Contract Summoner

Chapter 18

Imp Level 3 x4

Imp Level 4 x2

Imp Level 5 x1

It was the largest group of Imps and the first Level 5 we have yet to see. We all agreed this was our best chance and already had everything prepared. I just finished the Ritual of Trapping and hid behind a tree. Everyone else was busy fighting the lower leveled ones, trying to keep the Level 5 alive.

Wispy and the Ice Elemental were nearby as well, in case something went wrong and I needed help. We did everything as perfect as possible.

Tactics -> Beginner 3

Either that confirms this will work, or The System is being snarky.

I heard shouts from the others. “Oh no, the Imps are too strong for us weak humans, whatever will we do!”

I facepalmed hearing Madison’s horrible plea for mercy. If she gets an acting skill from that, I will eat my shoes. I peaked around the tree when I heard them getting closer. Madison and Crow were running from the flying Level 5 Imp. It was hurling bolts of fire and one clipped Madison in the leg causing her to stumble. She rolled forward and luckily missed the trap.

Crow kept running but Madison was laying on the ground helplessly. The Imp dove down to attack her from point blank. At the last second Madison jumped up and kicked downwards forcing the Imp into the ground where the Ritual was. Yes!

The ritual triggered trapping the imp within. I jumped from behind the tree and got to work on my part. “Bind Summon!”

Instantly I was in a contest of wills, and this Imp was much stronger than a Gobling. It felt as if my mind was on fire. I could hear a voice in my head speak against me.

“Oh? A pesky human thinks he can force me under his will!”

I glanced around and saw only Madison and Crow near me, but it didn’t sound like either of them.

“Bah, your trap will go away in a few moments, and then I will kill you.”

I realized it was the Imp that that point. “No! I just want to talk. I have no desire to completely control you.” I shouted aloud.

“Completely? You are a horrible negotiator.” It said.

Really? I have it to Novice 7, it isn’t that bad. “How about a deal? I can even make an official contract.”

“Mathew are you okay?” Crow asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I mentally pushed my Lawyer title toward the Imp and the pressure lessened drastically. “How the fuck does a human have the Lawyer title? Who the fuck are you?”

I was about to respond, but he interrupted me. “Summoner! Oh shit! I am sorry!” The pressure that I was feeling was completely gone and the spell completed.

Level 5 Imp Bound!

Bind Summon -> Novice 4

Ritual of Trapping -> Novice 4

Imp is now your summon, give a name to Imp?

Yes / No

I hit no and stood up. The Imp was on the ground bowing. “I am sorry Summoner! I had no idea!”

His voice was smooth like a Jazz vocalist. Deep and rich. “I promise I meant no harm to you! A thousand apologies!”

I glanced toward Crow and raised an eyebrow and mouthed “What?” He shrugged and motioned for me to figure it out.

“Uhhh, apology accepted. Rise Imp.” He stood up and wiped away the dirt from his body, he looked at me with his large reptilian eyes.

“Master Summoner, it is a great honor to be bound to one of your prestige!” The Imp said.

“Don’t call me Master.” I said remember Ten. “Do you have a name? Calling you ‘Imp’ all the time seems a bit rude.”

“But of course! You can call me Agnox, Summoner.” He said with a bow.

“Agnox, hard to pronounce, but it works.” Why is this so easy? “I have a few questions, do you mind answering them?”

“But of course! Anything for a Summoner! However first, you mentioned a contract or at least a form of deal?”

I nodded. “Right. I promise no ill harm toward you so long as you promise the same and to answer any question I ask truthfully and to answer with the purpose of truth.”

A little blue box appeared before the Imp and his eyes went wide for a moment before speaking. “I wish to modify the deal.”

The box disappeared. “I, Agnox, propose a Familiar Contract with Mathew the Summoner.”

Angox the Imp, Level 5, wishes to become your familiar. You have one familiar slot open.

Accepting the Familiar Contract binds you and Angox for life. Accept?

