Contract Summoner

Chapter 10

Brown pushed my wheelchair down the hallway heading to my room. “I told you, you don’t have to do this for me. I am capable of rolling a chair, Brown.”

He shook his head, “Nope, I told you, I am going to repay you for leaving you behind. I don’t care if you don’t care, I am going to help you out way more than needed. Plus it’s great practice for my skills.”

I rolled my eyes in defeat, “Fine, but you don’t need to check on me every hour anymore, okay? Every 3 hours at the most okay?” I couldn’t lie to myself, I did somewhat enjoy having Brown around more often. Out of everyone on the team, he and I were great friends.

When we entered my room I could see a few things on my bed including what I used as a walking stick just a few days ago. “Well looks like all your belongings are here Mathew, want me to stay while you look them all over?”

I shook my head, “No, Crow and the others will be here by the end of the day, they are trying to get level 5 quickly. I am just glad all the healing magic and skills made my recovery happen so quickly. If it wasn’t for all of that, I am sure I would have died.”

Brown put a hand on my shoulder, “Hey you sure you are okay? I understand you are fine, but what you went through was a traumatic event. Those things don’t go away, I half expected you to be a quivering mess of tears and depression.”

“Brown, it’s not the first time I was ever abandoned in my life. I have six older brothers. My parents forgot my name half the time. At least with the Pack Leader, I overcame it with my own powers and have something to show my accomplishment.” I gestured to the loot I have yet to look over.

I don’t think he believed me, but he still left, “If you need anything Mathew, don’t be a stranger. If you want, I can get a transfer to your team easily. Captain Henderson has been relieved of her duties for now due to what happened.”

I was kinda shocked at that, but she did fail a mission with one guy cursed, and another thought dead left behind. “I’ll keep that in mind. If you want to stop by later when the others arrive feel free to. We are going over what my class, items, and where to put my new stat points.”

Brown smiled at that, “Sure man, see you then.” With a close of the door I was alone again. This time there weren't any lava caves or curse giving wolves luckily. I got out of my wheelchair and looked at the stuff on my bed.

There was a new pack to replace my old one, all of the basic supplies we were forced to carry resupplied. Water, food, rope, first aid, everything. Next to it were two bags that I remember appeared after I completed the quest and killed the Pack Leader. At the far end, what seemed like wolf fur and some claws or teeth were stacked, what I assumed were my cut of the loot from the wolves and the Pack Leader, lastly was the black walking stick. I reached for that first, but suddenly it was gone.

My room was gone, instead I was in a gray void, floating aimlessly. This is what happened a month ago, when The System first arrived. I tried to open my menu and nothing happened. “Oh come on, the one place I least expect you to fail, it’s now?”

I had no idea how long I was floating there, but eventually the familiar blue box flashed in front of me. This time however, it was accompanied by a voice.

Please stand by for the final stages of Synchronization with World E-27045.

“Oh so you can talk now? That’s not creepy at all. What does it mean by that? Didn’t you already take over the world a month ago?” I have no idea why, but talking to the thing made me feel better.

A series of dots blinked as if it was loading something. “Even something that can give people magic still has a long ass wait time eh? Guess you aren't as powerful as people thought.”

It kept blinking and I frowned at how long it was taking. “Alrighty since I have nothing else to do, Menu.” The menu failed to open up still and I was left alone with my thoughts. Truly alone for the first time since coming back from my near death experience.

Man, I really almost died didn’t I? Why am I thinking of it all now? I kept playing what happened to me over and over for the first time since I told everyone in that damned green room.

Eventually the weight of what really happened to me came down on me, like a hammer. Holy shit I almost died. I clenched my hands and started to panic. And I am alone again, this is not good Mathew. I am going to die in this new world, why did I fight that Pack Leader wolf? Why didn’t they come to save me sooner?

I played over how everyone treated me the past few days, it’s almost as if they didn’t care I almost died. Why did I just play it off like that? “Do they not care about me?” I said the line aloud and that idea planted firmly in my mind.

