Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

An outbreak of a mysterious plague has occurred among the prisoners transferred from the Heretic Tribunal!

If they were held with other prisoners in the Heretic Tribunals jail

Most of those prisoners are demon worshipers! It might be a disease brought by the demons!

The Tribunal was thrown into chaos in no time.

Summon the Kumah priests, sprinkle the holy water! The guards, who were in a frenzy, were only pacified after Francis, the Paladin, repeatedly explained that he didnt sense any [Magi], the sign of a demon.

Somehow, Ashley Betcher and Jonathan McAlpin ended up quarantined in an isolated, empty cell.

The fact that the other students with them werent indiscriminately isolated was thanks to their connections with high-ranking priests.

Seongjin was promptly expelled from the Tribunal premises.

Francis, who had unceremoniously shoved him out of the building before he even knew what was going on, drove the final nail in the coffin.

I have contacted the Pearl Palace. Masain will be coming to pick you up soon. For now, stay put!

Adding that he would remain inside the building as a precaution against the possible spread of the plague until the arrival of medical experts, Francis slammed the door shut.

Ah, suddenly things have gotten complicated

Seongjin broke into a cold sweat.

Did he make a mistake coming to the Tribunal and getting Francis involved? After all, he was the first to closely examine the patients. What if the disease spreads?

[Should I go in and take a closer look?]

Before Seongjin could answer, the presence of the Demon King disappeared with a poof. It was as if he was thrilled about something.


Seongjin looked at the Tribunals closed gates for a moment, then staggered over to the nearby garden and slumped down dejectedly.

The Emperor had warned him not to cause trouble.

Well, its not his fault, of course.

But still, will Sir Masain not be furious?

Its a bit depressing.

Seongjin buried his head between his knees and closed his eyes.

After a while, the guards at the entrance of the Tribunal glanced over at the crouching prince. They felt a strange sensation as if the grass around the prince was shaking even though there was no wind.

Is it an illusion?

As they tilted their heads, the distant sound of horse hooves approached rapidly.

The sound quickly closed the distance, and they saw a burly knight charging toward the Tribunal at a storm-like pace.

Sir Masain!

The guards stood at attention, tensing their bodies.

But before his horse even came to a stop, Masain leapt down and almost ignored their salutes. He immediately walked over to the slumped Prince Morres.

His face looked as if he was about to explode with fury.

However, as he took each step closer to the prince, his expression changed bizarrely, eventually settling into one of incredulity.

Finally, Masain stood in front of him and spoke.

Are you meditating in a situation like this?

Ah, Sir Masain.

Seongjin, who had been lost in thought, finally looked up at Masain.

I just created a fifth floor in my mental state.

Turns out, when you have the will, even negative emotions can serve as a catalyst for growth.

Masain furrowed his brows.

What is that supposed to mean?

What do you mean? It means that when youre feeling down, training is the best cure.

Masain shook his head in disbelief.

Anyway, Your Highness has a real knack for getting caught up in incidents. Has it been that long since you left Pearl Palace, and now its a plague, a plague! One cant take their eyes off you for a moment.

What does this guy see me as?

Im not the one who spread the plague.

Isnt it better that we found out quickly thanks to me? If it werent for me, you wouldve only realized it after the plague had spread throughout the court.

Yes, yes. How could you not know better? Are you feeling okay? You didnt go near any patients, did you?

His initial ominous demeanor had faded significantly.

So Sir Masain loses his temper quickly but cools down just as fast. Good to know.

Seongjin dusted off his clothes and stood up, just as a group of people in strange attire were seen approaching the court.

They wore thick ecclesiastical garments dyed in a deep bronze, long leather gloves extending to the elbows, and thick leather masks completely covering their noses and mouths.

It seemed a bit makeshift, but they did look properly equipped.

With synchronized footsteps, they approached, each holding some kind of spray device.

These are the plague doctors of Lyora, said Masain, following Seongjins gaze.

The only sect formally recognized as non-heretical by the Delcross Church.

