
Chapter 132.2

The alley behind Geno's Grocery smells like a mix of rotting vegetables and stale cigarettes. I'm trying not to breathe through my nose, which is probably a mistake because now I can taste it on the back of my tongue. Sandman's leaning against the brick wall, looking like he's about to doze off any second. How he can be so chill in a place like this is beyond me. We're waiting for Rashad - Razor - and every passing minute makes me feel more like I'm in some low-budget crime movie.

"You sure he's coming?" I ask, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice. I've never met Razor before, and Sandman's whole "he's good people, mostly" thing isn't exactly reassuring.

Sandman cracks open one eye, giving me a look that's somehow both sleepy and amused. "Relax, Bee. Razor's always fashionably late. It's part of his charm."

I'm about to ask what other charming qualities Razor might have when I hear footsteps approaching. A tall, lanky guy rounds the corner, moving with a kind of… languid ease that makes me a little envious. He's got this easy confidence, like he owns the alley and everything in it. Must be nice to feel that comfortable in your own skin. He looks like he knows how to throw a punch.

"Yo, Sandy," he calls out, his voice carrying a hint of laughter. Then his eyes land on me, and I can practically see the gears turning in his head. "This sharky?"

I bristle a bit - at what, I'mm not sure, feeling my hackles rise. "It's Bloodhound, actually," I say, trying to inject some steel into my voice. It probably comes out more like aluminum foil, but whatever. "And yeah, that's me."

"Calm yourself, youngblood. We're not enemies. Chill out," Razor says, flexing his fingers. He leans against a dumpster and makes it look dignified. G-d damn, I don't know how he does it.

I glance at Sandman, who gives me a barely perceptible nod. Right. This is my show now. I take a deep breath, trying to channel some of that easy confidence Razor's got in spades. "Yeah, they're planning something big. At the zoo. I'm trying to get the word out, maybe put together a team to stop them. Or at least, like… you know, have people know. Once the news copters show up, we can all be like, oh, hey, that's what Bloodhound was talking about, maybe I should get involved. Or something."

Razor's eyebrows shoot up, disappearing under the brim of his baseball cap. "The zoo? What, they running out of petting zoo animals at their villain daycare or something?"

I can feel my face heating up, a mix of embarrassment and frustration. Why does everyone have to treat this like a joke? "It's not funny," I snap. "They're going to steal a rhino. Maybe all the rhinos. Maybe some elephants, too. It's called Operation Ivory, and one of my teammates lost his hearing getting shot by one of them trying get us that information."

Razor lets out a low whistle, looking impressed despite himself. "Damn, girl. You don't think small, do you?" He looks at Sandman, his expression suddenly serious. "She for real?"

Sandman nods, pushing himself off the wall. "She's got good intel. Solid source. This ain't no wild goose chase, Razor."

Razor's quiet for a moment, and I can practically see the gears turning in his head. He's weighing the risks, trying to decide if it's worth getting involved. Part of me wants to grab him by the shoulders and shake him, to make him understand how important this is. But I force myself to stay still, to let him come to his own decision.

Why do I care this much? A small, bitter part of my brain says that it's just rhinos. It's… you know, it's not human trafficking, or drug running, or murder. Do I just want a fight?

Finally, he shrugs, a fluid motion that seems to ripple through his whole body. "I'll let people know. I can't guarantee we'll do anything. But if we're in the neighborhood…"

I nod, feeling a mix of relief and excitement coursing through me. Another ally. Maybe this crazy plan might actually work. "Got it. Thanks, Razor. Really."

He grins again, all sharp edges and danger. "Don't thank me yet, little shark. We ain't done nothing but talk."

The common area of the Tacony Music Hall looks like a tornado hit a thrift store. Mismatched furniture is scattered around, covered in a layer of papers, snack wrappers, and the occasional piece of superhero gear. I'm sprawled out on the sagging couch, trying to explain my plan to crash the Kingdom's zoo heist.

Connor's perched on the arm of an ancient armchair, his lanky frame somehow managing to look both comfortable and precarious at the same time. Jordan's pacing back and forth, their goth attire a stark contrast to the chaos around us. Maggie's sitting cross-legged on the floor, her eyes wide with a mix of excitement and worry. And Tasha, well, she's made herself comfortable on a pile of cushions, munching on a bag of chips like we're discussing weekend plans instead of a potential superhero showdown.

"Let me get this straight," Connor says, scratching his head. "You want us to go up against the Kingdom at the zoo? Like, for real?"

I sit up, feeling a surge of frustration. "It's not just about the zoo. It's… it's the principle of the thing. They think they can just waltz in and take whatever they want. Someone has to stand up to them."

Jordan stops pacing, turning to face me. Their eyes are sharp behind their eyeliner. "And that someone has to be us? Like… you heard what Devonte and Akilah have been telling us. This is looking like it's gonna be an entire siege. A straight up battle. They're gonna bring guns."

I open my mouth to argue, but Tasha beats me to it. "Speak for yourself," she says, licking cheese dust off her fingers and trying to sound contemplative. "Some of us are just here for the snacks and the show."

"Not helping, Tasha," Maggie mutters.