Yes / No

I look down at Agnox. “What does this contract entail?” The knowledge book didn’t give much about the familiar contracts. Plus the spell only tells me how to acquire a familiar, not what it entails.

“Quite simple really. I am bound to you for life. A sort of servant, but more like a boss and employee. Have you not heard of familiars before?” He asked

I did a bit of research in the books and talking to Crow, however nothing he said prepared me for this. He said Imps were crafty and tricky. This guy seems desperate.

“What is the catch? You wouldn't ask for this for no reason.”

“Correct, but I answer that question with another. Why do you think we Imps are attacking you?”

“Because you can?” I suggested.

“No, we are forced to. Our leaders are sending us out to weaken and scout you humans. They send out weak Imps or those of us who are in trouble as scapegoats.”


“I won’t say more until either the Contract is signed and agreed upon, or something else that is in my best interests.” He crossed his arms.

He mentioned those who are in trouble, is he in trouble? “What do I get out of it? Other than an Imp who is difficult to get answers from.”

He looked up at me. “How are you a summoner? That should be your first lesson.”

“I was homeschooled, why don’t you inform me?” I said in a half truth.

“As a Familiar, I am forced to work for you, or with you, depending upon the type of person you are. Due to our relationship, your class and spells will grow and change over time. As you grow in power, so do I. Other benefits occur over time, but those are minor and don’t really matter at this point.”

He squinted his eyes above my head and winced, “Bad news, you missed the first upgrade. You should have gotten a Familiar before Level 5. Normally a defensive ability, if you were with me, you would have gotten fire resistance.”

I cursed silently to myself for pushing the familiar part off for so long. The problem is do I trust him? He seems to be telling the truth, but I just can’t tell.

I looked at him and then I remembered something. He is currently bound to me.

“Jump up and down three times.” I said.

He sneered at me and jumped up and down three times. That brought a smile to my face. “You are bound to me, that means you have to do what I say doesn't it? Answer truthfully.”

He gritted his teeth but I could hear him. “Technically yes.”

Score for the human! “Have you lied to me yet?”


“What did you lie about?”

“Most Summoners don’t get their familiar before Level 20.” He said through gritted teeth.

“And that is because? Be sure to tell the truth still.”

“Most people don’t become a summoner till then. Since most people don’t get the Contract Scribe profession till Level 15 when your profession upgrades.”

That is some very interesting news. This Imp knows a lot, maybe I should make him my familiar?

“So let’s start over, why do you want to be my Familiar? Again, answer truthfully.”

He sighed in defeat and sat down on the ground. “Listen. You are a Level 8 Summoner. A one of a kind. All your summons you get will become stronger over time. Since you started at such a low level, your summons will be stronger than any other Summoner ever. Since you have so much more time with them. That includes Familiars.”

It clicked there for me. “You wanted me to grow stronger? Why?”

“I am in trouble. I was sent out here to watch over these low level Imps because I let one of the humans escape that invaded us a while back.” Agnox said.

Someone from Team 1! “Where are they?”

He shrugged. “I have no clue, they ran out of the portal and I have yet to see him. Probably dead or mad.”

I glanced over to Madison who nodded and ran off. Time to seal the deal.

I got down on one knee and looked at him. “Last chance, why should I take you as my Familiar? Let alone trust you.”

“Because, it’s a once in a lifetime chance. The possible upgrades, spells, and abilities we could gain between now and Level 20 are unknown territory. How many summons you have? Two?”

Technically 5 including you. “I have a Wispy, an Elemental, and you.”

“Exactly! At level 20, most people only have the wisp. Which means you have done something to acquire Tier 2 spells. What did it? A Title? Quest? Perhaps a deal with a devil?” He said with a sly grin.

I shook my head. “Right now, none of your concern.” I took a deep breath and thought for a moment.

This Imp has information, both about my class and a possible survivor from Team 1. I am going to have to take this risk, for information and power.

I pressed the ‘Yes’ button on the screen and as I did Agnox smiled even wider for a brief moment.

