Collide Gamer

Chapter 778 – Tournament of Oddities 13 – The rewards


John left the spasming Wendy in the pool of oil and rose to his feet. With one last look down on his latest sexual encounter, his cum oozing out of her cunt and mixing with the oil, and her fantastic ass, he said, “Thanks for the meal.”

“Pleasshe cum ag-gainnnn,” Wendy moaned as another post-orgasmic quiver took hold of her.

“Another time.” The Gamer smirked and left the ring. A slow and careful endeavour, until he was out of the slippery arena and stepped onto a towel Aclysia had carefully placed for him. Beatrice handed him a second one. “Thanks, Bae,” he mused and gave her a quick kiss, before towelling off the excess oil on him. Since he had little other things to do in the meantime, he checked out the reactions of the other women in the room.

Obviously, his present harem (Aclysia, Beatrice and Rave) was turned on. They wore that plainly in their behaviour, flocking around him with flushed faces and lewd smiles. Being so open about it, they also had a seductive grace to them, in the way their controlled desires made their hips swing and their eyes longingly focus on his naked body. They were waiting for the moment they could approach without getting all oily themselves.

A moan made John look over to Vita. The dark-haired woman was pressed to the tabletop with her upper body and quivered repeatedly. While erotic in its own right, it gave John fairly little to see. Especially since he could only guess what was going on underneath the table, courtesy of the cloth that covered it. She wasn’t even naked.

‘Well, maybe this impressed her enough that I’ll get my turn with her in due time,’ John thought with a smile, as the two of them made eye contact. Shivering in something that looked to be a quiet orgasm, her gaze soon shifted to the side. Not out of shame, but from the usual climactic windings. ‘Would certainly be one way to pay me back for her awful first impression.’

Moving on to look to the corner where the two women of the Order of the Golden Rose sat, John was treated to two very different reactions. Moira was, expectedly, annoyed. Her heel jumped up and down, never making contact with the floor. Steadily brushing her thighs together, the redheaded paladin seemed to have gotten at least a bit turned on by what she had seen, but John doubted she would openly admit that.

Next to her, Lorelei was beet red and breathing visibly through her mouth. Continuously, she shifted on her chair, unable to find any position she was comfortable in. Once John’s attention focused on her, that intensified into a semi-ecstatic squirming. Her hands pressed the skirt of her robe between her legs, as if she could hold in whatever she felt. Then, she moaned so loudly John heard it across the entire hall.

To the Gamer’s amusement, the reactions to that were a surprised and sudden look from the Shield Warden at her companion, Lorelei hastily sealing her pink lips with a hand and Aclysia chiming into his thoughts with the words, ‘This one has an appropriate reaction to your presence.’

‘Let’s call it appropriate,’ John answered with half a mind to see if he could make Lorelei actually orgasm just by focusing his attention on her. Where the pleasure came from wasn’t too much of a riddle. She had already told him she was sensitive to auras, particularly those directly infused with the power of Gaia, and given that his own was likely influenced from all of the investments he had made into sexual Skills, Libido and Lover Boy, his was likely radiating some sort of lustful vibrations at all times. Once she was properly turned on around him, those would be pretty hard to ignore.

As hot as the idea was that Lorelei (like a succubus, which was ironic, given who the seer worked for) could orgasm from his presence alone, John decided to not push it and looked away. The moan alone could raise questions from the online audience and he didn’t want to jeopardize their attempt to stay hidden. With his superhuman hearing, he just barely picked up a relieved sigh. The removal of his focus seemed to alleviate the pressure enough for the white-haired woman to control herself.

At this point, John had cleaned himself as much as he could with a towel. The excess oil was gone, which left him still slightly glistening and his tanned, defined body a tad darker than usual, but he no longer transformed every surface he touched into a frictionless mess.

“Alright, that’s about as long as I can wait,” his girlfriend suddenly decided and, in front of however many viewers, dropped to her knees and grabbed his dick. “Ya know it’s rude to fuck another woman in front of your lover, right?” she asked in a sassy tone, moments before taking his cock in her mouth.

“Your scathing criticism is a bit diluted, given that you immediately reward me by taking me balls deep into your throat,” he told her, just finishing his sentence when her glossy, bubble-gum pink lips actually pressed against his groin. Rather than slide back up to answer, she just looked at him with mischievous eyes. That was the entire conversation they needed to have.

