Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Wow this is really unexpected.

After randomly testing phrases in nine different languages, Chloe now looked at Seongjin as if she was looking at a mysterious dragon hiding its true form.

Im okay since I just learned foreign phrases to cool my head. But when did you learn so many languages? If you werent sick with fever

She was under a huge misconception.

She thought that Morres, originally proficient in nine languages, had lost most of his abilities due to illness.

Seongjin shook his head.

Dont tell me you probably just learned some basic greetings like Chloe (me), right? You cant really speak the languages, can you?

Exactly as she said. While he could understand the languages, Seongjin was unable to speak them fluently.

He could only speak freely in three languages: the Empires common language, Brittanian, and the language of Volanta, one of the major tribes among the pagans.

Furthermore, it seems like Im not actually understanding the [languages], per se

He understood what was said, but he couldnt understand the sounds meanings themselves.

Seongjin was gradually realizing the difference the Demon King had explained.

I guess the only languages I can really say I understand are those three.

Though he couldnt test it here, he was certain that unless a person spoke directly in front of him, he wouldnt be able to understand any language other than those three through phone or radio.

In other words, the mechanism by which Seongjin understood languages other than those three was the same as the Demon King understanding thoughts.

This makes it even more confusing, doesnt it?


Even the Demon King seemed to ponder, holding back words.

Yes, if he could speak and listen in all languages, he would have thought something was happening at the soul level.

However, being able to speak only three languages makes it ambiguous.

Whether it was a phenomenon triggered by Seongjins soul using some kind of thoughts, or whether it was actually languages Morres had acquired.

Even though learning three languages secretly is plausible, why did Morres study the language of a southern pagan? This leaves a lingering question.

And if its a phenomenon happening at the soul level, picking and choosing only three languages to understand and speak is very strange.

If you understand the languages, then it wont be too hard to practice speaking them, Your Highness, Chloe said, misinterpreting Seongjins stiff expression as disappointment.

According to her, the languages on the continent had many similarities, with similar etymologies and spelling. With appropriate guidance, he could regain his original skills quickly.

Chloe, who is famous as a linguistic prodigy in Valois, might be a little biased, but she felt that willpower and effort could make one proficient in several languages in a short period.

Um, so, Your Highness


After a moments hesitation, Chloes face turned slightly red and she spoke in a soft voice.

If its okay with you, may I help you with your Brittanian studies, just a little?


Yes. You speak so fluently that with a little refinement in reading and writing, youll be perfect!

Huh? Well, sure?

Seongjin wasnt particularly interested in studying the language of such a distant country.

And after Brittanian, Orthonese would be the next priority. There are many precious literary works in Orthona, you see. I can also help you with that

Well, it wont hurt to know, but most of the continent speaks the Empires common language, so why bother?

Noticing Seongjins lukewarm response, Chloes voice rose a notch.

I can even help you with Cypriot!


I know I still have a lot to improve. I will strive to help you with other languages as soon as possible!

Chloe was completely mistaken.

She thought Seongjin would want to regain his proficiency in nine languages as soon as possible.

But honestly, he didnt need all that.

No, rather than that, are you planning to study more foreign languages now?

Meeting Your Highness today has been a huge inspiration.

Little Chloe spoke shyly, stroking her flushed cheeks.

Ive been too complacent. When there are people who speak nine languages, Ive been showing off with just four. Its really embarrassing.

She seemed ready to master nine languages immediately.

Seongjin was slightly impressed.

For a mere 12-year-old to have such a desire for self-improvement.

Compared to the bishops who are satisfied with uttering a few phrases in poorly-pronounced Brittanian, children like her should be leading the countrys diplomatic efforts in the future.

The more I see Lady Chloe, the more exceptional you seem.

Hehehe, are those Your Highnesss words? But even if its flattery, it feels good to hear.

Thanks to Chloes enthusiastic spirit that day, Seongjin reluctantly promised to have a weekly foreign language study session with her.


What a strange matter. Truly a strange matter

Louis, the chief chamberlain, received the report and sank into thought, stroking his chin.

How could Prince Morres speak languages of foreign countries hes never encountered?

When he heard about the recent trouble with the Marquis Raviolis family, he had been skeptical.

The third prince can speak Brittanian like a native? How could that be possible?

A few years ago, Albert de Valois was briefly in charge of teaching the prince Brittanian, added the young steward.

Indeed, Queen Lizabeth nagged so much that for a while, a Brittanian teacher was assigned to Prince Morres.

However, Louis soon shook his head.

The second to be expelled after the theology teacher was Albert de Valois.

Every lesson, the prince was so disruptive that the earnest and straight-laced young teacher couldnt bear it for more than a few weeks and ran away.

Considering that the prince skipped so many classes, the actual number of days lessons occurred were few.

And how did he know the language of the southern heretics? The Volanta tribe?

Since the young emperor took power, Louis had been involved in all matters, big and small, in the imperial palace.

As far as he knew, not once had anyone who spoke Varsha made contact with the Third Prince Morres.

What is happening to the prince right now

Although he showed a different demeanor after recovering from a fever, Louis had thought the prince was just maturing.

Recently, between the knights who praise his rapidly improving swordsmanship, and now foreign languages he shouldnt even be familiar with.

What on Earth is Prince Morres

Suddenly, he remembered the voice of someone he had heard a long time ago.

The voice of Archbishop Benitus, who had been vehemently speaking at the Hall of Reality.

Your Majesty, how can you stand by and watch this! Listen, chief chamberlain! What possesses Prince Morres is certainly


Startled, Louis forcefully shook his head.

No, no! Everything is within His Majestys will, what blasphemous thoughts am I having!

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and tried to calm his uneasy heart.

