Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 69: Getting Out While The Getting's Good (party 11)

Laz had worked in a Chinese restaurant for a couple years now. One of the interesting things he had a bit of experience with was those stupid little fortune cookies that people seemed to find fun, but never ate. Now, obviously most of them just had some random, cryptic and yet inspiring message message to entertain the masses, but sometimes the things they had made sense. Part of Laz's regular jobs was to sort them out, taking out and removing the broken ones and throwing them away so he had a wealth of lines that he had seen many times. Not that it would be something you would use on a normal basis, but he always thought that maybe he could sound smart if he were to ever have a chance to use them. After all, they say first impressions are the most important. Even if Laz had no desire to get to know others, that didn't mean he wanted to spend his life as a virgin.

Yes, that's right. He memorized some of them so that he could sound smart when talking to girls. Kind of stupid, but males at that age are generally not the brightest in the first place.

Now, as Laz was constantly pondering over how the hell he could fight this guy, one of those seemingly useless bits of advice seemed to pop into his head. It went something like "One can not stop a river, one can only flow along with it." He remembered it because when he asked his Grandpa Chu about it, Grandpa Chu just laughed and said he was pretty sure those cookies were made in the states somewhere and the ones coming up with the sayings were just a bunch of freshly hired interns. The interesting part is that it strangely made a bit of sense.

It was a sudden moment of inspiration which almost seemed to have frozen Laz in place, so much so to the point where he was barely able to react to having his balls attacked.

Interestingly enough, if you want a guy to pull out some superhuman moves, the best way to do that is to threaten his manhood. Then you will see all kinds of crazy shit.


Laz had brought his knee up at the very last second which caused his shin to deflect the punch. As opposed to trying to stop the river like movements of Smiles, Laz was going to flow along with it and redirect the attacks.

Or at least, that was the plan. Due to the sudden aggression towards his family's jewels, Laz stiffly reacted by bringing up and blocking with his shin which resulted in the loud noise.

Of course, he wasn't ready for it. The blow to his shin resulted in two things. One, it hurt like hell. Two, Laz lost his balance.

Having lifted his arms first and then his leg to block the punch, Laz was slightly unbalanced. As a result, he fell forward at an unstoppable speed. Of course, in front of him was Smiles who was still reeling from the pain in his hand thanks to the hardness of Laz's body. Therefore, he was in no position to respond to Laz's sudden fall either and Laz ended up ramming into Smiles, head first.

For a moment, there was complete silence in the hall as no one expected this fight between experts to become a comedy routine.

Laz saw stars for a few moments but was otherwise unhurt, Smiles wasn't so lucky. Although his mask was built in a similar way to body armor, it still wasn't enough to stop the force of the blow from Laz's rock like skull. Because of this, the crowd was treated to another rather amusing scene.

Smiles was rolling around back and forth on the ground while holding his head and and screaming fuck, fuck, fuck, over and over again.

Even Tommy couldn't help but cringe at this sight.

'This fuck wad is really making me look bad, god damn it. He better move on to plan B or else.'

The old man who was standing a ways behind Tommy could stop his eye from twitching while the sexy assassin Jade was trying her best not to laugh. She still couldn't stop her shoulders from shaking however.

Annie had no such reservations as her high pitch giggling rang out without end, much to Tommy's annoyance.

Back on stage, Laz had just gotten to his feet as Smiles stopped rolling and had gotten into a squatting position as he tried to regain his bearings.

All the sudden, everyone heard a rather loud and exaggerated cough, coming from the area where Tommy was sitting.

The old man had finally had enough of the circus act and gave Smiles the signal to end it.

Smiles, still crouched, finally opened his had for the first time all night. as he stood up, Laz noticed that instead of tight fists, Smiles was now facing him with cupped hands. It only took a minute for his sense to lock down on the two blades that had extended from underneath the base of his palms..

'You shitting me right now?' Was Laz's immediate thought in his head. Out of his mouth however only came a silent,


Laz backed away a small bit while Smiles started closing the distance. Once he had gotten close, he moved in, and started swinging away at Laz. Even though Laz had his flowing river defense idea going, he couldn't stop the blades from hitting him every time.

Soon, he was covered in cuts as blood started to pour out of the small gashes. Of course this was against the rules, but Laz didn't bother wasting his breathe to point this out. He already knew no one would give a shit.

