Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Calmens nightmares always started with the same scene.

One day, after being severely beaten at home and driven out with a bruised abdomen, a seemingly respectable knight approached him.

Why are you standing here barefoot on such a cold day, kid?

It turned out that the knight, who lived not far away, was a neighbor. That day, he provided Calmen with a hearty dinner and a warm place to sleep.

From then on, Calmen often escaped from his stepfather and secretly took refuge in the knights house.

Though the knight was always busy, he was a good neighbor who never turned away the child who kept coming to him. Even when he wasnt home, there were always simple snacks prepared on the table for the hungry young guest.

Thus, the knight, who later turned out to be far more incredible than initially thought, became close to Calmen.

He was the commander of the royal palaces knights and even the swordsmanship instructor to the imperial princes.

Why would someone as strong and noble as you take a local kid like me seriously?

Wow, what does it feel like to be that strong? How can I become like you, Commander?

Do you want to learn swordsmanship, kid? Thats a good idea. His Majestys grace is like the sea; if you have the skills, even commoners like us have the opportunity for advancement.

I dont really care or know much about advancement. I just want to give my wretched stepfather a good kick.

Then, would you commit to one year of training with your eyes closed? That should be enough to kick him when he lets his guard down and escapes safely.

Thus, Calmen began learning swordsmanship from him. He was even praised for having quite a talent, which made him feel proud.

Then one day, before he knew it, Calmen found himself serving almost as an apprentice or servant to the knight, commuting to and from the imperial palace with him.

Perhaps those were the happiest days of his rather short life.

Yet, it was a nightmare because he knew too well what end that happiness would meet.

You brat! What do you think youre doing, wandering around the imperial palace?

A group of people suddenly appeared before him, surrounding the naive commoner boy and pouring out their sharp malice.

Lucky you, being able to impersonate a servant. Just the right kind of guy to eat out of anywhere.

A chubby kid sneered at him, twisting his mouth.

It seems like the lowly gather and console each other. Lets leave them, Morres. Its not as if we had a commoner knight as a master in the first place.

A beautiful woman with sharp eyes scornfully laughed in a haughty manner.

Tittering. Cackling.

Confused and frozen, he was bombarded with maids mockery and humiliation.

Those sharp words were so obviously malicious that even a young commoner boy like him realized they were aimed at Commander Bruno.

How long had they been at it? When he came to, Calmen was unknowingly gripping the collar of the chubby kid.

Then, suddenly, something sharp cut across his forehead, filling his vision with a burning pain. His sight grew blurry with blood.

The scenes that followed are spotty memories.

Your Majesty, the Queen. He is just an innocent, unknowing child. Please, retract your order to have this young one executed!

Through the blood-blurred vision, he could see the kneeling figure of the Commander.

Calmen clenched his teeth.

I didnt do anything wrong! That damn brat was the one who cursed me and insulted the commander first! So why do I have to atone for a crime I didnt commit, and why does the innocent commander have to suffer for it?

It was always the same dream, but Calmen struggled frantically every time.

Everyone stop! Somebody stop this!

Commander! Commander, please stop! Dont do it!

Despite his desperate struggles, Commander Bruno in his dreams would inevitably end up coughing up blood and collapsing.

And watching the commanders miserable state, a brat stood there, pulling up the corners of his lips to let out an evil laugh.

With the backlit, shadowy face, only the brats eyes shimmer eerily in silvery gray.

Prince Morres.

-Thought youd die sooner. But if it ends like this, its as good as being dead, isnt it? Perfect!

Prince Morres.

-Why are you staring at me like that? You stupid fool! Luckily for you, Ive given you a good opportunity, so be grateful for the rest of your life. Ha. Ha. Ha!

Damn Prince Morres!

While struggling and letting out a silent scream, his nightmare gradually came to an end. Realization that he was dreaming dawned upon him as he slowly woke up.

