Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2411 - 朕 wait with you

This is-Dong Lei Zhenzhen?

I widened my eyes in amazement, looking at the black curtain that was almost unbreakable in my eyes. Then, there were several loud loud noises. Only this time, I could not tell the direction, as if from a distance. It seemed to come from the clouds above.

No, this is not Dong Lei Zhenzhen, this is-Folang machine gun!

Realizing this, I hurriedly turned my head to look at Pei Yuanzhang. Although I could not see him, I could feel that his breathing stopped at this moment. It should be in the direction of the loud noise.

I said, “Your Majesty!”


He was still silent, and after a while, he slowly spoke in the colder wind than before, and said three words in a deep voice–


The war has begun!

Before Tu Shuhan ordered those people to go to their respective places, I was not mistaken. It should be that he had been in the army formations outside the victory capital in advance, and according to their departure time, he could barely calculate those army formations. Position, and just now, he set off, apparently also going to his own army.

At this time, all the army formations started fighting against Shengjing City together!

I couldn’t help but take a step outside. Although I can’t see anything, I can feel that the wind is a lot more anxious than before. The clothes on my body are blowing straight away, and my hair is quickly messy. , Tangled in front of my eyes.

However, I still stubbornly widened my eyes as if I could see them.

It was still dark before my eyes, but, after a burst of earth-shattering noises like Dong Lei, I faintly saw a little light in the dark curtain of my eyes, like a night, flashing past .

Then it was a faint, faint light.

There seemed to be something flashing in the night.

I froze and choked my breath. It took me a long time to return to my mind.

What I see should be the light of artillery.

I don’t know how far, and how intense the artillery fire, will emit such light on this dark night, even I can feel it.

And, from the beginning to the present, those thunderous sounds have never stopped.

Even now, at least dozens of sounds have been heard.

I couldn’t help turning my head to look at Pei Yuanzhang: “Your Majesty, how many artillery pieces did you reconstruct in Longnan?”

Pei Yuanzhang didn’t answer me immediately, but said after a silence: “No matter how many, it’s all for today.”


“It is also for the near future that you can win the capital.”

I couldn’t help but take a breath.

Even if he didn’t answer, according to those sounds, there were a lot of Bulang guns in his hands.

If you hit it like this, you wo n’t be able to guarantee victory. If you use this offensive to hit the capital in the future,

The capital city was afraid that it would be completely destroyed under such war.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the artillery fire. The wind is getting more and more fierce, and blowing the snowflakes on my face hurts a lot more than before. After a while, my face is completely numb with cold, and I ca n’t feel that. Painful, but still not returned to the tent.

Pei Yuanzhang didn’t.

Because we both heard that the artillery fire had gradually slowed down from the moment when it was most intensive, and after a while, we would hear one or two deafening noises.

But the more so, the greater the shock.

My two hands were twisted together strongly, although my fingers were frozen like icicles, but my palms were still sweaty. Finally, after hearing the last thunder, the terrible artillery fire did not sound for a long time. I said softly, “Stop it?”



When I asked like this, I felt unbelievable.

That’s it?

Winning the capital, did it come down like this?

However, just after I asked, when Pei Yuanzhang didn’t answer, I seemed to hear some messy voices coming from the wind, but because of the distance, it just passed by, and I could n’t hear it at all. .

But Pei Yuanzhang, his breathing was a little tighter, and said with a low voice, “Now, this is the time to really start.”


“Only the gates and walls of Folang cannons can break through.”


“To really win Shengjing, we have to rely on people!”


I paused for a while, and then thought about it suddenly.

No wonder Tu Shuhan will divide it several times and let several different cavalry go out to give orders. After they arrive, they will immediately order to start offensives or start operations. The grasslands are indeed too desolate and it is impossible to lay out every army formation. The people who timed, and no one snore them, so when Tu Shuhan laid down these military formations, he should have calculated the journey from here to there in order to let these people start at different times. But when you do, you have to order at the same time.

These military formations are also different.

The first round of attack was to open the victory of the capital with the intimidation of Folang machine guns. Then, I was afraid that Tu Shuhan personally led the cavalry into the city, which is what Pei Yuanzhang said. Only by relying on people can we really hit Sheng Jing.

