
WORLD OF CHUM: Superhuman Entity Report - Jeffery "Professor Franklin" Brown

PERKS Assessment: Professor Franklin

Classified Level: Confidential

I. Power Classification

Gigant: Immunity to Electrocution

Code: G4/SE/P/T

Rationale: Professor Franklin exhibited an immunity to all forms of electric shocks, up to and including natural lightning strikes. This resistance falls under the Gigant category as an intrinsic biological trait, making him virtually impervious to electric-based attacks or accidents. While difficult to discern except statistically, he also appears to act as a lightning rod during storms and other adverse weather conditions. His ability affects himself (S) and his environment (E), is physical (P), and operates at a touch range (T).

Filch: Electrokinetic Storage and Discharge

Code: F7/SO/P/V

Rationale: Professor Franklin could accumulate electrical energy within his body and discharge it at will, tied to his immunity to electrocution. This power falls under the Filch category and demonstrates significant utility in both combat and practical scenarios. Although his 'aiming' was largely restricted to his understanding of electric conductance and grounding principles, the power's range is categorized as 'Visual (V)' due to his capability to discharge it as lightning bolts over considerable distances. This power affects himself and others (SO) and is physical in nature (P).

II. Power Ranking

Professor Franklin's abilities offered enormous capabilities. His immunity to electrocution made him resistant to a category of attacks that could be lethal to others, whereas his electrokinetic storage and release offered offensive and utility potentials that were considerable. His limitation in aiming reduced the versatility but did not undermine the power's overall utility, as he devised several support items and practical methods to utilize his powers in non-destructive ways.

III. Control Rating

Control: 7/10

While Professor Franklin had vast experience and excellent control over his electrokinetic storage, the imprecise nature of his aiming abilities slightly limits his control rating. Nevertheless, his demonstrated restraint in the use of his abilities indicates a high level of mastery.

IV. Hostility Rating

Hostility: 0/10

As the former leader of the Delaware Valley Defenders, Professor Franklin displayed exceptional ethical grounding. His sense of justice and commitment to the public good stands unquestioned.

V. Collateral Damage Potential

Collateral Damage: 7/10

Despite his best intentions and precise control, the imprecise nature of his electrokinetic discharges poses a substantial risk to bystanders and infrastructure, especially when used at high intensities. His inability to aim lightning precisely could result in unintended casualties or property damage.

VI. Overall Threat Level

Threat Level: 4/10

Taking into account his power ranking, his control over his abilities, his virtually non-existent hostility, and his potential for collateral damage, Professor Franklin is assigned an overall threat level of 4. While his abilities are exceedingly potent, his demonstrated control and moral compass substantially reduce the risks associated with his powers.

PERKS Assessment Comments for Jeffery Brown (Professor Franklin)


Officer's Comments: Known presence as an independent vigilante operating primarily in North Philadelphia before applying to become a Registered Superhuman Entity. Shows a strong mastery over his powers and a dedication to ethical vigilante work. Has made several appearances in local news for resolving hostage situations and defusing dangerous confrontations. Extremely cooperative with law enforcement.

-Officer Thompson


Officer's Comments: Two years into his official Registered Superhuman Entity status, Professor Franklin exhibits growing leadership skills. Notable for coordinating well with local law enforcement and lending his expertise in dealing with superhuman threats. Demonstrated a tactical edge in diffusing the Westside Gang Riots.

-Officer Thompson


Officer's Comments: Continues to operate at peak performance. Introduced innovative cape-fighting methods that have been adapted by the local police force. Has been tapped for tutoring in anti-superhuman tactics by several local police forces, including outside of the Philadelphia municipal area. Expressed interest in forming a new group of superhumans ever since the disbandment of the Philadelphia Protectors - we'll be putting feelers out on his behalf.

-Officer Thompson


Officer's Comments: Professor Franklin has been a consistent presence in not just resolving crime but also in preventive initiatives. Organized several community outreach programs that have helped reintegrate former criminals, including a couple noted supervillains. His multifaceted approach to crime-fighting is an asset to Philadelphia, and his compassion is commendable, even with his most vicious enemies.

