Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 69: A Growth-type Blood Essence and Selene

The changes Kai had been going through weren't for the eyes of mortals to see.

Kai felt himself transcending what was life and ascending to the realms of death. Deeper and deeper into his emotions, he fell, reexamining them one by one from an eye he previously had lacked.

A forgotten silhouette and laugh of his father. His mother's cries and her warnings. The love of having a brother, and then ruing the same love for eons to come. Slaughter, and the pleasure within it he sought for himself. The satisfaction of revenge, but the remorse of not having it again.

The thrill of sex.

The changes of myriad emotions.

Kai opened his eyes and the world wasn't the same anymore. Nor was he.

A dark hooded cloak of long ripped black cloth had covered his body, making him look like a wraith. His body was shriveled, graying, decaying, looking like a decomposed corpse. Kai lifted his skeletal hands. They were grayish, slimy-looking, and scabbed. But even then, on his right forearm, he could see the distinct imprints of ten long claw-like fingers.

Even the previously devoured Misdreavus had failed to cause such thorough changes about him.

Kai could feel himself more clearly now. There was a hellish cold around him, and it could freeze not only physical bodies but also the very thoughts. When he breathed, his breath was rattling as if he wanted to suck something more than air.

Even though Kai was a squib, with his Correspondence just above an average Contestant, he could feel Mana around him. If not his own, then of others. It was a cooling, soothing sensation.

Now Kai could feel another presence. Equally vast, but more apparent and different. If Mana was ice, then this other presence was boiled water returned to the room temperature.

"Breath," Kai uttered the words.

Of Kai's body, only his eyes and his voice still told the tale of a living being within him. The rest was a creature of dark and terror.

The notification at least didn't butter the words.


Blood Essence: Dementor

Grade: D (growth: 0/10)

Specification: Devour souls to upgrade itself. The devoured souls will be digitalized, and the Contestant must fill the growth bar to upgrade the Blood Essence


Abilities: Advance Emotions Manipulation (Proficiency: 0%)



  1. Breath Snatcher (Grade: D-)
  2. Dementor's Kiss (Grade: D+)
  3. Dementors Progenitor (Grade: ? -locked)


Note: A Skill's grade will upgrade automatically with the upgrading of the Blood Essence's grade


What were the chances that his Glitch would work against this creature of darkness or not?

What were the chances that the Soul Chill could even counter a Dementor's soul-sucking ability?

Sometimes, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, Kai thought, knowing the risk he had taken just now. Then he looked down.

There was no mention of levitation or flying, but his skeletal feet were still hovering above the ground. The ripped strips of dark cloth billowed behind him like solidified mist.

Kai stirred himself forward and glided effortlessly as if he was born to do this. A few Dementors were still gliding, looking at him. Kai stared back at them and saw them as they were. Soulless creatures; Hungry for souls more than being aware of themselves.

"Move." Kai's rattling breath came out as a command.

Many Dementors scampered off up and down. One remained, though, not budging at all. Kai's temper flared. He flew towards it, his dark cloak flapping noiselessly behind him.

Kai's hand went for the creature's throat and slammed the Dementor into the stony wall.


Then again.


When Kai couldn't feel any defiance from this Dementor, he let it go.

Kai was hungry and a delicious meal was waiting for him just around the corner.

He returned to the Vault's front area and saw the empty chest-cum-wardrobe. But Kai wasn't worried about the eggs. He had already made plans for it. Using Flashbangs wasn't for blinding the wizards, although it did that too, it was to prevent them from seeing Petyr walking out of him.

This was the second thing Kai had gambled on today.

Giving Petyr the Book; nothing could be more dangerous than that. But where can he go? Kai had thought then. Down, deeper in the abyss, where no one will go to pick the book up. No. Petyr isn't foolish. Both time and place will be in my favor.

Kai approached the vault, covered by the stray Dementors.

A rattling snarl came out of his throat, declaring his presence. The Dementors turned around to look at him, and then left one by one, in search of better prey. He glided to the vault's open doors and was about to walk in when the silvery mist rampaging inside the room attacked him.

