. I think.” I retorted.

Madison had the lightest load, as she continued her role as a scout and appeared last. “I didn’t see anything threatening, and no quest pop ups. Either nothing is here, or isn’t nearby.”

I nodded. “Good, now that we are alone let’s talk tactics officially here.”

“I thought we knew what our roles were already?” Park asked.

Becca nodded in agreement. “We have two tanks, a melee DPS, a healer, a debuffer, a summoner, a rock expert, and the best bow woman around.”

“Physics Expert!” Marcus exclaimed annoyed at Becca, who in turn stuck her tongue out at him.

“Easy you two. Yes our roles are defined, but there is more than just our roles. I am no battle expert, and I refuse to even attempt to claim such a thing, but it doesn't excuse some forethought before we fight with all of us.”

Crow nodded. “Was wondering when we were going to talk about this.”

“Talk about what?” Gloria asked.

“Synergy and Combos. For instance my Summon Object spell and the rocks Marcus can control. By having me bring the rocks he made back to him once out of his range, he saves mana and time. A few seconds, but that is all it takes in a fight.”

Everyone nodded seeing the point I was making. “My tactics upgrade gives me the Party submenu. It allows me to form a proper party like we would in a Dungeon. Our first goal is to get used to the symbols and the small blind spots.”

Crow spoke up next. “We also need to work on formations. We only have a week, but knowing where to stand now can save us. Think of it as a last minute performance at a play. It’s better to do some practice now, rather than do nothing till the big day.”

“Which brings me to something else, we all know when the Infernal will attack us, I want us to attack before then, I am cutting our training by one day.”

“What! What if we don’t get Level 7? Why are we doing that?” Park asked.

“The element of surprise. Our quest does not say we can’t attempt it early. Just that we succeed and before a certain day. Agnox is our secret weapon, he has told us what we are fighting, and what we can expect. Both fire and necrotic damage will be there, along with typical physical damage such as slashing and piercing.

Flying enemies and enemies that can hide are our main weaknesses, as we have barely fought either of the two. Today we break up into two teams”

Crow, Madison, Doctor Gloria and Becca were in one team. While Leo, Marcus, Park and I were in another.

“Why are we split up like this?” Leo asked.

“To focus on two things. Doctor Gloria, you mentioned you have buffs correct?” I asked.

She nodded. “I have only two spells currently. A healing spell, and my buff spell increases the vigor of anyone I target by a small percent. Essentially making them heartier and resist poisons and disease effects.”

I then pointed at Park. “And you have a debuff. Next attack on a target ignores resistances, right?”

Park nodded. “Yea, why does that matter?”

Marcus gasped. “I get it. The two teams are based around Gloria and Park. Crow, and Madison are two front liners, and need to understand the limits of the new buff and trust that she will heal them. While the flipside is for us. To get used to when Park uses his debuff and when to attack.”

“Exactly, three points to Marcus.” I said with a smile.

“Surely you didn’t come up with this alone.” Madison asked with her arms crossed.

“No, I had some help from Captain Franks and others. They know combat better than any of us, I wished they could come, but are needed at the base to keep things moving forward.”

“Okay, but what about the rest of the week? Surely we won’t stay like this till we return?” Park asked.

“No, I hope to find a Dungeon or Quest. A solid trial run before the final fight. While we are split and fighting random monsters, keep an eye out, if you see anything light a flare or call over radio.”

Everyone nodded and we went two separate directions. The first day went fairly well with no real danger to anyone. We all gained a fair bit of experience, and Park gained Level 4. Now it was the grind to get them to Level 5 for a class.

“Today we will rest and go over some more plans. I also have a request from all of you to help me with my wolf problem.”

I summoned Agnox who appeared with his arms crossed.

“You are a rude Summoner.” Agnox stated.

“Thank you, now I have some questions about Infernal Wolves.”

“Agnox you better be right about this.” I said.

