Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 63: The Second Batch

"Hold up, are you saying that the place we are in is no longer Earth?" I asked Blue.

"This is just an alternate dimension of Earth. We are still on Earth but at the same, we are not due to the effects of the Phantasmal Reality which is to make its own reality. In short, this place is Earth an alternate Earth at the same time."

"So, this could be counted as an Isekai?" I scratched my head.

"Then how come you are not sent here by Truck-kun?" Blue retorted.



With the sphere map which I can zoom in and out as I please, I just needed to find the training grounds that Otome told me about. I tried to locate it immediately but I underestimated the size of this place. I was like in a labyrinth that is a mansion too at the same time. It has confusing hallways and dead ends causing me to curse.

The good thing is, it didn't take me too long to escape the hellish labyrinth-like hallways. I arrived in an empty entrance where it looks grand and usually seen in high-class mansions. There is also a pair of stairs that lead to the second floor which is covered in gold. I don't know if it is pure gold though. time to dawdle, I need to get back to the group immediately.

As soon as I reach the door and push it open, I arrived in a very big dome and I saw a bunch of young and matured people, male and female alike, standing around the place and talking in groups. As soon as I emerge on the door, the people started to look at me with weird gazes.

"Hey, a newcomer?"

"No idea. He looks new to me."

"How come he is alone? Where are his companions?"

"He looks weak. I bet he will be one of the guys that will be sent out immediately."

I can only crease my eyebrows on what they are murmuring about. Disregarding their talks, I decided to continue my search for the others. Unfortunately, with the crowd so dense, it would be hard for me to find them. I am not that tall and most of the people here are all tall and towering giants. I don't think the Mana Scan would help either since it only works in identifying demons and not for clairvoyance magic style where you can use that vision to look around.

Before I can search far and wide, a voice I am familiar with rang around the whole place in echo.

"Hello and welcome to the Magic Camp Training. We are currently commencing the first batch on the other side of the map so the second batch will also commence shortly to the other half side."

I don't have any idea about what is going on and what would happen in the meantime but I am trying to locate Moonlight and the others. Still, I didn't neglect to listen to what Catmod is saying so that I can get the gist on what is going on at the moment.

"Since the young magicians who are still in need of training or trying to hone their skills go to the annual training, the number of participants is just too great and we have to use two batches of magicians. We already divided the magicians of the two batches and as you can see in the hologram balls you all are holding, the first batch had already gone into the other side of the mini world."

Hologram balls? Is this what the balls that give out a holographic map is? So this one does not just give the map, but also a real-time screening to the others? I tried looking on one and fiddled on it a little bit and soon managed to hit the right button and displays the ongoing battles.

I was stunned to see beasts and wild creatures attacking other magicians. However, most of them are using magic and exterminating monsters rapidly. I swiped the screen and found out that I can see different camera POVs of different people. When I swiped again, I saw the three guys I was with earlier, Godou, Moonlight, and Erina. Currently, they are fighting a monster and from the looks of it, Erina is not yet able to use magic but since she is holding a shortsword which is somewhat similar looking to the bamboo sword that Moonlight uses. does that mean...

"Since you all are here, that means that you all are in batch two. The objective here is to train yourself here in this place with actual combat. Of course, for the beginners, I will explain. In this Phantasmal World, we are in a world where monsters are roaming freely. Of course, they already managed to create their own ecosystem here. These monsters don't really diminish in number immediately that is why we used this opportunity to train magicians.

"Of course there are risks. Since you are fighting monsters and beasts, that means the injury is inevitable especially death. Of course, we make sure that no one dies but we also cannot really avoid a group or two dying in here."

What? So that means, we can die if we made a wrong move? What the hell have I participated in this for?!

"Of course its dangerous and for the sake that we can attract magicians to fight the monsters, we added the points and exchange program. Every monster you killed will be equivalent to a certain amount of points depending on how fierce, strong, elusive a beast is. However, group hunting will have a point distribution system. Anyone who managed to give help, like assaulting the monsters by group, this will yield points that are divided to every individual he was with. Of course, the number of points will be distributed properly. If a warrior managed to deal the final blow and managed to become the one who killed monsters, they will earn greatly.

And not just that, you can exchange your items using the points you earned to any reward that can be useful to you as a magician as part of encouragement to everyone. So don't hesitate to kill monsters if necessary. By the way, the points can also be viewed by the Hologram balls."

I am a bit short so I can't see what was going on but from the situation that I felt, I guess there was someone who raised his or her hand to ask a question.

"Mr. Nekoyama, can you give us details on what items can we exchange with these points you are talking about?"

"Well, I can tell a few but only a few and not all of them. If you want to check out everything, go visit the store yourself. For some of the exclusive and most sought item, we are going to let everyone exchange this Seed of Life. For those who didn't know, the Seed of Life can increase the maximum lifespan of the individual who ate it. Of course, an individual can only eat it once and the second one will no longer have any effect. Anyone who wants to lengthen their lifespan would really sought for this item. Of course, this is one of the most expensive items so if you want to get this, earn points and train hard!"

I see, so in short, this would be your typical beast hunting and magic gathering something that is usually so cliche already? Ugh, I should have stayed back home and relaxed. I don't think there is something I need there.

"Kazuma, I just got info on what the other items are being exchanged right now."

"Huh? Is there something important being traded there?"

"Yes, in fact, it was something you need to use for limiting the bloodlust out of control situation you get into whenever you overuse your usage of the Skull Knuckle."

"There is an item like that?"

"Yes. However, it is in the category of the expensive items being traded for points right now. This would be very useful for you and I suggest that you get points to efficiently use the power of the Skull Knuckle."

What Blue said is good. In fact, it is very useful especially due to the effect of the Skull Knuckle. With a problem of losing control every time I exceeded the amount of bloodlust I can control, I really need something that can lessen the chances of me losing control. Catmod started talking once again.

"Since most of you are already in groups, then I will teleport you all to the location already. Good luck and if anyone of you are unable to move on, then please click the emergency button on the Hologram balls. That way, we can have someone rescue you all. Have a good time practicing and surviving. Further instructions will be sent to you so don't forget to check the hologram balls once you all are in there."

In groups? But I still don't have a group! I am all by myself! Before I can even complain to say that I am alone since Moonlight and the others already proceeded without me, the teleportation happened in a flash and before I knew it, I am transported to a forest of monsters called Treants, all by myself.

"F*ck! Give me a f*cking break!"

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