If they did care, they would have come sooner to save me! I got myself out of that situation, nobody else helped other than my Wisp. I should get more of those guys to help me out. I remembered something Crow said about summoners. They had creatures to fight with them in battles. Summoners were never alone, always with the creatures they could summon and command in battle.

I glanced back to the screen that still showed the blinking dots, “Fuck you take forever.” Even this System leaves me alone.

I shook my head and decided to focus on Summoning magic purely for now on. No longer will I be left alone like this again. “Actually, I wonder if magic still works? Summon Wisp!”

Suddenly I was no longer alone, my Wisp floated around my head like it always had. The soft blue light it gave off comforted me. “Hey little guy, how are you doing?” The wisp as far as I knew had no sentience or sapience of any kind. However, that didn’t stop me from thinking of it like a weird pet.

“You wouldn't leave me alone would you?” I tried to reach out and touch the Wisp, but as always my hand slipped through leaving me with a sense of emptiness.

“If I remember I think you ranked up after the fight with the Pack Leader. Once we get back, I’ll see what you can do. Hopefully it’s something that can help you protect me.” I looked down at my scared arms, healing magic is great and helps with the pain. However Doctor Gloria mentioned the scars are there to stay.

I sighed in disappointment. I got lucky against the Pack Leader. If it wasn’t for that ledge, I would be dead. I can’t depend upon that happening again. I need to get stronger. I looked at the Wisp and smiled. Or, I can get stronger summons.

I moved the Wisp around idly waiting for The System to finish whatever it is doing. A small bit of confidence entered my mind as I had a plan to ensure I don’t ever end up alone again. “Can’t be alone if I can always summon things to keep me company right? They can’t leave me to be all alone, or abandon me.”

That left me with what to do with everyone, and the offer of being a Team Leader. I originally was just going through movements and actions like I used to, but I had to remember things are not the same. People can betray me and leave me for dead.

Suddenly the screen flashed with new text, the voice spoke again reading it off.

Thank you for waiting, your world had a longer Tutorial period than expected. The System has fully integrated with your world, as such all menus, spells, and abilities have been modified to reflect a full synchronization.

Dungeons are now unlocked!

Menu has been updated!

This will be the last time you will be taken to this zone. Good luck.

I was suddenly teleported back into my room, my Wisp was still summoned and floated idly. I only assumed everyone here of importance was in a frantic rush to figure out what just happened. Let them, if they need me, they can come and get me, I have myself to take care of right now.

Seeing as the menu was updated, I started there to see what it looked like. “Menu!”

Name: Mathew Age: 27 Level: 6 Exp: 2,410 / 4,500

Race: Human [Grade G] Class: Classless Profession: Contract Scribe

Titles: Lawyer, Solo Boss

Achievements: First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 815/815 Health Regen Per Hour: 210

Mana: 920 Mana Regen Per Hour: 265

Stat Base Modifier Total

Strength: 10 3 13

Vitality: 11 3 14

Dexterity: 10 3 13

Endurance: 11 3 14

Intelligence: 17 4 21

Wisdom 18 4 22

Unallocated Stat Points: 7 Credits: 150

Submenus: Abilities, Inventory, Terms and Conditions, Quests, Spell List, Store

Seeing everything like this was great. So much easier to read and compact compared to the old version. One of the first changes I saw was the regeneration rate for both health and mana. I wonder why that has changed? I knew Crow was more than likely going crazy over everything, so I decided to wait for his input.

I was about to close the menu and remembered my Wisp. “Well, Crow can get over me not waiting on him for at least this.” I opened up my spell list, and a notification showed up.

Spell Upgrade Available: Summon Wisp

Two For The Price Of One: Your maximum number of Wisps you can summon will become two

Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger: Your Wisp becomes stronger, gains an additional trait.

Select Upgrade

I almost selected the first one, having two wisps to fight for me, would mean twice the damage. However I stopped myself and looked over to it. “You deserve something nice. I can get more Summons over time right?” I selected the second upgrade and read the new window that showed up.

Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger

Health: 75

Damage: 101

Range: 5 Meters

Summoning Time: 10 minutes

Mana Cost: 165

Your Wisp gains the Trait: Beam Attack

Beam Attack:

By spending 75 mana, you can charge a larger and stronger attack from your Wisp.

