Conan: The Demon King of Superpowers

Chapter 75

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I can help you." This time the three of them were sure that the sound came from outside the window, and the water pipe that locked the three people was very close to the window. The window was closed, and they couldn't see anyone, so they could only lower their voices and ask, "How are you going to help us?" "The police plan to take you away from Yueying Island overnight, and I will kidnap you on the way to the Metropolitan Police Department." These words made the three people unbelievable. Who is this person who is talking? He actually plans to snatch people from the police! "Can it work?" Kawashima Hideo expressed doubt. Yeyue replied, "Of course there are risks, but no one dares to do this except me, so you must pay 100 million yuan each afterwards. After all, I risked my own arrest to save you."

Kawashima Hideo immediately said, "Brother, don't worry, if you can successfully rescue us, we are willing to pay no matter how much money you have!" Kuroiwa Tatsuji immediately echoed, "We will recognize you as our big brother!"

They had already fallen into despair, but the mysterious man outside the window brought them hope. Compared with regaining freedom, money is nothing. As long as they can be free, they are willing to pay any price.

"Okay, then you wait, I hope you don't break your promise when the time comes."

"Don't worry, the most important thing in our business is loyalty, we will never break our promise!"


The police left a few people on Yueying Island to continue searching, and the rest took the criminals away by boat. Yeyue also took action. He found an excuse to leave the sight of Amuro Toru and others, and flew from Yueying Island to the shore of Tokyo Bay alone.

Because he flew, he left late but arrived 20 minutes earlier than the police.

"Finally here..." Ye Yue saw the lights approaching on the sea and activated the [Outsider] skill.

There were two speedboats of the police. The first one to arrive was the one that escorted the members of the Shihu faction. The prisoners were taken ashore one by one. Ye Yue did not take action, but waited for the second speedboat.

At this moment, Heiyan, Kawashima, and Xiben were all worried. They were full of expectations, but they were afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Would the mysterious man really come to save the three of them?

If that person kept his word, he probably had arranged people on the shore, and the "prison break" plan would be implemented as soon as we got ashore. Because once I was taken to the Metropolitan Police Department's car, there would be almost no hope of taking action at that time.

Brother... Although I don't know who you are, if you really save me, I, Heiyan Tatsuji, will let you drive me for the rest of my life!

Kawashima and Xiben thought about the same thing.

After they landed, something like fog suddenly floated over. No one paid attention. The seaside was humid, and it was normal to have a fog occasionally. However, when they were shrouded by this fog, everyone felt that their bodies were out of control, as if they were anesthetized.

"I feel dizzy."

"What... happened..."

Everyone fell down one by one. This was the first time that Ye Yue used the [Anesthetic Gas] skill of Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and he was very satisfied. "This poison gas skill is really good. It can knock down a large area at a time! It is very suitable for hiding people."

Ye Yue's figure flashed, and Kuroiwa, Kawashima and Nishimoto disappeared without a trace. They were all stuffed into the [Shelter] by him, and then he turned around and flew back to Yueying Island.


When Ye Yue returned to Yueying Island, he first showed his face in front of Amuro Toru and others, so as not to arouse their suspicion by not seeing him all the time. Such a big thing happened tonight, so everyone was not sleepy at all, and it seemed that they would stay up all night.

After revealing his face, Yeyue also entered the [Shelter]. The three people from Heiyan were lying on the floor, still in a coma.

"It's almost time to gain their trust, but I can use this opportunity to test whether I need to use my real face and real name to gain their trust. It doesn't matter if I fail..."

These skills are not particularly important to Yeyue, so it's not a pity to lose them...

He did what he said. Although Yeyue doesn't know how to change his appearance now, it's still very simple to hide his identity. As long as people can't see his face and body, it's fine. He took out a black cloak from the closet, and after putting it on, only his face was exposed.

Because he couldn't find a mask on impulse, he simply wrapped his face with bandages.

"I didn't expect that I would become a bandage freak one day." Looking in the mirror, Yeyue found that he couldn't recognize himself. The change was perfect.

As for the voice, Yeyue has mastered false voice after obtaining the skill [Music Mastery], and can change his voice, but he can't imitate a specific person like Kaito Kid. But it's enough to make others unable to tell that the person speaking is him.

"OK! It's foolproof, the show begins."

Yeyue lifted the effect of [Anesthetic Gas], and the three unconscious people immediately responded and slowly woke up. Before they opened their eyes, Yeyue spoke, "You three, finally woke up."

Hearing the voice, Kuroiwa Tatsuji opened his eyes and looked forward. He was so scared that he wanted to jump up but fell on his back because he was still wearing handcuffs.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

Standing in front of him was a bandaged weirdo wearing a black cloak. Anyone who had just woken up and saw this scene would probably be scared to death. Kawashima and Nishimoto were also scared and wanted to escape, but they couldn't get up because of the handcuffs.

Ye Yue scolded, "What are you afraid of! I saved you from the police!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them seemed to suddenly remember something, stopped their movements, and looked around in panic.

"Are you the one who said you would save us? Where is this place?"

"This is my secret residence." Ye Yue said, "After the police brought you ashore in Tokyo Bay, my men who were ambushed there immediately knocked them down with hypnotic gas, and then brought you here. Sorry, my identity is special, and I can't let you see my face. Please forgive me."

The three of them had an impression in their minds that there was indeed a mist-like thing floating over at that time. It turned out to be hypnotic gas!

"It's okay, we understand... Is this Tokyo?"

"Yes, this is a mountain in Tokyo. The police found you missing and have started to look for you. Your situation is very dangerous. Stay here for now. I will send you out after the storm subsides. As for the handcuffs on your hands, I will ask someone to find a way to open them for you later. Don't worry."

The three of them immediately said that they were not in a hurry. They were grateful that they could escape, and it would not be a problem to wear handcuffs for a while longer.

The corners of Yeyue's mouth under the bandage rose slightly, because he found that he had permanently acquired the skills of these three people. Sure enough, even bad guys would find it difficult to resist such a life-saving grace...

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