I take a deep breath, trying to find the right words to make them understand. "Look, I get it. It's dangerous. But that's exactly why we need to do it. Why I need to do it. If this is a siege, then that's going to have all the big players in one place - ready to get swooped on."

Maggie pipes up, her voice hesitant but determined. "I believe you, Sam. But… are we really ready for this? I mean, I can barely control my repulsion fields without sending myself flying across the room. I haven't even really been in a real fight before, either."

Jordan snorts. "Yeah, and I'm sure the Kingdom will be real intimidated by Connor folding himself into a suitcase, and my ability to make the bathrooms smaller."

"Hey!" Connor protests. "I could… I don't know, sneak in somewhere small and eavesdrop or something."

I feel a smile tugging at my lips. "No, I get it. I don't think I need anyone to go with me. Except maybe Derek, but I think he'd probably just escalate any situation he found himself in. I just… I don't know, I want you guys to know that if this goes down and shit, and you see the news saying 'rhino raid in progress', you know where I am. In case of… Emergency. Sure. Okay?"

Tasha sits up, her expression serious for once. "Sam, I get it. I do. But have you really thought this through? What's your actual plan once you're there? Are you just going to waltz in and start punching rhino thieves?"

I hesitate, realizing I haven't quite figured out that part yet. "I… I'll improvise. I always do, right? It's worked so far."

Tasha's eyes narrow, their voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh yeah, because 'winging it' against a bunch of armed criminals trying to steal a multi-ton animal is a brilliant strategy. Sam, this isn't like our usual patrols. These are serious criminals with serious firepower and likely multiple other metahumans on their side. And let's not forget, you're not exactly bulletproof."

"No, but I heal," I counter, feeling a bit defensive. "That's got to count for something. I can take risks you guys can't."

"It counts for you not dying immediately," Tasha interjects, her voice sharp. "Congrats. You'll just be in excruciating pain while your body tries to push out bullets and knit itself back together. Sounds like a great time."

Maggie leans forward, her face pinched with worry. "Sam, we're just concerned. Healing or not, you could get really hurt. And what if… what if your powers don't work fast enough? What if Mr. Nothing gets his hands on you?"

I feel a twinge of guilt at the fear in Maggie's voice. Sometimes I forget how new she is to all this, how the dangers we face aren't just abstract concepts to her. "Look, I appreciate the concern, really. But I can't just sit back and do nothing. Not when I know what's coming."

Connor, who's been uncharacteristically quiet, finally speaks up. "What if we called the cops? Anonymous tip or something? Let them handle the gunfight part?"

Jordan scoffs, rolling their eyes. "Right, because the Philly PD has such a great track record with superhuman crime. They'd probably show up two hours late and shoot the rhinos themselves. Or worse, some of them might be on the Kingdom's payroll."

"Not helping, Jordan," I mutter. "That's what I've been trying to do, anyway. You act like I'll be there alone. I just want to… add to the war effort. I presume that the Delaware Valley Defenders aren't going to just let the Kingdom walk all over this city. Multiplex and Fury Forge promised me that much. So it won't even be me. I probably won't even be a big part."

I'm just itching to dig my fists into some goon's face, but I don't need to say that part out loud.

There's a moment of tense silence as everyone processes what I've said. Tasha's chip-crunching is the only sound, somehow making the atmosphere even more awkward.

Finally, Jordan breaks the silence, their voice skeptical. "So, what you're saying is… you're just going to be, what, an auxiliary force? Backup for the big leagues?"

I shrug, trying to look nonchalant. "More or less. I mean, I'll be there, but I'm not planning on taking on the entire Kingdom single-handedly or anything."

Maggie's face relaxes slightly, but there's still worry in her eyes. "That… actually sounds a lot more reasonable than what I was imagining. But still, Sam, promise us you won't do anything reckless?"

I force a smile, ignoring the little voice in my head that's practically salivating at the thought of a good fight. "Of course not. I'll be careful. Scout's honor."

Tasha narrows her eyes, clearly not entirely convinced. "Uh-huh. And what exactly does 'careful' mean in Sam-speak?"

"It means I'll stick to the shadows, gather intel, and only step in if absolutely necessary," I say, hoping I sound more convincing to them than I do to myself. "The DVDs will handle the heavy lifting. I'm just there as… extra eyes and ears, you know?"

Connor nods slowly. "Okay, that doesn't sound too bad. But maybe we should still prep some backup plans? Just in case?"

Jordan sighs, running a hand through their hair. "Yeah, probably a good idea. Sam, you're taking a comm link, non-negotiable. And we'll set up some emergency protocols."

"And I'm still putting together another first aid kit for you," Tasha adds firmly.

I nod, feeling a mix of guilt and relief. They think they're talking me down from something stupid, but really, they're just giving me more tools to work with. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate all of this. And hey, who knows? Maybe it'll all go smoothly and I won't even need to do anything."

The others start discussing potential scenarios and backup plans, their voices becoming a comforting background hum. I lean back on the couch, letting my mind wander to the upcoming operation. Sure, I told them I'd be careful, that I'd stay on the sidelines. But if an opportunity presents itself… well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

For now, I'll let them think they've convinced me to play it safe. It's easier that way, and hey, maybe they're right. Maybe I won't need to get involved at all.

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