Once I finished reading everything, my Wisp seemed to slightly grow in size. I looked closer at it and could tell the light was also brighter coming off of it. “Well look at that, you got a strong attack now.” I looked at it a bit longer and came to the conclusion I should name it. “I can’t just keep calling you Wisp. What if I get another one of you?”

The Wisp just floated not responding, “Well if you won’t object, how about Wispy?”

Name Wisp, Wispy?


Yes / No

Huh, guess The System agrees to a certain extent. I confirmed the name and noticed my Wisp shudder in the air slightly. I checked the spell and saw the name changed to Summon Wispy. “Well there you go Wispy. We have a while till Crow and the others come here, so let’s go find some food.”

Wispy followed close behind me, lighting up the hallways as I headed to the Chow Hall. I find myself almost jumping when people come around a corner. Calm down Mathew, I really doubt any wolves area here, let alone could fit in some of these doorways.

Tables were flooded with people excitedly chatting, most about the changes to the menu that just happened. A few conversations of people sharing their stats and what all changed for them were the loudest it seems. Guess Crow and Thomas are not the only die hard people who enjoyed character building.

I grabbed myself what they called a burger, but the meat looked wrong. I added extra toppings to hopefully mask whatever taste it had. I found a table that was mostly empty. At one end were two women having a conversation. I couldn’t hear them, nor did I care to join them.

They did give me a longing glance, primarily at Wispy, before talking back to one another. I started to eat and look out at everyone in the room. People were wearing normal clothes minus a few military members wearing their uniforms. Most had knives, clubs, and large bags on them. I guess they were all training when we all got warped to that void zone. Someone sat down next to me and I turned to see who it was.

“You know Mathew, for someone who barely escaped death you are looking pretty good.” It was Damien.

I didn’t know what to say so I just kept eating my food. “Hey man, I actually wanted to talk to you. Sort of apologize maybe? I know Captain Henderson talked to you, but what she said put me off a bit. She said you were completely okay with what happened. I didn’t believe it so I wanted to talk to you.”

Apologize for leaving me for dead? I didn’t say shit to Captain Henderson because I know she was just putting on a show. “As I told her, it’s fine. Go join the others for whatever you are all doing.”

He shook his head, “No, our team was disassembled. Henderson was relieved of that duty. Mathew, I actually care about what happened to you. I want to make it up somehow.”

For some reason what he said irked me wrong. Make up leaving me for dead? My face must have shown how I really felt because Damien winced away.

“Mathew, I don’t want you mad at me.”

I slammed my fist on the table, “Then you should have come to help me sooner!” Wispy seemed to agree with my thoughts and floated very close to Damien in a threatening way.

A lot of chatter in the area died down as I drew attention to myself. Shit. “I don’t want your pity Damien, you and everyone failed me. If you want to make it up to me, get time travel magic and go back and save me.”

I stood up and left, no longer hungry. Wispy stayed very close to Damien’s head until the range of the spell pulled it away along with me. I marched down back to my room slamming the door closed. “Why don’t they get it!”

I fell into my bed, wincing as my wounds started to ache a bit from the sudden movements. Some papers fell to the floor as they fell off the bed. “They left me, Henderson, Sophia, Damien, and technically Brown. Steve-O I can give a small pass since he was unable to help at all, but not the others!”

I held my hands to my face groaning. I can’t trust people here anymore. Leo, Crow, and Madison I can trust the most out of everyone else. Everyone else would probably leave me for dead. I remember Doctor Gloria specifically saying Leo was going to kill people because of what happened to me. He was a good friend, I should hang out with him more often, all of them really.

“Why didn’t I try to stay with them? I just let the people here take advantage that I could use magic? Since when was I one of their mindless soldiers?”

“Since you let them treat you like one.” A voice answered back to me. I sat up and looked around the room and saw nobody but Wispy.

“Hello? Is someone there?”, suddenly my door opened up and there I saw Madison, Crow, and Leo. “Why are you three here so early? Also, how did you hear me? Were you just standing outside my door!” I didn’t like being spied on like this.

