Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 262: An Old Friend

Sometimes in life, the only way to get things done is with a carefully thought out and well reviewed plan where every detail is taken into careful consideration before a final conclusion is put into place.

But Laz did have time for that.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" He yelled, scaring the two women who were acting as guards. It had to be noted that they were both at the late condensation realm and not some newbies.

Maybe because of that, they opened the door quickly enough, allowing Laz to send himself yeeting out the door as though he had been physically thrown out.

The girls stared at him in shock for a moment before slowly closing the door behind him while hiding their faces.

Laz quickly stood up and started yelling,

"WHAT THE HELL? IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT ALL YOUR CUSTOMERS? I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SEE ANY TITTIES OR FOOD. OPEN THE FUCK BACK UP. I WILL NOT LEAVE QUIETLY." Laz continued his shouting for a good five minutes before he leaned over as though he was out of breath while acting like he was dry heaving. He then stood up and said rather loudly,

"FUCK THIS. I'M GOING TO A LEGIT STRIP CLUB," and started wandering away, stumbling a bit as he walked.

Even with this show, that didn't stop the two men at the end of the street from evaluating him.

"What do you think?"

"Seems normal enough."

"Why do you think they let him in?"

"Probably because they didn't want any attention. Doubt he's associated with the place since all of the reports mention that they only have females working here."

"Ain't that the fucking life huh?"

"Hell yeah. So we going to take him with us?"

"We were told to bring anyone with potential info and that would be this drunk bastard. For his own sake, I hope he knows something."

"Heh, what could he know? He was in there for like five minutes."

"Well, that's his problem, ain't it?"

"Good point. Let's do this fast and quiet when he walks by."

"The two men were dressed in a similar fashion; jeans, ball cap, sunglasses with a black hoodie. It was almost impossible to tell them apart.

Laz noticed them right away.. As far as their levels go, he wasn't concerned as they didn't feel threatening. It was weird to be encountering two chosen like this and not feel anything towards them..

'Maybe it's the level difference?' Laz thought to himself before he realized something. He had no understanding of how their realms and levels worked. He had never seen anything about it nor asked anyone who might know.

It was only know that Laz really understood how ignorant he was as this was kind of life and death important. If not know, then in the future he would have to figure it out.

But either way, Laz didn't sense a threat from them, so they must not have been too strong.

As Laz was stumbling his way past them, they suddenly waved and walked over to him.

"OY, hey buddy. We've been waiting for you for a while now? Why did it take you so long to get here?" One of them said with a friendly smile.

'I can't believe this is what we are doing right now. Whatever, might as well roll with it.' Laz thought to himself while resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"eh? EH? OH! YEAH. SORRY... sorry... I thought... I wanted to go eat and I heard that place was good... is good... got hot waitresses. Hot wings? Anyway. I wanted food, but they said no."

"HA HA. Yeah, we saw. Come on, I know a much better place right down the road from here," the other one said while moving in close to Laz to help support him as though they were actual friends.

"HOO. Thanks. Yeah. THE PARTY NEVER STOPS!!!" Laz yelled right in the guy's ear, causing his head to start to hurt as his ear drum almost burst.

Seeing his partner stumble, the first guy leaned in close to help support Laz as well while the second guy started fumbling through his pockets for something while Laz started going off about wanting to fuck some bitches.

"Would you hurry it up? This kids heavy and he's starting to attract attention," guy one whispered to the other guy.

"I'm trying, I'm trying. I'm dizzy from having my eardrum almost rupture," guy two replied back.

He finally found what he was looking for which was a spring loaded syringe. Without even bothering to look at Laz, he plunged it in to Laz's abdomen, allowing the full contents of the syringe to be injected into his body. Without so much as a sound, Laz's body went soft in their arms, causing them to almost fall over.

"Damn... how is this kid so heavy?"

"Doesn't matter. Let's take him to room b for questioning and then he is no longer our problem."

"Got it.

Of course Laz was fine. After the time he spent removing the grey mist from his body and the overall effect that had on him, something of this level could be burned off easily by the black flame.

Originally, Laz was going to make his way over to the Vodun and chat with them. But now, he seemed to have a free entrance into wherever these guys were working from, so Laz felt it might be fun to go along with them and check things out.

Of course, If he was going to be dragged into a heavily fortified area, he would quit the act and escape right away. He had forgotten the lesson learned from his escape from the transport the last time. Even if regular bullets couldn't do anything to him now, there were still plenty of other weapons that could still rip him to pieces, including special kinds of bullets.