“Master, may I have your attention?” Aclysia practically begged, while grabbing his right arm. “Beatrice had a kiss already and Mistress Jane is pleasing you, if you would obli-ah…” With a simple stroke over her privates, he had the weaponized maid end her plea. Although the layer of clothing separating his fingers from her sex was practically an extension of her skin, there was no difference in feeling for her to what a normal woman would have felt at the touch. Just that she had about six times the Libido of a normal woman, was horny and was being teased by her beloved Master.

While Beatrice moved to take hold of his left arm, John bowed down to Aclysia and kissed her. A few seconds of his tongue playing with hers passed. The Artificial Spirit was so wonderfully subservient that she let him dominate the kiss, pushing only back as much as was needed to make the loving caress of her lips a proper duet.

Then he suddenly pulled back and whispered, “Cum,” just loud enough for the three women around him to hear it. A gagged scream reverberated around his cock, Beatrice embraced him tighter and moaned his title, while Aclysia’s body began to shake. After about two seconds, the weaponized maid screamed out loud and collapsed to the floor, her doubled sensitivity to commands making her climax that much more intense.

“Masshtaaaahhhh,” she slurred as she kept hold of his hand. Following a spontaneous wish, he made her suck on his fingers.

While they all rode out their orgasms, the Gamer looked over his shoulder. Wendy had fought her way into a sitting position, leaning heavily on the walls of the ring, while Vita now sat straight and smiling as if nothing had ever happened. “I would assume today is over then?”

The goddess of fast food looked over to her comrade to give the answer. “Sure,” Vita just answered and clapped her hands. “This concludes today’s challenge, the Gamer won and Florida will pay the normal tax rates. Have a nice day, everyone. Don’t forget to pat your chickens.”

The camera’s hovering around everywhere retreated up into the dark space above and a window opened in front of John.

‘Fantastic, now I can finish off the Lover Boy Class immediately. I wonder what the rewards for that will be.” He rolled his head and enjoyed the feeling of his girlfriend slowly pulling her head back, until his dick popped out of her mouth. “Careful,” he warned her, when she jerked him off at a high speed right thereafter, “you might make me cum.”

“Do it,” she gasped, her blue eyes reflecting mad lust, “I want it all over my face.”

“Me too, Master!” Aclysia positioned herself next to his girlfriend.

“Mark us with your seed,” Beatrice panted, her voice claimed by desire.

All three opened their mouths wide. They might as well have given him the command for a change. Within a few seconds, he started spreading his seed over their faces, with some of it getting on their clothes. There was ample to go around. As his Active Class, Lover Boy increased his cum volume by 80%.

They only cleaned what threatened to run into their eyes or was directly around their lips. Everything else was left in place, showing their debauchery. “Okay, we need to go back to our room and I need ya to bend me over something and do whatever ya want with me,” Rave suddenly announced.

“Having a submissive day?” John mused.

“Totes,” she nodded.

“How about you crawl the way back, then?” he suggested. “I know cats don’t really like leashes, but I think that’d get me going. Chance that I’ll fuck you at least once on the way back is 100% though.” The image of Rave’s perfect ass swaying while proudly making her way through the hallways was too enticing already. ‘Jesus, being in a place where public sex is both accepted and kind of normal is really dangerous,’ he realized. ‘I have to be careful to maintain some limits of what I do in public.’

His girlfriend was still considering whether she was feeling submissive enough to be walked like that, when Moira walked by them. For a moment, she slowed her step, then she shook her head and just continued on her way. John waved at her and winked at Lorelei. There was no way for the seer to blush even more intensely.

“We got away without a berating!” the Lightbearer exclaimed enthusiastically.

“I think she’s learning that we’re a lost cause when it comes to ‘redeeming’ us on the perversion scale,” John suggested and chuckled. “Who knows, maybe she’ll get over it and we can get along?”

“Ya suggesting we can be friends with Miss ‘I got an entire Lydia and her stick in my own bum’?” Rave wondered.

“For a start, I’m just hoping she will refrain from being a moral busy-body. We can take it from there.”

“Weirder things have happened,” Rave conceded, even if she seemed a bit more sceptical about the idea. Rather than dwell on it, the Lightbearer scooped up some cum from her face and sucked it off her finger. “Anyway, can we get back to the part where ya put a bunch of this tasty stuff inside of me, tiger?”

