Collecting Taxes as a Corrupt Official During the Hongwu Reign, Taxed up to 2050

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: What Does the Emperor Having Children Have to Do with You?

Upon hearing Empress Ma’s explanation, Zhu Yuanzhang began to feel uneasy. While the number of princes might remain stable, the number of county princes and auxiliary generals would continue to grow, leading to an ever-expanding royal family. Three thousand county princes would require thirty million bushels of grain annually—more than the total annual tax revenue of the entire Ming dynasty. If the court allocated all its resources to support the royal family, what would happen to other necessary expenditures?

Moreover, as land consolidation worsened, the amount of taxable land would decrease, inevitably causing a fiscal deficit for the court and leading to its downfall. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he nervously said, “It can’t be that serious, can it?”

Seeing the emperor finally take the issue seriously, Empress Ma felt relieved. Despite Li Fan’s doubts that the emperor would heed advice, here he was, listening attentively. Seizing the moment, she continued, “At the end of the Eastern Han dynasty, the Liu family had 1.3 million royal relatives. What do you think the Zhu family will be like after a few generations?”

Zhu Yuanzhang broke out in a cold sweat, unsure of what to do. The thought of his descendants continuously expanding the royal family filled him with dread. If the court couldn’t even support the royal family, what would happen then? Worried, he asked, “If we stop providing for the royal family now, what will happen to unfilial descendants in the future? Will they have to beg like I did?”

Zhu Yuanzhang was genuinely scared. He couldn’t bear the thought of his descendants suffering as he had. However, if the court ran a deficit, the entire Ming dynasty would collapse, leaving his descendants with no security. He found himself in a dilemma, his mind suddenly turning to Li Fan. Given that Li Fan had raised the issue, he likely had a solution. Curious, he asked, “Does Li Fan have a way to resolve this?”

Empress Ma understood the emperor’s concerns for his descendants. According to Li Fan’s theory, each generation should carve its own path. If everything were set up for them now, what hope would they have for the future? Even as princes, they shouldn’t simply live off the land without purpose.

Fortunately, Li Fan had already devised a solution, knowing that the emperor would struggle to find one on his own.

Then she immediately spoke up:

“Li Fan has already provided a solution: both officials and gentry pay taxes equally. All land is treated the same, with no special privileges. This will ensure the court’s tax revenue. At the same time, establish a royal fund, allocating a fixed amount of money each year. The funds are then invested, and the profits are distributed proportionally to the royal family. The emperor, princes, dukes, generals of the state, and assistant generals each get one-fifth, then equally distributed to all the royal family members! The royal fund can only be used in times of national crisis, only deposits, no withdrawals!”

Hearing this, General Xu Da, standing nearby, broke out in a cold sweat. He regretted not staying in the carriage. Is this something a general like him should be hearing? This is way beyond his comprehension. Li Fan is treading on dangerous ground. What he has done already angered the emperor, and now he speaks without restraint. Are these words appropriate to say? What do royal affairs have to do with a small county magistrate like him? Xu Da began to worry for Li Fan. If he angers the emperor, both new and old grievances will be counted together, and Li Fan might not be able to escape unscathed.

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked to hear Li Fan’s proposal and couldn’t help but take a sharp breath. He looked at Empress Ma in astonishment. This idea is truly shocking, but the notion of both officials and gentry paying taxes equally is likely unfeasible. Especially the court officials, who will definitely not agree. If it causes a commotion, the entire Ming dynasty could be paralyzed. Officials are only in it for the money. If they lose their tax-exemption privileges, why would they still want to be officials?

He immediately said:

“Making both officials and gentry pay taxes equally is impossible. If we implement this plan in the court, it will surely cause opposition from all the officials, and it won’t be feasible!”

Empress Ma understood the emperor’s dilemma. After all, being an official is about enjoying privileges. Without these privileges, why be an official? But these privileges shouldn’t threaten the court’s rule. The emperor has been too lenient with the officials, and now she finally understood Li Fan’s deeper intention. He foresaw that the emperor wouldn’t agree, so he proposed a new plan.

She immediately said:

“Li Fan knew you wouldn’t agree to equal taxation for officials and gentry. This is Ming’s tragedy and the Han people’s sorrow, so he proposed two solutions!”

Zhu Yuanzhang didn’t expect Li Fan to understand him so well and even come up with two solutions. Curious, he asked:

“What solutions?”

Seeing the emperor’s urgency, Empress Ma explained:

“One solution is to find a way for the money. Li Fan said landlords keep buying land because they have no other place to spend their money. If there’s a place for them to invest, they will stop buying land!”

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment, then understood Li Fan’s idea. Finding a way for the money means vigorously developing commerce, getting landlords to move their money from land to business. But the national policy is to emphasize agriculture and suppress commerce. If everyone goes into business, who will farm the land? This solution is absolutely impossible. He shook his head and said:

“Vigorously developing commerce is impossible, absolutely not!”

Seeing the emperor’s agreement, Empress Ma continued:

“If Your Majesty doesn’t want to develop commerce, then there’s only one way!”

“What way?”

“Expand the territory, use the Ming soldiers’ spears and iron halberds to plow the land needed for the people!”

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