He wasn't really keen to try that again.

Luckily, they only took him to what looked to be an abandoned one story building and threw him down on a discarded mattress before knocking on a closed door.

Before long, a man came to the door and opened it up, telling the two men to drag Laz inside.

Laz was tempted to use his spiritual sense, but wasn't sure if the chosen could pick it up if he did it. Better to be safe than sorry.

Laz didn't get a feeling a danger from the new guy either, other than the obvious bloodstains on his clothes.

"Just drop him anywhere. I'm almost done with this last one..." The bloodstained man said, talking about the young man who was still strapped to a chair while surrounded by various types of metal utensils.

"Anything useful from him?" One of Laz's captors asked.

"Nothing really, other than several names and places of their business. These damn creatures are far more spread out than we thought. It will take forever to clean the city of their filth." The bloodstained man had a strange accent that made it slightly hard for Laz to understand, but he got the impression the man wasn't from this country, not that it matter.

"Well, that's better than this guy. Far as we can tell, he's just human so boss wants you to find out what he knows about the whore house. Don't expect much though and just dispose of him when you're done. No need for regulars anymore."

"Right right. Weak humans are no fun and they die far to quickly."

"That's your problem doc. We did out part. Good luck!"

Just as the men were about to dump Laz's lifeless body, they felt a firm grip tighten around their necks as Laz started squeezing his arms downward. With the way there had been holding on to him, it was easy for him to lock both their heads down.

Without so much as a sound, Laz tightened his left arm far harder than his right and broke his captor's neck. The other captor was wiggling around, trying his hardest to remove his head from Laz's vice like grip, but to no avail.

Seeing this sudden change in their prisoner, the man they called the doctor didn't even flinch. He turned around and bolted for the back door as fast as he could.

He wasn't fast enough.

Laz repositioned the dead body with his free hand, grabbed it by the neck and threw it, hitting the fleeing 'doctor' in the back and causing him to fall forward, smacking his head on the floor and knocking him out. Laz then dragged the still struggling victim over to the table, released and pushed the practically lifeless body off of it before strapping in it's new resident.

Laz then picked up the slightly broken young man and set him over on to a backless couch before making his way over to the struggling doctor.

Laz lifted the now pale man up by his head and simply asked,

"Are you useful to me?"

"I'm a doctor... I know many different medical..."

"Didn't think so," just as Laz was about to squeeze the doctor's head and burst it like a watermelon, he heard a weak voice.

"Don't.... don't... let... that... bastard... die... too... easy..."

Laz looked over to the couch and saw the person he set there had woken up.

He looked to be a young black man, rather attractive normally minus now with his face all cut up, burnt and bruised. Laz could tell he was pretty decently toned as well since his entire upper chest was exposed. It too was a collection of remains showing various forms of torture.

What made Laz do a double take of this young man was that while Laz was watching, the cuts, scars, scabs, burns and everything else on the young man started healing at a visible rate, surprising Laz.

Even with Laz's impressive body, this kind of healing wasn't something he could do.

Laz was impressed, but then a thought sent shivers down his spine.

'If he is able to heal this fast, how long was that doctor able to experiment on him for? No wonder he doesn't want him to die easy.'

Coming to this conclusion, Laz didn't say anything but nodded his head at the young man. Without even a word, Laz brought his foot down at a angle and smashed the doctor's knee on the left side before repeating the process with the right side. He then toss the immobile doctor towards the couch.

"Have fun," Laz said before turning to the man strapped on the table.

"You're... you're.... I know you...." In the course of events that took place, Laz's hat had fallen off, causing his face to be revealed in full. And it seemed like the man on the table recognized him.

"Really?" Laz was confused as he looked far different from when he was hanging around in Virginia, the skin less grey was the biggest change.

"He he he. Boss... boss said he was going to find you one day, always makes sure people know what you used to look like"

"You're boss...?"

"I don't know how you pissed him off, but he's been looking for you for almost four years."

This truly confused Laz. He figured he gained all of his enemies after that time he killed Brian... and then there was the strange bug man he had sworn to burn off the face of the planet. But this guy wouldn't be connected to the bug man since he was an infected.

'So wouldn't that mean...?'

"Who's your boss?" Laz asked, hiding his emotions while squeezing's the man's neck.

"Boss is boss. The young lord.... but I heard his name once.... Tommy. Or so only his close friends can call him."

This information hit Laz like a lightning bolt to the nutsack.

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