“I am 87% sure. You just need to impose that you are the Alpha onto the wolf through your binding spell. Being nice won’t work. Wolves respect power and leadership. Having the staff is just a symbol, you need to be able to back that power. When you are in a battle of wills force yours upon him.” My familiar said.

I nodded knowing he couldn’t outright lie to me. I looked at the others who were all standing around. All of them ready to jump in case anything went wrong.

After 45 minutes the all too familiar Infernal Wolf appeared in front of me. Once it locked eyes with me, I instantly started the spell. “Bind Summon!”

Our wills began to battle each other and I felt the Wolves intent. It was simply challenging me for the right to be Alpha. It didn’t hate me, it simply didn’t respect my position. I defeated your Pack Leader, and now you bow to me.

The wolf pressed hard against me with his intent. He wished to be free from the Staff. To hunt, to run around, and to be his own lone wolf. The emotions and intent caused me to pause for a moment, almost losing the battle of wills. I pushed back to regain my footing.

You wish to be fed and to roam free correct? How about we make a deal instead?

The wolf backed off slightly, apparently understanding me. I could tell it was confused by my proposal of a deal, which means it didn’t understand what I was talking about, or was considering it. The intent of what he wishes washed over me. He doesn't want to be in the staff, floating in the magic unable to do anything. A free wolf to do as he pleases is what he wants.

I can agree to that, however you still need to understand I am the Alpha in our relationship. If we work together, I am sure our goals can be aligned. I promise to feed you, and keep you out to be free when able, so long as you agree to aid me when I call for you. Whether that is in battle, to find food of my own, or anything that doesn't impede upon your own free will. If you are to fall I shall resummon you at my earliest convenience. We can become allies, or even pack mates if you prefer that term. Do you agree?

According to Agnox, Infernal Wolves were smarter than our Earthly versions. They couldn’t talk, but understood the intent of words. The Bind Summon spell helped bridge our thoughts and intent to communicate much easier. He also mentioned that most Devils or Demons who had tamed these wolves did so through physically beating them to show who was in charge. A path I wanted to avoid.

I felt the Wolf agree and the spell completed. Once I was back in the real world a blue box appeared.

Infernal Wolf has been tamed through a contract.

Infernal Wolf does not count as a Summon bound by the spell Bind Summon, instead it counts as its own individual summon through an item.

Failure to uphold your end of the contract will permanently block any Infernal Wolves from being your summon in the future.

Item Staff of the Pack leader [Rare] has undergone an upgrade.

Staff of the Free Wolf [Unique] and is now yours.

What once represented a wolf forced into submission by a stronger power has changed through a contract. This staff represents a physical agreement between Mathew McGonalds and [Unnamed Infernal Wolf]

The staves rank upgrades over time through use. Current rank: Novice 2

+2 to any Leadership Skills

Grants Summon: Summon [Unnamed Infernal Wolf]

Deals 20 Necrotic Damage

Name Infernal Wolf?

Yes / Yes

The staff remained unchanged physically, however when I held it I can sense a small change inside of it magically. Everyone looked at the wolf as he sat down and looked up at me, waiting for something.

“It’s okay, I think he and I have come to an understanding.” I looked up at Agnox. “What’s a good name for Infernal Wolves?”

He blinked at me. “Why are you naming an enslaved wolf? Just call it Fodder, or Bait, or even Dog Meat for all I care.”

“He isn’t enslaved, we made a deal. Contracts are unbreakable, and I plan to use them for all my summons moving forward if able.”

Agnox crossed his arms. “Oh you sweet sweet innocent Monkey. Just wait till he bites you while you sleep.”

“Hey Mat, mind if I name him?” Doctor Gloria asked.

“I am open to suggestions, do you have one?”

“Yes, my late husband and I used to own a couple of Huskies. One of them was called Jeffery. He was my husband's favorite, do you mind calling him that?”

