Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 31: First Tale – The Lioness of Casterly Rock! (II)

The flames darkened, and the darkness dwindled.

Kai stared at his prize, his everything. The risks he had taken to get his hands over it were nothing short of madness.

This is power, he reminded himself.

Kai had already learned the necessity of power. Without it, one shouldn't even think of loving anyone, caring for anyone, he had concluded. Without power, there is nothing but endless suffering.

That's why in his previous life, even though Kai had knowledge like no other, he had realized it would mean absolutely nothing without irresistible power backing it up.

And that’s why, even after resurrection, Kai had only one goal.

To reach the Peak of the Absolute Power!

Never again he wanted to see himself at the mercy of others. Never again he wanted to seek revenge but hold back because of his powerlessness.

Never again he wanted to kill someone at the cost of his life.

This ambition to stand over everyone, this Will to surpass everything, this hunger, this thirst, and these feelings turned into what one could call Extreme Emotions.

The thing that would have been impossible for most became as simple as reminding himself of his aspirations, letting Kai meet one of the Book’s most complex requirement.

He flipped the pages, reaching the end of the last tale. The book had many pages, and no matter how much Kai tried to reach the end, he couldn't.

It rejected Jon Arryn's tale, Kai recalled. When I opened the new page in his presence, the Book closed itself almost instantly.

But he had a notion this time would be different. The Book's Skill, Thousand Tales Parasite, won't reject Cersei's tale, he knew.

The moment Kai turned the last page, Kai felt a jolt. It wasn't a true tremor, though.

Kai felt as if the entire world was trembling, and only he was motionless, rooted to his post. The yellowish crispy page gave a blinding blue-red flash, lighting up everything around Kai.

By now Kai knew only the owner of Item could see these colors, much like how only he could see the colored notifications even in the darkest parts of the sewers. It was as if these things weren't happening outside but inside his very eyes.

Odd! Magical! And sensational!

Kai squinted, and let the things run their course. When the flash receded, Kai saw words materializing at the top of the page.

Letter by letter! Full of pride and mysticism!

'-The Lioness of Casterly Rock-'

This wasn't the end, though. When the title of the tale flailed like a banner in a storm, more words appeared under it in smaller font. The Book was writing a tale, and its character was within 10 ft.

The Song of History!

Word by word, letter by letter, the Book kept writing like a hungry beast gnawing on bones for the marrow.

Cersei's birth. Her childhood and relationships. Her encounters. Even her thoughts were narrated into a magnificent tale.

Kai sucked on those words as if his life depended on them. He couldn't help but think how much Cersei's tale revolved around her brother as well.

Then came the part where Cersei thought her betrothal to Prince Rhaegar would soon be announced. She brought two of her friends to a woods witch, Maggy the Frog. Cersei demanded the witch to do a prophecy about certain things for her.

The witch initially refused, but on Cersei's persistent demands, she gave in. The price the witch asked of Cersei was a drop of her blood, which Cersei paid without thought. Then the witch gave prophecies Cersei had desired, and much more.

There the tale ended. Abruptly!


Story: The Lioness of Casterly Rock

Story Status: Incomplete


-Primordial Theater-


Act: Blood Prophecy

Grade: E+

Specification: The Skill will let the Contestant prophesy certain things depending on the blood sacrifice. More blood sacrifice would let the Contestant see things more clearly and farther into the future.


Requirement: HP>0

Attributes: Limited to the Contestants


Effect: Show glimpses of the future centered on the Contestant


Note: Updating the Tale will update the Skill as well

Warning: Future is subjected to change according to Contestant's actions



Kai was as horrified as he was delighted.

There was only one thought in his mind as he scanned through the notification again and again.

This Skill will be the death of me!

Shaking his head, Kai stored the Book back in his Inventory.

This was neither the place nor the time to test out the new tale. Using Blood Prophecy would drain his HP, and Kai had no intention of making himself vulnerable.

All prophecies will have to wait, Kai placated himself. The task at hand is paramount.

Kai could feel a hint of steam coming out of the doors, giving a little damp touch to the wood.

He ran his hands all over, feeling the weight, its hinges, and the creaks if any. After a moment, Kai nodded. He put his hands awkwardly on the doors (-one at the top, the other at the bottom left-) and pushed them inward.

Except for the splashes of water, no sound disturbed the eye-pleasing sight of the bathroom. Kai walked in, his feet almost gliding across the stony floor, and for a moment, he forgot to walk.

A few feet away, in a big tub of hot water, Cersei's back glistened with thousands of watery pearls.

Steam surrounded her like a veil, behind which her hair brushed her back like many golden starry streams.

Many assortments were lying around her. Soaps, essential oils, brushes, and perfumes. Customary a maid should have been with her, Kai knew. But he could guess Cersei wasn't in the best of her moods to enjoy any lesser company.

Kai could have never known these things, these thoughts, if not for the tale captured by the Book. The tale was incomplete and small, but peoples' personalities scarcely transformed without a drastic change in their lifestyle, he knew.

Kai noiselessly closed the doors as they were and neared the naked woman.

The steam parted with his every step as if screaming, trying to warn Cersei of his presence. Alas, it had no voice either.