They could. Rave decided that she would walk normally, in the interest of her knees, time and because she wasn’t feeling quite kinky enough to do that today. Although she was an exhibitionist and had a submissive streak today, getting guided like a dog wasn’t really her thing. John completely got why. His girlfriend enjoyed being in the spotlight a lot - being publicly humiliated, not so much.

Once in their room, John got out his bondage equipment, bound Rave’s arms together and chained the resulting bundle to her ankles. She had to kneel, but could still spread her legs. That done, he literally tore every last piece of clothing off her body, except the panties, stuffed an egg-shaped vibrator in there, sat down on the corner of the bed and told her to get to work.

“Why ya no blindfold me?” she asked in a memey tone of voice.

“Because I might need your professional opinion on the Lover Boy Perks I’m about to pick up,” he told her. “Plus, the Overclock spell and the Modification that I should get when the Class maxes out.”

“Oooohhh, new sex stuff!” Rave exclaimed excitedly and kissed the engorged head of his dick. “Just warn me before this thing suddenly gets twenty centimetres bigger in my mouth!”

“That better not happen,” the Gamer laughed and groaned when she did more than just kiss it. “I wouldn’t like it if your greedy little mouth could no longer fit around my dick.” She hummed in a satisfied fashion, the maids massaged his shoulders, and John opened the Class screen to invest those levels. Well, level, singular. He had two to spend, but he needed to have a bit more sex before he was actually level 250. ‘A terrible fate, really,’ he joked to himself and pressed the buttons to see the next Lover Boy Perk.

All three of these choices were not only viable but also incredibly potent.

Telepathic communication was always good and adding all of the other girls currently not hooked up to his mental network to it would doubtlessly prove beneficial. In combat, being able to exchange information at the speed of thought was one of the most powerful things one could ask for. In everyday life, it smoothed things out a lot and, however rare they were, fights between his harem members would be a lot easier to smooth over if they could just display their genuine intentions, rather than rely on words. The range was impressive as well.

Charismatic Lover introduced scaling into Lover’s Will, allowing him to have reliable control over how many marks he had access to and how good they were. Right now, he had enough marks to cover everyone, including those girls that weren’t present, but who was to say that would last? The bonus to pleasure being a scaling thing was also appreciated.

Mutual Benefit was pretty good as well. It was easy to assume he could get the maximum every single day. Combining that with Experience of Love, he was looking at an entire level every day, just in sex. Nothing to sneeze at, especially once it was combined with the benefit to his partners. Although small, it would add up over time to help them in their growth.

Regardless, it was the first he eliminated from the choices. Experience would eventually become useless and John didn’t feel like he was in a position where he needed to squeeze every last bit of EXP out of the world he could get. The Natural Potential limitation (even if raised by Lover’s Will) made this even less appealing. He wanted to think in the long run, and in that regard, Lover’s Connection and Charismatic Lover were much better.

At a quick glance, Charismatic Lover was inferior to Lover’s Connection, but the Gamer felt drawn to the middle choice regardless. It didn’t take him too long to figure out what it was that kept telling him to pick the middle choice. It was nothing short of pure, undiluted greed.

He didn’t want to feel like he had to stop growing his harem whenever he couldn’t get anymore Lover’s Will marks. There was no hard law that stated he couldn’t have permanent partners that he hadn’t marked, but he would know the difference. They would too, given that all of John’s girls wore the mark openly, something that the Gamer encouraged. The Gamer wanted to grow his harem as large as he felt like and treat all of them as equally as he could. To that end, he needed more of the Lover’s Will marks and Charismatic Lover gave him access to as many as he could access with Stat Points, which were a lot.

“Just pick the middle one already, tiger,” Rave told him.

“You sure?” John asked, ignoring that she had just read all of the letters backwards through the screen. With enough time and sharp eyes, anyone could do that much. “Feels a bit too greedy, even for me. Right now I could mark a total of sixteen women, that’s including the nine familiars. Maybe I should be satisfied with that…”

“Ja, ja, maybe ya should, but ya aren’t though,” Rave made it rather simple and rolled her eyes. “I know you’d bite your foot off if there was just a seventeenth one and ya couldn’t get her or give her the same opportunities as everyone else. That aside, it’s not even that selfish. Do I seriously need to remind ya that a Lover’s Will mark comes with a substantial increase in potential?”