I looked at the wolf. “Well? How does Jeffery sound?” The wolf just tilted his head and a new blue box appeared confirming the name.

“Well Jeffery, you know the deal. You are free to roam for a bit. Stretch your legs, however I imagine you want to get stronger right?”

Jeffery nodded, somehow understanding me. He soon took off, however I could see his status using my Party submenu. If something was wrong, I would know immediately.

“Well since I am in a naming mood, there is one other I need to name.” I pushed out my Ice Elemental, who was safe inside my magic. He stood before me still as ice. Pun intended.

“You deserve a name as well. You don’t really have a personality, kinda like Wispy. How about Icy? Icicle? Uhhhh Snowy?” I didn’t like any of the names but everyone else joined in for an ice themed name.

Marcus claimed the winning name. “How about Frosty? Like the snowman, except he is an ice man.”

Everyone seemed to like that name and thus his new name was Frosty.

Agnox blew a raspberry. “What’s up with your naming? Wispy, Jeffery, and Frosty. All of them end in -y. Do monkeys have a love for -”

“Unsummon Agnox.” I said without a second though. And he was once again gone and no longer being annoying.

“Wait, you are just going to let Jeffery roam around? How are you going to let him know you need him?” Park asked.

“Ah, well I have a small connection with all my summons. Even Agnox, who’s connection is much stronger. They can follow simple commands, and I have a small sense of where they are at. Jeffery and Frosty have an unlimited range, however the further they go, the weaker the connection.”

“I still think your class is broken.” Crow complained. “None of the games I ever played had that kind of ability with summoned creatures.”

I smiled “Alrighty everyone, I think the naming of my Summons is finished. I appreciate the help. We have three days left, let’s get to work!”

In just two day’s Becca, Gloria, Marcus, and Park all acquired their classes.

Becca acquired the Ranger class. Her health and mana remained unchanged unlike when I acquired my class. However, she receives bonu points in Dexterity and Wisdom as she levels up. Her new ability gives her bonuses to being in a naturally attuned area, such as a Forest or Cave.

Gloria’s class was another unique one like myself and Crow. It was called Aura Guardian. According to Agnox, it was a Level 20 class like mine. She gained two new spells and an ability. Her first spell was another buff that gives all allies a boost to defense. Her second spell is a blessing spell. She can only use it on one person, but it lasts for eight hours. It gives resistances to necrotic damage and debuffs. Her ability is a passive that allows her to chant spells instead of casting them normally. It instantly increases the effects, but increases the time to cast them as well. It only worked on her Healing spell and the two buffs, not the blessing for some reason.

Marcus sadly didn’t achieve his Geomancer class, but we all suspect Level 10 or 20 he could get it. His class was called Elementalist. He did get a new spell called Shift Earth. It allows him to move loose earth around, perfect for digging holes or building quick and small walls. A spell that will become powerful in time.

Park didn’t get his Warlock class, but instead acquired a class called Shadowmancer. Agnox said it wasn’t a higher level class, but one that requires dark attuned magic. For Level 4 his new spell was another debuff, it caused a slow effect on enemies he targets. For Level 5, he received an ability that was an envy across the group called Dark Sight. It allowed him to see easier in darker areas, but not true night vision.

“It’s because I’m Black isn’t it?” Park asked out loud.

Nobody wanted to go near that topic, but soon Park was laughing. “Oh man, you all 100% did not want to touch that topic. Shadowmancer is great. Less curses, more spooky sneaky stuff. I love it. Too bad I am stuck with Tier 1 Spells still. Anyone have Tier 2 yet?”

Everyone else shook their heads. I was the only one with Tier 2, a fact nobody else knew.

“Well, I actually have Tier 2 spells Park.”

Everyone looked at me oddly except for Leo, Crow, and Madison.

“Wait, since when?” Marcus asked.

