Children of the Holy Emperor

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Ever since Sir Masain became the head of security and began to live with him in the Pearl Palace, Seongjins training progressed at an increasingly rapid pace.

First, since Masains ease of commuting gave the man more free time, Seongjins swordsmanship lesson hours significantly increased.

No, is the lesson time important? Were always in the same palace, arent we?

Whether its morning or night, whenever a problem arises, I can always find him and ask him questions.

Modern employees would instantly consider quitting if they heard about such a lifestyle, Seongjin thought to himself as he chuckled slyly. Each day couldnt help but be fulfilling.

[Your father is quite strange, too.]

Today, too, as he was wielding his Nutcracker sword till his palms were raw, he suddenly spoke at Demon Kings question, who usually used to sing out of boredom.

Whats strange?

[No matter how bad your reputation might be, youre still the prince. What could he be trusting to leave you so unattended?]

Seongjin paused and wiped the sweat dripping down his forehead.


Indeed, the term unattended seems appropriate.

After all, his old man did provide him with high-quality meals and just left him at the training ground.

Maybe hes grateful just because I stopped messing around.

At Seongjins response, the Demon King snorted.

[Alright. Lets say thats the case. But whats strange is that youre the same. How long are you going to keep training? Now that youve got a new body, dont you want to do something else?]

Whats wrong with training? Its just fun.

[If you have no complaints, its none of my business, but still, put your hand on your heart and think about your recent lifestyle. Sleep, wake up, training ground. Eat, training ground. Isnt this a completely voluntary hermit lifestyle?]

Well, if you say its a hermits life, I cant argue with that, but the word voluntary is very important here.

Plus, what Seongjin was concerned about was something a bit different.

Its nice to swing the sword all day, but

Isnt this like a student without any academic pressure? It feels like everyone around me is cheering even if I dont study and only pursue my hobbies.

Is this really okay?

When you think about it, as a prince, there should be some basic duties and etiquette I should learn

Yeah, like royal education, something like that.

Besides, everyone knows Morres doesnt fully remember, right? Shouldnt they make him study even more in that case?

Queen Lizabeth, who even built a personal library, would definitely urge him to study hard, but she seemed cautious towards Seongjin and seemed to be waiting for the holy emperors opinion.

But is Pearl Palace totally abandoned? Thats not true either.

Without even him asking, the number of servants recently increased, which in itself a proof.

The number of resident knights had increased by about 30%, and the number of servants had more than doubled from before. It wasnt the emperors intention to isolate Pearl Palace from the imperial palace in the first place, Morres just misbehaved a lot.

Thanks to one more maid who was good at making tea, Ediths face brightened as if shed gotten rid of a decade-old constipation.

Well, it probably doesnt matter?

In any case, Seongjin was satisfied with his current life.

The swordsmanship lessons were fun, and the number of his aura techniques increased rapidly. Hes now tying the third Banahas technique after finishing the basic training. He was able to progress quickly as he had perfectly completed the first and second techniques.

He didnt know how long this peaceful life would last. However, since he was given this free time to solely focus on swordsmanship, it might be good to use it to its fullest.

Seongjin thought so, but most people seemed to think differently.

Prince Morres, arent you spending too much time in the training ground these days?

Haven grumbled as he finished his morning training. Recently, due to a significant increase in the number of guards, a resident knight always followed Seongjin for personal protection.

Especially Haven, who became familiar with Seongjin, was a friendly person who comfortably approached Seongjin openly.

Whats wrong with training? Its good, isnt it?

But, arent you still in your prime? You should go out, make friends, and attend social gatherings. It seems like youre getting a lot of invitations to social events these days, arent you?

Shall I talk about my first social gathering, sir Haven?

Well, a monster suddenly appeared in the basement, and all the members who attended were detained by the court. Still, do you want me to go again?

And you should also date someone. Youve lost weight and now youre glowing. Dont you have a young lady sending flowers every day? With just a little smile, noble ladies would line up, but youre wasting that face training all day. Its so frustrating!