And at the boundary between dream and reality, a chaotic mix of incomprehensible scenes swept over Calmen along with intense emotions before receding like a tidal wave.

In one scene, for some reason, Calmen appeared to be considerably older.

After squandering his earnings from mercenary work on alcohol, he was heavily drunk when suddenly a bandit-like man blocked his path.

-Youre the guy? The one who spent last night with our Olivie?

-Huh? Olivie? Whos that?

-Shes my wife. Dont tell me you dont know.

-What the hell are you talking about? If you cant keep your wife in line, why are you blaming others? Was your night not so great?

-What did you say? You son of a-!

Before he could even confirm the axe the man brandished,


He felt a vivid sensation of his forehead splitting and skull cracking, sending chills down his spine.

Calmen screamed.

I, I cant believe Im dying like this?



Man, he sure knows how to take a noisy nap.

Should we wake him up, Your Highness?

Maybe? He looked like he was having a good dream just now.

Familiar voices conversing near his ear reached him.


In a state of semi-consciousness, he strained his ears to grasp the meaning, but the voice receded and his body sank downward.

Meanwhile, the dream shifted its scenes once again, this time to a battlefield with arrows flying through the air.

Dressed in armor, Calmen, now transformed into a dashing knight, swung his sword anxiously while staring into the distance. He might not fully grasp the situation, but he was clearly worried about someones well-being.

And below the ominous sky, tinged red as if with blood

Someone he knew well was fearlessly darting through the hail of arrows!

Startled, Calmen rushed towards him.

Hey! You lunatic!

Always running off like that?

Havent I always told you to be more careful? Huh?

Ah? If you go out there, Crown Prince, just you wait!


Gritting his teeth and yelling, he heard a sigh in his ear.

This child is truly a troublemaker, Sir Masain.

Outrageous. Now hes even committing blasphemy by imagining a nonexistent Crown Prince in his dreams.

Shall I give him another smack, Sir Masain? To make him rest quietly.

Doing that might make Calmen rest for eternity, Your Highness.

What do you take me for, Sir Kurt?

Struck by an unusually clear voice, Calmen fully regained consciousness and opened his eyes abruptly.

Oh, hes awake.

What was that? I felt like I was in a deeply sentimental mood just a moment ago?

Calmen blinked his eyes.

The lingering images of the dream vanished from his mind at a rapid pace, leaving him with no recollection of why he felt the way he did.


However, what catched Calmens slowly waking eyes was a bizarre sight that he never could have anticipated.

A room filled with people surrounding Prince Morres or rather, a group of people surroundinghim, filling the small treatment room, standing and staring at Calmen in unison.

What is everyone doing here? And why are they looking at me with those strange expressions?

His eyes quickly scanned the faces of the people.

Dr. Ninnias, Prince Morres, Masain, the maidservant to the prince, and many resident knights including Sir Kurt and


In an instant, Calmen jumped to his feet.

Among those people, he saw the face of someone he thought he would never see again.



As if out of a lie, there was Commander Bruno.

His unkempt beard and gaunt appearance were the same, but he was no longer the dying patient from before. His previously hunched back was now straight, and his wrinkled face had tightened, making him look younger than his years.

Though he hadnt regained his former vitality, his robust body overflowed with a lively energy.

With a refreshing smile that seemed dreamlike, Commander Bruno answered Calmen.

Yes, kid. Got your wits about you now?

What on earth is happening? Am I still dreaming?

Commander? Is it really you?

At this, Commander Brunos brows furrowed.

Still half-asleep, huh? What on earth is that appearance of yours? I dont remember teaching you so carelessly. How absentminded are you usually, tsk tsk.

Bruno, the commander, clicked his tongue, and Kurt, standing next to him, cautiously defended Calmen.

Uh Commander? Calmen fought against the capital guards to rescue you, so

Huh? Did that happen? I dont remember. So, how many did he fight?

Then, Prince Morres tilted his head and answered.

Probably seven, including heavily armed knights? It was no big deal.