“When I survived the Wolf boss. Agnox claims it’s because of something I did or a title I have. Which I think he is right. I have three titles now, two of which I had before getting that tier of spells. Lawyer and Solo Boss.”

“Lawyer makes sense, but what is Solo Boss?” Becca asked.

“I got it for defeating a boss creature alone I think. The only thing I can think of that explains why I have tier 2 spells before I am meant to according to Agnox.”

“Well, that’s not fair. I get dibs on soloing the next boss.” Park said defiantly.

Everyone chuckled at that and we celebrated everyone's new classes.

Park offered to cook us dinner and we made idle chatter as things went.

“So Marcus, why did you decide to be a teacher?” Leo asked him.

“Well I spent several years working for a Aeronautics company. Helping make aerial vehicles like planes and helicopters faster, more streamlined, and cheaper to make. Eventually the company I worked for went under. Newer companies that are cheaper and have more bodies. So I decided to be a High School teacher. I enjoyed the kids, however my wife enjoyed Mr Hemingway too much.” He said with a sorrowful smile.

“Wait, you designed airplanes? That’s awesome!” Park said

“Yes I did enjoy my job, and thanks to it, I can use our new world’s rules to its fullest! I won’t lie saying I feel like my highschool self again slinging rocks around and straight up destroying evil monsters.”

“Back when Crusades were still a thing?” Madison jabbed.

“I am only in my 40's, girl. So they just went out of style when I was born.” Marcus chuckled.

“What about you Mathew? Why did you become a Lawyer?” Park asked

“Well when your family is full of rich and powerful people. You have to take a rich and powerful job. Law school wasn’t my first choice, I can tell you that much.” I said looking at the fire longingly.

“Oh? McGonalds doesn't sound too familiar.” Gloria said. “I know several Lawyers, part of the job description as a Doctor. However I don’t know of McGonalds.”

“I had my name changed after a fallout with my family. They scricten me from their family tree, and all the assets with it. However, it’s not about them. I chose a business degree, then applied for law school. Now I live every day in the moment I guess.”

“Oh hush Mathew, you act like a mopey nobody.” Crow said. “I am sure you’ve done something worthwhile with your life.”

“Not really. I live in a suburban house alone, no wife or kids. I donate money to charities since I don’t want to become my parents and let greed take me over. Even today, I just go with the flow not carrying what is really going on.”

“That’s a shitty way to live life.” Becca said. She was whittling some wood while we waited for lunch. “You should do something. You have magic, and a brain. Look at me, I took what I knew and turned it into something more. You can’t let your past define you.”

I sighed. “You might be right, but what can I do? I don’t have a crafting skill or anything that works. Our old laws and way of life are worthless essentially.”

“You mentioned a business degree, why not start there.” Gloria said. “I imagine once we get a handle on these dungeons and the resources within someone is going to need to handle it all.”

That got me thinking. “You know, that’s not a bad idea. I might do something like that once we defeat that Infernal Dungeon. We will be heading back into the cities to start helping out and reclaiming land from monsters and closing portals. Crow what were large groups of adventures called?”

“Guilds. Are you considering making one?” Crow asked with a large smile.

“I don’t know. However with magic and these powers, something needs to be done. My contracts are magically binding, so anyone who signs them can’t break them. If I made a guild, and use my rituals as a way to snag people. It could work. It would require a lot of paperwork, but my Writing skill will need some work.”

“I think it’s a fantastic idea.” Crow said. “We can defeat more monsters, and get loot. Oh and we can have a large building with areas for everything!”

“Woah there Crow, I don’t know about a large building. That takes money, which all of it is worthless now.” I said.

“Plus we have other obligations before then.” Leo said.

“Of course, but we can use that to our advantage.” I pointed out. “Think about it, there is no doubt we are the only ones in the world closing these Dungeons. However, remember what Agnox said, they reset. We can use them for infinite resources, which is worth more than green paper right now.”

Everyone nodded following my thought process.

