Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 91: Escape under the Night Sky

I used my mana scan to check the surroundings for any demons in the vicinity. Fortunately, there are no demons that Maple is talking about. However, there are still demonic beasts that have been prowling around the place. It was like they suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"I am quite sure that the demons we saw earlier are the main cause of the new monsters appearing. Even the undead wyverns shouldn't have been existing in this place due to its demonic nature."

"So those wyverns are not originally an inhabitant in this place?"

"No. In fact, they are supposed to never exist in this plane. It was the existing rule in this place and if that rule is broken, we can be sure that the demons are the main cause of this. No one else."

I bit my fingernail hearing that. To think the demons also appear here, that is not supposed to be the way here. I came here to train and enhance my magic to ready myself and fight against the demons efficiently and now I am forced to meet them again? Am I a magnet of demons or something? Or this is just a coincidence?

As I continue to probe my mana scan in the area, my sweat turns cold when I detected a fluctuation in the nearby bushes. It was quite large and I am not the only one who detected it.

"What a dense amount of mana! What is going on?"

I observed the situation properly on the fluctuation and finally managed to guess it whatever it was.

Gate Rift Entrance

Just like the rifts that lead you to the GATES, it also has a similar structure, however, the evil energy flowing around it is not as intense in GATES since the latter is much more violent and destructive due to it being the embodiment of sins and malice being collected in an area. Now, there is a different purpose on this thing appearing. It is not a GATES type of rift where you enter it and it will lead you to a different world. I confirmed it immediately after detecting a dozen demons emerge from the rift. The Gate Rift entrance that appeared is none other than a portal.

"You see something Kazuma?" Maple asked. She can feel the fluctuations but she can't see it with the forest covering it.

"We need to get out of here fast. I detected 12 demons of various shapes and sizes and also different genders. In short, we are going to escape again until we are far from the enemies now."

"Isn't that something that is not advisable?!" Maple looked at Kazuma.

"No. According to one of the demon hunter magicians I know, the demons can detect the human aura once they entered their probing sensors. If we stay here, we are just sitting duck. At least we can get away once we are outside. Also, I trust your abilities in weapons and how you use your magic to mix with them."

Maple was a little bit flustered when she heard that but she quickly recovered and pulled out her daggers. "Alright, let's be quick."

With the approval of Maple in this turn, I carry Anya with me in my back so that I can still fight even if I am carrying her.

"Stepfather, what is going on?" Anya asked.

"Just a few nuisances that appeared out of nowhere. We will try to get out of their sight before something else will stop us. You should behave alright? We can't afford to be seen by some bad guys out there," I said to calm Anya though what I said isn't calming and our situations are also nerve-wracking to experience.

Maple made the run and I followed her behind. I made sure to activate my mana scan to find enemies in the nearby bushes and if the demons were chasing us or getting fired up too much that we were discovered. Anya just clings on my back like a lizard clinging on walls and ceiling. I can tell that she is nervous about the situation.

A few demonic beasts appeared in my range doing some sort of ambush on where we are going.

"Maple, enemies around 3 o'clock and 1 o'clock. They are hiding in bushes. Shoot them with something or beat them out to senses. Either way is fine so choose whatever you see fit!"

Maple nodded and without hesitation, she throws out a dagger with a chain attached to it. I can clearly hear a howl when the dagger she throws into the bushes hit something. With a pull, she drags the body of a demonic beast out, killed when it was hit in its chest where the cores of the demons are located. Maple used the carcass to the next bush I mentioned and used the chain as the attachment to the carcass. A thud and yelp from another creature were heard on the bushes. The demonic beast leaps out of the bushes but Maple is fast enough and used the chain to pull herself towards the bush. Before the demonic beast can even escape, Maple swipes her dagger to the monster and swiftly killed the monster.

"Let's go!" I said to Maple as we continue to traverse the forest once more. It is getting darker since the sun is almost gone on the horizon. A few more minutes and it will be nighttime and the darkness will blanket the whole forest.

The darkness is not a problem for Maple since she has the magic spell, Nightstalker in which allows the magician using it to use the darkness and merge with it, allowing the user to see perfectly in the darkness. I am fine with darkness and with the help of the Mana Scan that I am still using, it allows me to also traverse the whole area without bumping to any trees and any kind of object present in my way.

Then, while we are traversing under the blanket of darkness, a very fast red mark appeared on my scanned area. And it was so fast that it is currently approaching us very quickly every second pass by. My senses were triggered and without thinking twice, I conjured a fireball in split second and throws it to the figure chasing us. Just in time, the fireball hit the speeding figure that just appeared from the thick trees.

"Maple! Don't intercept it! We need to get out of here fast!"

However, the figure I throw the fireball into roared and slowly stood up. It might be dark but due to the soft light coming from the moon, I finally saw who the speeding figure.

"Not so fast kid!"

I almost trembled and gritted my teeth. I can't believe it is a demon. The one who almost killed me back in school, the dangerous female demon I meet during the invasion and if not for Voltaire's interception, I might be already dead.

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