Collide Gamer

Chapter 783 – Tournament of Oddities 18 – Two Men


“Hah!” Maximillian laughed out loud. The reason for his audible amusement was John’s bowling ball sinking into the trench at the side, having hit not a single pin. While the Gamer had aimed properly, he had not put enough force into it to overcome the energy wave that was thrown at approaching balls from the green pins.

“What are you laughing for?!” John snapped back and gestured at the king’s scoreboard. “You have less points than me!” Although that was true, he still wasn’t last in his game. The competition the Gamer faced was more competitive and more able than the harem the gravity mage had brought with him.

“Well, I’m a cripple,” Maximillian responded, tapping his bad, left ankle with his walking stick. “What’s your excuse?”

John picked up his beverage and grumbled a number of curses into his glass. There was no excuse he could make; he was simply bad at bowling. Either he threw the ball so hard it was inaccurate or he aimed so well that the impact was lacking. He had managed two strikes in total and the enchanted pins he had gotten himself that way were absolutely ruining every throw since.

Just like the two men were busy bantering, so were their present harems mingling and exchanging comments. The groups seemed to get along fairly well. It took a certain kind of girl to be willing to be part of a harem in the first place, so they all had something in common that made the ice thinner than it usually would be. Adding Rave and alcohol to that mix meant that any initial awkwardness was smashed and moved aside in a matter of minutes.

John finished his drink and ordered a new one through Aclysia, just in time to see a particularly intimate moment of bonding happening. For whatever reason, Undine and one of Maximillian’s girls had decided to both get rid of their tops and bras and do some comparisons in the boob department through the scientifically proven method of squishing their chests together and just eyeing things up. Even though her breasts were the second biggest in John’s harem (going by the size she usually maintained), she was absolutely dominated by her ‘opponent’.

“What the hell even is that size?” the Gamer asked.

“I’m not switching topics until you admit you’re losing that bowling game,” Maximillian teased him.

“Really? Are you really doing this right now?!” Although John could feel that his outrage was completely disproportionate to what caused it, he still let it go through. The tiniest of growls made him look down to his breast pocket, where a tiny Stirwin was temporarily halting his gnawing on a cocktail cherry to give his summoner a warning glare. “…Fine!” John spat out. “I suck at bowling and I’m losing, you happy?”

“Extremely,” Maximillian chuckled and then pointed at the breast comparison, which had since escalated to Siena, herself a tad smaller than Undine, and Salamander, the definitive biggest, weighing in. They were all found to be smaller, to the surprise of nobody, but they all enjoyed just having a swing at it. “G cup, by the way.”

“Christ almighty,” John mumbled. “You really like your big tits, don’t you?”

“Said the butt enthusiast to the MILF fan,” the king drily retorted.

“I can enjoy a nice rack.”

“And I can enjoy a nice ass. Remember Aletra?”

John did, the ebony stripper from the Little Whirl was hard to forget. This was in large part thanks to her perverted attitude and endurance. It was one thing to be that admitting of a slut, it was another to actually suck dick for hours on end. Inside the Gamer’s harem, that had come to be expected, but they were hardly average.

“Her ass was definitely nice, but she was on the leaner side of things,” John said. “I would say it was a 5 out of 10. Good ass, nothing to complain about, but also nothing too great.”

“Buddy, pal, what the fuck are you talking about?” Maximillian asked. “That was a 10 out of 10 ass. No doubt about it.”

“Okay, let’s put that to the test. Jane! Could you come here for a sec?”

His girlfriend approached with a raised eyebrow. “Waddup tiger? Ya got over your loss yet?”

“Grrrrhm,” John let out a bothered sound and was only appeased when she laughed and ran her hands through his short, brown hair. “I’ll decide whether or not I will develop an obsession with bowling once I’m sober,” he announced.

“Can’t live with being bad at something?”

“What do I have all of these Stats for if I can’t even become a god at BOWLING in 30 seconds!”

“I think you’re a bit spoiled, John,” Rave let him know. “What with all the Skills and stuff.”

“Probably,” he conceded immediately and got a reinforcing squeal from Stirwin. The pride watch-crocodile was pleased by any display of humbleness he could get out of John. “Speaking of things I’m spoiled for having, could you show off your best asset for a second?”

“I’m already smiling, tiger,” Rave responded with a cheeky joke, her glossy lips curved in a slightly smug fashion.

“I mean your other best asset.”

