Conan: The Demon King of Superpowers

Chapter 63

The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

There are still some properties in Nicanhui that are listed with the real estate agency and cannot be sold at all. Dokushima Kiriko doesn't mind selling them to Yeyue.

Yeyue reported the address, "It's a two-story detached house at 5-chome, Zensu-cho, Hachioji City."

"Wait, let me ask Nanami to confirm it." Dokushima Kiriko called in her confidant Nanami Ryo and asked him to confirm the matter.

Nanami got the answer soon, reporting, "Big sister, there is indeed a house over there that has been listed for sale. After the real estate bubble, no one bought it, so it was rented out. It was given to a cartoonist before, and it has been vacant for more than half a year. The house covers an area of ​​120 square meters, has a basement, and is priced at 20 million."

Before the real estate bubble burst, the housing price in Tokyo reached a terrifying 2 million per square meter, but after the bubble burst, the housing price plummeted, and now in 1995 it has fallen to 150,000 to 200,000.

——Don't worry, it will rise in the future.

Yeyue said to Busujima Kiriko, "I like that house, just sell it to me, and the money will be deducted from my salary." The salary that Nisanhui offered to Yeyue was 10 million a year, which was considered a mortgage.

Working for two years for a house, family members, who understands!

After Yeyue's stock trading, he had assets worth hundreds of millions, but he still decided to advance his salary, after all, he hadn't seen the thing yet. If you don't see it, it's the same as not having it, and you don't feel bad about spending money you can't see.

It doesn't matter who sells the house to. Since Yeyue wants it, Dudao will sell it to him. And doing so is equivalent to binding Yeyue and Dudao faction more closely, which is also a good thing.

Since she saw Yeyue's true strength, she knew that she was taking advantage of the annual salary of 10 million. With Yeyue's skills, those top rich people are willing to hire him even if they pay an annual salary of over 100 million.

"Okay." Dudao said, "I will send someone to handle the transfer procedures. It will take about one or two days. I will give you a 10% discount."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry." Yeyue asked casually after finishing the work, "Is there anything going on with the Ni Shen recently? I just don't have anything to do. If you need me, I can help."

Dudao thought about it and told Yeyue, "There's nothing special. It's just that the informant sent a message that there are strange actions in the Shihu faction. He arranged a team of people to go to a place called Yueying Island tomorrow. I don't know what they are going to do, so I plan to send someone to investigate. The personnel have been decided."

Hearing the name of Yueying Island, Yeyue was stunned.

Isn't that the stage of the Moonlight Song murder case? That's where the cross-dressing gangster Asai Narimi is. What did the Shihu Sect do there?

Huh? Wait...

Yeyue frowned, remembering the bills she got from Director Jinchuan.

Those bills were written in code, and after deciphering the code, it can be read that Director Jinchuan and Kawashima Hideo, the richest man on Yueying Island, were doing illegal transactions. Before, Yeyue accidentally killed Director Jinchuan, and then left the account book at the scene, hoping to use the police to deal with the Shihu Sect, but there was no movement.

A thought came to Yeyue's mind: Didn't the police get the account book? Was the stuff taken away by the Shihu Sect?

There is indeed such a possibility! After all, I heard that the library staff were coming, so I left the evidence and left, and didn't keep an eye on it. No wonder the police have been silent. It must be that someone from the Shihu Sect happened to go to Director Jinchuan's residence before the library staff and accidentally found the bill.

Shi Hu Long Qiao learned from the bill that Director Jinchuan purchased the goods from Yueying Island. Since Director Jinchuan disappeared, he could only send people to Yueying Island to contact the supplier. No... Even if Director Jinchuan had not disappeared, Shi Hu would definitely go to purchase the goods himself if he knew this secret, and he would also get rid of Director Jinchuan, the middleman, himself.

"Yueying Island? That's a good place to travel!" Yeyue showed a very interested attitude, "How many people did you send there? I'll go with you, in case there's a fight, I can still help."

For Yeyue's intention to go, Dudao Tongzi naturally wanted it. So he said to Nanami Ryo, "Nanami, go and call the members who are going to Yueying Island."

"Yes!" Nanami left the office.

About five minutes later, Nanami came back with three people, one of whom had glowing words floating on his head.

Huh? Why is there someone with words on his head?

Damn! Isn't this Amuro Toru?

Yeyue looked carefully and saw a handsome boy with dark skin and blond hair following behind Nanami. Who else could it be but Amuro Toru?

What the hell? Why is Amuro

Amuro Toru is here?

Isn't he a public security police? Isn't he a member of the Black Organization? Why did he come to the Mud Club?

Yeyue was indifferent on the surface, but he was roaring in his heart.

Amuro Toru was also stunned when he saw Yeyue, and then he returned to normal in an instant. He didn't feel strange about seeing Yeyue, because he joined the Mud Club just to get in touch with Yeyue, but he didn't expect to see Yeyue so soon.

"Sure enough, joining the Mud Club is the best way to get close to Yeyue!" Amuro Toru muttered to himself in his heart, "I haven't shown my face before, and Yeyue saw me for the first time. He definitely can't guess that I came for him..."

He is in the light, I am in the dark, the advantage is mine!

"Greetings to Sister Dokushima, greetings to Lord Worship!" Amuro Toru followed others to salute.

Dokushima Kiriko said: "Yeyue will go to Yueying Island with you. You will listen to his instructions along the way and introduce them to each other."

Amuro Toru was very happy. Wouldn't I be able to get in touch with Yeyue?

"Hello, Lord, my name is Toru Amuro."

"My name is Jiro Yamada." "My name is Inusuke Ohgawa."

Yeyue looked at Toru Amuro and smacked his lips. "This guy has dark skin. Did he eat too much soy sauce? His hair is dyed pretty nicely, golden yellow, like corn in the field."

When Toru Amuro heard Yeyue's evaluation of his appearance, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: What the hell? Dark skin is because of eating too much soy sauce? Blonde hair is like corn in the field?

"Report to Lord, my skin is naturally dark, it's called wheat color, which represents health!" Toru Amuro's answer was like shouting, very energetic! "My hair is not dyed, I am a mixed-race, my hair is golden!"

"Wow, mixed-race, this is the first time I see a mixed-race." This is of course false. Yeyue has seen Akemi Miyano and Shiho Miyano before, and they are also mixed-race.

Yeyue looked at Toru Amuro and said, "I don't think I've seen you before? If I had seen a guy as unique as you, I would definitely be impressed. But I don't have any impression of you at all."

Toru Amuro was like a new employee who was full of respect for his boss, "Reporting to the Lord, I just joined the Mud Can Association and I am very happy to work for the Mud Can Association."

"Oh, I'm very happy that you have this awareness. Do a good job tomorrow." Since Toru Amuro was talking nonsense, Yeyue just chatted with him. "Don't worry, our Mud Can Association will never treat you unfairly."

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