Comic strip: The opening exposes the death of Iron Man

Chapter 186

Chapter 186 The Twilight of the Gods Was Actually Caused by Thor?!!

“Only the invincible Odin, coupled with the ferocious and terrible goddess of death, Hela, can make Asgard invincible at that time.”

But now, Asgard is arguably the weakest time ever, and this weakness has just been seen by the Avengers crowd.

In the picture, it continues.

She’ll keep chasing us and we’ll have to fix her here! ”

Thor, the god of thunder, said that he already had a plan in his heart.

In terms of strength, he really has no way to compare with the sister in front of him, the sister’s strength is definitely comparable to the powerful existence of the father and king, especially in Asgard, her strength is even more terrible than the father king.

Otherwise, the father would not have exiled her to Norway, and even at the last moment of his life, he would have to go to the town himself, that is, he would not have been able to get the Asgard bonus.

But it’s not without weaknesses!

“So what are we going to do?”

The Valkyrie asked.

“I don’t want to shout for help anymore!”

Loki said that in the process of cooperating with his brother before, all kinds of cooperation with his brother shouted for help, all kinds of being used as throwing tools, thrown around, that kind of game, he really has played enough, absolutely do not want to come again!

After all, he was a cunning god, the First Mage of the Nine Realms, and he didn’t want face?

Not to mention that he had invaded the earth before and was caught by the Hulk and thrown around, thanks to the fact that he was the son of the leader of the Frost Giants, although he was not as fierce as Thor, but the basic foundation was still there.

To change to ordinary earthlings, at this time, I am afraid that it is already GG.

“Listen, Asgard is not a place, it’s the people!”

Thor, the god of thunder, glanced back at Thor, who was scrambling to board the ship, and then said.

Loki, instead of stopping the gods from dusk, we have to find a way to create the dusk of the gods!

“The underground treasure house, the crown of Suterte, this is the only way!”

Thor, the god of thunder, looked at Loki and said.

At this moment, everyone outside the picture understood that the gods Huang Xiang had happened like this.

This is the exact opposite of what they had previously guessed.

Before their speculation about the twilight of the gods, even if there really might be some gods dusk, but it was definitely not the way it was in front of them.

It was all sorts of carelessness and coincidence that caused Suterte’s crown to fall into the Eternal Fire.

This eventually led to the revival of the flame giant Suterte, which eventually led to the twilight of the gods of Asgard.

But what no one expected was that this was not the case at all, not a coincidence, but the god of thunder Thor who was going to create the gods Twilight to deal with his sister Hela.

They also all wanted to understand the key point, since Thor’s sister, the goddess of death, Hela’s power in Asgard was infinite, and even over time, her sister’s power would continue to increase, then it would be better to directly destroy Asgard.

Only by destroying Asgard could they cut off Hela’s energy source, so they might still have the power to fight.

And the person who created this dusk of the gods was no one else, the god of thunder Thor himself, but he probably couldn’t imagine that the future would be like this, not even as they had guessed before, it was Thanos who used Surtel to destroy Asgard and then cut off the source of Hela’s ability.

Or rather, they only guessed a small part correctly, and the rest did not guess correctly to see this scene, and outside the picture, Thor, himself opened his mouth, did not know what to say, he was also immersed in shock.

“Asgard is not a place, but a people!”

He chanted this sentence in his mouth, which was the realization that his own family had destroyed in parallel time and space in the future and had only exchanged one of his eyes for it.

Can he really understand it now?

This kind of thing is not said, you can deeply understand, otherwise, Odin does not need to hide, directly tell the truth to Thor, why not have so many things.

He even had to dedicate himself to honing his son Thor and throwing him to earth because it was difficult to truly experience it without experiencing it firsthand.

Just like Thor himself, even if he heard this kind of statement, would he feel that this place in Asgard was not important?

No, that’s impossible!

Asgard is the people, not the place, and it’s a very simple truth, and to be able to understand and take it as your creed is too difficult, not simple at all.

In the video, the thunder god of parallel time and space in the future, Thor is in a stage where there is no way out, in order for more people to survive, he can only do this, destroy Asgard, and lead the people to another place.

However, the benefits of knowing all this now are not nothing, at least you can prepare in advance, not to the parallel space-time future in the image.

Such a terrible thing, he definitely did not want to encounter.

In the picture, Loki is also shocked by the idea of his brother, all the time it has always been his own thoughts, and his brother is like an old antique.

But now, he had such crazy thoughts.

Just thinking about it makes people feel incredibly crazy.

“Very crazy idea, brother, even crazier than my idea!”

However, he still did not hesitate and turned directly in the direction of the spaceship.


Thor, the god of thunder, said.

The two remaining two of them want to stop Hela and buy time for Loki’s actions.

“You go first!”

The Valkyrie said.

After saying that, the two joined forces to attack Hela, but even though their strength had improved dramatically, they were still not opponents when facing Hela.

The only thing the two could do was buy time for the ship to escape.

But what no one expected was that when the ship was about to escape, it was stopped by Hela.

An entire ship could not fly out, and the countless undead soldiers climbed up, posing a huge threat to the ship.

Meanwhile, Loki arrives in the treasure trove.

If he had such an opportunity, he would probably not be able to resist looting, but at this time he really did not have time to think about it, and directly took away the crown of the flame giant Suterte, but when he passed the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, he couldn’t help but stop and take it into his pocket.

At this time, the spaceship also reached the most critical time, but what people did not expect was that at the critical time, it was the traitor Skolch who stood up.

A man whom no one had expected, he stood up, for the atonement of his sins, but also for the sake of Asgard.

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