Coming of Age (Percy Jackson)

Chapter 48: The Shower

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Percy is so done with today, really. Or rather, yesterday.


What a fucking day. Percy doesn’t let his weariness and general tiredness show until he’s finally alone in the bathroom of the hotel room and under the hot spray of the showerhead. Letting out a long, drawn out sigh, he closes his eyes and just… soaks it all in. The running water is nowhere near good enough to rejuvenate him or anything like stepping into a river or the ocean did, but it still feels good all the same.

It should have been a nice day. Him and Tyson going to the Arcade together shouldn’t have turned into such a hassle. Instead, Percy had been drawn into quite the situation and wound up worrying both Tyson and his mother in the process.

He probably could have put his foot down and been belligerent from the very beginning with the woman behind the counter at the Lotus Hotel and Casino, but his mother hadn’t raised him to be entitled or impolite. Waiting for them to retrieve Bianca and Nico had seemed like the best option at the time, especially since he wasn’t familiar with the premises anyways, so wandering around looking for the two Children of Hades might have taken even longer.

In hindsight though, he’d obviously made a mistake. But there was nothing to be done about that. Fortunately it had only cost him twenty-four hours, he’d managed to safely extract Bianca and Nico from the place, and Tyson had been able to make his way back to Percy’s mom without running into trouble.

Of course, that didn’t even get into poor Bianca and Nico’s situation. He sort of thought he understood. Hades had wanted his children protected at all costs from the sound of things. So he’d put them somewhere that they’d be safe, no matter what. Percy imagined that so long as they were in the Lotus Hotel and Casino, they were basically undetectable and untouchable.

Now that Zeus was no more, however, and Hades was once again taking part in affairs atop Mount Olympus, he’d apparently decided it was safe to bring them out. Though… why hadn’t he just sent Charon? That was the part Percy still didn’t get. Why send Charon to recruit Percy for the task, rather than just sending Charon into the casino in the first place? Was there some kind of rule against it, or did Hades have some sort of ulterior motive?

Percy might just ask the next time he saw either of them, respect be damned. He didn’t like being jerked around after all, not one fucking bit.

Still, Hades had been right about one thing at least… his children WERE in danger outside of the Lotus Hotel and Casino. No sooner had Percy extracted them then they’d attracted their first set of monsters. He was grateful that Bianca had at least covered Nico’s eyes to keep the younger boy from watching as Percy dispatched the cannibal giants. But he still didn’t quite know why she’d watched herself.

From what he understood, women were supposed to be a lot more demure and traditional in the time period she came from, right? Not that he wanted to be sexist, or expected Bianca to ‘know her place’ or anything like that, but she should have followed his command, right? Maybe that was a lot to ask though, especially when they’d just met only a little while before.

And then there was this living situation. Percy lets out another sigh as he considers the young woman right outside of the bathroom, in the hotel room beyond. Bianca wasn’t wrong in wanting them to get a room on the other side of the hotel. Sally, Nico, and even Tyson weren’t in danger from monsters the same way that Percy and Bianca were. The two of them together, being ‘of age’ demigods, attracted monsters like a clarion call. They should hopefully be in the clear for the rest of the night… but better to be safe than sorry.

Still, he would have to sleep on the floor and give Bianca the bed. He wasn’t going to-

Percy’s eyes snap open, his inner thoughts cutting off rather abruptly as he feels someone step into the shower with him. He whips around, cursing himself for relaxing so much, only to freeze at the sight of Bianca di Angelo standing there in the buff. All olive skin and silken black hair, she bites her lower lip for a moment before shuffling past him and turning away.

“We should conserve w-water.”

What? Percy’s brain takes a second to reboot at what’s now happening. Conserve water? What was she- oh… right. If Bianca and Nico were from 1930, that meant they were from the Great Depression. Showers like the one Percy was taking right now probably seemed like an immense luxury. Except, they’d just spent all that time in the Lotus Hotel and Casino, right? But… not that much time. On the outside, it might have been over seventy years, but on the inside, it was probably only a couple months.

Percy opens his mouth to tell Bianca she doesn’t need to worry about that sort of thing so the poor young woman can preserve her modesty, even if it’s a bit late for that at this point.

“That’s not-!”

“Wash my back?”

Only, Bianca cuts him off before he can finish speaking, holding a bottle of soap back behind her as she pulls her hair to in front of her and shows off her naked olive flesh to him in the process. For a long moment, Percy doesn’t know what to do. Finally though, he takes the bottle of soap and wordlessly begins to suds up her back while she cleans her hair with the hotel-given shampoo.

What was happening here? He’s trying not to get aroused, trying desperately not to pop a hard-on, but good lord is she making it tough. Especially when she arches her back a little bit and moans softly at his touch, inadvertently pushing her derriere into his crotch in the process. She’s quick to pull her ass away thankfully, and Percy is too much of a gentleman to comment on it, but it happens all the same.

He's still trying to come to terms with all of it when Bianca does the unthinkable… she turns around. Percy freezes in place, trying desperately not to look below her neckline. The problem is, she’s shorter than him by a few inches, so even looking down into her eyes would… well, give him an eyeful.

Instead, Percy keeps his eyes above her head, staring at the shower wall as he tries not to stare. Bianca, meanwhile, takes the soap bottle from his hands and then begins to lather HIM up instead while humming to herself. It’s not an unpleasant sensation. But… it can’t possibly be sexual in nature, right? She’s just doing what she thinks she has to do, what she thinks is required to survive… right?

Finally, Bianca breaks the awkward silence, speaking in a soft, thoughtful tone.