Blue light swirled around Agnox. Slowly the light solidified to a chain that shot out toward me into my chest. I braced myself expecting pain, but I didn’t feel any pain. Instead what I felt was deeper, a connection between myself and Agnox. I could sense his emotions slightly. Excitement, Greed, Fear, and a tinge of relief. The chain slowly faded away but I could still feel it there. Connecting us.

Crow broke the silence from that. “Woah. That was awesome!”

A new box appeared in front of myself and Agnox

You have accepted a Familiar Contract

Bind Familiar upgraded -> Summon Agnox | Novice 6

This spell does not rank up the normal way. It’s rank is a direct relation to the Level of Agnox.

Spell Tree unlocked: Infernal

Ability Acquired: Share Sense | Novice 1

You can perceive surroundings through the senses of your Familiar.

I looked over the notifications and smiled. My first ability. I looked down at Agnox who was looking at his own box.

“What are you looking at?” I asked him.

“For me to know and you to find out.” He responded and started to hover in the air.

I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t want this to be a bad relationship between us Agnox. I think it would do better if we work together.”

“And we will! When fights happen or if you need me to answer a question about something your silly monkey brain can’t comprehend. Until then, I would like to be unsummoned. I am dreadfully tired and would like to rest.”

“Why won’t you tell me what you acquired?” I asked.

“Wow, I have no right to privacy? You are starting off as a very possessive Master. Want me to tell you where I go and what I do all the time?”

Fucker, he is playing me isn’t he? I can’t blame him, I didn’t want to share all my information at first either. Karma is a bitch. “Fine, you don’t have to tell me right now. However, I will summon you tonight for some questions. Rest up until then. Unsummon Agnox.” He dissipated into blue light and was gone. I could still feel the chain that connected us, however it was going further inside me somehow.

I looked over at Crow who was writing down something. “Crow, what are you doing?”

“That was great! A first real life contract of a caster and familiar. I am taking notes.”

“Notes? For who?” I asked.

“Not who. Well technically for myself. It’s for when I run a campaign next time. This is great stuff!”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “Let’s go back. We have work to do, and I have an Imp to question.”

I found myself in a small meeting room. We all sat at the large oak table in the comfortable leather chairs. Captain Franks started to let us have meetings here, so long as a few others could join, including the General.

“I am glad everyone could join us. This meeting is ‘need to know’, and what I am going to show you all is something that only your eyes and ears know about. Is that clear everyone?” Dritzka looked over everyone with a careful eye, and when everyone nodded he pressed play.

The screen showed footage of an area I recognized. It was the portal! I could see the swirling red mass exactly as I last saw it. The room was quiet and the time shown on the recording ticked down.

Wait, isn’t that when The System finished it’s synchronization? Suddenly the feed cut for two seconds then it was back to normal. One second went by. Then another. Then five. Then a figure walked out of the portal. It was a tall naked woman with wings and two large horns. She smiled and based off her movement was laughing. She walked back into the portal and Imps started to fly out.

“As you can see, we believe she is the boss of the dungeon. Based on her physical attributes, our experts believe she is a Succubus or Demoneness.”

“Wait, you had cameras there the entire time?” Becca asked.

“Yes, we put them up the day after Mathew returned to us. We did it as a security measure. Keep watching the feed.”

The video fast forwarded and the only thing that came out were Imps and Infernal Wolves. Eventually a few days passed and a team of men walked up to the portal. It was Team 1. One of them turned to the others and was apparently giving out a speech or orders. Once he was done the portal surged and the same figure walked out as the first time. She stood at least two feet taller than the tallest man there.

Damn, perspective really shows things.

She made a few motions to the men who all then instantly started to attack her. She ran into the portal and they chased after her. The feed fast forwarded again till Team 2, Jerry’s team was there. Instead of the Dungeon Boss a slew of normal sized imps came out.

“Devils.” Sergeant Thomas said.

“That or Demons.” Crow said.

The battle went on for several moments. Jerry was barking out orders when one of the creatures got a lucky hit and cut his arm off. I looked away for a moment when that happened. When I looked back everyone left and all that remained was blood. All the bodies gone from The System taking them and leaving behind loot.