The voice I just heard should be–

I can’t see my eyes, but my ears are more agile. Maybe it ’s not my ears, but after Pei Yuanzhang told me these things, a picture of horseshoes walking across the snowy field and the army rushing into my mind emerged. So in my ears, it seems that I can hear the rumbling horseshoes, the sharp whistle of the sword whistling in the wind, and the cry of the people who screamed and screamed continuously under the flames of war.

At this moment, my heart tightened.

He knew he couldn’t see, and even knew that he couldn’t do anything at all, but he took a step forward and eagerly went to the distance.

However, with a small stone under my feet, I almost tripped over.

As soon as Pei Yuanzhang reached out, she supported me, and Shen said, “Why are you always like this, have you forgotten that you can’t see it?”


“Go back to your account.”

He probably also realized that there was nothing he could do to stand here. Next, instead of waiting for Tu Shuhan’s news, we might as well say that we had to take orders.

After that, he would drag me into the tent.

I stood upright, but stubbornly stood still and didn’t understand: “Your Majesty.”


“I, I want to stay here and see … wait.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“I want to wait for news outside.”

“This battle will not be completed in an instant.”

“It doesn’t matter, I still want to wait.”


He looked at me silently for a while, after all, he didn’t persuade me any more, just said, “Well, I’ll wait with you.”

The next time, the two of us stood at the door of the big tent like this, and some servants came to persuade me to ask Pei Yuanzhang to return to the tent, but he refused, holding my arm in one hand. , Help me stand firm.

Fengshuang Xuejian, this is the first time I really feel it, but I don’t feel pain.

In contrast, the inner suffering is the most painful.

As time passed, the battle was fought from the child hour, and from the child hour, there was no news to come back. We did not know what was going on.

Actually, it was n’t just me. Pei Yuanzhang was probably also anxious. The palm of the hand that held my arm was all cold sweat. I could n’t feel it before, but after a long time, the sweat of his palm was soaked in my clothes. Slow Slowly wet the skin, that kind of cold feeling let me know, in fact, he was also suffering tonight.

Later, I couldn’t stand anymore.

My legs were numb, I do n’t know if it was frozen, or because I did n’t move for a long time. I felt that my body was shaking, as if it was going to fall to the ground. Pei Yuanzhang’s other hand came over and caught me. Body, whispered, “Would you like to go back and rest.”

I didn’t squeak, just staring forward stubbornly with wide eyes.

In the dark sight, there seemed to be a little, light that was almost imperceptible.

I whispered, “Your Majesty, is it dawn?”

He supported my shoulders with both hands, looked back, and took a deep breath: “Yes.”


“Its daybreak.”

The snow has stopped, and I can imagine that the sun slowly rises on this snowy field that has been stunned for a long time, and sprinkles the orange-red, warm sunlight on the ground inch by inch, and the night The dispersal looks like giving new life to this world.

I looked at that little invisible light, as if I could feel the sunlight on my face.

Just then, someone suddenly said, “Look, what’s that?”

“somebody is coming!”

“Yes, yes, someone is back!”

The voices of so many people sounded at the same time, I realized that it was not just me and Pei Yuanzhang who stood here waiting for the news ahead, I was afraid that everyone in the camp had experienced a sleepless night, all of them , Are also waiting for this result.

And from their noisy voices, I understood that there was a rider, coming from the front.

Did you come back to report?

The people in the camp couldn’t even wait for Pei Yuanzhang to order. Some people had already rushed out. Pei Yuanzhang didn’t take too much blame. He only held my shoulders with two hands and caught my bones. It hurts, I know the tension in his heart and he doesn’t speak.

After a while, the sound of the horse’s hoof rushed to the door of the camp and stopped. A person turned over and dismounted, running up and down, running all the way to the front of me and Pei Yuanzhang. Snow fell on our faces together, and the two of us froze involuntarily.


Pei Yuanzhang’s two hands gripped me tighter.

He spoke, his voice still calm, but whispered as if the voice came from below the ground–

“How about the battle?”

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