Kai towered over her and took in all the beauty, piece by piece. The water was foamy, so he couldn't see her breasts, but even without them out, Cersei was an angel. The air smelled strongly of perfume, but even that couldn't overcome her natural fragrance.

It seemed odd for a boy like Kai to have such desires. If he was a demon, then he was a demon of slaughter, not of lust. Then why?

This desire of his for the women was the only leeway he had given himself in his previous life. No, not out of lust. But out of necessity.

Kai was no stranger to sex. With the world population dwindling in his previous life, sex was the second most important thing in the people's lives after a Beast's Blood Essence. If there was an option, a man could have many wives. Even exchanging husbands and wives was encouraged to bring more genetic diversity.

The women Kai had fucked were mostly the wives of men he had wanted to kill. All he had ever wanted to do was to gather the intel. But when this necessity became a habit, he couldn't remember.

That's where the rumor of all the rapes had come from.

Bitches couldn't even see in my eyes when they accused me, Kai recalled. Was it my fault they poured everything out about their husbands when I was inside them?

Kai shook his head and brought his gaze into the moment.

He took a deep breath, taking in the scene, the smell, and the silence all in one.

Cersei gasped.

Water came roaring out in waves as she spun.

The steam must have made her eyes blurry, for Cersei didn't wait to see what it was and opened her mouth wide. The shout had just come out when Kai's hand wrapped around her mouth, burying the scream in her throat.

"Your grace," said Kai, humbly. "Don't make any sound. I come as a friend."

Cersei's eyes were wide in shock. There was a little horror and fear mixed in that shock too.

Kai absorbed her Fear, letting his Charisma work upon her.

Elementary Fear Absorption!

But the major part was still occupied by anger. Cersei flailed her hands, trying to grab Kai's face. But in a single motion, he pressed both of them against her chest, using his free hand.

They were very close now.

Kai's chest was on her back. He could feel it getting wet, and his stomach roiled with a funny feeling. "Believe me, your grace," he urged, trying to control his arousal. "If I meant you harm, you wouldn't have been alive now."

That must have made sense to Cersei. But Kai could still feel her apprehension.

"If you still don't trust my intentions," Kai whispered in her ears, "then call the guards, your grace. I am taking my hand off you. But then you will lose a great opportunity."

Kai slowly let go of Cersei's hands, and then reluctantly took his hand from her wet lips. The moment Cersei found herself free, she turned back and flung her hand at Kai.


The sound echoed in the small, damp room. Cersei backed away, both her hands over her breasts. The scalding hot water had already made her pale smooth skin a little pink. Her fuming expression reddened it even more.

"How dare you?!" Cersei snapped. "Who are you? Why are you here? How did you come unannounced to my chamber?"

Kai chuckled.

He stood up, the marks of the slap flashing red against his white skin. He picked the towel by his side and handed it over to Cersei, which she almost snatched from his hands.

"Calm down, your grace," Kai earnestly said. "Look at me and you would know who I am and why I am here."

Cersei pressed her lips into a thin line. Her eyes were glaring murderously at Kai, but then she looked at him.

Blue breeches, black doublet, and long and wet white hair. His skin seemed like milk floating amid steam. It was already a sight that could make any girl's heart flutter out of her chest. But when Cersei saw his eyes, she lost herself. They stared at each other; into each other. And with every passing second, Cersei became calmer.

Then she blushed.

"You are Arlen Stone," Cersei declared, a barely discernible gleam in her green eyes. "You are the one who has kidnapped Jon, aren't you?"

Kai nodded.

"What are you doing here, then?" Cersei asked, confusingly. "Every guard is looking for you. Some think you have already left the city. Some are just waiting for you to demand ransom. Yet here you are."

"Yet here I am," Kai said, repeating the words.

"Why?" she asked. "Why here though? You want to kidnap me too? Humph!"

Kai liked it. The way Cersei had sniggered made her look even more lovely than she already was. She had covered her bare skin with the towel, but somehow it had made her more alluring. He took in her sight in its entirety.

She is the brightest color on canvas, Kai thought. How can someone be so beautiful and cruel at the same time?

"Would that I could, your grace," Kai said. "But I am not here to kidnap you. Yes, it is true, I have kidnapped the Hand. But it was neither for ransom nor fame." He was experienced in manipulating people, especially someone like Cersei. So, Kai knew only lies would never work. He must trickle a bit of truth here and there.

"You truly want me to believe that," said Cersei, amusingly. "Why did you kidnap him, then? Tell me the reason and I just might let you go with your head."

Kai smiled. He neared her, but Cersei didn't flinch this time. Yes, this is the Lioness of Casterly Rock, Kai told himself. Ever overconfident, when it seems everything is in her control.

Kai reached out in his pocket. "I have come with a gift, your grace," he said, presenting Jon Arryn's finger.

The blood at its stump had almost dried, and the red ruby on the finger glistened dully under the light of the candles.

"This?" Cersei’s eyes widened.

"There was only one reason for me to kidnap the Hand," Kai lied, lifting Cersei's chin, and looking into her eyes. "It was to earn favor, your grace. The favor of Queen Cersei Lannister."

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