Madison shook her head, “One of my skills, it increases my hearing and sight. You would know that if you hung out with your so-called friends more often.”

“I see you guys all the time, what do you mean?” I claimed.

“Mathew, we see each other maybe six times since we came to this base. You were always following the orders those in charge gave you, we kinda just let it happen. Madison and I didn’t know you well enough to tell any difference. Leo tried to tell you, but you kept ignoring us, pushing us away.”

I thought back to every time I talked to Leo, most of it was when we were alone, he would tell me something or show me something secretive to him. I realized how much of a fool I was with him, and mentally started to beat myself up.

“Oh hey, Mathew, don’t do that to yourself. You can make it up to me.” Leo finally spoke up. “You've been through a lot, and I would be a shitty person to make you feel worse. Already once you were left for dead, I don’t plan to do something like that to you, ever.”

I smiled slightly, still beating myself up for ignoring him for so long. “Leo, I don’t know what to do or say, other than I messed up. But why didn’t you guys try to help me sooner?”

Madison glared at Crow, “He thought you were under mind control or some weird magic that affected you mentally. He kept trying to make us wait till we found out who it was.”

Mind Control? What? “I am pretty sure I would know if I was being metnally controlled. I guess the reason I was acting weird till recently was because of just the sheer craziness all of this is now. I didn’t want to acknowledge any of it, as if I was actually playing a game and this wasn’t real to me.”

Leo put a hand on my shoulder. “It is real Mathew, everything since I picked you up that night was real.” He looked at me with a stern look.

Oh shit, his sister. I forgot she was dead, and I technically killed her. “Leo, I-”

He held up a hand, “Don’t, we can handle that stuff later. You made a promise, keep that, and we can call it even. Those two helped me come to terms with it.”

Crow rubbed his hands greedily and looked at everything that fell to the floor earlier. “If we are done being sorry, I think we should take a look at your new class Mathew. Including your new rewards. I can’t wait to see what they are!”

Madison slapped him in the arm. “Down boy. Let Mathew go at his own pace.”

I chuckled a little bit at that. “No, he is right. I have been pushing off looking at everything till now. Actually I went ahead and upgraded Wispy here right after we all were taken back to that void zone.”

Crow seemed insulted, but bounced back, “Oh yea, the new Menu looks awesome! Everything so much easier to read, plus regeneration and a lot of the math is a huge buff. I wonder why that happened?”

I just shrugged and opened my menu. “So I have seven stat points to spend, the class to acquire, and items to look over. Where do I start Crow?”

“Class first, we can put points where they are most useful based on your class abilities or whatever it gives off. We should look at your items before selecting stats as well, because they might depend upon those stats as well.”

I nodded and opened the Class Quest.

Quest: Select your Class

Once you accept and start this Quest, The System will scan and select the best class for you. You may deny and select one instead. However the Class given to you may be unique and not offered on the list.


Yes / No

I hit yes and felt the tingle of magic flow over me. It felt nice against my body which somehow relieved a dull pain I seemed to no longer notice. The others watched eagerly to see what I aquire. It was only a few moments but eventually the magic faded and a blue box appeared. I smiled and showed the results to the others, mainly Crow.

Class Suggested: Summoner

A Summoner is a magic user who specializes in summoning creatures to fight on their behalf. Whether it be elemental creatures, an army of forest critters, or a large monstrous wolf, you can summon them to fight for you. Use them wisely, and a Summoner can take down strong foes alone with their summons.


Yes / No

I didn’t even wait for Crow to say anything, nor did he attempt since he knew I was going to accept it. More screens showed changes to my class and stats.

Class Change: Summoner

Health gained per level reduced.

Health regeneration reduced

Mana gained per level increased

Mana regeneration unchanged.

New Spells available under Ice, Summoner, & Ritual Magic Trees

New Spell Unlocked: Bind Summon

Bind a creature to serve under you. The ability to bind a creature is done in two ways. The first by force. The second is through agreement.

New Skill: Negotiation

The art of coming to an agreement in a deal is one that every Salesman, Lawyer, Business Owner, and Thief should master

Stats gained per level:

+2 Intelligence

+1 Wisdom

Information on the new spell and skill flooded my mind and for a moment gave me a headache. Note to self, don’t learn new stuff all at once.