Although he was right, a few of the older Mercs who were serving as body guards felt a bit upset by this. As far as the guy dying in the last match, sometimes bad shit happened. But when one fighter went to far as to break the rules and the host didn't do anything to stop it, then it became something to the likeness of betrayal. As far as a Merc was concerned, death didn't matter, but betrayal was the worst of sins. It felt like being spit on in the face.

They didn't say anything however. They were hired to do a job and they would see it to the end. But that didn't mean that they wouldn't cause a bit of trouble down the road if they could.

In all honesty, despite the cuts, Laz was actually doing great. Ever since he could remember, he'd never really gotten hurt before. With his body the way it was, he was even less likely to get hurt now. And even with the cuts from the blade, they barely broke the surface.

So even though he was gushing blood like a poked water balloon, he was actually feeling more alive than he had ever felt. In fact, his blood was practically boiling at the moment and his energy was madly flowing through him.

They fought back and forth several times, and each time, Laz got more and more hurt. But each time, his body felt like it was getting hotter and hotter. He felt like there was lava running underneath his skin.

Smiles was almost hysterical by now. He had stabbed this guy so many times that it almost started to become boring. On top of that, it was like the blades couldn't be pushed past the surface so he had no idea how he was suppose to aim for a vital spot. The worst part was that this idiot seemed to get more energetic the more he got stabbed. Smiles almost began to wonder if this was some sort of hidden camera gag and no one had bothered telling him about it.

The crowd of course was going nuts at this point. The blood made them excited, wild and even more horny than before. No one could explain why it was this way, but everyone felt their cardinal desires flair up like a firework in the night sky. Even anyone looked close enough, it was like the entire room was covered in a faint layer of red. Even the stoic body guards and security detail was started to feel the effects. More than one body guard tried grabbing a pasting hostess and devouring her. Many of them succeeded as the hostesses themselves, despite being well trained and taught, lost control of their own desires.

Even the old man was eye the ever succulent Jade who was standing next to him more than once. Luckily, his self control was as firm as iron from many years of battlefields added on to the fact that he was farther away from the stage than almost everyone else. Jade herself had her eyes glued

To Laz like she wanted nothing more than to ride him like a crazed bull.

Annie was the worst of course. She had actually found a three pronged candlestick which she had viscously rammed one prong up her pet's ass and was using another prong to pŀeasure herself with, all the while having Alex ŀicking her feet like a trained puppy.

It was absolute madness. And no one had any clue that it was all because of Laz's blood.

The fighting was getting more and more aggressive as Smiles was able to dodge less and less. He was started to become horrified as it seemed like his opponents eyes started glowing from underneath the mask. Now, more than ever, he thought he was really looking upon the face of a death god.

Smiles luck finally ran out as Laz landed a bone breaking punch strait to Smiles stomach, causing him to be flung backwards. Without a bit of hesitation, Laz followed after him. Without even knowing what he was doing, he circulated the energy in his body and shot it out in the form of a forward step as described in the first stance of the Dragon Fist.

His foot landed right on Smiles foot, smashing it into paste. Feeling the rush of energy coursing through him, Laz followed up by trying the second stance. If looking at the picture, it looked like the energy shot out of him all at once as though it exploded in a frontal direction from every pore in his body. Although Laz had never done it before, he currently felt like his body was in the right state to do so.

After the forward step that destroyed Smiles foot, Laz moved forward and directed the energy straight ahead.

To those who still had the mind set to watch, it looked like Laz just rammed his body into Smiles. But in truth, he had exploded out with the energy raging inside of him.

The result was Smile was literally blown away, as soon as Laz lifted his foot. Smiles tumbled off the stage and hit the floor hard. He didn't move one bit.

The crowd, drowning in their own desires, barely noticed anything. The security room was trying to get a hold of the members on the floor but they were too busy enjoying either the hostesses, each other, or in the worse case scenario, themselves. Tommy was not better as he was violently ramming his manhood into his unused pet. Even Jesse was getting oral action from from his big breasted, mature masseuse.

The only one who barely noticed was the old man, but he was trying hard to control his desires at the moment and was in no condition to move. Jade had disappeared somewhere at some point and wasn't responding to anything.

Laz, on stage, let out a loud roar that echoed in the hall filled with moaning and cries of ecstasy as he felt something inside of him break, like an over filled damn bursting. He almost became a bit scared as it felt like if he stopped focusing for one moment, he would be lost in this overflowing power that was coming from inside of him. Before he lost his reasoning entirely though, he thought of the face of a beautiful young woman who was waiting on him and started to make his escape before anyone could think to stop him.

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