“Thank you for retrieving me and my brother today, Percy. Thank you for protecting us.”

Still not daring to look down, Percy swallows thickly.

“You’re welcome, Bianca. Your father helped me with something, so I was just… returning the favor.”

Bianca pauses briefly at that, before continuing on.

“But technically, all our father asked was for you to retrieve us, right?”

“… Yes?”

“You could have just left us there, once you pulled us out. You could have told us to go our own way from there. Instead, you kept us at your side. You saved us from those monsters. You didn’t have to do that, now did you? That was of your own volition.”

Percy’s face scrunches up at that. He hadn’t considered leaving Bianca and Nico to their own devices for even a moment, especially after he’d found out just how long they’d been stuck in that place. Sure, if they’d stepped out and Charon had been waiting to take them into his custody, then Percy probably would have handed them over and gone on his way.

But he wasn’t going to just abandon Bianca and Nico in Sin City a century out of their time or anything like-

His eyes widen as Bianca’s soapy hand suddenly closes around his cock. He can no longer look away anymore, his eyes darting down to meet Bianca’s hesitant gaze as she carefully shifts her grip up and down his shaft experimentally. It also gives him an eyeful of the young woman’s olive-skinned breasts, and Percy has to admit… she has a phenomenal chest, especially when it’s all wet and glistening from the shower.

Smiling up at him hesitantly, Bianca licks her lips.

“I want to show my appreciation, Percy. I want to thank you properly for saving my brother and I today.”

Percy starts to shake his head.

“You don’t have to-mmph!”

However, Bianca cuts him off again. This time she does so with a kiss, going up onto her tiptoes in order to push her lips against his and silence him. However, she moves a little too fast in doing so. She puts herself off-balance and starts to slip. Percy acts without thinking, wrapping an arm around her waist and catching her before she can fall, holding her to him and trapping his erection between their bodies as her breasts push against his chest.

Their kiss deepens as a result, going from the chaste lip touch that Bianca seemed to be going for to something far more, with a smidgen of tongue. Finally though, they do pull apart, with Percy making sure Bianca has her footing again before hastily letting go of her. She just smiles at him though.

“I want to, Percy. Please.”

She’s horny as fuck, he belatedly realizes. This isn’t her feeling like she has to give herself to him to keep him as her and her brother’s big strong protector. This isn’t feeling like she has to repay him for everything he’d done today, despite her words. No, this is Bianca di Angelo being turned on and aroused by him, and thinking up excuses for why she should jump into bed with him… or rather, into the shower with him, as the case had turned out to be.

Despite being so very wet thanks to the shower, Percy’s mouth feels so very dry as his tongue traces out to wet his lips for a moment.

“Bianca… you should know that I have… other women that I sleep with. I have multiple lovers.”

He couldn’t even just say it was only two other lovers either. While Annabeth and Clarice were definitely the main women in his life at this point in time, there was also Medusa, who had actually sent him postcards since their last rendezvous during the quest for Zeus’ Master Bolt. There was also the Naiad, as well as Aphrodite, though only in his dreams and only once so far. And that wasn’t even getting into whatever the fuck one might call things between him and Hestia by now.

He still hadn’t gotten the chance to tell Hestia about Hera, that was how long it had been since they’d seen one another.

That all said, Bianca deserves to go into this with both eyes open, Percy figures. And his confession certainly has the naked female demigod very wide-eyed indeed, as she stares at him in wordless surprise for a long moment before shaking herself out of it while developing a heavy blush.

“Ah… is that common, in this time and age?”

Percy winces.

“Err… yes and no? Monogamy is still very much the norm, but people don’t save themselves for marriage or anything like that as much anymore. And there’s certainly a lot more nonconventional relationships in this time period than in your time period, probably.”

Or at least, they weren’t as open about it back then, Percy figured. Either way, he wasn’t just going to lie to Bianca now. That would be just as much taking advantage of her as it would be if she were only doing this because she thought she owed him or because she thought she had to.

He’s fully prepared for her to pull away from him, but instead Bianca quietly thinks about it for a moment before slowly nodding.

“I still want to, Percy. I-If… you want to.”

Well damn. He was doing this, wasn’t he? THEY were doing this. You know, when his mother had told Bianca to let her know if he made any mistakes or said anything inappropriate, Percy got the impression that Sally Jackson hadn’t expected anything like THIS to happen.

Did Hades? Surely not, right? There was no way that this was part of the Lord of the Dead’s plans, but while Percy was a little worried about how the Greek God might react, he wasn’t going to let that stop him from giving Bianca what she wants.

When Bianca goes in for another kiss, this time wrapping her arms around his neck for stabilization and support, Percy kisses her right back, his hands going to her naked hips. His cock, meanwhile, grows more and more erect where it’s trapped between their bodies, until honestly, it’s starting to get a little painful.

They’re definitely going to need to escalate this, but Bianca doesn’t seem to know what to do next. She’s certainly not going to get down on her knees and suck his cock or anything like that, and Percy isn’t about to suggest the inexperienced young woman do anything she’s not prepared for.

No, he’s going to have to guide her along and show her the ropes, metaphorically speaking. And that means it’s time for Percy to make a very important decision indeed. Should Bianca’s first time take place in the shower or the bedroom? Should he fuck Hades’ daughter right here and now under the hot spray of water, or end the shower, dry them both off, and then take her to the soft bed waiting outside?

The hardest of choices really do require the strongest of wills…

The Vote:
[ ] Fuck Bianca in the shower - 42%

[X] Fuck Bianca on the bed - 58%

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