Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 164: Inheritance of a Necromancer?!


They had anchored the cog at Pentos' harbor under the guise of an ordinary trading ship.

As much as he disliked doing it, Kai had ordered to store the Jolly Roger away for the time being. The nature of their task demanded them to be low-key now, as they knew the news of any white-haired boy pirating on a stolen ship had yet to reach Pentos.

Captain Red had sent one of his seamen to bring him the details regarding the wedding. All things would have to wait till then. In the captain's cabin, Kai was lying on the bed, his back against the headboard, and he kept running his hands over the smooth red silk, a bone-hand embroidered on it with lean, long fingers.

This was the coat of arms of House Drumm, according to Andrik, Kai remembered. He could still see in front of his eyes an ecstatic giant figure of Andrik, perplexed beyond any awe, marching into the cabin. The two-handed battle-ax had truly looked like some divine blessing the way Andrik was holding it.

Kai chuckled, recalling the words Andrik had said then.

The Drowned God has blessed with this Headcleaver Battle-ax, Andrik had told him, kneeling. Now I will use this to spread the name of White Serpent Pirates and HIS faith to the farthest waters known to men. I, Andrik, vow this upon my honor.

Kai didn't give a damn about honors, as long as Andrik would do what was expected of him.

Once again, he ran his hand over the banner, and his eyes adjusted to look at the Stats above it.


Item: Banner of arms - House Drumm of Iron Islands

Grade: Common

Specification: A coat of arms embroidered on a square-shaped silken flag



 1. Willingly offered to Contestant

 2. Charisma 20


 1. Measurement: 5 ft x 5 ft (2.25 square meters)


Skill: Not Applicable


 1. Charisma +5

 2. Eligibility to obtain the legacy of the legendary ironborn raider, Dagon Drumm the Necromancer


Quality: 87%


Kai brought the silk closer and smelled the fabric. It was old, soiled, and tattered at the edges, but it had a familiar smell that had been making him delirious since the last night.

It smelled of Power.

You can't just steal or snatch anything, hoping it to be an Item, master, Meg had almost rebuked him once. There are strict, complex processes involved in it. For the same reason, you can't just steal a Valyrian Sword, which wouldn't even be an Item, and risk your life for nothing. And it's not like you can retrace others' steps to get the same Item as well.

Conditions keep changing from time to time, with distinct challenges and different paths. More often than not, getting an Item from the Random Worlds is an adventure exclusive to each Contestant. Remember the First Place Glass Medallion I won in the Water-Chariot Race? I could have just stolen the medallion too, but in that case, it would have been nothing but a useless thing.

Kai wasn't stupid to ignore her experience. That's why he had to coerce Andrik to give up something willingly, despite not knowing what the giant could offer as a sacrifice. But it all paid off in the end.

Kai had asked about this Dagon Drum and had learned that this legendary Character lived during the Age of Heroes. Even more shocking was the fact that Andrik had backed up the Item's claim of Dagon Drumm being a Necromancer. Even Meg had been taken aback by this Effect when Kai had shown her.

There are indeed Artifacts and Items in the Random Worlds related to Inheritances, she had commented. But this is the first time I am seeing a Common-graded Item having one. A Necromancer…

Kai knew what she had wanted to say.

If he were to get this legacy, then it would not only boost his Power but would also make him an unmatched Contestant among his peers.

"He is here." Meg's words found him, and soon enough, they heard a knock on the door.

"Enter," Kai shouted, leaving the comfort of the bed, and sending the Item to his Inventory.

Andrik entered, gave the customary salute and greeting, and stood up, his head almost reaching the roof. "I bring words of the wedding, captain," he said. "The prince and princess are staying in the nine-towered manse gifted to Khal Drogo by the magisters of Pentos. Khal Drogo has camped himself outside the city walls along with his Khalasar; some forty thousand Dothraki warriors and uncounted numbers of women, children, and slaves. The wedding will begin in the morning on the 15th day. Gifts to the bride will be presented at dusk."

15 days, Kai thought. Today is the 88th day of my arrival in the Random Worlds. This leaves me with almost a month to return to the Primordial Tower before the commencement of the Tournament of Worth. I will still have to compress 1 month's worth of time as the initial Time Limit of the Main Mission is 5 months.

"Good," Kai nodded. "Time has come for us to part ways for some time, Andrik. I am no ordinary priest of the Drowned God, bound by waves, rocks, and the boundaries of Houses. I must travel to the edge of the world, and beyond if needed, preaching HIS faith and religion. But, I will return one day, sooner than one would think. Till then, I give you the command of Actaea and its crew."

Andrik knew this day was coming. With an ashy look on his face, the mate kneeled, the Headcleaver flashing white fastened on his back.

"Now, hear your orders," Kai continued, approaching Andrik. "Sail under my name, hoisting the flag of White Serpent Pirates. Let the white serpent on it slither as it likes. Recruit ironborns for our crew, those who want to serve the Drowned God most truly, replacing the cowards outside.

"Kill, plunder, rape, and do anything, as long as it benefits our name, otherwise, what would be the difference between us and mindless Storm God's spawns? Use the Headcleaver to butcher our enemies and let their blood turn the seas red. But above all, Andrik the Twice-Drowned, you must survive. Live to serve HIM, and HE will take care of you after death; What is dead may never die!"

"What is dead may never die!" Both Andrik and Meg put their fist to their chest, shouting out their lungs.

"Prepare for our departure, then," Kai told Andrik, as the mate pushed himself to his feet. "We will leave by afternoon."

"Aye, aye, captain," Andrik said, bowing, and then stormed out of the cabin.

Kai and Meg looked at each other, holding back their scornful laugh.




Wearing a black doublet and black breeches over black boots, Kai looked at the current members of his crew lined up on the deck.

All 7 were between the ages of 15 to 30, Kai had learned. The 2 men, whom Kai had promised to set free, had been freed some time ago by the Headcleaver. The sailor, whose leg had been broken by the storm, had joined them as well. Kai had also ordered Andrik to recruit more crew members from Pentos before reaching the Iron Islands.

He turned his head to look at the mate on his left and nodded.

Andrik kneeled once again, showing his ultimate loyalty.

Saying no more, Kai stepped off the ship for the first time after arriving at the Pentos' harbor. The moment his feet touched the platform, strewn with sailors and fishy odor, his eyes lit up with a dull, stony-gray color.

Meg had already left the deck before him, and Kai had to control himself not to act inappropriately while being watched by his crew members.

Only after they had reached a secluded alley, and he had let Petyr out, did Kai laugh maniacally.

The list of notifications was anything but ordinary.

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