"What the…?!" Kai was shocked, seeing his SP dropping by 5 Points. But then he realized that this mist had taken control of an entire legion of Dementors. He also recalled its name, Petrified Corporeal Patronus. Am I subjected to Dementors' weaknesses too?

He looked in and saw the High Guard, Sord, and the High Goblin still knocked out cold. If he could, he would suck away all their souls.

Then Kai remembered. "Snaglok!"

In a mad rush, Kai glided towards the turn at the end of the cliff's platform. Petyr was standing there, examining the three eggs. As Kai approached the Character, it terrified him. He couldn't feel an iota of Breath coming out of Petyr.

If Dementors are foul beings, then how these Characters are any different, he asked himself.

Petyr stood up. When he saw Kai's new transformation, the Character raised his eyebrows.

"What the hell are you?" Kai snarled, his breath still rattling. There was such a coldness about Kai that the bag lying on the floor was getting frozen too. A solid layer of frost appeared over it, whitening its brown appearance.

Petyr smiled. "I am my lord's servant," he said, bowing. "Nothing else I was. Nothing else I will ever be."

Kai frowned. His shriveled, decomposed hand reached out for Petyr's throat. It felt skin to Kai, but he could feel no emotion. Not a single one. He lifted Petyr in the air, examining him as the boy's eyes bulged. Then he slammed Petyr down on the ground.

"Cough! Cough!" Petyr panted for air.

"Never… never doubt that I won't burn this Book before getting betrayed, Petyr the servant," Kai said, his hooded face almost touching Petyr. "Never."

"Y… yes." Petyr's figure disappeared, and the Book fell. With a flick of his hand, he sent it into the Inventory and picked up the bag containing the three eggs.

The notification appeared then.


Side Mission: The Birth of Rhaegal

Side Mission Status: Success

Side Mission Rewards:

  1. 250 Mission Credits
  2. +2 Attribute Points

You can teleport to the next Random World now, Contestant Kai Stormborn

Time Limit: 1 minute


A blue shine covered Kai's transformed figure. He canceled his Dementor’s transformation and landed on the ground. The moment he returned to his human form, Dementors came rushing at him to prey on his soul and his emotions.

Kai's hazel eyes shone black and all his emotions got bolted deep within him under a heavy lock.

The dark creatures loomed over him, searching for the emotions to prey on, but Kai might as well have been a block of ice.

So this is the power of 100% Proficiency, Kai thought.

Dementor’s Blood Essence had granted him an Advance Ability right off the bat. It meant he didn’t need to improve its Proficiency to make it his. The Ability already belonged to his Stats, not the Blood Essence’s.

It also meant Kai could use the Advance Emotions Manipulation whenever and however he liked.

The Ghost Serpent slithered out of his body. She looked at him dearly, he could tell. Her forked tongue kissed his chin like always, concernedly.

Kai couldn't help but recall the monstrous increase in his Proficiency.


Elementary Snake Language: Proficiency 70% (+30%)


The serpent hissed, becoming silver mist.

Kai looked up towards the Dementors, and then beyond them towards a nonexistent dark ceiling.

"Everyone has a name," he muttered to himself. "Even these soulless beings have one, then why not you?"

Kai looked at her as she came to rest in front of his eyes and raised her hood.

The blue around Kai had now become bluer, just on the brink of teleportation. Kai brought out the Boa's Blood Essence, his eyes becoming slits.

-Selene- he hissed, almost uttering out another word.

-Selene- she hissed back.

And just as the flash took them away, Kai proclaimed, "Let you be the goddess of all moonless nights.


Vol 5: The Devourer of Hope - Ends!!!

Selene: it is pronounced as (Si-li-ni). The first part "Si" is like the last part of "Hiss". The last part "ni" is like the last part of the "Nagini". In Greek mythology, Selene (meaning "Moon") is the goddess of the Moon

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