Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1362

   The voice was slightly condensed, and the questioning from the association executive officer made people feel a moment of pressure.

    Fang Ran looked at the stunner in front of her, weighing her dual identities as the association executive officer and Ling’s close friend, and silently pondered how she should answer this. The question, how much to say,

    “The reason why I came to North America…”

    But after sighing, Fang Ran finally decided to tell the truth for objective reasons:

    “Because you received a commission, you formed a large-scale association with ability. Secretly invaded the real industry in North America, because I owed the other side a favor at the North Pole,”

    “So this time I came here to help her solve this matter.”

    Hearing Fang Ran speak truthfully, he was very unconcealed. Satisfied, Xin Hum. This kid knew that it was good or bad and didn’t waste his kindness, and

    got his answer. Trinity thought that it was like this, and then

    raised her brows: “You said Fiesel?”

    “You know .” …?”

    For Trinity’s seemingly familiar tone, Fang Ran’s expression suddenly became subtle. In view of the negligence just now and the fact that the device was on the coast base,

    he suddenly thought of planning a series of attacks against Fiesder. The offensive…could

    it be her? ?

    In case it was really Trinity, Fang Ran suddenly had a dull-eyed headache when he thought of her relationship with Ling. What should I do?

    “It can be a real business organization that has spent so much time in association and has not yet won, I naturally know.” After

    confirming that Fang Ran was not in North America with some dangerous purpose, Trinity’s posture and aura changed back to just now. The lazy stunner charm said casually:

    “The world’s largest and truly wealthy consortium organization, as long as the social class has access to the company directly under its name, they know the existence of that business empire,”

    she said. He leaned on the sofa and glanced at Fang Ran.

    “So put away your worry written on your face, Fiesder’s business has nothing to do with me, I am not the person in charge of it.”

    -[True] -This

    way… I

    perceive [Weighing] ] Fang Ran gave a long sigh of relief in his heart for the feedback he gave, and then he asked with some curiosity:

    “The information security crisis suffered by the Nex Group, how could that device be…”

    “That wireless spectrum The development level of the generator is not mature yet, and the effective range is actually very short. In order to get close to the satellite base station transmitting the signal on the ground, it was officially placed on the coast by other places.”

    Trinity waved her hand at random to explain this. Little things she didn’t care about at all,

    “Other places…” After

    receiving such information, Fang Ran subconsciously asked:

    “Which official is it?”

    But after asking, only the figure of the stunner leaning on the sofa was seen. , Trinity glanced at him with a smile but a smile,

    “Do you think I will tell you about this?”


    also reacted, Fang Ran sweated slightly.

    “Although that is not my concern, as an association executive, I shouldn’t leak it out of my mouth,”

    Trinity raised her brows and looked towards her with a casual voice and a non-negotiable principle. Fang Ran coldly snorted in an angry voice:

    “I don’t know or care about your affairs, you should thank God, otherwise I will notify others to join hands to catch you, this time don’t expect more The omnipotent Arcane Zero Cavalry is here to save you.”

    (ˉ?ˉ????) Ah…

    listening to Trinity’s cold threat, she sweats suddenly, but she also knows her. I’m warning myself to avoid the dead end like the last time.

    “Then it’s okay for you to protect me like this…” After

    getting her attitude towards this incident, she still didn’t want others to pay for herself. She looked at her with some worry and asked,

    “Ho~ Obviously a young kid who didn’t grow up. Boy,

    he has a strong sense of responsibility towards women.” He was surprised that he was still worried about his situation. It turned out to be this kind of character. A word made Fang Ran’s expression embarrassing.

    Trinity raised the corner of her mouth and squinted indifferently. Waved his hand:

    “This kind of trivial matter is nothing. The association executive is more free than you think. As long as you, an uncomfortable kid, don’t have any trouble by yourself, so that Ling and I can’t explain anything, it’s fine.”

    “Others What does the success of the responsible thing have to do with me.”

    Isn’t it…your association executives are all like this…

    Listening to her last words of the ultimate self, Fang Ran was silent in her heart and learned of the association. The executive officers turned out to have this kind of relationship, which was different

    from his Magic Boys squad.

