Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 64: Opening an Account in Gringotts Wizarding Bank – Coin Master!

Afternoon, November 25

Leaky Cauldron


Kai stood in the middle of three people.

He was wearing a scarlet uniform with brown shoes, a glossy gold belt, and a sturdy gold cap.

There was a badge over his left chest pocket, which glistened with the image of Gringotts. On his right arm was a black strap on which Gringotts Wizarding Bank was written in gold on the half side, and Security Task Force on the other half.

In the morning, he, along with two other recruits, was supposed to head to the Bank for the commencement of his training. The chilly morning had come and gone, though. The afternoon would have been a pleasant time to take a walk, if not for the chaos that had taken place in London.

"How did a squib like you get the job?" the recruit on Kai's right asked, twisting his lips. He was a wizard, of course, and so was the recruit on his left.

"You, white hair. Come here." The man standing in front of Kai, who had been keeping the three from going to the bank, called out.

Kai's entire body felt hot, his back drenched with sweat, and the serpent sleeping within him shuddered. The Mana around the man was heart-palpating.

This man was an Auror.

The thing was, he wasn't the only Auror in the Leaky Cauldron. Two others were also questioning various wizards and witches. Some were complying with them and some resisted. The latter got taken away almost instantly with a whip-cracking sound. Their fate? Unknown.

Another thing was that this had been going on for the last five days.

The cause? A bombastic attack of terrorists at 10 Downing Street some five days ago.

The series of explosions that had brightened London's dark sky that night was terrifying beyond measure. Only the Aurors knew that there were wizards involved in the attack and it started with the disappearance of the Chief Security Guard of the Prime Minister's Field Task Force, named Heavy Block.

Kai could only guess what must have happened.

The scouts from another Chaos team must have noticed the absence of Heavy Block at his usual patrolling time. The leader of that Chaos' team, taking the chance, descended on the street with such wrath that all Contestants of Order must have been killed before the wizards could control the situation.

It was a chaos Kai hadn't unexpected. He was grateful for it, though. I hope I will get some extra Worth Points through it, he thought, taking off his cap as he stood at attention in front of the Auror.

The High Guard of the Security Task Force was standing behind the Auror. Both wizards stared at Kai, their eyes narrowing on the list of names in their hands.

"Name?" the Auror asked.

"Arlen Silvas."



… and on and on they kept asking. Kai answered every question according to the secret identity Snaglok had prepared for him. One last question remained. The most troublesome.


"Mr. Snaglok."

"How do you know him?" the High Guard asked, his wand rolling in between his fingers.

Kai licked his lips, his anxiety clearly visible on his face. "He… He…" Kai feigned a stammer. "He owes gold to my family."

The Auror and the High Guard looked at Kai in dumb shock. Goblins didn't owe money, it was known. Everyone owed them.

"No wonder," the Auror said, looking Kai up and down.

"No wonder," the High Guard agreed. "So that's how a squib got a job like this at the Gringotts. Heh! Go. Stand by the Diagon Alley's entrance and wait for me."

Kai scampered off like a scared chicken caught red-handed.

The grin on his face would've been too hard to conceal otherwise.



Kai followed the High Guard through the alley.

The clamor that had shaken London's government outside seemed to have little effect on the crowd of the Diagon Alley.

"It was the work of some angry Death Eaters," one spat as if that would give it some reality.

The tales kept becoming weirder, taking a darker and wilder turn as they approached the Bank.

The massive building loomed over the entire alley like an eagle stalking its prey from the sky. Also, what was above wasn't even worth it to call it the tip of the iceberg compared to the abyss lying below the Bank.

"From tomorrow," the High Guard said, "you will start your drills. Patrolling, knowing the shortcuts, and how to reach each vault the fastest will be a part of your training. Not yours…" The High Guard gave a nasty look to Kai. "You will be drilled in killing rats."

The two wizards by Kai's side sniggered at hearing that.

When they entered the Bank, the two guards posted at the entrance nodded at the High Guard.

"Sord, to me," the High Guard continued (-a guard patrolling inside the bank came running-). "Show these three to their rooms. They are the recruits."

Sord nodded.

The High Guard gave a last look to the three recruits, then stalked off towards the High Goblin.