Most sects following the teachings of various schools were not free from the controversies of heresy, largely because they openly challenged the Churchs stance that plagues were either divine punishment or demonic curses.

However, the Lyora sect was more religiously friendly, arguing that plagues are impurities that need to be purified and cured.

Their treatment methods included the use of incense and perfumes to dispel the foul smell from patients and bloodletting to purify them. This approach was highly in line with the Churchs preference.

As a result, the Lyora sect had the most freedom to operate within Delcross, even having a small department set up for them within the administration.

If a plague broke out in the capital, this department would immediately dispatch the plague doctors.

As the bronze-colored plague doctors got closer, Seongjin instinctively covered his nose due to the strong smell of medicinal herbs and perfumes.

One of the doctors, a petite figure likely female, approached Seongjins party. Her face mostly concealed by a large hat and leather mask, her round eyes peeked out as she spoke through her muffling mask.

We will spray some scent for plague prevention.

Before they could comprehend her words, she aimed a large spray device at Seongjin and Masain, releasing an overpowering rose fragrance.

Even a good smell can be too much. Seongjin barely held back a retch.

Plagues spread through smells. Removing foul odors can prevent the disease.

Thank you.

Frowning, Masain replied. The plague doctor nodded briefly and returned to the court.

I really want to wash this off. I want to go back to Pearl Palace.

Knowing Earths medical knowledge, Seongjin was aware that fragrances wouldnt drive away diseases. Masain seemed to share the sentiment, nodding in agreement.

Medical staff and priests are on standby at Pearl Palace. A carriage will arrive soon, so please get examined there first.

Francis, who had also been doused in perfume, walked out from the court a little later, his expression just as disgruntled.

I never knew lavender could smell so repulsive.

It seems that if it can drive away foul odors, the type of scent doesnt matter. Each plague doctor appears to carry their preferred perfume.

How are Ashley and Jonathan?

Francis shrugged his shoulders.

The situation doesnt look good. The body temperature keeps dropping, and theres no consciousness. Moreover, the plague doctors have arrived. It seems like theres little hope left.

What? Isnt it usually the opposite? Shouldnt the prognosis be more positive with doctors present?

They plan to drain all the bad blood from those patients. Their condition is already critical, and this will result in massive blood loss.


Wait. Shouldnt we stop this?

Francis, dont scare us unnecessarily. These people have extensive experience in treating patients; they will know the limits.

Noticing Seongjins expression changing, Masain cautioned him. It seemed like he was worried Seongjin might barge in right away.

However, Francis scoffed.

Even in the manpower-starved southern front, the only people unwelcome are those Lyora Plague Doctors. They are known as the doctors of death.

Doctors of death? Thats a bit harsh, isnt it?

Is it? You mustve heard the rumors from the frontlines, right? How many patients under their care have actually survived

In front of His Highness! Dont disparage the Plague Guild recognized by the Orthodox Church based on unverified rumors.

While the two were at an impasse, Seongjin abruptly asked a question.

Whats the reputation of the Adelheid Plague Guild?

It was a sudden curiosity.

One of the organizations that Morres is supporting is the Adelheid Plague Guild. If they are as dubious as the Lyora Plague Guild, he thought of immediately cutting off their funds.

Masains face stiffened at this.

They are suspected heretics, Your Highness.

However, Francis had a slightly different opinion.

They are quite skilled pharmacists. Mostly young people, they focus on efficiency and are cautious enough to only proceed with verified treatments. Recently, they are probably the most preferred in the front lines. At least they dont actively kill their patients.

Hmm, is that so?

As Seongjin looked convinced, Masain warned, As a paladin blessed by His Divine Grace, be cautious with your remarks.

Why? Im just stating the facts. I dont understand why the Orthodox Church would back a sect like Lyora over Adelheid.


Just as the atmosphere was turning tense, a carriage sent from the Pearl Palace arrived. As they approached, the coachman nervously tightened his grip on the reins.

Lyora Plague Guild, these quacks. What a nuisance.

The three of them sat at a distance from each other in the carriage and returned to Pearl Palace.

After arriving at Pearl Palace, Seongjin took a bath and was rolling around in bed early.