-Officer Thompson


Officer's Comments: Played an instrumental role in the founding and operations of the Delaware Valley Defenders in 2016, which now has an additional branch in Atlantic City as well as a minor presence in DC. His recommendation was crucial in the successful Registered Superhuman Entity application of Diane Williams, who operates under "Liberty Belle" and has proven to be a similarly devoted asset to this city. Continues to set a standard for what a Registered Superhuman Entity should be.

-Officer Thompson


Officer's Comments: The loss of Professor Franklin is a devastating blow to both the Delaware Valley Defenders and the larger community. He leaves behind a legacy of commitment, innovation, and mentorship that will be remembered for years to come. This file is now closed.

-Officer Thompson

Interviewing Officer: Kevin L. Thompson

Date: February 2nd, 2018

Civilian Clerk: Patricia Adams

Date: February 2nd, 2018


Postcognitive Background Assessment: Jeffery Brown

Subject: Jeffery Brown (Alias: Professor Franklin)

Date of Birth: March 5, 1981

Consent: I, Jeffery Brown, consent to a postcognitive background check by the National Superhuman Response Agency. All findings will be kept confidential and only used for official NSRA purposes.

Background Analysis:

Childhood and Early Development (1981 - 1995):

Born in the Strawberry Mansion neighborhood of North Philadelphia, Jeffery was raised in a low-income household. Despite facing economic hardships, his academic talent stood out, particularly in physics. At age 14 (1995), a teacher recognized his potential and helped him get a scholarship to a private high school.

Academic Years (1996 - 2003):

Jeffery attended Temple University, graduating with a degree in Physics (Class of 2003). He chose to stay in Philadelphia and took up a position as a science educator at a local public school, trying to give back to the community that raised him.

Superpower Activation Event (2004):

At age 23, while chaperoning a school field trip to a science center, Jeffery was struck by lightning. This near-death experience activated his latent superpowers, imbuing him with the ability to absorb and release electricity at will. This incident ignited his latent passion for heroism, and he begun moonlighting as a vigilante while not working as a teacher.

Early Vigilante Years as Professor Franklin (2004 - 2009):

Jeffery took on the alias of "Professor Franklin," a tribute to Benjamin Franklin and his famous kite experiment. Operating mainly in Philadelphia, he focused on thwarting gang-related activities and mentoring young potential vigilantes. He was known for combining scientific principles with combat techniques. His actions during these years drew the attention of the NSRA, leading to his application in 2009 for official registration.

NSRA Registration and Mentorship Roles (2009 - 2016):

Upon becoming a Registered Superhuman Entity in 2009, Professor Franklin continued his work in Philadelphia, retiring from his position as a high school teacher. He mentored several younger heroes, including Liberty Belle, Peregrine, and Valiant. His rational approach to heroism made him a valuable mentor, emphasizing preparation and scientific knowledge in combat.

Founding of Delaware Valley Defenders (2016):

In 2016, Professor Franklin founded the Delaware Valley Defenders to unite heroes in the Delaware Valley area. This team was later headed by Liberty Belle after his death.

Final Mission and Legacy (2017):

Professor Franklin lost his life while preventing the theft of military-grade equipment from a nuclear power plant by the supervillain known as [REDACTED]. His death had a profound impact on the Delaware Valley Defenders and the superhero community at large.


Jeffery Brown, also known as Professor Franklin, was a remarkable individual. His background in physics, coupled with his natural leadership skills, provided him with unique qualifications as a hero. His approach to mentorship has had lasting effects on multiple generations of heroes. To honor his memory, preserving his teachings and methodologies would be beneficial for future NSRA activities.

Abridged timeline of important inflection points:

December 31, 1981: Jeffery Brown is born in Strawberry Mansion, North Philadelphia, to Darling "Knuckle Sandwich" Brown, a boxer, and Madison Brown-Smith, a schoolteacher. Jeffery, the youngest of three children, is in all respects a typical newborn for the area.

October 5th, 1984: Darling Brown is killed during a championship match by an aneurysm rupturing from an errant haymaker.

May 22, 1987: At the age of 6, Jeffery takes up reading comic books, which instill in him an early sense of right and wrong.

August 9, 1994: Jeffery defends his younger sister from a neighborhood gang, reinforcing his sense of duty and responsibility. He is injured in the process, causing lifelong deficits to his grip strength and ability to use his left arm.