Oh, those flashy bouquets, sir Haven?

Actually, its a show by a clever 12-year-old girl named Chloe. That kid is pondering when its most profitable to dump me.

Havens lips protruded like a duck in response to Seongjins nonchalant attitude.

Well, at least go out and get some fresh air. Itll improve your mood, wont it be nice?

This guy, isnt he just frustrated because he has to be tied to the training ground during duty hours? If its that much of a bother, he could apply to cancel the dispatch and return to the 3rd Cavalry Division.

When he was told that, Haven shouted in shock, No way, Your Highness! Isnt that too harsh between us? Im saying all this out of consideration for you. Its really disappointing that you say it like that, you know?

What does he mean between us?

Ignoring Haven, Seongjin frowned and started swinging his sword again, but Haven, once attached, was tenacious.

Come on, dont be like that and confide in me. You want to go somewhere, have a refreshing drink, meet pretty women! If you say so, I, Haven, will follow you to the end!


Your Highness? Do you really have nothing you want to do?

Thanks to him, something he wanted to do had just come up.

To shut that noisy mouth of his.


Feeling something ominous in Seongjins expression, Haven flinched and retreated. He really had incredible instincts.

Geez, why am I bothering with all this?

Seongjin grumbled to himself, clutching his Nutcracker.

All because the nation is too peaceful.

If gates were opening here and there, monsters pouring out, causing chaos, people would realize how precious this trivial daily life is.

However, that evening.

Only when he met Edith, who cautiously asked if he was not going to meet his friend at the townhouse, did Seongjin realize that those around him were quite worried about his condition.

* * *

I dont understand why everyone is anxious to send me out when Im fine.

So, oddly enough, Seongjin found himself complaining in front of the Holy Emperor.

Its ridiculous after finishing evening training. Everyones looking at me like Im some strange creature.


Is it so strange to train all day? Thanks to that, my skills are improving fast, I dont understand what the problem is.

Today was the first time Seongjin had had a consultation with the Holy Emperor since receiving the Nutcracker.

The Holy Emperor, who had been busy with piled-up national affairs, had managed to finish his work quickly and resumed the consultation. Probably thanks to his subordinates who worked like clockwork at the right time and place.

In any case, as he met with the Holy Emperor and explained about his training, he naturally started talking about the reactions of the people around him that have been bothering him recently.

The Holy Emperor, who had been listening silently for a while, nodded his head.

I see. Thats quite something. You havent been practicing for long, but youre already close to the 5th level.

Haha, you recognized it right away, didnt you?

Seongjin scratched his head awkwardly and laughed.

As the Holy Emperor had said, his own aura circuit was almost approaching the 5th level.

After the fourth level, the processs resistance increased dramatically, taking longer than expected, but he was confident he would complete the fifth level within a few days. At this rate, he would be at the level of a squire just entering the ranks of a knight order.

According to Sir Masain, on average, it takes over 3 years to reach the fourth level and nearly 7 years to complete the fifth level.

Of course, most start training at a young age, not knowing much. However, the speed at which Seongjin progressed, completing all these steps in just a few weeks, was astoundingly fast.

The looks on the faces of Sir Masain and the resident knights of Pearl Palace were utterly priceless.

Why hadnt someone so talented been discovered until now?

Even the young knight, who always scowled at Seongjin, was stunned momentarily. As expected, Hunter Lee Seongjin wasnt someone to be taken lightly.

While proudly sipping his tea, the Holy Emperor suddenly commented, Its fortunate that you seem capable enough to present to the public.

Why is he still treating me like a child learning to walk?

He thought he was doing quite well, but this man knows how to kill ones spirit.

The Holy Emperor, looking at Seongjins dismayed face, continued, Theres no need to be in such a hurry. Those who care about you arent just saying empty words. Recently, youve seemed restless.


Seongjins eyes widened, and he was momentarily at a loss for words. Did even his father think he was too anxious?