“Ya want me to give ya a blowjob right here?” Rave teasingly pulled at her cropped top, showing that she was just saying it for the fun of it. “I mean, I’d do it.”

“How does that even remotely translate to ‘best asset’?”

“It’s the best way I could think of to show off that I’m a good perverted girlfriend. Being up to sex often enough to keep ya occupied is a value in its own, wouldn’t ya say?”

“Point taken.” John grinned, not taking any offense from this needlessly complicated exchange. “Okay, show off your best ASS-et, please?”

“Ooooh, why didn’t ya start with that?” Rave cheekily replied and turned around. John and Maximillian were both sitting in front of a medium-sized table between the two lanes that the Gamer had rented for the evening. A table that was quite low and that Rave now bent over, keeping her legs straight, until her hands hit the top.

“See this?” John asked and slapped the heart-shaped, firm butt. It jiggled fairly little, the muscles being tensed and the hot pants taut. Rave moaned his name, out of reflex and to put up a bit of a show. “This is a 10 out of 10 ass.” He let his hands slide over the outline of the perfect thing. It was as round as it could be on her bottom-heavy frame, without becoming ridiculous in its proportions. Firm, jiggly and kneadable all the same, the roundness was just unfair to the rest of womankind. Especially because Rave had the kind of ass that looked perfect in any state and at any angle.

Following instinct, John pulled down her hot pants, leaving her only in black lace panties. He kissed her backside and gave it a second slap, just as she kicked the legwear away. There was a slightly darker spot between her legs and the Gamer just barely managed to keep himself from pressing his face in there.

“Alright…” Maximillian conceded, “Aletra’s ass wasn’t THAT nice, you giant show-off.”

“Only look, don’t touch!” John warned. Not even his buddy was exempt from the rules of the Gamer’s possessiveness.

“No need to tell me.” The gravity king sounded downright insulted that John had even mentioned it. “There is such a thing as a genuine bro code… although I would call it something a little less ridiculous. Gentlemen’s agreement sounds much better.” John just nodded and spanked Rave a third time, hypnotized by the ripples and the perverted grin she gave him.

“I win, I win!” Sylph exclaimed in the background, as the current round of bowling came to an end. As good parts of the two harems were intermingled at the moment, the next set of games were made with new groups. Neither John nor Maximillian made an effort to join any of them and Rave seemed rather happy having her butt fondled.

“She had a 9 out of 10 ass, then,” Maximillian asserted.

“Buddy…” John shook his head. “You clearly do not tread the path of the ass man. Do I need to continue showing you how wrong you are?” The question was posed at the exact same moment as Aclysia returned and handed John his replacement gin and tonic. He put it into his inventory, for the moment, to have his hands free. “Aclysia, could you show Maximillian here one of the many reasons I love you?”

“Certainly, Master,” the weaponized maid responded and bent over the table, right next to Rave. Her pants vanished under her skin in the process, leaving her in white, surprisingly innocent panties. They complimented her pale ass nicely, and seeing it next to the exotic tan of the Lightbearer, John got to show off two very nice backsides. Both of them were his in all the ways that mattered.

Aclysia’s ass was a tad larger and juicier than Rave’s and that worked to the maid’s slight detriment. There was such a thing as too much jiggle. It wasn’t to any degree that was bothersome, otherwise Aclysia would have modified her body, but it was noticeable to a connoisseur such as John. That she kept it this way was that every flaw was, in moderate amounts, also its own beauty. If the Gamer wanted Rave’s perfect ass around him numerous times, he could have told the Artificial Spirits and Undine to copy it, but the differences between all of them was what made each stand out so magnificently. The only two butts he wanted to be exactly the same were Aclysia’s and Beatrice’s and that was for reasons of other kinks.

John gave Aclysia’s ass its own slap. “Master!” she cried out in lust, a habit both she and the passive maid had firmly ingrained in themselves. The Gamer loved it just as much as the way her butt jiggled, then he dug his fingers into both presented backsides. Aclysia’s ass was definitely softer, caused by the already mentioned benefits and detriments.

“…8 out of 10?” Maximillian asked, only to get himself a disappointed glance by John. “7?” The Gamer shook his head. “Come on, it was at least a 6!”

“If that makes you happy, it was a 6,” John said, although he personally remained convinced of it being a 5. He just didn’t have examples to the contrary around. The ‘worst’ butt in his harem was that of Nia, who he would have categorized around a 6 as well. The pariah’s beauty lay mostly in her overall lithe appearance, her face and her unusualness than her curves. ‘I do appreciate myself a lot of flavours,’ the Gamer thought.