I showed what all I got to everyone, getting a whistle from Crow. “Man, have I told you how lucky you are Mathew? I don’t know how good this is comparatively to any other class, but I feel like you got more than a basic Warrior Class would get. How does the new spell work?”

“The easy way is to convince or gain the trust of a creature. I can then summon and unsummon them. Summoning costs mana, and a lot at that. To make them disappear, it doesn't cost any mana at all actually, I just need to be within range. The hard one is to force them under my will to serve me. Sounds kinda evil though, is that how it works in your game?” I said.

Crow made a face, “Kinda? I never read too much into summoner magic or lore in the books, but most summoners don’t have a way to bind creatures to their service. Remember what I said about warlocks? Your ability sounds like that, but backwards. I guess if you want a creature like wolves or some sort of aggressive creature it is best to do it that way.”

I nodded looking over my updated sheet. My health was dropped by 300 points, I winced at that and even more at my regeneration. It was under 200 now. On the other end, my mana was now over 1,000. If more summon spells cost more and more mana, I am going to need it.

“What next Crow? Items or Spells?”

Leo spoke up and seemed eager to what he could possibly obtain with his class, “Spells, I want to see if a Class gives more under the same tier or an entire new tier”

I opened the spell list and noticed a new section at the top, followed by a long list of spells.

Spells Known Spells Known Cap

Tier 1: 4 Tier 1: 6

Tier 2: 0 Tier 2: 1

Ice Magic

Tier 1

Frozen Touch

A layer of ice remains where you touch your enemy, slowing them.

Damage: 5 + Int

Effect: 5% decrease in movement

Range: Touch

Cost: 20 Mana

Casting Time: 2 Seconds

Control Ice

This spell allows you to turn water into ice, and vice versa. Starts off with 1 cubic meter in control size.

Effect: Turn Ice into Water, or Water into Ice.

Range: Touch

Cost: 15 Mana

Casting Time: Channel

Tier 2

Frozen Shield

A layer of frozen magic covers your body protecting you from damage. Any fire damage will melt the shield instantly

Mana Cost: 30 Per Minute

Casting Time: Instant

Summon Ice Elemental (Requires Summoning)

Summon forth an Elemental of Ice. This creature will obey any mental commands and is immune to the coldest of enviroments.

Mana Cost: 250

Casting Time: 30 Minutes


Tier 1

Bind Familiar (Requires Ritual Magic)

Bind a creature into your service via Contract. Requires Ritual Magic.

Cost: 250 Mana

Summon Object

Summon an object you can see within range to your hand.

Cost: 10 Mana

Range: 10 Meters

Create Contract

A spell that lets you automatically create a contract with a snap of your fingers. Writing depends upon Writing Skill.

Cost: 5 mana

Tier 2

Conjure Fire

Fire on the go! Deals no damage.

Mana Cost: 5 Mana

Casting Time: Instant

Storage Bag

Enchant a bag to increase it's storage capacity. Weight of all objects still apply as if carrying them normally.

Mana Cost: 1000

Casting Time: 24 Hours

Enchantment Lasts for 1 week

Summon Creature

Summon a Creature based on the enviroment you are in. Creatures summoned this way are magical constructs and are typically not useful for combat.

Mana Cost: 100

Casting Time: 10 Mintues

Bind Object

Bind an object to you, and be able to summon it to your hand at will. You may only have one bound object at a time

Mana Cost: 500

Casting Time: 1 Minute


Tier 1

Ritual of Mana

Increases the regeneration of mana by 10%

Cost: 75 Mana

Range: 1 Meter

Lasts till dispelled or if a new Ritual is created.

Ritual of Trapping

The first creature that steps into the Ritual area will become trapped for 10 seconds.

Cost: 100 Mana

Range: 1 Meter

Lasts till dispelled, if a new Ritual is created, or a creature is trapped.

Ritual of Health

Increases the regneration of health by 10%

Cost: 75 Mana

Range: 1 Meter

Lasts till dispelled or if a new Ritual is created.