Of course, it was true that he had increased his training time considerably after his near-death experience, but still

Shouldnt I become stronger as quickly as possible? What I mean is

The high-level demons are coveting this dimension. You know this too, right?

Soon, famine, plague, war, and death will invade Delcross. The gates will open!

There was so much he wanted to argue, but Seongjin closed his mouth.

Perhaps it was because the Holy Emperors gaze seemed much heavier than usual.



Do you know where and what your brothers and sisters are doing right now?


Seongjin blinked.

Of course, he had heard about the whereabouts of his siblings. The Holy Emperor officially had seven children, and he heard that three of them had left the Imperial Palace for various duties.

However, he didnt have much interest or detailed knowledge about the whereabouts of the other princes and princesses, other than the twins and Amelia, whom he frequently interacted with.

Noticing Seongjins puzzled look, the Holy Emperor began explaining calmly.

About First Prince Owen, who had been active on the southern front for years.

About the Second Prince Logan, leading the paladins in sea expeditions.

About the Third Princess Cecily, who was anointed a holy maiden and was on a long pilgrimage.

This was the first time the Holy Emperor had spoken directly about the other princes and princesses. After listening for a while, Seongjin asked with a hint of suspicion.

So, youre saying I should stop my training and, like my other siblings, fulfill the [Noblesse Oblige]?

He had thought it was a reprimand for neglecting his duties and lazing around in the palace. However, the Holy Emperor slowly shook his head.

Youre already training hard enough. Havent I told you to take things a bit more relaxed? Youre too young to be tied down by the stuffy duties of the imperial family.


Just remember, you have many family members around you.

Now, lets talk about something different.

The Holy Emperor looked down, seemingly lost in thought. Then, he asked Seongjin an unexpected question.

There are many countries on this continent, not just Delcross. How much do you know about them?

Regarding the countries that dominate the continental political situation, Seongjin had some knowledge.

The Brittany Kingdom, which leads the food and clothing culture, Rohan, which has recently risen as an emerging power starting from the liquor industry, and the Asein Empire, which is slowly building power based on a merchants alliance.

All of this was self-studied, even mastering the spelling without any proper lessons.

Since Delcross, virtually the strongest empire on the continent, has almost all the countries except the southern pagans under its control, there wasnt much to call a political situation other than interfering in other countries.

However, the explanation added by the Holy Emperor after hearing Seongjins answer was unexpected.

Carthago Republic in the west, famous for wool fabrics, cheese, and bards.

Thriving maritime cities based on exceptional long-distance navigation and fishing skills.

And while it is now divided due to foreign interventions, the high-quality literature of the eastern Ortana, which once flourished as a splendid republic.

Are you suggesting that I should focus more on politics and diplomacy as a prince, rather than just swordsmanship lessons?

He did nag about studying during the temporary experience. Is he hoping for the resumed lessons that Morres stopped before?

Apart from having a swordsmanship teacher, he thought it was enough to just gain common knowledge.

However, the Holy Emperor denied his guess again.

Its just to say that there are many places worth taking interest in, besides Delcross.


Seongjin was now confused.

What does he really want to say?

Most of the time during the audience, the man who only listened to Seongjins words was unusually talkative today. But maybe its the mood, it feels like hes beating around the bush.

Looking closely at the Holy Emperor, Seongjin soon discovered a faint ripple of emotion in one of his cold eyes and was slightly shocked.

Anxiety or worry.

Has he been looking at him like this all this time?

Do you understand? Morres.

The Holy Emperor spoke to the dumbfounded Seongjin.

I may have some idea of what you saw and why youre so anxious. But remember that its something you, still young, cant and dont need to handle.


You just need to live like any other child, doing what you want.

Like a child?

Yes, like a child.

The person who probably knows better than anyone that Seongjin is not an ordinary child said so in a calm voice.

Nate dad just doesn't want you to carry anymore burden, Morres

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