Happy to have won the argument, John wanted a bit more than just fondle the asses in front of him. After a moment of consideration, then hesitation, he put his pants into his inventory. As little as a few weeks back, he wouldn’t have done this without being considerably more than two gin and tonic into the evening, but now he just didn’t care that Maximillian was sitting right next to him.

The gravity king raised an eyebrow in surprise, likely less at what John did and more at the fact that John did. By his own admission, Maximillian had been part of at least one devil’s threesome in the past. He didn’t have that bit of discomfort about other naked males that John had to wrestle with.

Seeing that John was in the mood, both of the women before him wiggled their butts enticingly. Feeling more in the mood for light meat tonight, John grabbed Aclysia’s hips and pulled her into his lap. One disappearing pair of panties (and other clothes) later, she slipped over his dick. For a few moments, she just enjoyed having him inside her, then she put in the legwork and bounced on his cock. Her squishy backside flattened on his groin for a moment on every impact.

“Picking the maid over the mistress is a mean decision,” Rave pouted and plopped down in the seat next to his. “Gimme that gin!”

“If it appeases you,” John said and reached into his inventory. He took a sip out of the straw himself before handing the glass over to Rave. She took a sip and then leaned over to kiss him. Only to minor surprise, he found the mouthful she had taken to come past her lips. The bitter taste of tonic mixed with the sweet mint of her usual taste left him intoxicated in a whole different way than alcohol would on its own.

“Seems like this mistress needs to get into her master’s favour again,” Rave purred in a sensual fashion, suggestively putting her lips around the straw again.

“I love you,” John sighed like a total fool and then kissed the back of Aclysia’s neck. The moment his lips were off the maid’s skin, the Lightbearer put another gulp of gin and tonic into him. It was a wasteful administration method, given that more than a few drops ran down their chins, but that was absolutely worth it. While the method on its own was also fairly slow, the fact that they didn’t stop meant that the glass was empty fairly quickly. Shortly after Rave put it on the table, John emptied his balls inside Aclysia. They were immediately replenished by Source of Satisfaction, but it was a relieving feeling regardless.

“If it would please my mistress, I would be happy to serve Master together,” Aclysia purred, after she calmed down from the pleasure that riding him and getting creampied had brought. “I aim to please both of you. I love both of you, after all, Jane, my John.”

“You’re just too adorable!” Rave squealed, exchanged a long, sloppy kiss with the maid, and then took the suggestion. Both of them kneeled down on the floor in front of him. “So I’m giving that blowjob after all,” joked the Gamer’s girlfriend.

John spread his legs open further to give both of them the space they needed, only to bump his left knee against Maximillian. “Oy,” the king complained, looking up from the titjob he was receiving from that G-cup girl. She was an attractive brunette somewhere in her late thirties, appearance wise. When that had happened, John had no idea. To be fair, he had been distracted, and it would have been unreasonable to demand that his friend just sat next to him and not call one of his own girls to help out with his own erection. Natasha and the elf John had seen earlier were also around, waiting for their turns. “Watch where you put your legs, there is art in the making here!”

John would have been very interested in seeing how tits of that size spilled around his cock, but he wasn’t willing to go through the awkwardness of staring at Maximillian’s junk to get an idea. “Sorry, sorry,” he apologized in a half-hearted fashion, moving down into the seat Rave had been in moments earlier. That way, both of them had the necessary leg space. In the background, Salamander shouted victoriously, celebrating the fact that she had more points than Sylph for once. “Right, I completely forgot to ask,” John, not distracted by anything but the two girls worshipping his member, spoke up. “What are you doing here in Florida anyway, Max?”

“Don’t know what to tell you, buddy, I’m just on vacation,” the gravity king responded, being handed a beer by one of his girls. “Been doing some acting, some producing, met a bunch of these lovelies at a few parties and decided that we could get away for three weeks. We decided we would either get into some of your areas OR we could enjoy some public sex in Florida. Decision was practically made at that point. One week in and suddenly you show up. Since I can call you whenever, I thought I'd prioritize this opportunity to have giant, careless orgies with me and all these beauties.”

“Understandable,” John nodded. “Don’t think I would have done anything different… Anyway, what are you producing?”

“An episode for a small Netflix series,” he shrugged, “nothing too big yet, but it’s a start.”

John asked which one and they continued to catch up with each other.

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