“Why are you showing us this?” I asked.

“Almost there.”

The feed went a couple days further until a human man ran out of the portal. He wasn’t wearing anything, but wielded a knife. A few Imps chased after him, including a certain Level 5 one that I recognized. The video stopped.

“That was two days ago. We narrowed down to four possible people of who that could be. Regardless we need him back and alive. Mathew, I want you and your team on search and rescue. We already have a team deployed, however this can be a test run of you and your team capabilities. Succeed and a reward shall be there for you.” He nodded to Captain Franks who in turn nodded and opened his menu.

Quest: Infiltrate the Infernal Dungeon [Updated]

You have been asked to defeat the local Infernal Dungeon. The Dungeon has become stronger from an unknown reason and as such you are the final hope to end it once and for all. As such you have been asked to form a strong team. Given access to the best resources and people to aid you, prepare yourselves or increase your odds of death.

Defeat Infernal Dungeon: 0/1

Discover what happened to Team 1: 1/1

Find and save Team 1 Member: 0/1

Discover what happened to the rest of Team 1: 0/6

Rewards: 300 Credits, Increase reputation among Base Leadership, Class item [Common], Unique Ability [Uncommon]

Additional Rewards: Upgraded living quarters and access to base resources from loot drops.

I frowned at the additional reward. “We should already have access to base resources.”

“Ahh sorry misunderstand there. It refers to any loot drops. Crafting resources, or individual items, such as potions or the like.” Captain Franks clarified. “I’ll update the quest to reflect that.”

I nodded in understanding.

“With that out of the way, your Imp, Mathew. Has told you that much truth at the very least. A member of Team 1 did in fact run away. However we can’t trust everything he says. He is after all, an Imp. Bible, video game, or folklore, they all describe them as crafty bastards who lie.”

I nodded. “He seemed desperate. He said he was running away from trouble. I saw him in the video chasing the escapee. I don’t trust him, but he hasn’t lied to me as far as I can tell.”

“What makes you not just want to kill him for the experience here and now?” Marcus asked.

“When I formed the Familiar Contract, something bound us together. With magic obviously. It’s weird to describe. I constantly feel connected to him. I also know that I can’t do anything with ill intent toward him, as he can not do to me. I honestly think he is using me as a way to get stronger himself, while hiding away from the Infernal Dungeon Boss.”

“So sell him out. We can trade him in for a prisoner. We’ve done it a bunch of times before.” General Dritzka said.

I shook my head. “Won’t work that way, I can’t betray him like that either, nor can he.”

“Well what can you do with him?” Park asked.

“He is like any other summon, with a few minor extra bonuses. He can attack, follow my commands, and counts as any other summon I have.” Also give me an entire new spell list, and knowledge of how my class works.

“Well can you at least question him and learn what exactly is in the Dungeon?” Crow asked.

I nodded. “Exactly what I plan to do tonight. Alone.”

A fist pounded on the table. “Alone? Why? He could try to kill you!” Leo almost shouted.

“He can’t hurt me Leo. Worst he will do is give me a headache or avoid the topic. I think I got it, but if I don’t, you will be the first person I call up.” I said.

Leo apparently didn’t like that answer, but said no more.

“Well if that is everything, this debrief is over, everyone you are free to go about your business.” We all stood up and left. “Except for you Mathew, stay a moment if you will.”

That is either good news, or bad news.

Once everyone left, Dritzka closed the door until it was only himself and I left. “I wanted to talk to you, man to man.”

“Okay? Is something wrong?”

He rubbed his temples for a moment before speaking. “I am a man who rarely admits he is wrong or thinks another man is better than myself. If you tell anyone I will deny it. However I wanted to let you know I appreciate what you are doing. Even if you and I don’t see eye to eye. I want to have an understanding between us. I take my country and my troops before anyone or anything else.”

“Well at least you admit it. Are you okay? You must be on your deathbed to say something like that to me.” I sat down across from him.