The one who had actually defeated the seven couldnt persuade anyone.

Hearing this, a look of disdain briefly crossed Commander Brunos face.

So, youre saying you were defeated by just seven? Not even seventeen? Hmph, shame! Dont go around calling yourself my disciple.

Tears welled up in Calmens eyes without his realizing it.

Ah, that arrogant attitude. Definitely the Commander Bruno I remember!

Commander, arent you being a bit too cold? You made him cry.

Yeah. The commander went too far this time. Calmen did his best, theres no reason to make him cry like that.

Ah, my body is already in pain and you guys are still making fun of a sick man. Why would a grown man cry like a fool?

I didnt cry! Ugh.

Calmen sniffled.

What happened, Commander? The Gray Plague?

Huh? Oh, right. I did mention that I had caught the plague. I dont remember, though.

Commander Bruno rotated his shoulders and grinned.

I dont know what that plague is, but as you can see, Im perfectly fine. All thanks to His Majestys grace.

Ahem! One should not forget the grace of Prince Morres, Commander Bruno.

Ah, thats right! Sir Masain is correct. If it werent for His Highness, how could I, Bruno, have the honor of serving His Majesty again.

Ha ha ha. He he he.

It was an atmosphere he couldnt adapt to.

Clearly, Commander Bruno had been disgracefully expelled due to Prince Morres, his achievements as a knight and a warrior all taken away in an instant, and he lived just because he couldnt die.

And now hes casually chatting with the prince who is the root cause of all this!

Calmen felt his mind blur and mumbled, This must be a dream. How could Commander Bruno and Prince Morres be

The air around him suddenly froze.

Calmen had carelessly spoken, but omitting the honorifics in front of an imperial family member is a serious disrespect.

This fellow, as soon as he woke up

In a scene filled with tension, his master with an ugly expression on his face attempted to charge, but Prince Morres quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.

Meanwhile, Commander Bruno respectfully bowed his head towards the prince, speaking on behalf of the flustered Calmen.

I apologize, Your Highness. Its due to my unworthy disciple that I have no face to show you.

Eh? No, I think hes just a bit flustered because he just woke up, dont worry about it.

The scene was reminiscent of the past when the Commander had knelt before the Queen on behalf of Calmen. Feeling his heart sink, Calmen shouted in a suppressed voice.

Why are you apologizing on my behalf again? Youve done nothing wrong, Commander!

However, the look from Commander Bruno was extremely stern.

Dont make excuses, Calmen. Its my responsibility, of course.


Ive hesitated to say this because you seemed to be blaming yourself too much. But now that Ive returned to the palace, let me make it clear.

Facing Calmen squarely, the Commander continued.

Calmen, the incident that day was your fault, as you were the one who committed the irreverence first, unable to control your own temperament. And it is my responsibility, Bruno, for not properly teaching you manners because you were young.

You must face the difficult truths squarely. Youre a distinguished knight of the Guard now, arent you?

Calmen was at a loss for words.

He wanted to deny it, but deep down he knew the situation had escalated uncontrollably because he had failed to contain himself in a critical moment.

Being naive was no excuse. As Prince Morres had said, being young did not absolve him of responsibility. The reason he had resented Prince Morres until now was because he couldnt fully bear the fact that he had led the person he admired the most to ruin.

Struggling to his feet from the bed, Calmen knelt before the prince.

His internal resentment towards Prince Morres hadnt completely disappeared. However, unlike before, he now knew what he needed to do.

I have committed multiple acts of irreverence and disloyalty. I humbly seek your generous forgiveness, Your Highness.

Scratching his cheek, Prince Morres responded, Well, its fine. Dont worry about it. Its not like I dont know your temperament.



Thank you.

Calmen bowed his head deeply.

I will never forget the favor of saving the Commander. Thank you again, Your Highness.

For the first time, with complete sincerity, Calmen was able to show his respect to Prince Morres.

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