“It’s just words in the air right now, but we can think about this as time goes on.”

“Well now I have to ask. Leo, how did you and Mat become partners?” Madison asked.

“I thought I told you this already?” Leo questioned her.

“Hmmm nope. You talked about how you hate his guts for drinking your beer once in the office.” Madison said.

“Hey, I already apologized for that!” I exclaimed.

“Yea, but you never paid me back! Anyways, I applied to Mathew’s office when I got tired of kids getting put into the wrong families. I used to be a Lawyer for Child Protection services. Essentially the guy who helped them stay in their lane. For better or worse.”

“I drew the line when a girl who was 12, looked exactly like my sister did at that age, Isabella.” Leo paused for a moment then continued. “Her mother was a nice person, cared for her, but wasn’t financially stable. Her father was an ass hole who spent more time on business calls then talking to his daughter. He won the custody case and I later heard she committed suicide two weeks after.”

The group got really quiet.

“So I quit that job, went looking for another and talked to friends, who knew people who knew Mathew.”

“Yes, and you were only my second choice. The first guy dipped out for a job working at the State court house.” I said.

“Luckiest day of my life. Mathew and I did good work, granted in some cases it wasn’t always happy endings.”

“Oh, I know you don’t need to tell me that part.” Marcus said sourly.

“Uhh do we want to know?” Gloria asked.

All three of us shook our heads. “What I want to know is why the beautiful Gloria decided to be a Doctor.” Marcus said.

Gloria blushed a little bit. “Oh that’s a simple story. Ever since I was seven I wanted to be a nurse. I was the first in my family to go to college and get a degree actually. My sister was only two years behind me, she became an engineer.”

“Hey, I hate to break up the wonderful stories, but the food is ready.” Park said.

It was the next day when my hopes were realized for our reason in coming out here. It was while we were at camp and eating lunch together. Five bushes near our camp sprung to life and started to launch thorns at us.

Thorn Bush dealt 89 Piercing Damage to Doctor Gloria. Surprise Attack!

Thorn Bush dealt 76 Piercing Damage to Leo. Surprise Attack!

Thorn Bush dealt 77 Piercing Damage to Becca. Surprise Attack!

Thorn Bush dealt 80 Piercing Damageto Marcus. Surprise Attack!

Thorn Bush dealt 68 Piercing Damage to Crow. Surprise Attack!

Thorn Bush dealt 90 Piercing Damage to Wispy. Surprise Attack! Killing Blow!

“Shit, where is that coming from!” I shouted as I dove to the ground. Luckily I never dismissed Wispy and I quickly focused myself to summon Agnox and Frosty. Jeffery was not nearby, but I could tell he was on his way once I called for him.

“Bushes! We are surrounded!” Becca called out, her bow in her hand and an arrow already loose.

Becca dealt 30 Piercing Damage to Thorn Bush. Resisted!

“Piercing does not work!” She shouted again.

Madison dashed to the nearest plant with her hand already on fire. “Fiery Fist!”

Madison dealt 100 Fire Damage to Thorn Bush. Weakness!

Leo pulled out his shotgun, Lucky and fired into a bush. At that point three of my summons were out and I sent mental commands for them to attack. Agnox let loose a couple of Fire Bolts,while I thought this was the perfect time to test my new attack.

I pulled out one of the throwing knives and chucked it at a Bush.

You dealt 23 Piercing Damage to Thorn Bush

As soon as it hit I instantly casted a spell. “Summon Object!”

The knife appeared in my hand and a smile came across my face. Which was quickly gone as a thorn was shot into my arm.

Thorn Bus dealt 40 Piercing Damage to You.

Fuck that hurt! I can’t get distracted.

I threw the knife again at the bush, this time missing. Shit!

A chant was heard over the sound of battle. “By the order of light, I heal thyself!”

It was Doctor Gloria using her ability, Chanting.

A small light surrounded her, healing the small bit of damage she already took.