Yes, nothing in the world escapes His Majestys sight.

So, lets hurry and report to His Majesty. Surely, He will provide some answer.

With that thought, Louis straightened his attire and rushed to Holy Emperors office.


And a moment later,

The Holy Emperor who actually heard the report simply responded like this:


The chamberlain found himself at a loss for words.

Despite the seriousness of the report, the Emperor didnt even look up from the documents he was reading. Louis, finding the Emperors indifference stifling, silently shifted his gaze around.

In the meantime, a few unique documents caught his eye.

They were yellowed papers mixed in with the reviewed documents. Intricate drawings and seemingly disorganized characters indicated that they were documents translated from the script used in the remote South, which primarily uses ideograms.

It appeared that the exorcists had once again brought back something suspicious from deep within the continent.

Come to think of it!

A sudden realization pierced the chamberlains thoughts, and he opened his mouth in astonishment.

Isnt it not just Prince Morres?

Has His Majesty ever personally requested translations of documents before?

He had often seen clerks produce translations for convenience, but he couldnt recall a time those translations had been presented to the Emperor himself.

How about when receiving an envoy from a distant region that doesnt use the empires common language?

Interpreters might translate His Majestys words for the envoys, but translating the envoys words for the Emperor?


From the Pomeranian language in the far north of the continent to the Varsha language in the far south.

From the ideograms of the deep wilderness to the long-lost ancient scripts.

Someone who understands all that he has not learned was right here!

That means,

So, Prince Morres is also an Oracle of.

The chamberlain found himself muttering unconsciously.


Only then did the Holy Emperor look up from his papers, quietly staring at Louis.

While his expression was unreadable as always, Louis felt a tinge of reprimand in that gaze and quickly bowed his head.

I have misspoken. I apologize, Your Majesty.

The Holy Emperor sighed softly and put down the documents.


Yes, Your Majesty.

The child only knows what he needs to know. Just leave him be.

Feeling awkward, Louis bowed his head even more deeply.

I was worried for no reason. Prince Morres is simply His Majestys son. Thats all there is to it.

The old chamberlain felt an unparalleled sense of relief as he came to that conclusion.

* * *

That evening.

So, youve decided to study together? Thats really wonderful, Morres.

Amelia, who came out of curiosity about Chloes visit, chuckled as if finding the unexpected outcome amusing.

Is this really a good thing? Im not sure if Im just wasting time on something pointless.

Seongjin grumbled with a round face, to which Amelia spoke seriously,

Its not like that, Morres. Its quite important to study the languages of the allied nations properly.

While its recommended to use a common language on formal occasions for convenience, the Holy Emperors stance is that understanding and preserving the cultures of each nation should be based on their respective languages.

Thats why even Prince Logan, the second imperial prince, is said to be highly proficient in Orthonese.

Amelia herself can speak a bit of Brittanian and Rohanian.

In the case of Owen, your older brother, you might not know well since he left for the southern front shortly after arriving at the palace

He probably has a decent command of Varsha, the language used by the heretics, if nothing else.

But whats going on? If even the imperial family studies like this, why are the people of the foreign ministry so lacking?

Initially, His Majesty, our father, made considerable efforts for the foreign language education of priests and bureaucrats. At that time, the plans were fairly radical and there were frequent conflicts with the Orthodox Church.

The Orthodox Church, which has deeply ingrained ideas about realizing Gods kingdom on Earth, probably saw the Emperors policy as a violation of Gods will.

Unfortunately, most of those radical plans were not implemented. Amelia explained that they probably faced several realistic barriers.

Actually, if the Imperials dont make an effort to learn deliberately, its difficult to pick up local languages. Everyone uses the imperial common language in official settings, so theres hardly any opportunity to even encounter local languages.

Amelia was like that as well.

She went to Rohan as a bride, but only learned to speak Rohanian after going through a long, difficult time.

And thats why Delcrosss bishops often suffer disadvantages in diplomatic negotiations.

Seongjin tilted his head. Uh? Why is that?

At his question, Amelia gave a somewhat bitter smile.

Everyone uses the imperial common language in formal diplomatic negotiations.

However, in a sensitive setting where unofficial negotiations are continuously held under the surface, everyone whispers in local languages. The only people left out in such a situation are the bishops of Delcross.

If people intend to hide something, they usually assume that the other party will notice. Naturally, they should detect it, and if not, they will pay a heavy price.

Amelias eyes were lost in the far past, seemingly reminiscing.

She thought about how foolish she was back then when noblewomen, grinning sweetly, said incomprehensible things, and she stood there grinning like a fool.

But you are different, Amelia spoke, looking into the eyes of her younger sibling who resembled her, as if making a wish.

Yes, Morres is different from her.

For some reason, she felt like she was catching a glimpse of the countless possibilities sleeping inside him.

Unlike her, this child would surely easily see through all the deceptions around him, and would eventually overcome any hurdles with his own power.

Youll certainly become a trustworthy crown prince, Morres.


Taken aback by her sudden words, Seongjin blinked.

What? A crown prince?

Seongjin had never even thought that he would become something like that.

However, instead of arguing or asking anything, he closed his mouth after a brief moment of hesitation. Because Amelias smiling face looked somewhat desolate.

That day, the two of them chatted late into the evening in the reception room of Pearl Palace Palace.

And Amelia taught Seongjin a simple sentence in Brittanian that she had made up to practice.

A deep, deep forest, a humble hut built with sincerity, when a small angel descends, that place will be my church.

What is this? Is it from scriptures or a poem?

Its a sentence that doesnt make much sense.

As Seongjin repeated the sentence and tilted his head, Amelia burst into a clear laughter.

Isnt it fun? The word Arrhc appears four times in one sentence!

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