September 13, 1995: During a middle school career day, Jeffery meets a physicist and becomes enamored with the sciences.

December 5, 1996: Jeffery's family goes through a period of financial hardship as what's left of Darling Brown's savings and life insurance dries up.

June 20, 1999: Jeffery graduates from high school, top of his class, earning a full-ride scholarship to Temple University.

December 21, 2001: Jeffery witnesses the consequences of unchecked powers, as a superhuman conflict erupts near his campus. His attempts to intervene, while brave, result in him being severely burnt, which fails to activate his latent powers and results in lifelong scarring and pain, mostly to his torso and arms.

May 25, 2003: Jeffery graduates from Temple University with a BSc in Physics. He's offered a teaching position at a local public high school, which he accepts.

June 10, 2004: Jeffery attends his first protest, fighting against municipal budget cuts for Philadelphia's notoriously underfunded public schools.

August 18, 2004: While chaperoning a school field trip, Jeffery is struck by lightning, activating his superhuman abilities.

November 21, 2004: Jeffery uses his powers for the first time to stop a mugging, adopting the alias "Professor Franklin" in the process.

June 3, 2005: Jeffery's mother dies of a heart attack, causing a temporary withdrawal from vigilante activities and a period of grief.

August 12, 2006: Jeffery resumes his activities as Professor Franklin but decides to focus more on mentoring young heroes, inspired by his mother’s teachings.

October 11, 2009: After five years of vigilante work, Jeffery applies and is accepted as a Registered Superhuman Entity.

February 14, 2011: Jeffery meets a young superhuman named Michelle "Quicksnap" Liu and takes her under his wing, the first of many he mentors.

December 31, 2012: New Year’s Eve incident causes a brief crisis of faith, prompting Jeffery to reassess his methods and ideals. While the death toll is minimized according to postcognitive assessment, he is haunted by the idea that he could not save more lives.

May 3, 2013: Professor Franklin rescues several political hostages from a high-risk situation, leading to the formal recognition of his abilities by the NSRA as well as a trip to DC to testify during the proceedings regarding "United Superhumans v. Department of Defense".

September 2, 2014: Jeffery starts attending therapy to deal with the mounting stress and responsibilities, leading to a more empathetic approach in his mentorship. He begins developing an interest in psychology and therapy, and uses the techniques he learns in order to develop his sense of stewardship and compassion towards his rogues' gallery.

June 30, 2016: Jeffery founds the Delaware Valley Defenders, incorporating it with a handful of trusted superhumans, including Diane "Liberty Belle" Williams, April "Peregrine" Lee, Bianca "Fury Forge" Agnelli, and Kwame "Bulwark" Adjei. The team is sponsored by city councilman Jamal Davis.

November 25, 2016: Delaware Valley Defenders successfully conduct a sting to capture and apprehend the six members of the supervillain gang "The Razorblades", cementing their reputation as protectors of the city.

January 20, 2017: Jeffery and his team thwart a bio-terror attack, but Jeffery himself starts showing signs of emotional and physical fatigue.

March 23, 2017: Professor Franklin's final mission takes place in an attempt to stop the villain [REDACTED] from stealing and subsequently utilizing military-grade munitions from an industrial factory. He is killed in action.

April 18, 2017: A memorial service is held for Jeffery Brown, attended by various members of the superhuman community from across the country, as well as several prominent Philadelphians, cementing his legacy as a hero and mentor.

July 30, 2018: The NSRA post-cognitive team updates and closes Jeffery's file, confirming no posthumous activities or indications of resurrection.


Postcognitive-RSE#6124 (Emily "Seeker" Thompson, temporal perception)

Postcognitive-RSE#3803 (Marcus "Elder" Johnson, historical delving)

Postcognitive-RSE#2109 (Zara "Reminisce" Evans, retrocognitive intuition)

Empath-RSE#4991 (Allison "Echo" Smith, emotional imprint)

Analyst-RSE#3278 (Dr. Ethan "Puzzler" Rogers, analytical dissection)

Assessment Date: March 7, 2013

Updated: February 13th, 2018 (File Closed)

Authorization: NSRA Executive Committee.

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