Chaos and Order – A Multiverse Fanfic

Chapter 126: Going beyond the Mission – Return of Evil Fossil Pokemon!

Miserable cries of the legendary Pokemon, Latias, woke up the old ghosts of the museum.

The circular rings hovering high in the air and around the Pokemon spun furiously, chewing out her power and then transferring it to the DMA, using the huge red-glowing electric circuits that ran from the circular mark to the machine. With every passing moment, the dark blue Soul Dew was gaining an evil, murky red color, as the DMA used it to influence the material world.

A metal arm on the DMA, at the end of which was a hollow spherical ball big enough for a grown man to sit, spun, and came down to stop in front of Kai.

This was the Control Panel of the machine.

Kai didn't know how to operate it, though. In the movie, the two members of Team Rocket had just shown using it, and not explaining the procedure behind it.

The System took care of this conundrum for him.


The Control Panel of DMA is now activated

Please take the seat to have access to its function


Kai climbed into the spherical shell.

The metal arm spun again, taking him high into the air. Now he was almost at the height of the DMA's top and could see the sky from the top windows. It looked more blue than dark, a hint of whiteness lingering in the distant horizon.

Dawn was approaching.

A holographic blank screen appeared in front of him then, words flashing on it as if someone was typing them.


You now have access to a panoramic view of the entire town. The user can zoom in and out of any individual area freely.

The following are the options available to the Contestant:

 1. Revive the Fossil Pokemon - Time Limit 15 minutes
 2. Lock the entire city - Time Limit 30 minutes
 3. Take control of the water within the city - Time Limit 5 minutes
 4. Take out the egg buried deep under the foundation of the museum


The moment the cursor on the screen stopped flashing, another screen appeared over this one. Kai could see the entire town as if he was hovering high above it.

First thing first, Kai thought. -/Option 4,/- he said, not bothering with the lack of voice.

A drumming noise came from the DMA. The adult Latias let out a soul-shaking howl, and the entire museum quaked. The floor lit up golden as if it was not solid but a lake, and then surreal ripples appeared over this golden lake. Starting with a round, scaly tip, a cream-golden dragon's egg came out. It was beautiful, but dull, like a stone.

This was the second of the three petrified eggs Kai needed to collect.

The egg of Viserion, the dragon.

Phase 3 of the plan - Success!

Now what?

It was all over at this moment.

Kai just had to climb down and hold the egg. The Side Mission success notification would come up and let him teleport to the next world, giving him a time limit of 1 minute.

But Kai wanted more.

I want more out of this mission, he had told Petyr and Meg. The Soul Dew… I want the Soul Dew.

Meg had shaken her head at that. "I am positive that the Soul Dew in the Secret Garden is an Artifact with no Stats, master," she had told him bluntly. "You can use it for your Title and your Side Mission, but not take it out of the world."

This was where Meg lacked, Kai had found out.

It was actually Petyr who had realized Kai's intentions.

"If we can't take the current Soul Dew with us," Petyr had said slyly, reading Kai's thoughts, "then why not make our own."

Meg had gasped. "You mean…" she had commented after a long silence. "You mean to use the adult Latias to replicate the events from the movie and create another Soul Dew? Creating an Item… Yes. It… It can be done, I guess."

That's where this desire to obtain an Item that couldn't be obtained ordinarily had come from.

Capture the adult Latias, but let the young Latias and Latios escape. When they would come to rescue the adult Latias, the DMA would go haywire, like in the movie, causing a Tsunami. To save the town, the adult Latias must sacrifice herself, and that would cause her soul to become the next Soul Dew.

This was how Petyr had summarized Kai's plan.

But Petyr, too, had failed to fathom the depths of Kai's cunning and his ambition.

Yes. Kai wanted that new Soul Dew. But why have a Soul Dew made of one soul, when he could have a Soul Dew made of three legendary Pokemon's souls?

The grin on Kai's face trembled as he recalled the next steps of his plans.

The trick to this phase was to incapacitate all three legendary Pokemon to such a heinous degree that not one of them could sacrifice oneself alone to save the city from the impending peril.

Kai looked at them all with a stony expression. There was no mercy in his heart. No sympathy, no empathy, no love, and no hate. These were magical beasts, and even if they were magical humans, he would have used them the same. At this moment, it didn't matter why they had come into this world, for what purpose, and for what holy reason.

All that mattered to Kai was that they must die together.

-/Lock the entire city,/- he ordered as Meg stored the egg in her MRB. -/Show me the current location of both young Latios and Latias./-

Metal bars sprouted magically in the alleyways of the city, blocking every entrance and exit. The screen in front of Kai shook and a new scene appeared on it. The young Latios and Latios were coming towards the museum, like two small but powerful jets. Bianca was with them too, riding on the back of young Latias.

Kai chuckled inwardly.

He motioned Meg to hide, and she scurried away, staggering all the while.

Just as Meg disappeared into a corridor, the loud sonic booms blasted their way into the museum.

The young legendary Pokemon had arrived.

Loud coos came bellowing out of their mouths when they heard the heart-wrenching howls of the adult Latias, caged within the blurry spherical layer (-the metallic rings rotating at high speed-).

"Latias!" Bianca shouted, and the young Latias let her down on the ground. "Grandfather! Grandfather, where are you?"

He is dead, Kai thought, sneering at her. He saw the Pokemon, young Latios, glaring at him, as his sister went to help the adult Latias. Unlike before, Kai had no hostage to save himself. He had nothing that could save him from facing the full brunt of young Latios' fury.

The Pokemon flew towards Kai like a bullet; the wind whistling away from him.

Only then did Kai call out in his mind. -/Revive the Fossil Pokemon./-

The adult Latias let out another painful howl as DMA sucked out over half of her remaining power. The floor area, where the fossils of the ancient Pokemon were embedded into the stones, lit up with an uncanny, ghostly blue light, and the fossils left the floor, taking the shape of their previous self, which once had terrorized the town.

These were the Fossil Pokemon — Aerodactyl and Kabutops.

Aerodactyl was a dual Rock and Flying-type Fossil Pokemon. It was a pterosaurian, bipedal Pokemon, with several draconic features. Kabutops, on the other hand, was a rock and water-type Fossil Pokemon with two long sickle-like claws.

Both Fossil Pokemon let out trembling roars as they gained shape.

Phase 4: Going beyond the Side Mission - Begins!

Yesterday Power Count: 55

Bonus Chapters: 0


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