Conan: The Demon King of Superpowers

Chapter 28

The next day was Sunday, and Yeyue had nothing to do, so he went out for a stroll. Of course, he was not really strolling, he was observing the customs and habits of the country in order to decide how to develop himself.

According to his observation, the current technological level of Conan's world does not rule out some places that surpass the 21st century, but it is generally equivalent to the end of the 20th century. Walking on the street, I didn't see anyone using a color-screen mobile phone, and they were basically brick phones.

"If I remember correctly, in less than half a year, people will be able to quickly move from the big brother era to the smartphone era. The smartphones and laptops I brought with me will have no advantage by then, and I must make these things create the greatest value for me before then..."

What Yeyue thought of was disassembly, research, and then imitation.

But the problem is that even if you have all the theoretical knowledge about chips, it is useless. Without high-precision lithography machines and supporting industries, you can't make corresponding chips. Now in 1994, the precision of lithography machines should still be at the micron level, which is completely different from the 7 nanometers and 5 nanometers many years later.

"It's difficult. I have a mountain of gold but I can't use it."

Just when Yeyue was complaining about herself, a ragged homeless man came over, with a cigarette in his mouth, and a sharp feeling that was not defined by the secular world.

"Sir, would you like to buy a sketch portrait? Only one thousand yen for one." The homeless man said to Yeyue.

Yeyue looked up and was startled, because there was a glowing text floating above the homeless man's head.

What the hell? This guy doesn't look like a famous person in the Conan world!

[Legal identity: Get a legal identity without changing other people's memories. (Must be in permanent ability state to use)]

Huh? This ability... isn't it what I, as an illegal immigrant, need the most?

Only by completely gaining the other party's trust can you gain this ability. In this case, I will definitely make you my friend!

"Are you a painter?" Yeyue looked at the homeless man's belongings, and there were indeed things like drawing boards. I heard that people who engage in art are particularly unrestrained. No wonder a good person becomes like a ghost - just playing with art.

Regardless of whether it is dirty or not, Yeyue directly and enthusiastically shook the homeless man's hand and smiled: "Oh, to be honest, what I admire most is painters. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Van Gogh, Picasso, they are all my idols. I found the meaning of life from their paintings, blah blah..."

The homeless man was directly confused, and he didn't know whether it was because of Yeyue's enthusiasm or because of what Yeyue said.

"I am a painter? It should be... maybe..." The homeless man was a little unconfident.

Yeyue was thoughtful, why is this guy not so confident? Is it because he paints so badly that he dare not call himself a painter? It must be, and he doesn't look like he can make money from his outfit.

"What do you mean by should be? You should be more confident! As long as you love painting, you are a painter, and you don't need others to recognize you! I remember that there was an art student who failed the exam because he cared too much about other people's opinions, so he brought disaster to the world..."

The homeless man was stunned and nodded stupidly, "Ah? Oh, oh, I know. Then I am a painter."

"Well, that's right. Let me introduce myself. My name is Yeyue. What's your name?"

"Name... My name... It hurts, ah ah ah, my head hurts..."

What a strange name.

Wait, something seems wrong... Yeyue suddenly found that the homeless man was holding his head in pain and screaming, "Who am I? Ah ah ah, who am I? Why am I here?"

This scene is very similar to those people who have lost their memory on TV, and Yeyue's heart "clicked".

Good guy, this guy has lost his memory, right? He doesn't know who he is?

Huh? Could it be that because he lost his memory, he wanted to know his identity, so what he wanted most in his heart was to have a legal identity? In this way, the soul characteristics will change.

"Calm down! Brother, calm down! It doesn't matter who you are. The name is just a code name. I can be called Yeyue, you can be called Yeyue, anyone can be called Yeyue... What really determines our identity is not the name, but our position in society. You are a painter! This is your identity!"

The homeless man stopped shouting instantly, and took his hands off his head. He muttered to himself blankly, "Painter... I am


"Yes, yes! You are a painter!"

"I, I'm hungry, I don't have money to buy anything... Can I draw a sketch for you? One drawing only costs 1,000 yen."

"Let's talk about that later. The person I admire most is a painter. I'll treat you to a meal! "


A moment later, Yeyue was already sitting on a bench by the roadside with the homeless man, eating a box lunch. Because the homeless man was too dirty, the store would not let him in. Yeyue did not stand on the moral high ground to debate with the store owner, because to be honest, he also felt that this guy was dirty. If it were not for the purpose of acquiring skills, Yeyue's slightly clean character would have been unable to tolerate it.

Through careful probing and recalling the plot, Yeyue finally had an impression of this homeless man.

This is the deceased in "The Murder Case of the Wandering Painter". His name seems to be Hayase or something... Yeyue can't remember the specifics.

The original people who met him should be the Junior Detective Team. The children found that he had lost his memory and sent him to the hospital. As a result, he recovered his memory and ran home and was killed by his wife. The reason was that this guy had embezzled public funds. The police could not convict him because his whereabouts were unknown. His wife killed him for the money he embezzled.

"Do you have a place to live?"

"No, I just find a place to sleep. "

Yeyue thought about it and deliberately said, "Then I'll take you to the police station, okay?"

Hayase suddenly became nervous, "No! No, I won't go to the police station! Don't send me to the police station!"

"Okay, I won't go." Yeyue saw that even though he had lost his memory, he was still subconsciously afraid of the police, so he stood up and said earnestly, "Since you have met me, you don't have to continue wandering. I will take you home to live with me, and from now on I will treat you as my brother!"

The sun shone on Yeyue's body, looking sacred and great, and Hayase was stunned.

"Mr. Yeyue, you are such a good person. Woo woo woo..."


Yeyue returned to Muma Village, and the landlord Mr. Sugiura was in the front yard. He turned around and saw the ragged homeless man and was startled, "Mr. Yeyue, this... this is your friend? "

The landlord's son, Kaito Sugiura, hid behind his father and watched the scene, just like Hayase hid behind Yeyue.

Yeyue apologized to Mr. Sugiura, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sugiura, this is a homeless man I met on the road. I felt sorry for him, so I brought him back... I will pay double the rent this month."

Telling the truth was also to distance himself from the relationship, after all, Hayase still had a case.

Mr. Sugiura wanted to refuse, but when he thought of the scene where those people at the Nican meeting saluted Yeyue, he immediately wilted.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yeyue, you are such a good person, I support you from the bottom of my heart on this matter!"

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