Comic strip: The opening exposes the death of Iron Man

Chapter 203

Chapter 203 Hit the group, let’s go together!!

Tony Stark took a look, the US team Rogers, if it is other people talking to him like this, he will only reply to a sentence, about your fart, Lao Tzu has money, Lao Tzu is willing but the US team Rogers is different, he naturally still knows the character of the US team, it can be said that he is a very upright person, full of justice.

You can say he’s old-fashioned and out of place, but you can’t say he’s selfish on the subject, or he hates the rich or something.

This situation is unlikely to happen to the US team Rogers.

And he also knew that the captain was right, the future parallel time and space of his own, maybe because there is no Ten Thousand Realms Broadcast Hall, so he does not know how dangerous the future situation is, but he knows it.

In the future, whether it is to deal with Hela, the goddess of death, or the universe overlord Thanos, the earth is weak and small, in this case, any bit of combat power is a precious thing.

It was a pity to blow up all the armor.

“I see, Captain, this time I’ll do well with her, and I won’t choose to blow up all the armor!”

Tony Stark said.

“In fact, what a woman wants is your attention, she is obviously not an unreasonable person, is it that you have forgotten to make armor and ignored her, so she will treat Zhan Zhan armor as a love enemy?”

The widowed sister Tasha asked.

“Maybe so!”

Tony Stark said hurriedly.

He also felt that this analysis was reasonable, and it was very likely that he would be so hostile to the armor because he was too busy with the armor and ignored the little pepper Pepper.

“But in our time and space, it shouldn’t happen, because I’ve already told her the original thing, and she’s also very supportive of me, and there shouldn’t be a similar situation!”

Tony Stark said.

“That’s good!”

Team Rogers nodded.

“I don’t care about it, I just feel like it’s a bit of a waste!”

The U.S. team rushed to explain, and Tony Stark just patted him on the shoulder and said, “I understand!” ”

“We still care about the information in this video, and from the time point of view, this matter of Kirian should be after the New York War!”

Tony Stark had his own judgment that if the Battle of New York had been after the Killian incident, it would have been impossible for him to send a nuclear bomb into the rift of space in his armor.

Because he could let Jarvis arrange a suit to send the nuclear bomb directly into it, and he didn’t have to go on it himself.

Moreover, in the picture of the New York War at that time, there was a picture of himself being besieged, and there was no other scene of armor helping.

So based on this, he can judge that Killian’s affair should have been after the Battle of New York, and he probably developed multiple armors based on the lessons of the New York War.

For what?

It’s for team battles!

The previous self, even until he answered the question just now, did not have the concept of a team battle.

Because ordinary people are simply vulnerable in front of his armor and the big boss is often only one, there is no need for this armor.

Each of his generations of armor was made after a new need had been created, and new abilities were added.

So there are many cases where the improvement of combat power is not obvious relative to the previous generation, but some other functions are added.

So before he didn’t have the need to fight a team battle, and after that he began to have this need, which also had the situation of the desperate soldier vs. steel armor in the later video.

“So in order to deal with the melees of the Battle of New York, we must develop a few more armors, preferably with an Iron Legion!”

Tony Stark had a judgment in his mind, according to the intensity of the New York War in the video, ten units and twenty units of armor were really not enough, and there were more.

“And better yet, develop an army of steel soldiers!”

These are all simulations and deductions of his own mentality for the future of parallel space-time based on all the information at present.

On the basis of the original Mark series, he also developed another army of steel soldiers, which is a low-quality version of the steel diamond armor.

There is no reason for him, because the steel armor is too expensive, and the original steel armor was made for his own use, so whether it was attack or defense, the best resources were used.

A casual is tens of millions of dollars, how much money he has can be so grooved, even the lighthouse country government can not withstand such a spend.

Therefore, another special low-end version of the armor must be produced, which can be used against opponents of the level of the Chitauri soldiers.

It is possible to reduce the cost of production from tens of millions of dollars to millions of dollars, or even millions of dollars, so that a legion of steel soldiers can be mass-produced.

“This is my possible idea of simulating the future!”

Tony Stark spoke.

“Whether it is the armor legion or the robot army, it should be an idea that will arise after the Battle of New York!”

“In the Age of Ultron, it should be when I just had the idea of creating Ultron, and creating a robot army, so from this point of view, this should be before the Age of Ultron, after all, there is no help from the Iron Soldier Legion, there is only my armor legion!” 」

Tony Stark said.

“This also explains why in the Age of Ultron, I actually only have one set of armor, and without the help of the armor legion, before I guessed that it may be that in the place where we did not see, I fought Ultron, so I could not see, after all, the number of steel soldier legions under Ultron’s control is outrageous, even if my armor can withstand such a loss with more than a dozen!”

“But now, with a new explanation, it was that I had exploded before and led to the later Ultron era, and I had to fight alone!”

Tony Stark gives the ultimate explanation.

Everyone thinks about it, there is also a reason, ah, such an analysis, the logic will be smooth, many places that originally looked unreasonable before, this time can also be straightened out.

“But this time, I will not choose to explode the armor, on the contrary, I have to expand the production of armor, we are too weak when facing the alien civilization, the dimensional gods, as the captain said, any point of combat power is precious!”

Tony Stark said.

“By the way, we also need to upgrade Jarvis’s system and add modules for commanding armor’s independent operations!”

Tony Stark thought he hadn’t yet developed the technology in the image that could control dozens of armors at the same time.

This module that allows artificial intelligence to command combat has to be developed separately…

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