Tier 2

Ritual of Undeath

Raise the dead bodies of your enemeis under your control. May only have two undead under your control at one time

Cost: 300

Range: 5 Meters

Once the spell is complete, the ritual is dispelled.

Ritual of Camping

Create a safe zone for yourself and your allies. Any creature that enters the range of the spell, you will be alerted of. Keeps the rain and other annoying weather out of the area.

Cost: 100

Range: 10 Meters

Lasts till dispelled, 12 hours, or if a new Ritual is created.

Ritual of Servitude

Creates a phantom servant who carries out menial tasks within the effected area. Cleaning, cooking, or carrying items from place to place.

Cost: 750 Mana

Range: 20 Meters

Lasts until dispelled or another Ritual of Servitude is created by you.

“Woah, that’s a lot of information. So it looks like I can learn three new spells right now. Two of Tier 1 and Two of Tier 2. I got a new spell under Ritual Tier 1, but other than that, all the Tier 1 spells are mostly the same.”

I went over all the spells and we started to debate on which ones to get.

“I am telling you guys, Mathew needs a defensive spell! Ice Shield will be what he needs” Madison huffed

“No, if he is doing a summoner build, he depends upon his summons and allies to defend him, the shield is a last ditch thing, something he can pick up later. He only has one Tier 2 spell he can learn right now. I say take Summon Elemental, Summon Object, and the Trap Ritual” Crow said.

Leo shook his head, “I agree with the Trap ritual, but for the Tier 2 spell he should get Storage Bag. Think of how much more supplies we can carry!”

They all three argued among themselves and I just laughed to myself at them. Man do they really care about me that much? I really have been a shitty person ignoring them, yet they still are trying to help me best they can.

Personally I wanted to nab the Ritual of Camping, if I ever get left alone, it can help me out a bunch. I looked at Wispy who was still floating around the room giving off it’s light. I already got one summoning spell. So right now I can have three summons at once. None of the Tier 1 spells gave me a summon other than possibly Bind Familiar.

Bind Familiar was a spell I kept looking at over and over. It didn’t say a summoned creature, but from what Crow said Familiars are summoned pets for Mages. Typically small animals, but are very useful for things like scouting or getting an object out of reach.

“Okay, but can we agree that Ritual of Undeath is off the table?” Leo said loudly.

I winced as did the others at what he was implying, he was staring at me very harshly. “Yea Leo, I had no plans to ever get that spell, don’t worry man.”

He seemed satisfied with that answer and turned to the others, “So as I was saying, Rituals are one time things for him. He can only use one at a time. He already has three offensive spells. Two of which are summons. I say take some utility to stay relative outside of combat.”

Madi groaned and Crow seemed to almost agree, “He should still take an extra Summoning spell now. Remember spells, skills and everything improve over time.”

“My point exactly! Summoned creatures wouldn’t get stronger right? Just what he can summon gets stronger. So get the spells we need to improve now first!”

I took a glance at Wispy, “Uhhh Leo, my summoned creatures do get stronger. Look at Wispy.”

“Right, I forgot you upgraded the spell, but you called it Wispy?” Leo said.

I crossed my arms, “It needed a name! It’s one of the core reasons why I survived, not naming it would be an insult.”

“Okay so we established that summoned creatures would get stronger. So Summon Ice Elemental should be the way to go right?” Crow said.

I shook my head, “Why don’t we look over my items real quick first. That way if any of the items work on a certain spell, I can grab that.”

They all stopped arguing and looked at me, “You know Mathew, that’s a smart idea.” Madison said.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the first bag.

Profession Related item [Rare] Bound to Mathew McGonalds

I didn’t like how it included my last name, but I guess that helped tell the different Mathew’s apart. I opened the bag and from it came a book titled Knowledge Book: The System, Contracts, and You. “Uhhh it’s a Knowledge Book called ‘The System, Contracts, and You.’ I think this tells me how contracts work which is a good thing with my Profession I have no clue what laws The System agrees with. I could reference our laws, but something tells me that won’t matter with the contracts I make.”