    “But because of the position issue, I can’t disclose any information, you can pick something else you want to know.” I

    always feel that this kid is thinking about something very nonsense, Trinity cocked her legs and played with the coffee table. A little decoration, although I can’t tell Fang Ran about Fiesder’s affairs,

    but considering his relationship with Ling and his unfamiliarity with North America, I still have to take care of it a little bit.

    When she heard her say this, Fang Ran thought about it for a second and then asked,

    “What do you want to do in the association to implement the God Presence Plan?”

    “Did your kid never teach you not to ask others about the level of confidentiality like nuclear bomb codes? “

    He looked speechless for a second. He was really not polite to ask, Trinity rolled her eyes undisguisedly, and said in an angry voice:

    “Don’t tell me whether I know the in-depth picture of the plan, do you really think I will answer you when you ask this.”

    “I’m just a little curious…”

    In fact, I didn’t hope that I just asked casually, and then I scratched my fingertips. Cheek, this time I really thought about what I need to know and what she can tell me. After

    filtering through a lot of information in my mind, he finally looked in front of Trinity and asked:

    “That said, the dead line of the second pillar is a What kind of person?”

    “Huh? Deadline?”

    The movement of her hands stopped for a while, and Trinity looked at Fang Ran strangely, wondering why he suddenly asked about her.

    “Why are you asking about this?”

    “Um… because of the sense of crisis…”

    Looking back on almost all executives I have seen so far, except for the silent and cold female who is full of extremely deadly feelings during the European journey. The figure

    made Fang Ran have no confidence at all, but at the same time, he was deeply impressed.

    “Oh, that is, unless you can maintain the last peak state of the North Pole, otherwise if she wants to kill you, your kid doesn’t know how many times you have died. It’s really fateful,”

    Fang Ran’s answer seemed like a lingering fear. Trinity hugged her hands and grinned, the full white semicircle on her chest was even more exaggerated,

    and then paused for a while, seeming to reminisce for a while and let out a sigh of relief:

    “But regarding the second pillar, even if it is the same executive officer. We don’t know much about her. For us, she doesn’t know her looks, has no name, and basically can’t see people.”

    “There is only the code name’Deadline’, even if we have performed several missions together, there is no After a conversation,”

    “But it’s not bad. Then there is a ninth pillar that I don’t know if I join the association, whether it is a ghost or a imaginary one.” The

    ninth pillar?

    Is there such a person in the association? ?

    Listening to Trinity’s’ha’, she casually said something that might surprise the outside world. Fang Ran was stunned, and then she saw her tone put away the joke and slowly said:

    “I know you kid I must be curious about the first pillar, but I followed that person before the establishment of the association, knowing that the two of them are only the leader himself,”

    “You only need to remember one point. Once you hit the dead line, immediately use all of you. Means to escape.”

    Trinity’s eyes didn’t seem to be a joke. She was also an association executive. She knew too well how terrifying the figure was.

    Under the five vertices, the most aggressive and deadly statement was definitely not. joke.

    “Ah, I see…” I

    remembered that when I was in Europe , I did the same. The only time I tried to resist, even the gluttony was directly penetrated,

    and then Ran accepted her kind reminder.

    Then my heart suddenly felt weird. It was obvious that he was helping Fisdel to solve the problem of association, and Trinity was the core figure in the association.

    Strictly speaking, she was the opponent. Now she is talking face-to-face like this. , And even remind and help yourself.

    Thinking back to the intersection between myself and the association, from the crisis of association again and again, thinking that at this moment an association executive was sitting in front of me,

    suddenly felt a magical life situation.

    Looking at Trinity in front of her, her waist is soft, and her black tube top reveals an overly rounded upper half and white. This figure is so good that she can make a man dry just by looking at it.

    At this moment, she is thinking that she is Ling’s friend. , But she is also the executive officer of the association. This difference is actually curious for a long time.

    Fang Ran looked at the stunner in front of her at this moment and asked her thoughts softly.

    “Trinity, why did you choose to join the association?”

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