“No, it’s this damned System bullshit. Other bases are going crazy or not communicating anymore. Nobody from D.C. is giving steady orders. In the military I am used to that, but what we are told one day then the next isn’t good.”

“Why are you telling me this? I am sure you have others you trust more.”

“Because Mathew, whether or not I would like to believe it, you are the strongest person on this base. High level, highest stats. You just tamed a god damn Imp under your control. Here soon we are going to move out to the surrounding cities to clear out monsters and try to bring America back to its former glory. I want you and your team at the forefront of it all.”

“Me? My team? Team 3?”

He nodded. “Yes, that is if you clear out that Infernal Dungeon, figure out what happened to Team 1, and survive the ordeal.”

I stood up and smiled. “I’ll think about it, no promises. I have prior engagements that take priority. However, if I can pick which city we push for first, you have a deal.”

A blue box appeared and the General accepted it with no hesitation.

“Mathew, good luck.”

I left the meeting room and headed toward my own room. It was the next building over, so I had to walk over there. The night air was cool and the moon was full. I entered the building and climbed up a floor to where my room was located. Down the hall I could see Leo standing outside my room.

“Hey buddy. What’s going on?” I asked him.

“Rather we talk inside.” He gestured to my door.

“Alrighty come on in. I’ll put on a pot of tea. I picked up a new box today, they were out of Jasmine, so I had to settle for Earl.” I laid my staff against the wall and hung up my bag as well.

As I was filling the pot with water. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“I am worried about your Imp. I think you need to end the contract.”

“Why is that? He can be a great source of information. Not just for the Dungeon.”

“Because Mathew, I was talking to Crow about Imps. He says those who have one as a Familiar are typically craft warlocks or wizards. Those people are typically evil, or chaotic people.”

I was about to light the stove top but stopped for a moment. “Leo, not everything Crow and his games are going to be correct. Granted so far they have, but you know me. I’m not evil. Regardless of my past.”

“That’s the thing. Nobody else here knows what happened but us two. You sure accepted that contract a little too easy from what Crow said.” Leo pulled out a chair and sat down.

I sat across from him, waiting for the tea to boil. “Leo, we promised to not bring that up again. Why not? You and I both know that this has nothing to do with it.”

“Mathew, your brother almost killed you, and in turn you killed him.”

“Self Defence. You were on my side back then!”

Leo rubbed his face. “Mathew, I understand. However I just want you to be careful. I don’t want you to become someone you are not. First the undead spell option, now this.”

“They are just choices Leo! I barely know what I am doing half the time. I either have Crow give suggestions, or I figure shit out by sheer luck. Just because I have that choice and take it, does not mean I will follow that evil path.”

“Alright Mathew, I will trust you. If I see any shady evil stuff I will slap you around and set you straight again.”

The pot started to whistle and I stood up and poured myself a cup. “Sure you don’t want to try Earl? It’s a common favorite.”

Leo shook his head. “So what now?”

“Now, I summon the little pig face magical winged monster that is bound to me by a magic chain, and I question it. I ring him out for every ounce of answers I can get and then I twist him the other way, just like any other questioning I ever done in a court case.”

I sipped my tea and a brief moment of excitement crossed over me. For once, I am in control of the situation. This feels good.

“I know this might be a bad subject, but since we were on the subject, have you called your other brothers yet?”

I set the cup down and looked at him. “Why would I? They all cleaned their hands of me. The only reason I called my dad that first night was because he was the only person who still talked to me, what little that was.”

“You have nephews and nieces who probably are scared or possibly dead. You don’t care about them?”

“I do Leo, but what can I do here? Abandon you all? They can take care of themselves. They are all probably in their big giant houses or private islands safe and sound.”

“I hope you are right, want me around for the Imp?”

I looked down at my cup in thought. “Actually yes. Having some divine muscle might scare him a bit. Actually I have an idea. Do you think someone here has a Bible?”

A smile shone on Leo’s face and he left the room to go find one.

I sipped my tea one more time. While he is gone, I am going to set up the Ritual of Learning, couldn’t hurt to have it running while I question him.

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