Doctor Gloria Healed Doctor Gloria for 89 Damage.

Park went into action and casted a debuff which a few moments later, an arrow would hit the same target. Good, those two remembered yesterday’s practice.

I looked over at Marcus who was halfway whirling his rock around and brought it down from above to obliterate a bush.

Marcus dealt 150 Bludgeoning Damage to Thorn Bush. Surprise! Weak Spot! Killing Blow!

Guess they didn’t expect an attack from above.

I went to throw my knife again but I realized that all the bushes were dead. I didn’t even need to cast a single offensive spell other than my summons. Which meant either we were really strong, or those bushes were weak.

Combat Summary:

Thorn Bush x 5, Level 1

250 Experience

Not a lot, guess that’s what happens when you don’t directly attack anything.

Becca walked over to one of the bushes and knelt down next to it. “These are Pet Creatures. My insight skill told me.” A small blue screen appeared in front of her. “And it just went up a level, nice!”

“What do you mean Pet Creatures?” I asked.

“Crow’s book talks about something similar. Creatures or monsters that are tamed. Kinda like a familiar, but less paperwork and more of a bond of friendship.” She said.

“Oh, that makes sense.” I responded. “So what does that mean? There is an evil gardener around?”

She shrugged. “Not a psychic, I can try to find a trail, if Madison wants to help me. These didn’t just pop out of the ground.”

Madison nodded. “Let’s go. You boys stay behind and clean up will ya? Doctor Gloria, feel free to relax”

Soon both of them were lost behind the treeline. “Did we just get kitchen duty?” Crow asked.

“I think so.” Park said.

It was over an hour before they both returned. “Y'all want the good news or bad news first?” Becca asked us.

“Bad news” Marcus suggested. With the rest of us nodding in agreement.

“Not a Dungeon”

Everyonce winced. “The good news?” I asked.

“There is a quest, and the only monsters seem to be bushes. My guess is a Dryad or a Summoner like Mathew. Once you get within the area, the quest pops up.” Madison filled us in.

This Quest could easily send everyone up a Level. Between quest rewards and the experience, it was an easy choice.

Crow stood up grabbing his shield. “What if we did some farming. It’s a boss with minions it can control right?”

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. “Farming? What’s that?” Doctor Gloria asked.

“With Boss’s that can directly summon new minions, we can try to extend the battle for as long as possible to allow as many minions to spawn as possible. It increases our Experience gain, and with The System, it can increase our Abilities, Skills, and Spells. This could be a make or break opportunity. Before the final fight.”

I stood up. “Let us vote on it. Those who are low level have priority in the vote. If you want to take the risk and farm this battle, raise your hand. I will say, I am against it personally, however I understand the need to get stronger. Regardless of the vote, I will support it.”

Becca, Park, Madison, and Crow raised their hands.

I sighed. “A tie”

Doctor Gloria slowly raised her hand. “I won’t lie saying I am afraid. I am a Doctor, it’s my job to keep people alive. If taking a risk to get stronger here to ensure we defeat those Infernal monsters, then I think that is what we should do. I will do my best to keep you all alive.”

I looked at all those who didn’t raise their hands and nodded. “It’s a majority in that case. Let’s work out a plan and head that way.”

Our plan was simple. Crow, Leo and Jeffery would be our front line. The wolf was only Level 2, however he had the most Health out of all my summons. The ranged combatants would take out any nearby plants first. Then slowly whittle down the boss till she summoned more monsters. Then focus on the monsters again and repeat till either we felt we could end the fight happy, or it was getting dangerous. I reached into my bag and felt the three healing potions that I had. Crow, Leo, and Madison each had theirs as well, and we each handed one to the other four, just in case.

After resummoning Wispy and waiting for Jeffery to join up with the group, we were soon following Becca and Madison to where the fight would take place. My grip tightened around my staff and I sent a silent prayer for good luck.

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