Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 58: Magical Contract – Shopping in the Diagon Alley!

300 Galleons.

The stupendous amount Petyr had extracted out of Mr. Borgin wasn't something Kai could fathom. And with what? A promise of 50 HP and 50 MP capsules to be delivered by the end of the year.

But before he had actually got the bag of money, the notification had given Kai a little shock.


A Magical Contract is established between Contestant Kai Stormborn and Mr. Borgin, the owner of Borgin and Burkes.

The terms of the contract are:

  1. Mr. Borgin will pay the Contestant a sum of 300 galleons
  2. The Contestant will deliver 50 HP and 50 MP capsules of the same varieties as shown to Mr. Borgin by the end of the year (timeline Primordial Tower)


Warning: Failing the contract will be deemed unworthy and will have serious consequences


It had come to him as an unexpected development, but not unwelcome.

Mundungus Fletcher had claimed 30 galleons out of the total sum for himself after coming out of the shop. "Meet me in the evening by the entrance," the wizard had told them. "I have some things to take care of. Don't do something outrageous." He had scampered off deeper into the twisting lanes of the Knockturn Alley after saying that.

Only then did Petyr hand over the money to his master, triggering a notification.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

You have achieved a Milestone

Milestone: Obtain 100 galleons without theft in the Magical World of Harry Potter

Milestone Rewards: Condition to trigger the Title Coin Master

Title: Coin Master

Specification: Deposit 1 unit (100 Galleons) into your Gringotts account

Status: (0/1)


  1. Charisma +2
  2. Luck +2
  3. Worth +1


After the Novice Collector, it had become the second precious Title Kai desired.

This was the most strenuous thing about Titles. One wouldn't know about them without triggering them, like Side Missions. Moreover, unlike Milestones, the price to know about the Titles was ten times more than the Milestones. Kai had already confirmed it.

So, he could only work upon getting Milestones for now.

The first, and most important, of them right now was opening a bank account.

As Kai wasn't a wizard, he would need to pay double the process fee and a fixed amount of money which would be deposited in his vault permanently as a security fee. It wasn't a complicated process. Kai would have gone to the bank immediately if they didn't need to bribe the goblin tomorrow.

"So… Did you ask him?" Kai asked Petyr.

Petyr nodded. "Mr. Borgin had nothing that can influence a person's Luck positively, I am afraid," he said, adjusting his bowler hat. "He did say that there is a potion named Felix Felicis, also known as Liquid Luck. Its effect seemed in line with what you are looking for, my lord. But…"

Kai didn't like the sound of that. "But?"

"But it's a very rare potion and only available on-demand," Petyr said, smiling. "In the entire Diagon Alley, there isn't a single person who can sell it to us. Assuming that we can buy it."

If Petyr was implying they wouldn't be able to buy it, then there was no point in sulking over it, Kai knew. "And the other thing?"

Petyr took out a piece of parchment and handed it over to Kai. There was no legible word on it, but runes. Dark and terrible, yet mysterious. It was a part of the first tale of the Tales of Beedle the Bard.

Kai had copied the brief excerpt from the book, hoping that some wizard would translate it for him. So long, the result had been disappointing.

"He didn't know," Petyr said, as they entered the Diagon Alley again. "Nor did he know anyone who could translate these runes."

Sigh! Kai shook his head. "Petyr," he whispered, now that they were a part of the magical crowd. "How much money do you need to bribe the goblin?"

Petyr shrugged. "I don't know," he said, contemplating. "I have never talked to one of them. It would be wise to just keep all the money with us before our meeting. But I think you have some other plans, master."

It would be wise, indeed, Kai thought. But today is the last day of peace for me. My instinct tells me that whatever lay ahead after the meeting is nothing but pure chaos.

"I need to buy a few things," Kai said. "You will be the one to handle the shopkeepers, though."

"What things?" Petyr asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kai kept whispering in Petyr's ears as they arrived at the first shop of interest.

The Second-Hand Bookshop.

Quite a few people were going in and out of the shop.

Kai felt suffocated by the Mana, but it had become such a common feeling by now that he just gritted his teeth and entered. Letting Petyr take the lead, Kai followed the character, trying not to stand out too much.

"We are being watched," Petyr said, inconspicuously.

"Let them," Kai said. "That's why I had made you ditch the cloak. We are just another two people, buying a few things. By the time they would make a move, Mundungus would have come back. Just focus on the task at hand."

The shopkeeper beamed towards Petyr as he saw them approaching him. He was an old wizard, his head full of dull gray hair. The shopkeeper squinted his eyes at Kai, but then smiled.

"Hello, good sir," Petyr greeted, beaming back at the old wizard. "I need copies of two books."

"Of course, of course," the wizard said, passing a book to another customer. "Do you have the names?"