He had built up the 5th floor in haste, so he was looking forward to afternoon training. However, physician Ninnias who had treated him recommended that he rest for today just in case.

But he couldnt stay disappointed for long. The news from the demon king who had inspected the Judiciary was somewhat unsettling.


[Parasites! They are small, but they are still demons. In the Sigurd 34th District, they would be similar to parasitic wasps.]

According to the demon king, he faintly sensed the aura of demons from the two collapsed people. Upon closer inspection, they had a small egg of a demon the size of a fingernail inside their bodies.

Called [Lophellum], it was a parasite from Gehenna, a worthless demon that parasitizes the eggs of certain insect-like demons.

But I havent seen such a thing in decades.

[It doesnt lay its eggs in humans, so it doesnt come near humans. It only parasitizes the eggs of a few specific insect-like demons.]

Thats why even the demon king was initially skeptical.

Are you sure you didnt mistake it?

[Hey! I am the demon king who once ruled over everything in Gehenna! Theres nothing about the demons of Gehenna that I dont know!]

If thats the case, its strange.

Why would the eggs of a demon that doesnt lay its eggs in humans be inside Ashley and Jonathan?

Moreover, considering the Bantra Moss incident, why do demons from Gehenna keep appearing?

However, the demon king didnt seem to find it particularly strange.

[Just as humans dont only exist in the Sigurd 34th District, theres no rule saying Gehennas monsters only exist in Gehenna.]


[Furthermore, it might be related to the previous incident. Lophellum are fond of Bantra Moss eggs.]

So, youre saying the two people who were already near the infected Bantra larvae could have been accidentally infected as well?

But I thought Lophellum doesnt lay eggs in humans?

Can an egg just enter a human body if its nearby?

Is there a possibility that someone deliberately inserted the egg into the body?

[If someone really wanted to do that, its not impossible. But why? After all, Lophellum eggs cant hatch and will die unless theyre in another monsters egg.]

Originally, the human body temperature was too high for parasitic monsters to survive. The eggs inside Ashley and Jonathan were almost dead.

So, there wont be an immediate death due to parasitic infection?

As long as they arent excessively drained by Lyoras doctors.

Feeling somewhat relieved, the Demon King suddenly whispered to Seongjin.


Huh? [Someone has sneaked into Pearl Palace.]


I didnt sense any presence?

[Just one person. Theyre coming straight to this room.]

At those words, Seongjin sharply heightened his senses.

Indeed, although faint, he could definitely feel an unfamiliar presence within Pearl Palace.

They got this close and I didnt notice?

Seongjin quickly got up from the bed and picked up the Nutcracker he had set aside. If someone sneaked in, their intentions couldnt be good.

Even though I was distracted, why didnt the guarding knights or mages notice?

[Theyre very good at hiding their presence. I see their soul coming, thats how I know.]

Indeed, had it not been for the Demon Kings warning, Seongjin himself would have had a hard time detecting them. This intruder was skillful enough to evade the notice of Seongjin, who was one of humanitys last hunters.

[Theyre coming to the balcony!]

Swoosh. Seongjin drew his Nutcracker and aimed at the balcony.

Sure enough, a person in dark clothing suddenly dropped down from the upper floor. They bypassed the second floor and entered from the relatively lax third floor directly into Seongjins room.

The uninvited guest in black clothing and a mask cautiously opened the window, and upon locking eyes with Seongjin holding his weapon, seemed surprised.

Huh? I took extra caution because the knight commander is here, but I didnt expect the prince himself to notice me.

The voice was slightly husky, a womans voice. There was no particular hostility in her voice.

Dont worry, Im not an enemy.

She raised her hands to show she was unarmed and slowly approached, stopping just a step outside Seongjins sword reach.

Your argument isnt very convincing with that mask on.

Haha, fair point.

She laughed cheerfully and started to take off her mask.

Her long, wavy black hair and dark skin soon revealed her face. Her white teeth shone exceptionally bright in the darkness.

Hello, Prince. I brought Bremens reply from the Monkey Watchtower.

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