Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2471 - If I could listen to you

The palace was busy again.

Pei Yuanzhang is already an emperor. This time, he is just returning to Beijing. Although it is a big event, it is impossible to hold a grand ceremony to celebrate this event.

Therefore, my canonization has become a first-class event.

It probably became an excuse for everyone to celebrate thoroughly.

However, as an excuse, my attitude was very strange, because I was very calm, not only did not have noisy resistance, not even the slightest intention to be noisy.

Just stay in Yihua Palace every day and rest peacefully.

Although I ’m such a rare “beauty”, it does n’t seem to be what I usually do, so many people came to visit me during this period.

However, the first question asked was Ningfei Yang Jinqiao.

When she saw my appearance today, she was not as surprised as other acquaintances. Instead, I needed to comfort her. I only told her “because of some changes,” and she understood everything. Gently patted my shoulder.

It’s good to be with smart people.

You don’t need to pull your wound apart, tell her little by little why she is suffering, what it looks like, and how she will suffer next.

With one glance, she knew that your heart was sore that she could not tell it with her mouth.

However, after being silent with me for a long time, she still said, “Do you really want to accept the book?”


“I thought you would rather die.”


I smiled slightly.

She was quiet for a while and then said, “But I also know that you must not be willing.”

I said, “Look at me like this, it doesn’t seem to be forced.”


She was silent for a long time, and said softly, “Yan Qingying, a person cannot die again.”

She said this very lowly, and this sentence was too common. People will encounter such situations many times in their lives. They will tell others, and maybe they will also hear others say this to themselves.

Man cannot be resurrected.

Yes, I have already understood this principle, and I have spent many sleepless nights with the comfort of this sentence.

He will not return.

He will not return.

I was silent for a while, then smiled and said, “I know.”

Yang Jinqiao said, “I know you won’t do it because he’s gone. You’re another choice. You’re not like that. But I hope you–“

I looked up and looked at her.

She looked into my eyes and looked very seriously for a long time. The kind of focused eyes almost made me feel the sadness. I heard her say: “Yan Qingrui, you are a good person, there should be more of you in the world people.”


“Even if there is only one less, I will be sad.”

Her temper was as cold as her, and when she said this, her voice was choked.

I’m not sure. For her, her life has ended early and her destiny has been written in advance, so she looks at me now and feels extremely insidious.

I faced her quietly, and then said, “I know you are good to me.”


“Mrs. Jin Qiao … if I could listen to you then, all right.”


Feeling she was almost crying, I smiled at her.

Looking at my smile, she seemed to know something.

I am now aware of everything, regardless of what others say and do, and I can no longer affect me.

So, after a long silence, she patted my hand gently and left.

After that, of course someone came to see me.

Ye Yunshuang, Liu Li, and even Wen Sisi.

Everyone knows the role I played in this battle of the Central Plains, and the fact that Pei Yuanzhang is about to confine me to be an imperial concubine. It seems that the harem has never been so harmonious like this moment. All of them took Come to visit me with a little joy and a sad look.

They can’t say anything. Most of what I can say is what I can expect. I wait calmly. After everyone is tired out in that deliberate calm smile, I will send them out with a smile. Already.

The only visitor who surprised me was Gu Ping.

After Pei Yuanzhang took him away, for so many years, there has been no news of him. This time he suddenly appeared, but it surprised me.

And he looked at me, naturally more surprised than me.

The two met in this way and did not encounter each other in the next generation. I only knew that after he was taken away by Pei Yuanzhang, he was kept in a prison in Beijing, but Pei Yuan Xiu entered Beijing, and there was a chaos there, and he escaped.

However, he did not escape, after all, there was no place for him in the world.

So this time, Pei Yuanzhang re-appointed Dabao, and he came back to me again.

He held my hand and repeatedly called me: “Aunt Qing, I …”

I reached out with a smile and touched his face.

I haven’t seen him for too long, and I’m blind now, and I’m about to forget what he looks like.

Maybe, even if I see him now, I wo n’t recognize him. After all, when a boy of this age is a big change, I can only remember that he accompanied me and Lier to Jixiang Village and sat with Lier. By the river, when talking to her gently, the thin back.

The ups and downs of his life should be over.

I said softly, “Everything is over.”


“Pinger, live a good life in the future.”

I touched his face with my fingers, feeling the warm tears falling down, he choked and said, “The emperor asked me to protect His Royal Highness and to be His Guard.”

I smiled softly: “Okay.”


“My Pinger was originally a capable person, and now, I can do something.”


“Your father and mother … and your sister, they will be relieved to look at you in the sky.”

“Aunt Qing!”

He was crying and kneeling in front of my bed, crying silently: “I’m sorry for you!”


“If it weren’t for me–when I went to do that, wouldn’t Aunt Qing become what it is now?”

I couldn’t help laughing.

There was a little hot thing flowing in the eyes, but I just smiled and didn’t really let it flow down. I reached out and gently wiped the tears on his face. I said softly: “Don’t be stupid.”


“Everything is fatal.


“Many things can’t help you.”


“Pinger, in the future, you have to be careful about being a man and doing things. Aunt Qing cannot always be by your side. As His Royal Highness, you have to work diligently and know how to do things. Don’t be blind-minded, know?

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