“Knowledge Books are similar to Skill Books in games. You use them and acquire what the topic is about. No reading, just magically uploading information into your brain. Surprised The System copied that.” Crow said.

“Or we copied from The System.” Maidons said.

I put it down on my bed and grabbed the next bag.

First Quest Reward Bag [Uncommon] Bound to Mathew McGonalds

That’s right, I forgot about my new Title and Achievement. I should take a look at those later. Opening it up I found a bundle of blue cloth. I focused on it to figure out what it was.

Robes of the Scribe

Comfortable cloth that breathes easily and easy to clean! While offering little to defense, these robes are the mark of a Scribe. Has pockets.

+3 to Intelligence

+1 to Wisdom

2% Reduction to Physical Damage

15% Reduction to Magical Damage

“My first set of armor I guess, that's great!” I smiled and sat them to the side to put on later. If they work like video games, hopefully they don’t get torn up or self repair.

“Sucks that’s all you have Mathew, I was banking on something cooler. However they are just Uncommon and probably beginner gear.” Crow said.

I shrugged, “it’s fine. Now let’s get to the spells.”

After another hour of debating the three spells I chose were Summon Ice Elemental, Summon Object, and Ritual of Trapping.

Summon Ice Elemental | Novice 1

A small Elemental of Ice is called from the frozen wastelands to heed your commands. Dies quickly in hot environments and is immune to the coldest of environments

Health: 10

Damage: 55 Cold

Range: Unlimited

Casting Time: 30 Minutes

Mana Cost: 250

Summon Object | Novice 1

Summon an object you can see within range to your hand.

Range: 10 Meters

Casting Time: Instant

Mana Cost: 10

Ritual of Trapping | Novice 1

This Ritual traps the first creature that steps within it. The stronger the ritual, the better chances of a successful trap.

Range: 1 Meter

Casting Time: 10 Minutes

Mana Cost: 1000

Lasts till dispelled, if a new Ritual is created, or a creature is trapped.

I winced as a headache came about from all the information that flooded my mind. "Shit that hurts."

"You okay Mathew, what went wrong?" Leo asked concerned.

"Learing things very rapidly and at once like this gives me a headache. I don't recomend it." I sighed in relief as the pain slowly left.

“Okay, so my Ice Elemental damage seems flat. It probably goes up with levels. However, it only has 10 Health. A stiff breeze can kill it” I said, reading over everything. "Everything else is pretty much as it read in the Spell List."

“Summon it up, take a gander at what it can do.” Leo requested.

I started the summoning,“Summon Ice Elemental!”

After 30 minutes a small bipedal creature made of ice stood. It was only a foot tall and seemed to have no face. Just some ice with two arms and legs. I knew once I saw it how it typically fought.

“Seems to be very fast and more like an assassin. Goes in for a strike then runs away.” I said.

Crow nodded thinking things over. “Well I think Intelligence will become your primary stat still. You have 7 points, so put 4 in Int, and 3 in Wis. It will even the two up. After that, when you level up, you get free points in those two stats. Now after this it’s up to you. I suggest putting some points into Vitality or Endurance. You don’t respawn like in games. A few extra Health will go a long way.”

I nodded and applied the points, looking at my new mana total. “Thanks, you guys, for everything.” I meant what I said.

Madison gave me a punch in the arm and I grabbed it trying to rub the pain away. “That’s for being an idiot.” She then wrapped her arms around me in a hug, “And this is for realizing it and to show I care.” I hugged her back and the sound of papers crinkled under us as she pulled away from the hug.

“What are these?” Madison picked them up and looked them over.

“Oh I almost forgot about that, it’s paperwork for a contract I plan to create with General Dritzka. I was offered to be a Team Leader. I planned to ensure I got you three on my team. I was going to add a few extra goodies on our end, and offer a percentage cut on our loot as compensation.”

Negotiations increased to Novice 2.

Huh, guess taking the stuff I recently did it counted toward leveling the skill up. Leo took the papers and looked them over. “What's to prevent them from backstabbing you and breaking the contract? I really doubt the legal system is being upheld right now. Sure it might come back once things calm down, but right now it’s Martial Law.”

I smiled devilishly, “Leave that to me.”

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