Kai finally got time to take a relaxing breath. Standing by that wizard was like walking into a sea of wool.

For the first time, Kai looked around. Scores of Goblins were busy behind their desk. The hall's ceiling could've easily been mistaken as a gold sky, such was its height. And an ordinary man could lose himself, walking around within it, such was its charm.

"Oi," Sord shouted. "Are you coming or what?"

Kai hurried off behind Sord. He had many things to do before the day was over.

Unlike what he had expected, and to his dismay, the other two recruits didn't bully Kai when they reached the Guards' quarters. They just ignored him. Kai's room was small, with one bed, table, chair, mirror, and a wardrobe. The low-level guards shared a common bathroom.

Kai crammed his fake things into the wardrobe.

Sord was passing by his room, probably returning to the Hall, when Kai walked out.

"Where are you going?" Sord asked, raising an eyebrow. He was a gaunt man with a thick mustache and a clean chin. "You should rest. The drill will start tomorrow, but the theoretical part will start tonight itself. No one has time to take care of that during the day."

"I am going to open a bank account," Kai said, patting his coat's pocket. "Don't wanna lose it on my first day, do I?"

Sord frowned. "Very well," he said. "Come with me."

Kai followed Sord to the Hall. "There," Sord pointed at a goblin. "Go to him and then return to your quarters immediately."

"Yes, sir." Kai nodded.

Kai approached the goblin. "Hello," he said politely. "I want to open a bank account."

Snaglok had warned Kai to not stand out before the task. With so many wizards and magical beings around he, he wouldn't have stood out, anyway. It was just a matter of moistening his tongue, a thing he was too familiar with.

The goblin, though, didn't care for Kai's tone.

He looked up at Kai, sniffed, and pressed his thick brows. He reached down, taking out a form. "Fill it," he said, returning to his work immediately.

"Gringotts Wizarding Bank - Squibs and Muggles Bank Account Application Form," Kai read.

The form asked little from Kai, but it told much. The processing fee alone was 10 galleons, double the usual case. Then, Kai would need to deposit over 50 galleons as a starter. Whatever amount he would deposit, 50 galleons from it would be blocked as a security fee. Kai wouldn't be able to take it out before upgrading his account using another application form.

Or in my case, by upgrading Title Coin Master, Kai reflected. He used the spare quill on the desk to write his code name, his birth date, and the amount he would deposit. Then he signed the form. At last, he pressed his thumbprint just below his signature.

The goblin nudged his glasses, going through the details. "125 Galleons," the goblin demanded.

Kai took out a big coin purse and handed it over. After clearing his account at Leaky Cauldron, Kai had some 126 coins left. He kept one gold coin with him and deposited the rest.

The goblin licked his lips as he counted the coins, but he went only that far.

"All well." The goblin declared.

Kai couldn't help but feel the excitement welling up within him as the goblin reached down again and took out a big iron key this time, labeled with No. 533.

"Red, Vault No. 533," the goblin said as if declaring it to the entire world. "Gringotts Wizarding Bank welcomes you."

The moment Kai took the key in his hand, the notifications bombarded him.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

You have achieved a Milestone

Milestone: Open your account in the Gringotts Wizarding Bank

Milestone Rewards: +1 Sickle every month to your bank balance (Primordial Tower time)

Note: Your bank account is now valid for all Harry Potter Random World's timelines. The Vault no. in different timelines is subjected to change, which will be communicated to you through your Vault Key.


This Kai gawked at the reward. It's free money!

The most awaited notification flashed in existence then.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

You have achieved a Title

Title: Coin Master

Specification: Deposit 1 unit (100 Galleons) into your Gringotts account

Status: (1/1)


  1. Charisma +2
  2. Luck +2
  3. Worth +1


Warning: Only 1 Title can be equipped at a time. Once the current Title is unequipped, the Contestant can only equip a different Title after a Cooldown of 1 minute and the same Title after a Cooldown of 3 minutes.

Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

You have unlocked 1 Title

Title: Rich Gentleman

Specification: Deposit 10 unit (1000 Galleons) into your Gringotts account

Status: (1/10)


  1. Charisma +5
  2. Luck +5
  3. Worth +10


With money comes luck, Kai thought, equipping the Title. Who the fuck said otherwise?

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