Petyr nodded. "One of them, at least," he said, looking around. "The Tales of Beedle the Bard and a basic spells book for budding wizards and witches. My little sister's 9th birthday is coming up. She is one of those studious ones."

"Ah!" the wizard exclaimed. "I know the types. My granddaughter is of the same age. She has scoured half the children's books in my little shop already. Let me see… Hmm, this will do for you."

The wizard scooched down and took out a dilapidated book. Its black cover was almost coming off, hanging by threads, but other than that, it looked solid enough.

"The Standard Book of Spells: Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk," the old wizard said, placing the book on the counter. "It has all the basic spells which children of her age can safely read and practice in the presence of an adult. It's also part of the 1st-year curriculum of Hogwarts."

Kai could scarcely control himself to not lunge at the book.

The wizard turned around, searching for something on the shelves. In a few seconds, he took out a smaller book, but in even worse condition than the first.

Kai's heart was in his mouth.

"Here," the wizard said, placing the second book over the first. "The Tales of Beedle the Bard. It's been through many hands, as you can see. An excellent book to read for all children, nevertheless."

With all the five tales unreadable, Kai could only think of this method to know if the tales were even worth the trouble or not. Reading the already translated tales won't affect the original book, but it would be a start.

"How much?" Petyr asked, examining the torn parts of the book with his finger.

The shopkeeper noticed Petyr's gesture as his freckled mouth opened and closed, thinking hard to put the price over the books.

"1 Galleon for both," the wizard said, smiling.

As Kai had expected, Petyr didn't haggle with the shopkeeper and produced the coin instantly. Saying nothing, Petyr took the books, and passed them to Kai as if he was his servant.

Kai didn't mind because he needed to touch the books anyway.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

You have unlocked 1 Title

Title: Books Connoisseur

Specification: Collect 10 books mentioned in the main Harry Potter storyline

Status: (2/10)

Effect: +100% Inventory size


This was a Title he could achieve here and now, he knew. But Petyr's intense look told him he was being unwisely greedy.

Yes, Kai told himself. This is not the time. Not before buying everything I need and paying the goblin.

So Kai walked out of the shop, clutching the two books under his arm.

"This next one will empty our pockets by much, I am afraid," Petyr said, slyly.

Kai didn't argue against that. Petyr was right. He didn't want one, but two things out of the next shop. They scuttled through the crowd, always aware of the eyes following them.

Kai saw an Ice Cream Parlor and his eyes involuntarily went to the shop opposite it across the street.

He smelled the creatures first before he could even see them. There were many cages on display with pets in them. Heart pounding, Kai followed Petyr as they made their way towards the shop, selling magical creatures.

One and only, Magical Menagerie.

The moment Kai neared the shop, the notification came up as he had expected.


Beast Proximity: 3 meters

Glitch Condition matched

Contestant Kai Stormborn is qualified to awaken his Glitch

Do you want to awaken it now?


This wasn't the first time this notification had come up. Nor would it be the first time for Kai to say, "No."

Too many people had been walking around him, carrying one magical creature or another.

Owls, cats, and Kai could have sworn he had seen some plant-like things too. For the same reason as the last time, he couldn't afford to awaken his Glitch and devour a beast in the middle of these wizards.

"Why do you want it, anyway?" Petyr asked as they entered the shop. "Don't you already have a similar Blood Essence, master?"

The shop was very cramped, noisy, and smelly. Cages, small and big, were dancing on the walls, the beasts within them gawking at the people within the shop. The saleswoman rushed at the sight of Petyr examining the many cats and toads, not noticing Kai's craving stare.

"Hello," the witch said, greeting merrily. "How may I help you?"

"Good afternoon, my lady (-the witch blushed-)," Petyr said, taking his hat off. "I am a Potioneer, working on all kinds of anti-venoms as required these days."

"Yes, yes," the saleswoman agreed. "Finally, they are gone. Filthy bastards! Oh, where are my manners? Who knows how the young Harry Potter survived you-know-who?"

All morning Kai had been hearing about the topic. The excitement had died by now within him.

"Indeed. A debt we all owe to the young Potter," Petyr whispered. "I will be direct with you. I need a serpent."

"Ser… serpent?" the saleswoman gasped.

"Yes," Petyr said, frowning. "You know the times. I feel so guilty even buying a serpent for the benefit of the common people. What has the wizarding world become? It pains my heart to see you ignore the opportunity to earn wonderful gold like this because of the actions of… Sigh!"

The witch gulped. She looked around, licking her lips.

"Come with me," she whispered back. "Not a word about it to anyone. Promise me."

"Upon my family name, Silvas, I promise," Petyr said, solemnly.

And I promise I will put the serpent to the greatest of use, Kai added, grinning hideously.

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