“…Right,” John nodded; he had somehow drowned out that fact for a moment. “Mark or not, having one of my lovers age when everyone else doesn’t would majorly suck for me and them.”

“There ya go then,” Rave said and gave his shaft a long lick. The motion was made extra sexy by the fact that she couldn’t use her arms in any way. With her shoulders pulled back by the bondage gear, every motion was exaggerated. “Overthinker.”

“Lovely little cumslut,” he returned, and she grinned before going back down.

He confirmed the choice for Charismatic Lover and they then engaged in about three hours of wild lovemaking. On the bed, in the shower, against the wall, over the table, the whole program. Eventually, the wanted window popped up.

And John got to pick the final Perk.

The choice here was a lot easier. World of Love sounded interesting, but with the Guild Hall and the teleporters, he didn’t feel the need to create some sort of personal paradise. Shared Life was EXACTLY what he had dreamed of when he made the choice to invest in this Class. Endless Love was a bit too mind control-y for his tastes. It was mutual mind control, which made it feel a bit less awful in John’s opinion, but it didn’t diminish the feeling enough that the Perk even entered consideration.

Shared Life it was and the Class was maxed out. The same trio of windows that had come with Puppeteer now appeared before him.

That one was pretty okay, all things considered. It synchronized nicely with Experience of Love. Every day he maxed out the 50% experience, he also got 25 GP. That would add up to allow him to buy some stuff. The Puppeteer Modification was better during combat situations, but there was nothing preventing him from having the Lover Boy one active for the majority of his life. The only limitation in switching between these was ‘once per day’. If there had been an ‘and out of combat’ addition, this new Modification would have been a bit harder to sell.

‘It would take me 200 days of 8 hour shifts of sex to buy one Max Class Level,’ John thought, kind of amused by that calculation. ‘And I would get 100 levels in the meantime. Funny how all of that works.’ He moved onto the next window.

“Oh hey, this one is actually usable,” he said and moved it so Rave could read it easily. His girlfriend was currently lying on her stomach and taking a breather and cuddling a spaced-out Sylph.

“…We have to test that soon,” she said after reading it. “Like, massive orgy. Aren’t ya concerned about the drawback part though?”

“Quite the contrary, I’m pretty interested in how well I would do without any of them,” John told her and kneaded her ass with his left hand. “I’d be concerned if I relied so heavily on the pleasure increases that I’m actually a terrible lover without them. Would teach me to go back to the basics, if nothing else.”

“How about ya pop it right now then?” she teased.

“Given the cooldown, I think that wouldn’t be fair for anyone who isn’t here right now,” he told her and gave her butt a little smack. His cum oozed from both of the holes. “If we can arrange it, we’ll have a little orgy after this Florida business is wrapped up.”

“A little orgy?” Rave mocked. “Ya know how those usually end.”

“I don’t think you can actually last the entire hour if I test out everything this Overclock has to offer,” the Gamer let her know. “And I wonder if the Geneva Convention even allows me to use that thing in tandem with Cumslut…”

“…Holy Gaia, the entire room would be buffed to like 1000 Libido…” Rave realized what he was getting at. “That would be CRAZY.”

“It might unironically break some minds, at least for a few days,” John asserted. “I’ll think about whether it’s worth the risk.” His boner said yes, but that part of him got on board with every idea that involved writhing females. His mind had something else to distract himself with.



“You want to have even more awesome sex or, whenever, wherever, we have kids, that those grow up strong and healthy?” he asked. The ability to guarantee his children a minimum of power was incredible. Although the chance of someone with an Innate Ability having a kid that also had an Innate Ability was higher than the average person, it wasn’t guaranteed to be powerful or to happen at all. The only ones that really got to be sure they inherited a good amount of strength from their parents were demigods. In other words, only the kids he would have with Nathalia were guaranteed to be powerful, with the children from Eliza being up there regarding whether or not they would be born more human or more god.

The answer to himself here was clear, but he wanted to have second opinions on this. Sending the same question out to everyone present, he got a unilateral answer, which his girlfriend summarized.

“Whenever, wherever, we have kids, I want them to be safe and happy,” she said. “We have great enough sex as is. Besides, there’ll probably be other ways ya can spice things up, if ya put your mind to it.”

John nodded and picked the Breeder Class. Aside from its name being a bit awkward, it was the proper choice. ‘No new Skill or other reward for this set of choices,’ he noted and checked the description of the Class itself.

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